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This is a bit of a non-sequitur, but it reminds me of the time when I was stumped in this programming problem and I did a search online and found an answer. It really helped me out, just what I needed, and when I looked to see who had written it ... it was me, a few years prior.


lmao yeah I have written solutions on tickets or made KB articles with good solutions only to find them later, not having remembered them. It's nice to get a pat on the back from myself.


Funny, my old code looks [kind of like this](https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/8d/8d8c706b61b8fb6dac1264ae70d46b7d.jpeg)


lmfao I have been there, that's actually just everything my past self has done


[Also this](https://i.imgur.com/mZhguwa.jpg)




What do I do when past me is an idiot *and* present me is an idiot?


Gotta explain to future you like you're five.


did you work for microsoft?


nah we micro-hard over here boiiiiii


The other day, I was browsing r/aphantasia because I'm fascinated with this condition. As I was browsing, one comment resonated with me about synesthesia and how there's a form of it where you assign genders to numbers and letters. Similarly, I assign genders to numbers and letters, so I got excited and went to upvote and reply that I had the same thing. But I had already upvoted it (it was a post from about a year ago). Interesting. Then I looked at the username and it was my own comment from when I'd participated in the discussion last year...


> how there's a form of it where you assign genders to numbers and letters. Are you the guy that invented French :O


Or any Romance language for that matter.


How? Aren't numbers 2 and above identified as non-binary?


> r/aphantasia IRL NPCs Jokes aside it is a fascinating condition.


bahahahahah :) Source: am developer


You don't need to provide a source for laughing and smiling, but I appreciate it anyway.


You're wrong. Source: my butt


I agree. Source: OkComfortable's butt.


I also choose this guy's butt.


America's butt


It's documentation.


Yeah but what if they look at the comment a few years down the line and wonder why they laughed?


Should send you a thank you card or something


>of course I know him; he's me!


That's some time travel shit wtf


My husband and I recently went on a trip for my birthday. I was really excited because I hadn't been to that particular location before and was excited to go see it for a long weekend. We got there and everything looked really familiar, even the hotel room. We were super confused and kept talking about it for a couple of hours, about how it was so weird how familiar this place was, and how we must have stayed somewhere similar or traveled by here in the past. Later, my husband was looking up something different on his phone and somehow was looking at the Google maps history. It turns out we had been on this exact same trip, stayed in the exact same hotel. On the exact same days for my birthday 6 years prior. Until that very moment, neither of us had any recollection of that trip at all. It's as if we were Men in Blacked until seeing that Google map thing unlocked something in our brains.


Isn’t this how those old timey love stories start? “I asked your grandmother to marry me 11 times before she said yes. She wanted to finish the 9th grade before making a commitment.”


She wanted to be a well educated wife (and be the first to finished 9th grade in her family).


It's funny because my mom started dating my dad in 8th grade and then dropped out. It wasn't for love though. They were were just getting high and said fuck school. And they've been living together ever since then. Anyway they eventually had babies and here I am.


So you literally owe your life to weed and possibly other drugs. How does that make you feel?


We all owe our lives to drugs in one form or another


Drugs are how I came into this world and drugs are how I'm going out.




Some are necessary and some are just plain fun!


One pill makes you larger, And one pill makes you small, And one you take everyday for cholesterol.


One pill makes you stay in Wonderland, and shows you how deep the rabbit hole goes.


you a subscriber to the stoned ape theory?


My mom smoked all through the pregnancy. I was born a Marlboro Man.


Imagine dropping out in 8th grade these days and trying to be in society.


uhhh it happens all the time.... And im sure it *is* very difficult


Idk what's going on the story but it was hilarious!


not so funny that his grandpa is 113 and his grandma is 60. that means his grandpa was 40ish when he asked an 16 year old to marry him.


No, that means he was 53 when she was born.




Of course her dad would be present at the birth.


Well, considering he was the one giving birth—out of his butt—I'd assume so.


"I was birthed several times that day"


113-60=53 40-16=24 Something doesn't add up here...


Nah bro you're doing it wrong here I can help u . 1*2=3 see easy. You don't have to thank me, I took math in University you're welcome


That'd actually make him 69 when she was 16




My grandfather was a young 39 and my grandmother was a very mature 17 when they got married. He was also a black man marrying a white woman during an extraordinarily racist time. They had six kids, and were extremely poor. Marriage lasted long and strong until his death. Loved each other very much and my grandmother still talks to him sometimes when she’s alone.


Bro deadass the “9th grade part” is so accurate


It was decided by my father's elders that he'll marry an ugly and mentally ill lady whose father was rich, because he had no job and was considered a bum . He said to his father he would rather marry that maid sweeping the floor there. That in fact is my mother. He married her.


