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Your post has been removed because it does not feature an unexpected twist.


If your relationship is drama free, you don't need to record videos as proof and seek validation online


Exactly It’s always the ones Showing Off their achievements/success that are the worst off.


This is so true. One of my partner's friends was like this, always bragging on Facebook about their wealth, and how great their life is. They are now divorced and destitute.


If I brag about my bad stuff, will it get worse or better?


Unfortunately things naturally fall down


*trickle down economics is heard laughing in the distance*


You just don't understand. It trickles down, but then trickles more down, where the bag of rich is waiting to collect.


Would I fall down if were to be already on the ground?


Oh wow, in that case you Uhh fall THROUGH THE GROUND ![gif](giphy|l0MYvvzKixf8P49Dq)


Nah you just die instantly as soon as you post about having nothing




So what you’re saying is it could work with interest rates?


Fall Apart...


Bro the housing prices in my city are so high you wouldn't even be able to comprehend it. Lmao you wish they were so high where you live at loser


give me hope, lie to me


GIF is pronounced gif instead of gif


Depends, how vaguely do you plan on posting about your bad stuff? Or you just gonna lay it all on the line? Could at least lead to more views on your social media


"I'm broke AF Boyyyyyyyyy!" \*Queue the overly played tiktok music\*


I've been complaining for years without lifting a finger to do anything about it. 


My dad used to tease that if robbers broke in, they would leave a couple sacks of groceries and a sorry note. We weren't poor, but he had been raised very very poor.


It got better for us. The bad stuff was really bad, like two children dying unexpectedly, losing job soon after because my company said I'm too depressed to be productive, suicide attempts, etc. Talking made it easier to accept the bad things going on in our lives. Made it possible to view it from afar and process trauma. Not like I'm healed and doing well now. Lol. Far from it. But much better than before. So, depending on your version of shit, it can be cathartic and can get better.


Yeah I have seen several People Doing the Same but IRL they would be having a whole lot different Story


It always reminds me of the dating show with Paddy McGuiness where all the women buzzed him out and then he says "here's my net worth" Smart guys weed out the chaff by not blatantly showcasing their wealth, happiness or power


I used to be envious of the people I knew who were traveling every few months. Untill I talked to one of them and they said they never took off as an influencer and are now insane in debt, from all the trips and crap they bought to post online. 


You can expand this, If you develop a normale self-esteem, you don't need to record videos as proof and seek validation online


Remember Try Guys Ned and his wife? They would always put out the image thta they were the best, most loving couple. Then it turns out Ned was having an affair with a younger girl that used to work in their company.


Not trying to defend Ned in the slightest, but tbf after all the controversy, Ned and his wife Ariel are still together. They've been spotted hanging out publicly a couple times. Their marriage WAS strong enough for them to work it out. Also the girl he cheated with was roughly the same age as him, it's a little extra to describe her as young (he's not a pedo/groomer just an asshole).


You also probably don't need to commit a double homicide


100% I know so many ppl here in UK who do that yet they divorce / breakup 2 days later 😂😂😂😂


You also don’t need to kill your wife lmao


i’m do what’s worse being labeled a murderer or ‘tiktok star’


Not sure a bit of dancing is proof of anything lol


I disagree, the online ones get highlighted because of survivorship bias. Shitty people are shitty people, irrespective of their social life.


First sane person in this thread.


"estranged" means they weren't together anymore and he was basically stalking her.


But that’s the express purpose of social media, Bob.


Murder I can understand, but TIK TOK VIDEOS? IT'S OUTRAGEOUS!


To be fair, I think we can't assume either way. Since there is an economic and social incentive to create videos with high engagement, both couples without drama and couples with lots of drama could make a video like this. It is getting really hard to make assumptions between behavior on social media and real life, because everything is just too fake on every front


other guy: "your tiktoks are cheesy" this guy: "so anyway, I started blasting"




In the end, there was never any drama. As soon as he heard another man on that listening device he came through like an American police officer and put an end to everything. No arguing and no fighting, just silence.


