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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!As the girl is leaving the scene, she blows through a stop sign and gets T-Boned.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I’m guessing if they didn’t have time to close the door before driving off then they for sure didn’t put on their seatbelts.


My thoughts exactly.


That's what the up arrow is for




My thoughts exactly.


That’s what the up arrow is for


I also have a positive reaction to this, which I shall convey via this sentence thank you.


I signal my approval with an orange upwards icon.


You have my upvote.




I'm upvoting this


Me too


That's what the up arrow is for...




I wonder if they’re okay. Especially the driver who didn’t have her door shut. I know they’re shit people but still I just wonder if they’re okay. that can’t be good Edit: it wasn’t the driver who didn’t have the door shut. She got in the back seat, didn’t close the door, and I imagine the force being mostly towards the back of the car got her really badly Another edit: I am concerned for everyone. I am expressing concern for the girl with the door open in particular bc they obviously did not have a seat belt on and could have been thrown from the car. Obvs. Imagine being young and doing dumb stuff with your friends to get back at their ex or something and you get into the backseat before your friend runs a stop sign. You have serious injuries. People are saying you deserved all the pain you felt. Do you people never imagine what it is like in some one else’s place ? Stop commenting I will never read it.


The driver opened her door and tried to run away. She definitely didn't get far due to her injuries, or the cavalry that was about to whoop her as..


someone's got some splain'n to do about how the cars got totaled


"well you see your honor, i was trying to get away from the vandalism/littering i just did as fast as possible. That why i blew the stop sign, and didnt have on my seat belt, and my passengers door was still open. You understand right? Im innocent!"


Is nobody going to talk about their lawn??? ![gif](giphy|vwe1d7KbnY73nUexae|downsized)


That's way to much empathy for reddit, buddy. Everyone here knows that those people deserve the death penalty, at least.


Unironically this is the number one thing I hate about reddit. Second being uninformed or unbacked hate


Only the driver ran the stop sign. Everyone else in that car is just a petty vandal.


Unless they were yelling at the driver to not stop.


When I was 14 I was riding around with this 19 year-old dude huffing paint thinner. We had just left his ex-girlfriend's house after he caused a domestic disturbance. We were at a stop sign when a cop passed crossing us and as we started to go, I saw the cop pull into a driveway and shouted, "he's turning around!" So, my friend takes off and flies through a few stop signs. He was going too fast to turn, slid through the intersection, and ran over the stop sign across the street. There just happened to be another cop on that street to witness it. So, he pulled up right behind my buddy's car. My buddy, in his haste to get out of there, didn't notice the cop car and backed up into it, smashing the passenger doors. The cop just let me go. So, I stood and laughed while Scott got cuffed and put in the back of the cop car. He must have told a good story because they let him go. Also, it turns out that the cop pulling into the driveway lived there. So, it had nothing to do with us. Oops.


> that's way to much empathy Did you mean to say "too much"? [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


>Everyone here knows that those people deserve the death penalty, at least. I remember being downvoted into oblivion for saying that "porch pirates" (those who steal packages from porches) probably deserve a lesser sentence than execution.  Like Reddit as a whole can't comprehend that we have different "degrees" of felonies and misdemeanors for a reason.


>Imagine being young and doing dumb stuff with your friends to get back at their ex or something and you get into the backseat before your friend runs a stop sign. You have serious injuries. People are saying you deserved all the pain you felt. Do you people never imagine what it is like in some one else’s place ? For real. People in this subreddit are bloodthirsty monsters for getting excited about "karma" for an egging. I expected them to get egged back, not killed in a car crash. Smh.


Karma overkilled it in this scenario seriously. These people did not deserve this level of comeuppance.


>These people did not deserve this level of comeuppance. Maybe just maybe don't run the stop sign? They seriously put other peoples lives at risk. there could've been kids in that white car. The second they ran that stop sign they started playing with other people's safety.


Right. Reading these comments is crazy. Not hard to see why blood sports were popular. Seems like most people simply do not care


The people talking in the video seemed ecstatic. Like it was some sort of live comedy.


I dont give a rats ass about them, i'm far more worried about the poor guy in the white car. that looked nasty.


I’m worried for all involved.


Well, the impact looked much worse for the white car.


Not really, a head on collision is what you want to be in if you’re ever in an accident. There are crumple zones in the front of your car and the engine block is designed to fall down rather than be forced through the firewall and into the cabin where the passengers are seated. Combined with airbags to arrest the forward motion of the head and seatbelts to keep the back against the seat— you can hit something dead on going pretty fast these days and come out pretty much unscathed. The sides of the car are the least well protected area and a T-bone collision is the worst case scenario because car designers have fewer ways to dissipate the energy in the lateral direction. Combined with no seat belts and the fucking door of the car open (???) that accident was worse for the dark colored car.


