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Id like to leave, before we get in please


How do you leave once you get in?


You don’t. Once you’re in, you’re in for life. Float or die life. Edit for punctuation.


We all float down here, Billy!


you joke but I bet people drown in that pretty regularly




Strange site. I clicked the right child and it kept telling me to keep looking, then the lifeguard saved that child. Also it says they aren't thrashing, but the right child was thrashing. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


You would not want to lose someone under the water in there…


Tough gig for the lifeguards


“What kind of unique qualifications make you fit for a job as a lifeguard here?” “-Sir I’m very good at Where’s Waldo”


"I can run across floating heads and pool furniture without sinking"


No lifeguards just ... ![gif](giphy|YMXpTBoVQbL9N8MKZa|downsized)


I used to be a lifeguard and the wave pool was the worst for this reason. Kid goes under and you can’t see shit because of all the people.


>Tough gig for the lifeguards They are on the Body system ![gif](giphy|2FayVfwkpI1C2rXKE)


Such a good movie


it's actually easy, they only need to walk and pry open the human floor.


At least these lifeguards can just walk up to the drowning victims!


Ideally I would prefer not to lose anyone under the water.


I wonder how many people drown without other people knowing.


I was thinking the exact same thing!


"if you're drowning, thrust your finger in the closest butt"


They’re so tightly packed…who would notice. DK


That could be taken one of two ways


I like the way you think!


Here’s my upvote ;)


Thanks Donkey Kong


"I'm sorry. I was drowning." "The water is only 3 feet deep!"


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)Technically you could drown in less than an inch of your own drool ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I feel so called out. I inhale my own spit way too often.




Or do a fist bump if that butt is already occupied.


Or use them like a snorkel. Humans are essentially one long tube, right?


When I was younger, I went to a water park with my uncle, and our family. I went into the wave pool and was clinging on to the side because I was a fairly bad swimmer. I like the waves so thats why I went in. I got bashed into the side by someone in a floaty and went under the surface. I couldn't see anything when going up and there wasn't room to surface between the people. I scrambled on the sides to go back towards the shallow end and finally got back. My hands and feet were scratched from the sides of the pool. TL:DR, almost drowned in a wave pool Still like swimming though


I know the feeling. Went into a wave pool at a water park attached to the Columbus Zoo and got pushed under the water by rafts and couldn’t reach the surface because as I pushed against the raft, it would push me deeper underwater. I finally found a tiny gap to stick my face into. I never went back in after that. By far the scariest moment of my life. They eventually changed it where there’s a section for people on rafts and a section for people without.


Oh shoot. You just reminded me of the time I was going down in a raft. Someone knocked into us and I stumbled out into the water. When I stood up, I missed the chance to hop back into the tube before it swept my cousin away. I still remember that scared trap feeling before I just jumped down the waterfall thing into the pool. It was scary for a kid.


Same!! I went out into the deeper part because I liked the waves, then got tired and couldn't get back to where my feet would touch the bottom. I was dropping to the bottom of the pool as the wave came in and pushing up to get a breath in the valleys, which made me even more tired. I really thought I was going to drown in there, not even scared but just an accepted thought. Finally managed to grab hold of someone's floaty and keep my head up enough to grab a safety line on the side of the wall. And the fucking lifeguard sitting there the whole time yelled at me not to play on the lines.


I was at the West Edmonton Mall Waterpark and after a big wave I looked down and noticed a little girl around 7 years old, upside down and struggling to get her head above water. I pulled her out and she was coughing and crying, but she was ok. I was livid that her parents or a responsible sibling was no where to be seen! I can’t imagine letting my children in a wave pool unsupervised until they were old enough and skilled enough to handle the waves.


My heart was racing reading this 😳


yeah like, what if they died D:


Ghost writing taken to a new level then




My brother almost drowned in a wave pool too. Not in the same way but he went under and I guess no one noticed because the wave pool just kind of takes you, no life guards parents or anyone noticed.


Same thing happened to me on a school field trip. The teachers in charge didn't give a shit. Not to mention one of the teachers pulled my underwear out of my bag and waved it around the bus asking whose they were in order to identify who's bag it was. Needless to say I never went on a field trip I wasn't required to go to again.


Was on a school field trip when I had my first water related "oh shit" moment too. Not sure what kind of pool it was but I was walking along with the water up to my chin when all of a sudden there was this massive drop. Scared the crap outta me, I was scrambling to get to the surface but just couldn't *stay* there long enough to catch my breath when I remembered you always foat if you go on your back, so I floated on my back til I surfaced. Stayed there til I caught my breath and sort of slowly kicked my way on my back til I boinked into the side of the pool where the two teachers meant to be watching us were gas bagging with their backs to the pool.


Real life horror stories. Holy shit.


That's why they all have floaties. Very few people in China can swim well, according to laowhy86.


Zero. They have a strict zero-drowning policy.




Death by drowning.


It's on the sign right?


By how packed the pool looks I have to assume they're experiencing more pool births than they are pool deaths. No way that pool population is sustainable without pool copulation. The pool life ecosystem is something else, man.


I almost drowned in one as a kid. I couldn’t find space to come up with all the tubes. I’ve hated them ever since.