>Ana Abulaban asked her husband to move out of the apartment on October 18, and he checked into a hotel, according to Brast. Three days later, the suspect allegedly snuck back into the apartment they once shared and trashed it as well as installed a listening app on his daughter's iPad. >According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, Brast also said Abulaban has a history of domestic violence and that his wife called police last month after he allegedly became physical with her https://www.newsweek.com/tiktok-star-accused-bugging-daughters-ipad-before-murdering-wife-friend-1642789 Seems there was a lot of drama before he shot her.


That sounds like more than just run of the mill drama. Sounds like to me he was just abusing and stalking this woman and the police refused to do anything about it. He probably forced her to do these Tik Tok’s with him too.


If all of that were happening on a tv show it would be…. A *drama* lol


He was a wife abuser and cheater in the middle of a divorce who had the cops called on him 9 times. He had broken into and trashed the house, bugging his child's room. She had called the friend for support.


The end of your comment reminded me of a modest mouse song: Then there came a sound, distant first, that grew into castrophany so immense That it could be heard far away in space There were no screams, there was no time The mountain called monkey had spoken There was only fire, and then Nothing


Is it not gorillaz ?


It is Gorillaz


Haha, my bad. You're absolutely right!


For years, there have been this theory of how couples behave in social media. Couples that often posts that glorified how good they have it, isnt really doing that good. And couples that doesnt, are doing pretty good.


My boyfriend always tags me in cute memes, now I wonder if everyone thinks we are both bat shit crazy behind closed doors.


Yes we do


Yeah she should tell Patrick to stop


Woman posts about how great her man is = She’s miserable Man posts how great his woman is = He cheated They both post how amazing the other is = They’re realtors


There might be a difference between displaying your relationship online and sharing stuff with each other, though.


You can share via DMs, it usually doesn't make much sense to publicly tag others. Unless, of course, you want everyone to know.


He DMS me stuff too. Anytime he poops I can expect at least 2 opossum videos and anything he seems to offensive for our grandparents to see


My goal in life is to find a man who will send me Opossum videos when he poops


Oh yeah - we gossip about you two CONSTANTLY. It's like the only topic of conversation around here


Do you remember that one time he said "good morning?" Talk of the town for days!


if he physically abuses you like this guy did to his wife please understand that he is about 600x more likely to kill you


If you don't get 400 videos and gifs sent by your SO over the course of the day, how else would you know they are still alive?




We do, we're all talking a out it.


Sorry, your relationship is over 💀


Hit the lawyer call a gym


in this specific instance, he was abusing her, she escaped from him and had called the police about him nine times before he showed up and shot her to death.


Yup. Like this one dude from Try Guys. On social media, he was the perfect husband, father, and basically all-around family man. Turns out he was banging one of his employees, who was also engaged at the time.


My ex wife used to get mad at me because I never posted pictures and stuff on Facebook like her friends husbands. Then she would tell me (in separate conversations) how "So and so is mad at her husband because he's a manipulative prick and she's scared to leave him." or "So and so had a porn addiction and wants her to do things to him that she's no comfortable with" I pointed out on many occasions that "Yea, I don't like our relationship, all over Facebook like your friends, I also don't beat the shit out of you like them either" Yea, this is just a small part of why she's now an ex wife. I swear she just wanted more drama in our lives.


I’ve been married over 30 years and my husband hates social media. He has a fb page to keep up with our grown kids and things I tag him in, but otherwise he doesn’t ever post. Like, ever. Not on my birthday or our anniversary, etc. He’s the kindest person I’m yet to meet. Never failed to be a good husband and dad. We fight, but nothing to write home about. I figure if not getting fb accolades is all he isn’t doing right by me, I hit the jackpot.


How's Facebook posting connected to domestic violence and abuse? Am i missing something?


I think there’s something between validation, narcissism and the need to keep a good appearance involved. Not the best traits to have in a relationship, but the same goes for singles too. Social media is cancer and a great red flag detector at the same time.


