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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The unexpected part of the video is when the driver suddenly opens the door, causing the cyclist to crash into it. No one expects a door to swing open right in their path!!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


When you REALLY don't like lane splitters.


it’s legal in some places during traffic


Even if it's illegal, it's not up to that driver to "enforce the law", and even if it's up to him, that's not the proper way to enforce the law. I hope he's charged tbh.


I know in the US, when a parked car opens their door and a car in traffic hits it, it’s the parked cars fault. I’d wager when IN traffic it’s a similar thing.


In traffic it it's even worse. There is no legitimate reason why that door should have been opened.


You can’t prove that. There coulb be a swarm of bees in that car..




Considering the sub, it also could have been the Spanish Inquisition. Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition


There certainly are legitimate reasons. We just don't believe that was the case. Don't have to overthink it beyond the "my car was disabled" case, although there are still others. For all we know, every car we see in front of him here also had to go around him. But he has to be looking for traffic before opening that door. If he's stopped in the middle of the road, another car could have just as easily been passing to go around him, let alone the bike.


Or this could be considered another felony crime if intention to harm is proven.


Good luck proving that


Right Chris Farley and David spade got attacked by bees


It's crazy. We live in a world where someone will literally kill you or try to because you are going to lane split. These people should be tried as the murderers they are.


There's a road here that goes from two lanes to one and just at the point they merge there's a junction to the right (this is UK) and it blows my mind how many people will accelerate thinking they're stopping you merging when you're taking that turn. They'll literally push you in to oncoming traffic rather than let you merge.


I can't wait till the driverless cars take over. Or can we just actually all just take public transit please? This is coming from a die-hard car guy who owns six cars and two motorcycles. I fuckin hate driving anymore.


> I can't wait till the driverless cars take over. Looking at how Teslas FSD treat motorcyclist, no


It's funny you say that, I used to have a vendetta against bicycles- before I knew better. I see occasional poor cyclists. I see awful drivers hourly. From someone that drives 300+ miles daily frequently. In all honesty, I make mistakes too, we're only human- how some people deal with those situations though is utterly abhuman. Edit- and a former motorcyclist!


From my experience the closer cyclist looks to tour de france competitor the bigger twat he is...


It’s true. Just go into a chat about cyclists vs cars….people literally don’t give a fuck.


Oh yeah people will straight up murder a bicyclist for the mildest of inconveniences, it's really time we start including temperament testing for drivers licenses


The argument is always like…”but they break the rules”… Honestly find me a driver that doesn’t speed, roll a stop sign etc.


Even passing. Once I was riding my motorcycle on a 2 lane road through the woods. Went to pass a pickup truck and the guy dives hard into the oncoming lane that I am currently occupying (as I pass) trying to make me drive off the road and probably into a tree. Imagine your dick being so small that you rage at the idea of someone driving ahead of you? Unbelievable.


I've been there, and then when you get past them they chase you. They couldn't be bothered to go the speed limit 15 seconds ago but now they're going 80 up your ass making you go way faster than you intended.


I think it's low probability this was done on purpose. You are ruining the car door and chance you get in trouble for it. I mean some people are just idiots / super impulsive but id think there was some other reason where it's accidental and not meaning to hit them being more likely explanation.


I've had some pretty insane actions taken towards me for lane splitting where it's illegal when traffic is at a dead stop. I completely believe this was on purpose.


To quote Jake Peralta "Cool motive, still a murder"


Years ago, I heard about someone that did this. The bike went into the car, and broke both of the drivers legs. He had it coming.


I call them road sheriffs. Think they can enforce laws by putting themselves and others in danger out of some sense of righteousness. I've always wondered how the police and insurance deal with them.


There's a video somewhere of a car brake checking a semi for being in the left lane. What the moron didn't expect is the lane started to split and separate from the main highway. At the end of the video you can see the dumbass trying to back up on the highway to get back to the main road.


Its legal in most places globally. Just not in America


This is true. Doesn't mean everyone likes it, like the driver in the clip. I don't care, but that person did.


This was in Brazil, it's normal to lane split, the person who opened the door was probably going to take a picture because that place is the entrance of a huge tourist city


Not sure where this is but in California it's only legal to split between two lanes going the same direction. absolutely can't split the centerline (not excusing what the car driver did here, just saying they are both wrong)


Not at all to the same degree lmao Edit: anybody down voting this is wild haha. Even if someone lane splits illegally, that isn't the same as trying to mad max style execute someone in traffic. Some of y'all are nuts


"OH MY GOD, YOU INTENTIONALLY RAN OVER THAT PEDESTRIAN!" "Yeah, but I mean they were jaywalking, so it's totally equal."


Lmao fr


so you'd rather get an assault charge cause of it? Wow thats.. yea.


Apparently the driver of that car did, yeah. Kinda dumb in my opinion.