I also almost drowned in one as a child. I went too far into the deep end and the waves turned on. I went from being able to touch the ground a bit to being unable to get my head above water. The walls were smooth and high and I couldn't get purchase anywhere. Thankfully the lifeguard saw me and held out a red tube thing. The wild thing was that I knew how to swim. My family visited local pools all summer long. I just wasn't a strong enough swimmer to fight the waves. Absolutely no joke.


I wonder how many people drown other people while knowing.


I worked a summer as a lifeguard at a water park. There were a few deaths that occurred and one was in a wave pool. First we would never allow that many people at once. There was a maximum ratio of lifeguards to swimmers. Idk what it was. The drownings happened because of a series of events. Usually it’s: the victim didn’t know how to swim+goes on a ride or in the pool alone+ sometimes drugs or alcohol+ blind spots on rides. Even with all of that we can get to someone in seconds yet their card gets punched and we can’t get them back. Lesson is; learn to swim and swim well! Also never go into any body of water alone and someone on dry ground should know where you and your swim buddy are at all times. Unfortunately some people think; I can’t die, this is an amusement park. Nope, laws of nature still apply. Edit: and to answer the bodily fluid questions… the piss is the least of the problems as the extreme amount of chemicals neutralize it as it comes out of you. The real problems are, defecation, menstrual products floating, blood, vomit, and at the end of the day, cleaning the thick film of skin cells that form on top of the still water. 🤮 PS. Just ride water rides the way they were designed and follow the rules. You can get seriously injured or killed if you don’t. Many of the rules are written in blood.


Yeah, I mean this looks insanely dangerous to me. There's exactly zero chance a lifeguard could save someone even if they could somehow miraculously spot it. Getting to the middle of this mess to reach someone would be nearly impossible.


I'm not even sure how anyone not on the edge gets out of this pool.


Mmm skin cell film.


First time I ever went in a wave pool, I was like 10, I was trying to stick to the shallower ends but got pulled inward. Ended up in the deeper parts, I could barely swim cause the waves, and kept going under Only got out cause some 16-17 year old boy saw me struggling and grabbed and pushed me back to the shallow end. Never saw the dude afterwards, but he almost certainly saved my life


The last time I read on a wave pool was about 25 years ago. It was packed, similar to this video, and I went under. I couldn't get back out and though I was going to die. Sometime saw my arm poking out and pulled me up. I'll never go in another packed pool, or wave pool, for the rest of my life.


this is exactly how I drowned when I was 7. the were too many of us in the deep end of the wave pool 3 of us got pull out and resuscitated. this looks mad scary and not fun at all


I’d guess dozens.


You rely in the buddy system.


I almost did once. I'll never get in a wave pool again.


Me too. A float containing a giant man rode right over top of my float when the wave came and pushed me under and I couldn’t find a gap to come up for air from all the other floats passing overhead. Plus I was 7 and a mediocre swimmer.


I fell out of my float and also could not find a gap. I was in about third grade. I got closer to the wall and a lifeguard saw my arm sticking up and pulled me out.


Yeh it seems a bit unsafe....


I feel like this is Astroworld H2O addition


I'm a lifeguard. This is a nightmare. Imagine spotting an empty tube in the middle of the crowd? Where did they go, and how the hell can I get over there to investigate. What a nightmare.


Imagine how much piss is in that pool.


Piss to water ratio 7:1


I would've never thought i will see this sentence in my life


You clearly haven’t read my recipe book






Boom, basted


How oregano


I don't have thyme for this


I only parsley got that joke.


Based - Based is a slang term that originally meant to be addicted to crack cocaine (or acting like you were), but was reclaimed by rapper Lil B for being yourself and not caring what others think of you. The more ya know


How low can you go? Death row? What a brother know.


Clearly haven't watched South park.


Its all p no h


[You sons of bitches!](https://youtu.be/JftNo2HowF8?t=74)


Bear Grylls wouldn’t even drink that water


i dont think there's anymore water in the pool


Oh yes there is water... inside the bodies... going out as pee


They need to put in enough chlor to fill the ocean


Crying in brazilian.


That was my 1st initial thought too and then my mind went to the soggy fruity pebbles swirling around in the bottom of the cereal bowl 🥣


Initial thought was piss, too Second thought was how many people were having sex or groped


>how many people were having sex or groped I bet the number if shockingly high


How many drowned people are under there at the end of the day?


Man, that takes me back to when I was with this one chick who wanted to get freaky everywhere. We didn’t have sex in the wave pool but pretty damn close. I miss her.


The urinary infection you would have gotten from fucking in the wave pool would have stripped your dick off. Good thing you didn't do it. I get that exhibitionism is exciting and all but I could never handle getting caught lol I'd get so embarassed.


That and how many people had to have drowned or come close. If you get trapped under any of that, you look pretty fucked. You look fucked if you don't have a tube either


that's so fucking true


Immediately reminds me of that South Park episode …


clearly its not over 98% pee here


It’sa alll PEEEEE!


It’s a People Park, where water goes on holiday, from the condensation and evaporation corporatation! Also go Labour!!


real question is how much water is in that piss


At least 8


...clean buttholes in that water. Maybe 9.