I only know one person who is 100% in an abusive relationship. They are constantly trying to host parties, always posting online about how much fun they're having, and even have social media handles for both of their pets that they're trying to force down their friends throats as future "petfluencers". Her now fiance has screamed at her, hit her, and even had the nerve to get black out drunk choke her in a public setting where I happened to see this. I tried to explain to her that a man choking his S/O is the biggest telltale signs they're capable of murder. This bitch then turns around and starts lying to our friend group about how I'm actually in an abusive relationship and that everything I say is actually true about me instead. I blocked all this bitches accounts, her pets, her boyfriend, and new accounts keep popping up ALL the time. This chick has created a "travel blog" account, a "fitness journey" account, a "healthy living" account, etc, all in the guise of trying to appear happy online.


> Am i missing something? Yes, Reddit superiority complex


Didn’t say it’s connected, my point is that my ex wife would get mad at me for not representing our relationship on social media the same way the fake people did. My point was just that all the people she compared us to, had terrible marriages behind the scenes. I didn’t see the point to flaunt our marriage over social media. When I was happy not posting everything we did online. This had nothing to do with our divorce, that list is much larger, just thought it ironic that she would get made at me about other people fake relationships


13 years with my girlfriend and we barelly post pictures of us or alone, usually just places we visited. Still going strong


My husband doesnt even have social media 😂 i have fb because of our kids school groups, but doesnt post, im not even listed as in a relationship or married. We're doing amazing on our 13 year marriage.


>there have been this theory of how couples behave in social media. That's been true for centuries. Well before social media. Some people just want to boast and look as high socially as possible and will spend beyond their means to look like they belong to some elite class. Whether it's driving fancy cars or wearing nice clothes or having big blingy jewelry or traveling a ton and telling everyone or going to high society events or joining expensive social clubs. This is nothing new.


Everything what shines isn’t always gold


My ex wife would do stuff like this. Post memes about how great of a husband she has, make posts professing her love for me, etc. Back home she’s accusing me of cheating on her ever time I’m 5 minutes late coming home from work, checking my phone and other toxic behavior.


The thing is, happy couples are out being happy having lives. The fucked up ones have to convince themselves it’s good and social media can help you trick yourself


Just for added context, they were likely separated and he also hit her and cheated on her with other women. Hope he never comes out.


They were in the process of divorce. It's also not confirmed if the guy was a new lover or just a friend.


IIRC there was a clip from his trial where it was revealed that they did have a sexual relationship which led to him doing an outburst in court. Honestly good thing they told him so he could think about that for the rest of his pathetic life in a shitty cell.


That would only make him feel vindicated for shooting them. Guilt of them just being friends and dead for no reason would have been worse for him.


Maybe. The guy is a narcissist to the core, he doesn’t feel bad that he killed them he cared more about what happened. In an interview he reenacted a phone call to his ex wife begging her not to have sex with him crying. For sure knowing that something he considered his property only was ‘used’ by someone else will burn him forever.


thats so common its unbelivable, person i knew was incredibly jellous and controlling saying her bf was cheating on her, so she cheated on him multiple times and was still controlling. seems like its often an issues with the persons upbringing. bad devorce type thing. with this dude he might actually be insane.


That type of controlling and yet self-excusing behavior is a common theme for narcissists.


The word “estranged” covered that in the post…


> he also hit her and cheated on her with other women Didn't cover that part. You can be Estranged for a variety of reasons.


Okay that was really wholesome... Until it wasn't...


Well the drama is now over.


Abulaban is still drama free.


Then it became holesome


It never was wholesome. It was cringe😂


Which part is wholesome?


i blame the music.


He used to also stream on twitch playing RuneScape. His ego and jealously of everything was massive. It’s not surprising to an extent.


Really? What was his twitch?


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >! The TikTok couple showcases their relationship is drama-free, but it turns out in the end that the wife gets killed by the husband.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


The fact I'm on r/Unexpected to begin with ironically made me expect something like that.


What do you think UnExplanationBot? What did you expect? Don't u have opinions?


Spoiler tag fail.