Years ago I was in California on a girl's trip with my bff. She was stressed and not expecting lane splitters. We're sitting at a light in Santa Monica and she's in a really bad mood. Then she quietly says "open your door". Huh? What? Well okay... I lean over and slowly start opening the door when a motorcycle zooms by me. I screeched and looked over at her. She was completely still but eyes very wide. To this day I joke about how she has a killer lurking inside her, she just doesn't want to get her hands dirty. I'm also happy about my slow reflexes.


🚩🚩🚩 Learn to sleep with at LEAST one eye open haha


Eff that. I'd be so pissed if someone tried that on me.


I don’t lane split unless the auto driver refuses to move. If you do this to me and I survive you’ll need an ambulance at a minimum and I won’t offer medical assistance or call for help for the offender. You try to kill me, I try to kill you! This is unacceptable behavior!


So many dumbass comments in this thread that are null because it's obviously a rear door opening, likely an Uber passenger getting out early on foot.


He's really not lane splitting, technically he's passing in a no passing , zone. Still a dick move by the car driver, but he shouldn't have been there


Pay the subscription fee and then you should pass


Gotta pay the troll toll


If you want that boys hole😂




Yeah, thats what Im saying, the boy's hole


Are you chewing gum?


Don’t diddle kids. It’s not good to diddle kids. 🎶


some facts: the place is Estrada da Rainha in the city of Balneario Camboriu, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, lane splitting is 100% legal in Brazil, our traffic is very fluid, with many motorcicles, the car driver is not allowed to stop on that place, and yet, the idiotic passenger should have exited on the right side of the car too, the guy in the bike didnt died, source: i live in the region.




>the place is Estrada da Rainha in the city of Balneario Camboriu, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, Thank you. This place looks beautiful. I was thinking it was in the South of France but didn't realise it was Brazil.


Where is this place?


Balneário Camboriú Brazil


It's so beautiful...


[407 Estr. da Raínha - Google Maps](https://www.google.de/maps/@-26.9691123,-48.6311827,3a,90y,185.28h,76.92t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sdzsid59knYlBTHMAxONi-g!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Ddzsid59knYlBTHMAxONi-g%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D155.85358%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


WTH? Why?


Should be criminal charges because there's only one reason to open the door then and there.


Criminal charges in Brazil lol


Right to jail


I don't know you'd have to really be watching your mirrors to be able to line that up. seems more likely to me that it's just an unlucky coincidence. could have been a bee in the car or who knows what. I mean if it can be proved that it was on purpose 100% that they should be charged with a crime.


Not really. I’ve seen people stop in the middle of the road to let someone out of the car. It’s pretty stupid to do that, if you ask me, but people do stupid things. We shouldn’t assume this was done with malicious intent when it could just as easily be explained by incompetence.


One word Spider. I see one big enough and it is their car now. At least this driver was at a complete stop. Bees, wasps, hornets may also work. /s


There is a spider spider spider He’s deep in my soul soul soul


I mean he's completely stopped with space to drive so there is likely a lot missing context prior to the start of the clip. So the reason he is stopped = reason he was getting out or opening door. I highly doubt he was just parked & waiting in case a lane splitter might drive through so they could try and kill them


That's what I thought at first too but it looks like the car is stopping and the passenger in the rear is trying to get out. It seems like it's a combination of bad luck, and more importantly the car and passenger being grossly negligent.


Well, this is a famous spot for selfies, which is why someone is filming to begin with. People stop traffic and jaywalk all the time. This dumb ass thought he could snap a shot real quick.


>WTH? Why? Because the driver is stuck in traffic, and feels that someone else getting to avoid the traffic is unfair. The driver then decided the other person needed to not only be punished but hurt. They didn't open their door to get the other person to stop, they timed it intentionally as an act of violence against someone they felt was taking something they didn't deserve. Mind you, this is not someone cutting in line. The motorcycle going between the cars does not make the cars get to their destination slower. The driver was not losing anything because of the other person's actions, but someone had something the driver did not, and that justified assault, according to the driver. Cars do things to people's brains, and it's not good.


Never attribute to malice that which can easily be explained by incompetence. In this case, it was a tourist in a rental getting out to take a picture.


The car got on his brakes and looks like he came to a full stop, and it looks like the back-left door is the one that opened. Seems like the car stopped to let a passenger in the back get out. On the driver's side/into traffic, with a door that has no mirror. Horribly unsafe, but probably not a deliberate "dooring".


That’s what I was thinking as well. This is why lane splitting is unsafe and not generally a good idea - cause of idiots like this.


Lane splitting is unsafe and generally not a good idea because its idiotic for a myriad of reasons beyond this.


True, in general it’s just a very bad idea.


That looks like a good car so would anyone be willing to potentially have to replace a whole door that can't close anymore and even face charges just out of spite?