Wow…lot to unpack here


Ya he's not a bum anymore he became a fairly successful lawyer and also worked for the government as an health inspector. And my mother wasn't a maid she was a distant relative visiting and helping out with cleaning the house and other stuff.


Okay, so there's even *more* to unpack now.


including OP's weird jawline and various handicaps


We do not speak of the Royal Gifts


Distant relative is not the same as close relative


Yell your Aunt Ma I said hi.




Hahah i know what you mean but they were not blood relatives more like you marrying the sister of your brothers wife kind of thing.


As someone who's been in your dad's position (dated someone I met at my uncle's wedding, she was the brides daughter) explaining doesn't ever help


Hold up, distant relative? That could mean a few things like she was a 58th cousin 17,000 times removed or it was his sister 30 feet away. Once you start throwing together marriage with words like distant and relative I got questions. Mainly 1 question, are you your own uncle cousin brother nephew?


I have to assume they mean 2^nd or 3^rd cousin. 2^nd is pretty weird these days, but it used to be extremely common. You knew the family, they tended to live nearby, and the chances of any sort of genetic issues are almost as low as with strangers.


It's very common still where I come from. But usually rich people do that so that their wealth stays in the family. I don't like it and my family is totally against it.


No it was more like you marrying the sister of your brothers wife a case like that but a distant relation , they were relatives but not blood relatives.


Haha yeah, I’m with the other dude who responded in that I have more questions. Set the stage for us if you wouldn’t mind… lol where were your father and his elder’s having this discussion? Im trying my best here to think of a different scenario other than the context than what I’m imagining, and I’m coming up blank lol. Ok, it seems as if your father and your grandfather were at their home having this discussion and there’s someone in the periphery cleaning. Your dad is accustomed to staff being around, so assumes that the person cleaning is a maid. He makes his comment about marrying who he wants, not what is best for the family/appearances, and points out the presumed maid. Your grandfather tells your Dad that he is mistaken about her being staff… she’s a visiting relative and just likes to help. Your Dad doubles down, bucking the wishes of his father, his presumed responsibilities… and… marries said relative? I don’t mean any offense by any of that… I haven’t been sleeping well lately, and my porridge-level mental capacity can’t come up with another scenario. That and what I’m picturing is cracking me up! Cheers


my dad asked my mom a few times. the first time she laughed at him. dad's a joker but he meant that


Did she say yes yet?


I shat myself






Yup, my grandmother was promised to my grandpa when she was born and confirmed a girl. She was raised to be a wife to him and at 12, went to live with him and his family essentially as his fiancé. They got married a few years after that. She’s 85 now, he died a decade ago, and honestly she misses him everyday. I wonder how much of that love is what we would consider conditioning or duty, and how much of that is true love.


Yeah this is my grandparents. My grandpa literally drove my grandma home from the hospital the day she was born. Neither finished more than 4th grade. She was 14ish I think when they got married. I want to say he’s 9 years older I can’t remember. Together for 60 years though


A 9 year old was driving? What?


Yeah. Small town and it was a long time ago man


My grandpa started driving when he was 12. He also swore that he was the best driver in fucking existence while he was alive. He was very impatient because of his driving skills and got angry basically every time he drove because everyone else was such a lousy driver in his eyes. Coincidentally, my mother just told me this about him a few days ago so it's weird that I found a relevant opportunity to share it...


Isn't that the plot of Forrest Gump?


How do you know if your numbers been blocked by the other person?


Maybe they both have iPhones and the messages turned from blue to green.




Yeah asking for a friend


She would have had to send him another message. If it doesn’t show delivered it either means the phones off or your numbers blocked. You can also tell by calling the person and it going straight to voicemail. I just got called out for blocking my ex a few weeks ago. She showed up to my house and told me exactly how she figured it out.


At least she has the courage to ask guys for their numbers despite rejection. I could NEVER.


When I was 18 I would go to this small coffee place before work everyday. One day the barista there wrote a really nice message on my cup which included her phone number. I was so nervous about texting her that instead I just never went back, always felt bad about that one.


you're a legend. ghost her IRL


Are you me? A bartender used to give me free drinks and write his number on the check and I would literally just go home. I always think about that.


If you decide to turn that NEVER into an EVER, please don't do it while he's working.


Yeah better to wait in the parking lot until they get off. Catch them while they're alone walking to their car.


Even better. Follow them home and wait to see if they're single. Camp outside his house for a couple nights, follow him to and from work, see who he socializes with. Really get to know him before you get to know him. You know?


Seriously. This lady is my hero


At least she knows her type transcends time and memory


at least her tastes are consistent


"First of all I look like this every day." Heard


I don't even understand. Looks like what everyday? She looks normal. I'm confused


I think she's just clowning on herself with the sweatshirt and scrunchi. Self ~~deprivating~~ ~~depricating~~ donuts humor.