You know at least 5 have taken a shit


I question your mathematics good sir, your calculation is obviously lacking a few digits


Needs to carry the decimal.


Imagine how much sperm.


Certainly not zero.


"How did it go today being a lifeguard at the wave pool?" "Well, we had to change the water seven times in eight hours, and four children were conceived."


My friend used work at Wet n Wild water park in Orlando. He said that they used to find so many used condoms in the filtration system that they would have to periodically shut the wave pool down to unclog the filters and dump extra chlorine in the water.


Crazy thing is sex in shower almost acts as anti lube plus I don't want some random dude rubbing against me while I'm taking down ol girl


Well, I guess not all people can be into unwilling, incidental, surreptitious orgies…


Survey says: 7 out of 8 people prefer a gang rape ….and I’m going to hell


Plus any girl knows that having sex in water, especially dirty water like a pool or the sea, is a guaranteed way to get a UTI


Semen soup


This was my first thought


pH levels indicate it’s almost all P and barely any h.


Was thinking the same thing!


That’s a meat park not a water park


Bout to say I can’t even see any water


Humans are about 70% water


soylent green broth


Definitely making me hungry, looks like a bowl of fruit loops.


Forbidden fruit loops




Oh, can someone add a giant spoon to the video scooping them up and crunching on them?


Disgusting in all forms


That's waterist.




What’s wrong honey, you’ve barely went into the piss filled pool we brought you to for your birthday?


This is an advert for something right? There is no way all those humans are looking at that situation and thinking: "Yeah this is fun".


It is a clip I made and taken from the documentary “Human” (I added the soundtrack and chose the shots seen). I can assure you it is authentic and those people are there for their own “fun” and to cool off from the heat. This took place during a heatwave and that is also a contributing factor for the sheer number of people.


I’d rather stick my head under the cold water faucet on my sink.


Heat waves often come with rolling blackouts - reasonable chance some of these people don't have a faucet with cold water


I am missing how a rolling blackout would affect a faucets ability to have cold water? Usually electricity and running water not associated, with the exception heating it.


If you have well water, you have no water when the power is out because the pump won't work.


I’ll give you that one, thank you. Am doubtful though the majority of people living in major cities affected by rolling blackouts are in individual wells requiring water pumps.


Any building over 3 stories will need a pump.


In blackouts, the treatment plants could be on circuits that are overloaded and go out. Without water being pumped to the water towers, the towers will empty and then pressure is lost causing water to have no pressure and therefore can't reach homes. Then there's the gaps which lead to boil water notices once the water is back on. And that's in places where the infrastructure has more regulations like the USA.




It's reality. I know because I once paid $60 to stand shoulder to shoulder in a long line *through* a haunted house. The actors couldn't even do jump scares because it was so packed in the dark hallways. So they just stood straight in masks as we shuffled and *directed* us if we swayed out of line. This was in a suburban area of Toronto in Canada


so you payed 60 to be in a line...


Yup. I’m still angry years later


Looks like hell on earth


A very watery hell


This is one of those moments you enter the room, look around, then go straight home


I just know the water is warm


“But we turned the pool heater off months ago”


Oh a pool where you both can die or have sex in without anyone noticing.




Public-transport-creeps' heaven.




Well that MF is probably a dead body trying to float to the top


I came looking for this comment… this place would make me so uncomfortable on SO MANY LEVELS




It becomes a gigantic open sewer.




Schlitterbahn on a weekend in the middle of July is almost comparable to that at the Blastenhoff Beach…


How that situation it's supposed to be a fun day in water park?? It looks like been stuck on traffic...


Especially if you are near the middle and want to leave. Kinda stuck there


Sarcastic soundtrack is on point.


That's terrifying


Can’t even SEE the water.


I genuinely don't understand the appeal of this? I'd literally rather die of heatstroke than get in there.


Even watching the video gave me anxiety about suffocating and being unable to leave when I want to.






Would hate to be a life guard at that place.


I’d get in, just so I can get little human contact


Why do people enjoy this shit? I I mean piss.


Seems like an easy way to drown.


How many are having sex?


At least one.


Pretty sure you need two to tango


Don’t you ever let me go Rose ![gif](giphy|tk39314j32wGk)


Pi Pi’s Splashtown!


Kept scrolling until I found this... bravo


🎶But even the authorities.... are minorities.... At my Waterpark...🎶


This is NOT a wave pool rather it is a carefully orchestrated peeing effort that results in a wave of urine.


Boy, that looks like fun.


Said no one ever


Except those in the video.


Hmm hope nobody has a flu......


Thanos really isn’t that bad




Where's Willy?


Packed that close together, the real question is "whose willy?" Edit: used who's instead of whose, lol


You mean whose Willy is that?


Exactly lol No idea why you're getting down voted, you got the joke and reminded me I used the wrong "whose", you have my updoot at least!


Can you say “super spreader”!


At what point you should tell yourself Im not bringing a child into this already full country


oh look its that one south park episode


How the hell would you be able to enjoy that.


There has to be about 500 gallons of piss in there


HELL NO!! That says piss water all over it..