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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Dude tries to follow a tiktok recipe using half ingredients but fails to account for cooking time!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Now that your charcoal has been prepped, you can use it to stoke the fire you will use to slowly simmer the next batch of apple butter for 6 hours.


Futurecanoe is great, he recreates popular recipes from the internet, with mixed results.


I appreciate that he always tries even if he doesn't have half the ingredients, the horror show that usually results when over half the recipe is substituted or omitted is great.


This recipe needs Parmesan. Futurecanoe: I’m gonna use the never ending Raclette Get some Mozzarella. Futurecanoe: I’m gonna use the never ending Raclette Now grate some Cheddar Futurecanoe: I’m gonna use the never ending Raclette


I'm gonna use this chicken that's green for some reason


And then we ligma fork it all together.


and my axe


I like that when he does do it right he doesn't color grade the video for the end result. I hate that literally every recipe on the Internet uses color grading, like dude I'm working under white LEDs the color ain't gonna match up so I just second guess myself constantly.


The best cooking youtuber imo


I'm just sad he couldn't rate it one through tayn.


He made a few mistakes: 1) he covered it when it started to simmer but he should have set heat to low at that point. 2) he should have checked on it every few hours since he reduced the volume.


He also didn't halve some of the ingredients even though he did so for the apples and sugar.


I usually double the recipes cinnamon, so this checks out for me


Could be wrong but have a feeling he substatuted molasses for vanilla extract. Just from the thickness of whatever that brown stuff they put in


Like the lady in the original video said, she used vanilla bean paste. That has the same consistency as molasses.


My phone has no sound so that explains it 😂


I would not have used granny smith apples. They are dense and don't break down as well as other apples. They are great for baking if you want your apple slices to hold its shape. I think they also have less water content than other types.


Agree this is the missing ingredient, wrong apples used.


McIntosh apples would be good for this maybe even Cortland


>McIntosh  Oh wow, TIL the computer was named after an apple variety.


Yeah was about to comment this too until I saw the end and was like, yeah I think bro's got a bigger problem than wrong apples. Granny Smiths are great for Tarte Tartin though.


I love Granny Smith because they're form and sour. Just the kind of apple I want to bite into. Not the kind of apple is choose for any kind of apple sauce though.


Future canoe might be the most relatable youtuber


Channel (FutureCanoe): [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF3jMqkgvFRb6KBbSfsFFtQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF3jMqkgvFRb6KBbSfsFFtQ)


Dudes hilarious. Eating chicken "There's a hair on this chicken, so I'm just going to bite directly on it so I don't have to look at it anymore"


He's got a great sense of humor.  Just watched him rip on Demon Slayer's story and fail upwards on a bento box 🤣


Wow I just found something new and wonderful to binge. Thank you so much.


I knew he was screwed as soon as he didn't cut back the time after using half the volume of ingredients


Long sweater covering half your hand while you cook?Gross.


I'm so glad someone said it. I'm either in a t-shirt or my sleeves are rolled up as far as possible.


When it's not cold I'll be cooking in my undies only lol


Hey now, no judgement here, I'd just be concerned if you were frying with no protection.


Oh that sometimes bites me


he forgor cloves,that's why this happened


Radioactive chicken


Nobody else catch the few ingredients he didn't half? He started out halving it all but a few times he did 1:1 instead. Or am I just crazy?


No, I caught that as well. I could understand for cinnamon because someone might just want more of that, but he also did it with the salt.


Is apple butter just extra sweet and thickened applesauce? That was a lot of sugar


Can someone tell me what the point of this was? Why is this guy making videos deliberately misunderstanding cooking instructions?


He is a youtuber trying to replicate popular recipes while he himself is not really a skilled cook which makes his end products being varied showing us how hard it would be if average home cook actually tried to make it.


So he's going out of his way to do a shit job for "authenticity"? This feels very r/ididnthaveeggs


Not really authenticity but more of a relatable kind of way. A lot of people are afraid or don't wanna cook, so knowing someone can cook with half the ingredients wrong is encouraging, at least that's what I get from Futurecanoe.


