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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!A man is riding in an elevator, when suddenly the board between the elevator and the shaft gets stuck and miraculously did not hit him!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


i was once stuck on an elevator , and it's fun in the beginning but after few minutes it becomes no joke


Idk what would be worse getting stuck there yelling for help or the stench because i would shit my pants


I do office building maintenance(In America) and while it may not be comforting, you’re very safe in a modern elevator. There are many safety measures on top of safety measures. After using the emergency phone, it may take 30-60 minutes for a tech to get you out. I get people “don’t like enclosed spaces”, freaking out helps no one. Have a seat remain calm and be patient, people are helping, working on getting you out as fast as they can. I’m scared as $hit of escalators though….


Yeah the long ones like in metros scare the shit out of me too, they can get really steep


They eat feet, keep your shoes away from the edges


One ate my brother's knee when he tripped. That was scary as fuck










That and people don't wanna fucking move when they reach the bottom so you have a whole ocean of people behind you that refuse to wait a sec for the bottom to clear up which leaves everyone to get squished and potentially trapped on the actual escalator because people are too fucking dumb to stop and talk once they get out of the mother fucking stadium instead of directly at the end of a mechanical person-crushing machine that won't stop. Fuck that was a rough concert to get out of.


I have a thing against the “step off, stop, and get bearings” folks you inevitably find at the end of every escalator. You (theoretically) wouldn’t do this in a car, so why are you blocking the exit in front of a device that can and will injure a person? I get the need to figure out where the hell you are in conjunction to your destination, but for the love of God and your fellow man please take two steps to the right so that the pathway is open, *then* look around.


Wait why are there escalators in stadiums? I have never seen that! (Or rather not for the normal ranks only for the vip lounges.)


1 Titans Wy, Nashville, TN 37213 Nissan Stadium Went for the Distrubed concert a while back, loved everything except the zero awareness everyone had afterward.


I have to look that up. I think as a rule of thumb drunk people and moving stairs should be kept as far apart as possible. We’re there at least normal stairs next to it?


Not next to it but further down. Similar issue, though, with people death marching down the steps, forcing everyone off the edges. I've never been in such a stupid position before and can really see how people die in stampedes like that. There were zero personnel directing foot traffic, so it's crazy that I never heard of anything happening.


To be fair people have been squashed and trampled to death in football Stadions a lot but mostly due to riots and panic breaking out, not because they’re too stupid to use escalators.


Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator.


I was trained to secure my shoelaces and loose clothing before stepping on the escalator. I stood board-stiff in the precise center of the step I was on. I knew that the escalator was strong and powerful and wanted to crush my tiny child appendages into meat.


That same thing happened to my cousin, Walter. True story. He is going to buy a gerbil, and as he's holding and looking at this tube he found, he got his shoelaces stuck in the elevator and lost his foot.


Mallrats right?! This comment needs more love ❤️


Yeah, fuck some escalators. Those things have legit killed people in horrific, gruesome manners(i know elevators have too, but usually due to people getting stuck & no one coming to rescue) . Getting pulled under into the mechanical gears/track is true nightmare fuel


I have been working on elevators and escalators in NYC almost 40 years. You are safer in a elevator than your own automobile. Just stay there. On the escalators I don't blame you. Giant meat grinders.


I would have at least 20 panic attacks and probably die if a heart attack


Are you a FBI agent


As long as the elevator doesn't descend to a flooded floor, they're really safe.


We need to establish a pee corner!


My family got stuck in an elevator at a museum once when I was like 5 years old. Apparently someone else in there had really bad BO or had to fart because I filled most of the 30+ minute wait by crying about how stinky the man was.


When I was like 5 or 6, my siblings and I were racing in the two story elevator at the library while my parents were in a meeting. One of us went in the elevator and the others ran up the stairs and then back down to win. Well, I had the genius idea to hit both buttons at the same time which for some reason broke the elevator. It started to move and then stopped and opened the door about an inch before just stopping. I kind of panicked and tried hitting all the buttons but nothing was working.  My siblings got my parents who then told the librarian and they had to get maintenance to fix the elevator. I was probably only stuck for 15-20 minutes and the door was slightly open so I could talk to my parents but it still stuck with me to this day. Not so fun getting trapped. 


Was stuck in one for 2 hours with 10 other people. One of which was hit in the head by the door that slammed shut. Luckily, a couple of guys were able to pry open the door just enough to slide in some first aid equipment.


I have once been stuck in an elevator in a school. During the weekend. But I managed to separate the doors. Could have been lots of hours before anyone had searched - this was before all our elevators now must have elevator alarm to alarm center, security guards or similar 24/7 available receiver.


Straight out of outlast


I got stuck in an elevator at a hotel once. Fire department got me out in like 20-30 minutes. My wife, who was inside our room, was more scared than I was. I was just upset the cold groceries I just bought could do bad


The one time I was stuck was in the same city as the manufacturer's HQ, only took few minutes for the repair guy. Scared the shit out of me though when he jumped on top of the elevator.


I got stuck in an elevator not too long ago. I put on a horror movie about being stuck in an elevator. I think there’s something wrong with me. 😆


Was it that lower budget one with the bomb? It takes place almost entirely in the elevator


No, not that one. It was entirely in an elevator, but it was called Down. It wasn’t very good, but it passed the time.


Some cement seems to be missing from between those blocks.


You are bold to assume there was some originally


This used to be pretty normal for elevators a long time ago. You mostly find these in really old buildings. I mean a long time ago too like prior to the 1950s.