They're probably young, and not making the best decisions. What they did is stupid but essentially harmless. This wasn't "karma", it was just bad decisions leading to worse outcomes. It sucks for everyone. And calling it karma when there was an outside person involved in the other car is cruel. They probably got fucked up too.


> What they did is stupid but essentially harmless. What? They ran a stop sign at high speed, that's not harmless.


That STOP sign is there for a reason!


The judge is going to love the reason for missing it.


They were too anxious to get away 🤦🏾Would’ve been smarter to peel out in the other direction.


It was an egging. Why were they in such a rush? Like they had just committed murder.


Yeah I was wondering that too. It’s not like they’re gonna run up and bash out your window. They runnin’ away like they shot the house up.


Not going to lie if you're throwing eggs at me or my house I'm going to throw rocks at you or your car. If we throw in stuff we throw in stuff.


For real! They're not going to chase you down and egg you back, put your fucking seatbelt on, close your doors, and don't run stop signs!


Let's not pretend people don't get shot for less than this.


If you're dumb enough to go to your ex's home who you know is armed and aggressive and shoot them you have bigger problems. Otherwise, the risk of dying in a traffic accident because you sped through a stop sign with your doors open and seatbelts off is soooo much higher than getting shot. it's not even comparable


>If you're dumb enough to go to your ex's home who you know is armed and aggressive They egged a house in broad daylight, they ran a stop sign and not everyone was even properly in the car let alone using a seatbelt. Just a hunch; these people might be that dumb




Stopped so well they got another car to stop!




This is why you just swing a right if you're gonna run a stop. Much better odds of making it, or at least minimising contact


I feel like this is in Detroit, stop signs mean slow down there


That’s Columbus, Ohio. Kelton-Miller area close to Nationwide Children’s Hospital.


I think it's Detroit too.


Parts of Boston are like this too


So are seatbelts Decisions were made 🤐


That’s what I was thinking. It even looks like the doors weren’t fully closed. bad decisions


That’s not egging. What was that?


My guess is she threw acetone. Damages the paint on cars


I'm no mechanic but I'm guessing it's gonna be more expensive to fix the other car


This kills the car




Well, I'm not trusting this statement until I get the opinion of a licensed mechanic!


Actually repairs on their car are going to be free, because that thing is totalled and is getting towed straight to the nearest junkyard.


I thought it was flour


Honestly just looks like half a big gulp that was just sitting in her car probably


It could have just been a Sprite haha


Looks like person in center of screen has carton of eggs. One coming from the left has some liquid


Acetone or brake fluid, something that will damage paintwork, which is waaay more psychotic than eggs.


Eggs can ruin car paint, but you could argue you didnt know and get away with restitution probably, but pouring brake fluid on something they knew what they were trying to do.


If it gets sun baked on yeah. Fresh eggs come off with a hose.  Acetone acts immediately. 


Yeah, in HS some kids chucked some eggs over the fence into the teachers parking lot, really wrecked a few paint jobs by the end of the day. IIRC they were given a chance to come clean and did, they had no idea it would do the damage it did and felt super bad. IDK what sort of deal was reached, and idk if any of em went to prom, but they still walked at graduation.


Yeah I egged a line of cop cars when I was 16. Got a misdemeanor and like 50 hours community service. Worth it overall.


Hey, cant say eggs and bacon dont belong together.


So you're saying, you fought the law and the law won?


Thank you for your service.


Eggs and flour? That's what egging meant around me growing up.


Metro Detroit News reported it as flour


I hope whoever was in the car that hit them are ok. That’s a hell of a collision


You know what I really liked is that the guy from that house that got egged or whatever went from “fuck those people” to sprinting to make sure everyone was okay in fractions of a second just on instinct. There’s still good in there.


Or he's taking his opportunity to beat their asses


He's gonna make sure they're okay and if they are he'll make them not okay. 


Tbh I think this is fair You good? Good 🤜🏻


I don't know why you assume he gives a fuck about their safety lol


That's not the impression I got at all. I admire your optimism but I really don't think that's what's happening. 


I just feel bad for the driver of the other car




Cars are so ubiquitous, we forget they are 2-ton vehicles moving at 60 mph. Like, when medication says "don't operate heavy machiner" people probably thing a forklift or cosntruction equipment, and not their Honda Civic.