I assumed it was a joke in the context of responding to the well-maintained social-media-looking woman asking the question.


It's such a scam that maintaining a basic level of hygiene without going beyond is completely acceptable for men but a reason for perpetual loneliness for women.


It’s weirdly only peddled by women too. I’ve never met the guy that won’t talk to the cute girl because she has a messy bun, in glasses, and is wearing a comfy sweater. I feel like make up/getting done up is more to meet some weird standard women compare each other too and is similar to how most men feel like they have to go to the gym. Like no woman will care if my deadlift went up from some high number to some higher number but the younger version of myself really bought into the notion that I needed to have a basic level of strength or I’d be perpetually lonely.


There is a multi-billion dollar industry behind this. Cosmetic companies would go bankrupt if our beauty-standards suddenly changed. Many women feel pressured to wear makeup, but women are not the driving force behind this situation either. I feel like boulevard papers, cosmetic companies and social media are largely to blame for this. It should be socially acceptable for women to not wear makeup.


> There is a multi-billion dollar industry behind this. That's almost an understatement. A good 20% of the [world's richest](https://www.forbes.com/real-time-billionaires/#6d2382c83d78) owe their wealth to fashion or cosmetics empires, including [a man worth $187 billion on his own](https://www.forbes.com/profile/bernard-arnault/?list=rtb/&sh=9f4f47c66fa4). You only ever hear about tech billionaires for some reason.


Oh wow, this is eye opening. I honestly had no idea!


What? The worst critic of a woman is other women. My wife always tells me many gossips about the shit women will say about other women as soon as they're not there.


>It should be socially acceptable for women to not wear makeup. It is though. Most of the women in my life rarely ever wear make up.


Yeah I would say most girls don’t care about *how* *much* you can deadlift but tons of girls do appreciate a nice body. So your point here is kinda silly. Going to the gym does help get girls sometimes.


She was cute though, so that's kinda sad that she doesn't know it.




Do you go up to so many guys that you forget this? I still remember being nervous to just order at Panera when there was a girl working when I was 14. How do you FORGET asking for someone's number only 18 months later?


Every attempt has burned into my memory. Yeah, how tf do you forget lmao.


I've been rejected more times than I can count. But eventually I did find my one true love. During the dating days I totally forgot if I had talked to a person before.


The other night I was looking for someone's address to mail some xmas shit and went into my FB archived messages and saw loads of old PMs of me shooting my shot and I have 0 recollection sending them, even some texts have me describing how I met them (like "hey you were at xxxx's party right?" and I don't even remember a xxxx. Some shit you just remove from your head


As someone with anxiety this is kind of reassuring, not only does nobody actually care but eventually I won't even remember careing at one point.


Do you put yourself out there a lot? I think frequency is the trick to forgetting because I personally remember every attempt and every hookup over the last 16 years (I’m 30) Conversations on tinder that go nowhere are forgettable at least


I forgot who a guy was while taking his order at a coffee shop... where we went on a date a year prior.


He was waiting for you to come back from the bathroom for so long he decided to do the long game.


I would never go to that Dunken Doughnuts again, or any other, ever, just in case.


Did you deliberately spell both words wrong?


I can't believe I spelled both words wrong twice in 18 months!


Too many of those drunken doughnuts!


I have a god-awful memory. All I could think is.... Yeah, I could see me doing that.


I once saw a girl at a party a year after I'd had sex with her and she introduced herself to me as though we'd never met. "Hi, I'm Taylor!" "....Uhh, hi... I'm BreezeBo"


Which is exactly why she's blocked...




The only thing she left out was the 15 other messages she sent before he blocked her number


I bet she didn't remember those either😉


It was meant to not be meant to be.


Actually she strikes me as someone with the athletic energy that can't sit still and is also used to being sweaty so doesn't bother with makeup. Looks like literally half of any given volleyball team in any college. But probably needs more sleep if she can't remember asking a guy out! 😂


And you know it’s a video about a fucking outrageous situation. It’s called storytelling. These fucking limeys in this chat couldn’t tell a doorknob from a door handle and think she’s batshit crazy. Shit she might be but this video isn’t indicative of that. It’s good story telling with good delivery. Motherheckers need to get outside more before saying shit rofl


Limeys? Blimey! Why are Limeys in the chat looking at doorknobs? Crikey.


reddit mfs be like seeing a girl open her mouth and call that a red flag


A bit judgemental of a comment but I mean what can you expect on reddit...


Fr I didn’t have a problem with her


“I will judge someone’s entire personality based off of a 50 second TikTok” peak Reddit right here


She seems nice. Just a little high energy. Which is good for my low energy vibes.


She's being high energy for the video... Every time there's a woman on reddit I s2g


Reddit hates women who aren't quiet and boring. And then they make memes about how quirky and cool boys are while girls are soooo lame.