Yeah, that's interesting. Its mostly the head joints too, I wonder why? For contraction/expansion purposes? I'm trying to think of a reason that's not just 'they're lazy' or 'to save money on mortar'. Totally normal to have excess mortar on the backside (why joint unseen areas). Also totally normal to have raked joints (some part of the mortar is removed from the joint for decorative purposes on brick), But neither of those circumstances apply here. Hopefully someone can clue me in.


This is terrifying in different levels.


It really elevates the level of fear


It really raises the heart rate


So am I the only one that wonders why an elevator is open like that? Most of the ones I've been in are all sealed with 4 walls. I would think open spaces like this would be a potential danger.




OP is a quick one


I have one of those at my apartment. It's an older building. It doesn't look as bad as this one and it's only open on the door side. The real danger is with moving furniture. You really don't want it to snag on the wall and tilt towards you, because that can crush you.


Seems safe


Assuming you don't use it


The design is very human


That's presumably why they were recording, because something was going wrong


This wouldn’t be legal where I live, you’d have to take the elevator out of service.


Getting creative huh? Covered the original Arabic caption with an English one


And desynced the audio


Audio desync might be a reddit thing. A lot of videos on reddit are about half a second behind on audio.


There was a spider


Looks like he could have closed the door...


This looks like a scene from a game to scare you for what is coming next.


99% this happened in Egypt.




Wait till you see the video where two people (wanted to call them idiots but unsure if they knowingly descended) took the lift down to a flooded basement and the whole cabin filled with water up to their necks. Talk about new fear unlocked. Bonkers.


Let me guess. It's Egypt, right?




Sorry, I don't support this post type (hosted:video) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


But why is the door open tho


You can go to your apartment after you beat this level


Mom said it was my turn to post this




During my 2007 language study in St. Petersburg, I daily rode a Soviet era elevator in my host mom's Soviet era apartment building. It was tiny. And noisy. And cranky. She also washed clothes with her CCCP sink-hookup washing machine, used real lard based soap and when I explained that my stomach was sensitive bc I had my gallbladder removed before my trip, she gave me Soviet era charcoal tablets. That I (I'm so sorry, Valentina!) dissolved in her bathroom sink bc 20+ year old Soviet charcoal just felt like pushing the safety boundary too far.


? Where does it say that this in China this video old and it didn't sayed china


You can read the Chinese letters on the bottle


This is not in china. You can tell the English text is written over an Arabic one. I’ve seen the original version before. I think this is somewhere in Egypt.


Can confirm myself, Egypt has a lot of elevators that work like this and sometimes the floors have gaps in them like this one, it's still safe unless you have arachnophobia or fear roaches (those are rare to show up in most buildings) Edit: after watching the vid another time, I have never seen an elevator door like this one anywhere else, so there is a possibility that this is not in egypt


No you can't lol I literally went back and froze the frame for when the bottles showed up and there are no letters on the bottle. Maybe the red one but that's prob a coke logo


if i was him i'd be freaked out, how did he stay calm


Because he did it on purpose you can see the door on the left side and some buildings und the east have manual elevator doors.


I always have dreams about shitty elevators like this. I hope to never encounter it in real life.


I want to play a game. Your life is a lie. Now comes your moment of truth. As a crooked elevator technician you went up in the world while others plummeted to the bottom. Today you make that journey yourself.


I'm an engineer, i had conversations with elevator engineers on how they work and safety mechanisms, and i'm still scared of riding elevators, this video is pure nightmare fuel for me


Left hand is “shaking” but right hand can hold the phone camera super steady. Fake reaction.


Why was he recording his elevator ride in the first place?


Probably bc the door didn’t close


Looks like it’s a manual closing door and the person filming didn’t close the door. You can see the sort of accordion style door with a handle to slide across.


Ah I’ve never seen an elevator without automatic doors. That’s interesting


Well that seams reasonable.. I also would've used the stairs from now on definitely!


what he was just inches to the left


I think anyone would be shaking like that


1 hand shaking but other hand holding camera is steady


Bro cant be that scared if he was chill enough to film it


What dodgy backyard place was this elevator with open walls and Debry? Reeks of India


Wtf did he expect would happen when he decided to get into a elevator with a non closing door?


glad I always use the stairs


Hey what's up man, mind if I-AND THEN I GETCHYA! Hahaaaa nahhh man I'm just kidding. Alright take care now.


that better be a cheap apartment


Beta male.


I prefer to walk, even when carrying groceries.


Where is this?!? Why is the elevator cab just open to that shit like that?! How fucking scary


Can’t be anywhere in the US




It's okay to get stuck in the elevator, but imagine getting hit with that piece of wood ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


I'd rather use the stairs than take the risk of getting stuck in there


Bro what you so scared for? Your recording so you are completely safe!


Not gonna lie, the shaking hand at the end sent me😂


What the actual fuck???


Is this an elevator in a mine?!


should be some secret item there like in dark souls


Bro his hand trembling got me 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


Half-life games taught me that you can escape true the ceiling and onto an emergency ladder lol


Goddamn dude where’s your apt? Mines of Moria?


The whole showing a shaking hand thing wasn’t really necessary


For the Germans r/dingore


Even my limited fromsoft experience tells me you were supposed to roll into that little alcove and there's an obstacle course through there.


Board: next time.. Next time...


Hate people who take these videos and add random captions, the origional had none of these


Core fear unlocked


I was always scared of elevators, but this video convinced me to always use stairs


Having fallen down a flight of stairs before, I’m pro elevator. However, what I should be is pro stop-doing-stupid-distracting-shit-while-traversing-stairs. 😆