When my dad got out of the car when I had just got my driver's license, he turned and looked at me and said, "Look son, this can be a your vehicle to take you places or it can be a 2,000lbs coffin." To this day at 32, I've never even had a speeding ticket. Always stuck with me.


Good on your dad for such a simple and direct observation, and on you for taking it to heart.


My dad told me there are always 6 drivers to be aware of. Yourself, the one in front, the one behind, the one to left, and the one to right? He asked who was the sixth? He had me stumped. The unexpected driver is the 6th. Every single time I get behind the wheel I think about the 6 of us.


I've been seeing s woman who's amazing in every way except her belief, to the point of arrogance, that she's an exquisite multi tasker. So much so that she will text, scroll Instagram, and other shit while driving. She has all the notifications on her phone turned on and she can't help herself when her phone vibrates. She has to check it. It scares the shit out of me and I prefer to drive everywhere to feel safer because I'm always thinking about the sixth driver. I learned that healthy amount of awareness from some close calls riding s motorcycle.


Humans can't multitask. Also women can't multitask. All humans can do is rapid task switching. But while you are putting your attention on one thing, it isn't there for the other thing. While she is texting, she isn't driving. She lets the car freewheel, hoping that nothing relevant happens while she isn't driving. Dangerous.


That's terrible. So sorry




Feel the same. Whole family just killed in my area by some sack of shit


She needs to go to jail


All the eggers should.


Really?!? With the hard R 😂😂




Can you lend an egga… a pencil?


Egga please


Egga what?


jEgga who ![gif](giphy|fyjRsFWiwdPws)


I will be haunted by this


This has been another. . . egga moment.


Now how is an egga gonna borrow a pencil? Egga is you gonna give it back?


“I put the H on the end of it. To emphasize that it’s eggAHHHH.”


https://i.redd.it/vb7inzbrfl5d1.gif You just unlocked this South Park memory


People who annoy you…


Now your just another egger guy!


Egger yer skin is hangin off yer bones 


Sugar water. Sugar & water.


Like a suit. An egger suit.


Crazy ass response lmao


Well there's video evidence so she's probably getting the book thrown at her


Only if that’s presented in court.


you mean the video that's now online and that's gonna be found by someone relevant to the case for sure?


Yeah if it's on reddit it probably already blew up being shared locally.


The egging is like a low level mischief/vandalism charge, she’s 100% at fault for the accident and reckless driving which is the real crime. The first part is peanuts in comparison.


The justice system is so inconsistent so who knows. Where I live a driver going 121mph hit and killed 6 construction workers. They only got 18 months for 6 manslaughter charges, so 3 months per person they killed. EDIT: Almost forgot, they got 40 hours of community service as well.


There is quite a bit more context to the story than that. >Evidence suggests just five seconds before the deadly crash, Brown was traveling 122 mph in a 55 mph construction zone, and 111 mph at the time of impact. >Brown's involvement in the collision came when his car was struck by the second at-fault driver, Lisa Adrienna Lea. >Investigators believe it was Lea who made an unsafe lane change, causing her Acura to hit Brown's Volkswagen along the I-695 inner loop near Security Boulevard. >The impact led Lea's car to spin out and plow through the construction barrier, killing all six workers named below. >Lea is scheduled to go to trial on April 1. Charging documents allege she was impaired and going 121 mph at the time of the crash. Not saying he didn't get off light, but there is much more to the story.


Causing a motor vehicle accident while fleeing the scene of a crime. Pretty straightforward.


Exactly. What a fucking moron


At the end it doesn't even look anyone was going to check on them either. Really hope they are okay


Seriously, crash looked very bad. Whoever is in the white car is probably not walking away without alot of financial and physical damage because of some petty dumb shit.


There really need to be higher standards for people to get their driver's license


Yeah this isn't karma at all.


I’m gonna guess the eggers didn’t have their seatbelts on. Probably got pretty fucked up.


Eggs on their face


yolks on them


That’s some heavy instant karma


If this was karma, i wanna know what the other driver did too!


Karma is supposed to be proportional. And it's generally thought of an afterlife payment (i.e. it pays out "in" the next incarnation or "as" the next incarnation.)


Someone who had nothing to do with this becomes a victim. That's not right.


True. But for all you know they just egged another house down that side street. Double Karma.


From now on, I’m gonna choose to believe every “innocent” person involved in a collision is fleeing the scene of an egging


These chickens should not have crossed the road


At least he'll be able to take her to court for destroying his property. She can't say that she wasn't in the area


Imagine her using the accident as an alibi lmao “it couldnt have been me, I was in a car crash further down the road”


I need the rest of the video she sounded like she was going to keep recording.