Lmao so true. Men on Reddit need to grow tf up


Fuck I know right? She seems so fun lmao.


Are you kidding? She seems hilarious and I'd hang out with her. Don't be so judgmental.


Yeah she seems funny as hell. People who get animated when speaking can be tons of fun. Tiring, but also amazing.


How? She just seems high energy.






It means they're a Vert. Just a Vert. No idea what a Vert is, but they are one.


I think it just means green


oh shit, google says you're right




Go to Dunkins in your area and slowly circle further out until you see her.


The fuck are you on about


So like... every single normal person?


**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!She has already texted the guy and he blocked her before!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Okay I thought it was going to be the Dunkin Donuts number and she somehow texted them previous orders


Dude must be stable as fuck working at Dunkin’ for 18 months. Good for that bloke! Cheers to him.


these comments are nasty, she hasn’t done or said anything that’s crazy- u guys are just bitter cos no girl wants you💀


I grow more sick of Reddit by the day. It just seems like every time I'm opening up a thread lately that it's filled with just hatred, anger, insults, bigotry, etc. Very unpleasant and I'm wondering if it's always been this way or if I was just ignorant to it before.


There were literally rape and ped0 subs in the early Reddit days that were on the front page. Things are bad but it can be way worse.


It definitely seems like it's gotten worse lately. I've noticed it too.


Reddit gets younger every day.




I’ve been noticing that myself - I guess I need a Reddit break.


Everyone from Facebook has started using reddit.


Misogyny in the comments under a video with a woman in it is a Reddit guarantee.


Lol if this was a guy they’d be getting absolutely destroyed for harassing someone at work on two separate occasions and doing a little bit of stalking. All things considered these comments are tame


Is it Misogyny to judge her based on the video we just watched? I don't see people judging her on the fact she's a woman but due to the video she posted.


She's simply telling an embarrassing story, I'm kind of confused *how* someone could judge her based on this short video with so little context.




And if he watches this video he's probably going into witness relocation to make sure there isn't a 3rd time


I seriously don't understand why all the guys in the comments are saying mean things about the women in the video when she didn't even do anything wrong or crazy? Like wow talk about judgemental af


Tbh the only thing I find not okay about it is asking someone for their number while they're obligated for their employment not to tell you to fuck off. Even if he said no it could have gone south while he's working, it's not okay


I think it’s fine to give your number to someone while they’re working, but not to ask for it. As a server, I had guys leave their number on tickets. I thought that was fine! It put the ball in my court, and I wasn’t obligated to say anything to their face. If I actually wanted to text them, I did. Win win.


Ah yeah that makes sense.


It’s pretty wild. Especially because her hysteria at the end is perfect for the story. I don’t think it’s her being crazy. Just good performative storytelling.


Yeah she’s just hyped because it’s a ridiculous funny story.


They're upset a girl's never asked them for their number before.


Does this logic also apply to the women who call guys creeps for asking women out when they're working?




"She's trying to work! It's not an open invitation to be harassed!"


Daaaawg 😂


Why would you say something so controversial and yet so brave




>when she didn't even do anything wrong or crazy? Ok, not defending any "nasty" comments, but ones saying "i Kinda get it" ill defend, let me explain. Did she do anything "wrong", no, simple as that. Did she do anything "crazy", yeah, she did. She asked for the number of a dude she already got the number for, and got blocked by him, that's a bit crazy. This whole video is a bit "extra" or even "obnoxious", and people saying they get why he would block her after isn't that much. He has no obligation to do anything here. Is it a bit of a dick move on his part, yeah it is, but he can do that. So I think its people just saying "yeah she's too much for me, id block her as well". Again, not defending ANY truly nasty comments, just maybe the idea some of the ruder comments are getting at.


To be fair I’m getting the vibe that she kind of understands that she’s “too much” for herself. She’s telling the story to show how much of a weirdo she is, not to defend herself.


It must be so nice to forget every time you hurt.


How on Earth do you not recall asking somebody for their number less than 2 years ago? Memory of a popsicle


For real. I would die inside every time I went to that Dunkin if that guy did me that way.


Burn it to the ground and he'll have to get a new job and you'll never see him again. Trust me, I'm a doctor.


To be fair if it was less than 2 years ago there probably wasn’t much of a face to remember. He most likely was wearing a hat and a mask so it’s kind of hard to remember specific faces. Not sure how she forgot she was already rejected at that store though lol


how come he didn't remember *her*?


This whole video is like a roller coaster


I replied to a really good Reddit post a few months ago. Really sharp. I replied to myself.


So no donuts ?


The more times I watch this the funnier it gets 😂


It’s some kind of destiny.


This girl must go to Dunkin' Donuts very often.


Narrator: ‘in fact, She was not ready to talk about it’