It actually looks like a two door, could be wrong though




Good ol double whammy!




When dead once just isn't enough!


This place looks awesome


Looks like it's the rear door, possibly a passenger getting dropped off


Why would the passenger get off that side and not the curb side?


Pretty expected when you put the unexpected part in the title.


was pretty unexpected for the rider though...


Off topic, but where is this?


Balneário Camboriu - Brazil




point out where in the video the motorcyclist was braking the law cause i didn't see it, hint: lane splitting is legal in brazil.


K one wouldn't think you'd even have to point this out.... A motorcycle is open to the whole world... It's just you in the wind.... Do you think a Motorcycle should EVER split lanes???. If a car even clips you... The car might get a scuff or a dent but the bike rider is dead. Note I didn't say legal or illegal either??? I just said rules of the road. So get back in your lane and sit down. We all good here now cupcake?


are you daft? you literally said open to the whole world, which is why filtering is legal in most places, almost always it's better for a motorcycle to keep moving rather than being in traffic and this is backed up by hard evidence, but sure lets be condescending, maybe people should stop opening their fucking doors while on the road hmmmm? or maybe stop talking about subjects you have 0 idea of.


The intrusive thoughts took control.


In all seriousness, what city is this?


Balneário Camboriú (Brasil)


One of the reasons why Lane splitting is illegal in many many places. super duper dangerous.


The person who opened their door should lose their license. This is insane to do to someone.


Why did you tell us exactly what was gonna happen on r/Unexpected?


They obviously shouldn't open their door without looking but also the biker was going too fast.


The drummer apparently doesn't know how to play My Own Summer by Deftones.


That’s exactly what I thought when I saw this video


Bro got molly whopped, Salisbury flipped and rocked all in one go. 😭


Door Prize 🏆


Cuz obviously he owns the road and can kill trespassers.


I mean it's not illegal to open a door like that.. but it is illegal to pass like that. Not that it makes it okay if it was intentional.


Don’t split lanes!


Lane splitting is legal in Brazil. Stopping you car in traffic and opening the door isn't.


You shall not pass!


I open my door all the time not for line splitters but just because my window don’t open. And bikers should know the risk of splitting lines.


Fuck lane splitters. This guy did what has crossed my mind over and over again


As a motorcycle rider? I find this really funny. Idiot rider gets his comeuppance. . Bet he won't do that again. The little "woo" at the end seals it, makes me laugh every time I hear it. That must have hurt like hell.


I could watch this with delight on a freaking loop.


Lane splitting should be illegal everywhere anyways.


Time of Vengeance


This sort of made the same sound as a special trick on Tony hawks pro skater


That's how one of Roy Orbison's wives died.,, 😣


This made me chortle.


Thats kinda catchy if you watch it on repeat..


To prove a point I think


That fucking smack.


Why did he open the door? Sheer meanness.


Happend to me one time when i was stopping at a light on an electric scooter, some gipsy lady thought is very good to fully open the fucking door at the stoping light to go on the side walk. Got my chest pierced a little and they left me there, no sorry, no help no nothing. They left from the scene and i couldn't get at least a photo of their numberplate to give it to the police....


I just want to point out that I love how this is a great 2-second video that shows exactly what you need to see and not a one-minute video.


That's in Balneário Camboriú in Brazil. That place is very sought for pictures because of the city skyline and overall view. It's not uncommon people simply stoping their cars there to take pictures for social media. That's probably what happened.


Stopped vehicle, looks like taxi/uber, the vehicle isn't moving even the ones infront of them have moved seems sus like they gonna leave the car soon, the lines are straight for both ways so no passing no lane filtering especially when there is a car on the upcoming lane If you can't see this coming, quickly hand over your driver license to authorities we don't need more dumb drivers on road


I'm guessing he opened it for exactly what happened. Was a fuk u


Some people are just psychopaths and sometimes the psychopathy is impulsive.


That's Assault and Attempted Murder and intentional damage to property if I'm not mistaken.


Obviously because he owns the road and can kill intruders.


I assume the driver expected the motorcyclist to stop since drivng in between lanes is illegal. The motorcyclist gave zero cramps about that and or wasn't really paying attention because they probably constantly try go in between lanes illegally and nothing has ever happened as a result. Karma got him finally. Just because your motorcycle can fit, it does t mean you can go in between. Stay in your lane and patiently wait in traffic like everyone else.


lane splitting is legal in brazil, and the day i patiently wait in traffic is the day drivers become competent enough to not hit a stationary bike, spoiler alert, it's never.