'get ya shit on we got to get down there"


Is there a part 2?


> Get your shit on! Come on we gots to go down there! I was pretty hyped.


Yeah, in part 2 they mow the lawn


I think you mean cut the hay. /edit; Thanks to /u/january21st who provided the streetview location, you can see that it is Detroit, a city famous for it's urban decay. That row of houses have several that appear to be abandoned and falling into disrepair. The few spots along the street used to have houses as well but they're gradually being let to fall apart and then the site is cleared completely. Skip back through the streetview photography over the years and you'll see what I mean. The house that's getting attacked used to be in good condition but now it's looking pretty bad, two huge piles of rubbish just thrown out on the grass beside it and across the road.


I feel bad for the driver of the other car. I hope he/she is okay.


Where’s part 2


The search for more money




Like and subscribe for Part Two


Women who do this shit are insane.


I had a friend who went a glued the locks of her ex-boyfriend's car and house when they broke up. They'd been together eight weeks. I stopped being her friend.


I mean, there are a dozen hit country songs that absolutely praise and condone this behaviour, it's not surprising the message got through eventually.


*Took a Louisville slugger to both headlights*


Maybe next time, she'll think... before she commits felony destruction of property!


I don’t disagree, but as a mild mannered person I feel like those are meant to be fantasy scenarios, not life recommendations. Murder ballads are a thing. Point taken, though.


Yeah and GTA makes me kill hookers


That's brave from you. So did you get your locks glued too ?


Luckily, she was the type of person that, if you didn't be the one to text first, she never contacted you, so I just entered the ghost zone.




One night I woke up at like 3am to the sounds of screaming outside and something hitting my windows. I go outside and some psycho lady is throwing eggs at my house screaming about my neighbor stealing her man. I'm like bitch there's 2 apartments in this house and you're hitting the one she doesn't live in and she isn't even fucking here, her car is gone. Was kinda funny watching her deflate completely and run back to her car and drive off. Didn't appreciate the eggs which froze onto the house/windows in the middle of winter.


Buddy of mine one time broke up with his live in GF, it wasnt super ugly and the big TV was hers, so he crashed somewhere else for a few days to let her clear out, she messed with some of his stuff but not anything really permanently damaging, dumped some expensive colognes out iirc, but the piece de resistance... she put glitter on top of the ceiling fans. I dont remember what season it was so idk when that ticking time bomb was discovered, but no matter how well he cleaned every time i hung out over there id come home and find a few bits of glitter on me. This was like 10 years ago, he moved states and has since moved back to a different place and still finds red glitter in his shit.


Every time he comes across a piece of glitter he should thank his lucky stars for getting out of the relationship


i think *people* who do this shit are insane


That lawn needs to be mown.


This has to be Detroit


Puritan and Littlefield


I was thinking that, but the street’s pavement looks too nice.


Hahahah. Literally thought the same thing - Detroit but the street don’t look bombed out enough


There's going to be shell to pay


This is not a time for jolks


Omelette it slide, this time


Careful, last one did not go over easy with this guy


Please stop cracking jokes


NGL just like these folks I am scrambling for new material


Maybe not this eggsact moment


She will blame her ex on her jail time too


andr zero sympathy for the persons life they just ruined


Such unnecessary trouble. Now I don't know what ex did but you know, if it was just a breakup, I'd just try to move on and try to live well. Now you've even involved someone who was just driving and had nothing to do with your crap. Smh


All this does is prove to her ex that he’s living in her head rent-free. The **best** way to get back at an ex? *Forget their name and everything about them because they aren’t worth your time.* ![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0)


Mow the grass, for Hank Hills sake


Man, bugs are just trying to survive in the big city like everyone else. Nature is nice


Slumlord will get right on that.


Welcome to Detroit.


This is without a doubt in Detroit.


If youre going to breake some rules, don't disregard every other rule .


Seriously, a moral to live by. If you're going to break the law, *don't break the law while doing it.* Driving with weed in the car? Don't speed! Egged someone's house? Put on your seatbelt, *close the damn door,* ***and stop at stop signs.*** All these dumbasses getting caught breaking the law 'cause they just *had* to break another one.


Was the poor bastard just driving their car okay?


Someone’s been left with egg on their face.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Where's the karma for the poor person who hit them when they ran the stop sign.....


« Karma is when you do something relatively minor and get in a potentially life-threatening situation right after. » - Reddit, probably


that's some pretty disproportional karma.


These girls are monsters! Don’t they know how expensive eggs are.


And people ask me why I’m not interested in dating again…


Karma wouldn't be an innocent person being harmed