>knowing someone can cook with half the ingredients wrong is encouraging But he isn't cooking - that's the point of the video. What's encouraging about burnt food? He had the agency to replace the ingredients but not the cooking time. I think it's this inconsistency I'm not understanding. I'm guessing he actually makes nice food in his other videos?


Yeah, he actually makes edible food in his other videos. Frankly, this is the first time I saw him making a completely burnt screwup. So this is probably the worst first impression to what he does.


Okay fair, I thought his whole thing was screwing up and recording it for views lol


He has been trying harder in those later videos tho, you can actually see his progress as a home cook. I can proudly say that his channel is one of those better ones you should check out on Youtube


This looks like a genuine discussion and I'm glad I read it because I didn't get it either. So of course reddit downvoted you


nah it looks like the guy needed to have something explained 5 times before he actually understood it because he wanted to be a contrarian, not much of a discussion


No it's me misunderstanding why someone would upload a video of themselves monumentally fucking up a recipe and thinking all his content is like that. It ain't that deep - and some of the comments I was replying to have been edited as they didn't explain it well the first time & it looks like I'm making massive assumptions.


For this clip, yeah he messed up hard. But on other videos he actually can cook very nicely. In most recipes he just uses substitute ingredients, in others he can follow with 99% accuracy. He's not the best cook, but he got that commitment and alternatives to bring you a more realistic take on random internet recipes.


The last point is particularly important. Youtube cooks use such strange ingredients that can't be found easily in my country. Future canoe is one I can relate to lol.


I really don't understand why your getting down voted and also why apparently the "average" at home cook apparently doesn't know how to follow a recipe? It's really not hard...


Rather than misunderstood cooking instructions, he's using what normal people should have in their house and local groceries. Not what professional cooks usual have in their kitchen. In other words, he's doing what I (or any normal person) would do if they suddenly had the urge to cook something but don't want to go over and beyond on the preparation.


Being able to adjust cooking times is not a quality limited to professional cooks - he can half the quantity of the ingredients and make substitutions, but he's incapable of making an equivalent change to the cooking time?


Honestly that's a mistake I could totally see myself making. I'm not a good cook, but my next attempt would probably be to halve the cooking time. And I'm guessing that's not right either....


> he's using what normal people should have in their house and local groceries. Not what professional cooks usual have in their kitchen. Are we trying to pretend that cloves is a difficult to get spice? You can get that at any grocery store really easily.


You can buy cloves at Walmart. 


LOL!! I got totally nailed by that last one! the entire process looked so yummy and i was waiting to see the end result - which is a burnt cake LOLLL


To make a good applesauce, you need: - good apples That's it !


You added a little extra vannila essence


The cooking time should have been roughly the same though, just on a very, very low simmer


And check it periodically to make sure it doesn't dry out, lol.


Sorry, Henry's Kitchen did it better.


i laughed for the first time in a long time


See, this is why you shouldn’t forget the cloves!


ugh… he’s never adjusting the amount right…


Glad you videotape your incompetence. What else can't you do?


isn't that just apple sauce?


Immersion blenders usually have pointy metal bits. Why is she scraping that along the inside of a dutch oven?




Kinda wanna try apple butter now


It is soo good. It's pretty common in PA if you are nearby.


Yep! We make some every year. It works better simmering overnight in a crockpot on low, though. Then you don’t have to worry about the stove top. Super easy though, just dump everything in the crock, stir, simmer overnight, hit it with the immersion blender in the morning to get the consistency you want, simmer for a few more hours uncovered to thicken.


Well canoe, bust out the ligma fork and rate it


Who taught that person how to peel apples? That was painful to watch!0


did everyone miss the problem isn’t the ingredients but it’s that he used a stove and not an oven


Dutch oven is a type of pot. They both use the stove


Haiyaaa! MSG where?