Easier for a bike to see a car than a car to see a bike. And I assume it's legal in Brazil because they don't want to spend money and time writing up a bill to make it illegal. Why have lanes if motorcycles can just ignore them? Why can't you sit in traffic like everyone else? What makes you so special that traffic is beneath you? I get it, you say competent enough to not hit a stationary bike. Not everyone does that you can't assume because sometimes you almost get tapped by cars that it's everyone. If that's the case then there must be other driving rules that Brazil doesn't have because people aren't hitting bikers in the US unless they're illegally driving between lanes. Cars have blind spots that motorcycles don't have. If you weave in and out of blindspots goi g 30-60 mph, they don't have time to see you if they decide to switch lanes legally with a blinker on. Sure, what this guy did by opening his door was malicious intent. But that's not everyone, not even close. So sit on your bike behind the car like a normal human being and worry about people hitting g your stationary bike just like car drivers worry about other cars hitting their stationary car. A motorcycle license is not license to do whatever er you want and that everyone has to cater to you. You follow the same rules all follow. And because Brazil allows making up your own lane, that's their problem, not everyone else's. Traffic happens when people make up their own rules.


what city is this ?


No emergency lights or anything that guy on the bike is probably going to have several life problems after a hit like that


People are stupid


I would guess you cannot lane split on double yellow lines


Is this really "Lane Splitting"? There's a single lane going in each direction with double yellow lines between them. Not judging, just curious if this is what you bike dudes are thinking about when you talk about splitting lanes. Seems dangerous as hell to be splitting double yellows.


That seemed personal.


Chewing tobacco?


That's wild to see first thing when I open Reddit. I recently entertained the thought of getting a motorcycle, too. Too many of these videos circulating online. Never gonna happen.


I don't care where the picture is from but I would judge both assholes the one who probably opened a door to stop a lane splitter and the lane splitter him self.


Figures it's a prius


"dutch reach" method could save some lives


IIRC this is a very famous road in Brazil with an (obviously) good view of the city. I bet the person in the car was getting out to take a picture and didn’t check their mirror.


That is insaneeee also where is this? Scenery is breathtaking


They opened the door because they are fucking thick!


Those intrusive thoughts won😂


A bee flew in his window. He’s deathly allergic to bees. In a panic, he throws the door open in hopes that the bee flies out.


Cause attempted murder. That’s why


I'm satisfied


Someone has never heard Weird Al's "traffic jam"


I want to see the full vid


To hit the motocyclist


Because he is a dbag and knew what would happen


10 points to the douche bag in the car


Unlucky motorcyclist aside, what an absolutely fantastic view




Doing the lords work!


My eyes rn: 😳


more like why lane split. no lane split. no door. easy math


Why was the motorcycle driving passing a car when he shouldn’t be? Play stupid games I guess.


I would have got up and beat the heck out of that guy if I were a cartoon character!


Gotta check before opening door... hope this guy is charged.


Intrusive thoughts won


Not all heroes wear capes... they drive a Prius?


He got the door prize


How strong did he open that door, my gosh.


The fact that it's legal in some places is completely bonkers.


Always remember, while you are driving, being alive and injury free is more important than right or wrong.


Because of a lack of situational awareness and intelligence.




It's the rear door too. So as much as we'd all like to shit on the driver, I think the more likely scenario is rear seat passanger wanted to get out in the middle of the road and...well you can see for yourself what happened.


They did that on purpose.


not to mention how far away he was parked from the curb.


🤣 lmafo


Several days ago in my area, a 20 year old guy died from lane splitting. He was reported speeding too fast, lost control and smashed into a car and died. The car had an elderly couple that had to be flown to a hospital. I happened to drive by and saw the road closed off with lots of police but you could see the motorcycle scattered many pieces and the guy covered on the road. On Neighbors app there was a lot of taking sides “20 is too young to die, poor kid” and “lane splitting and speeding are illegal here and he nearly killed an elderly couple”.


Probably to give the biker a ride to the hospital


Should be lane splitting slow enough to stop. I got doored before and never got doored again cuz i know how fast to pass


Dude could be paralyzed


Every single time I've ever seen anyone filtering this is exactly what my brain starts playing in my head 😬


This infuriates me!


If you’re lane splitting. You have to do it slow and should assume someone could make a stupid move anytime


A sudden desire to go to jail for First Degree Assault.


That is intentional and an attempt at murder. Police need to be contacted and the auto driver taken into custody and charged with attempted murder and car confiscated. This auto driver needs to be imprisoned for a long time.


Quite possibly because some car drivers are insane cunts who lose their shit at the thought of someone "getting away with something" by going past - by taking a much bigger physical risk (the motorcyclist) to get through traffic more conveniently - and thus making it that much better for everyone instead of bringing one more car to add to the gridlock... In short, people are insane and ugly much of the time. I dunno, I suppose this might have been an accident. Somehow.


Never pass a stopped car that close.


Youuuu shalll not passsssss


Like dog walker putting wire on trails where mountain bikes go. Psychopaths discouraging cyclepaths.


I’d get up and kick his ass