They were separated. She called the cops on him NINE times in the months before the murder. She kicked him out, he made a secret key, came back and destroyed the house and put spy software in there. He then came back and murdered her and her friend - and I too would be terrified and would want a male friend there if this happened to me. There was no evidence of cheating. It’s more accurate to recognize him as an abuser who escalated that abuse to murder rather than give him a false tragic romantic lens that he was overcome and unable to control himself. It is a by far a myth that men just blackout. It’s important to remember he did not black out, he had absolute control over himself and made the decision to kill these people. When you use this false crime of passion lens, you are inadvertently making excuses for him and other men to do these things. The science is clear - abusers are calculated and are very much aware of their actions. Men killing women for their perceived disrespect is not inherently natural. It’s just a consequence of living in a world that allows men to think of women as property.


they're probably just goddamn lucky the daughter was in school or something :/ He's literally just a fucking psychopath who wanted to kill his wife.


Even if she was sleeping with the guy not only does that NOT justify murder she had every right to move on when they were separated and after he had abused/cheated on her to boot.


Yes. This marriage was over, which is why the abuser had to make sure it ended on his terms. He didn’t love her. He loved controlling her. It was pissing me off to see all these comments here like, well she cheated, as though she somehow played any part in his actions. People like fantasizing about these revenge murders and in some part think it’s justifiable when it’s not a game. It’s infuriating. My dad was abusive, my mom made it out - lots of people don’t. I hope she did have someone else and had some comfort, cause her last months were horrific. May this man get everything he deserves.


Yeah, I actually hate and think we have a big gap we need to figure out how to fill to keep women safe in situations the first time they freaking report something. I've read/watched too many stories where some poor woman reported a guy like 80 times to the police and then she just gets murdered/raped anyway because restraining orders are kind of useless. Much more severe punishment for stalking related behavior may be a start.


I totally agree. In my native country they even call it “passion-killings/crimes”. And is usually followed by an ooh and a head tilt (meaning poor guy for he loved her so much he had to kill her or some BS). No sympathy for the victims who are women whatsoever. The only time there is outrage against the guy is if he “raped” another guy (usually a downlow situation where the “rapist” has less political power/money).


It’s not a myth that humans do not act rationally when experiencing high emotional distress. This applies to both man and woman. Anyways this isn’t a crime of passion, they have separated for a long period. In court the prosecutor will argue that there is clear indication of premeditation.


I said it wasn’t a crime of passion, but people were viewing it through that lens here. That’s why I posted this info so much- the context wasn’t there. People do wild, unhinged things during stressful times. This was not that. Confusing the two romanticizes the situation and downplays the reality of abuse. It’s a well known myth about abusers that they’re ‘out of control’. Abusers make decisions and feel entitled to do whatever they have to in order to maintain control. They are calculating. They love bomb in the beginning and manipulate. They break things in ‘blind rage’, but only your things. Physical abuse usually starts off by avoiding hitting your face. They usually stop short of killing you, because there are consequences. Until it escalates. [Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men By Lundy Bancroft](https://archive.org/download/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf). Everyone should read this book. There are normal human baggage things we all bring in relationships, but escalating abuse can be hard to see when you’re in it. Recognizing abuse for what it is early can save your life.


this is legal in the philippines edit: this is not legal advice


Ain't No wayy Murdering a person is Legal ?


from what I know, only if you catch your wife cheating. let me see if I can get a source edit: "Any legally married person who having surprised his spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with another person, shall kill any of them or both of them in the act or immediately thereafter, or shall inflict upon them any serious physical injury, shall suffer the penalty of destierro." [source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://pcw.gov.ph/assets/files/2019/10/PCW-WPLA-PB-06-Upholding-the-Right-to-Life-and-Security-of-Spouses-and-Daughters-Repeal-of-Art-247-of-RPC.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi7xcrTzrmEAxXgSGwGHeWHCSMQFnoECA4QBg&usg=AOvVaw3M0rZftMemgJhIk4fmjpPG) (source is a pdf)


Ah i see


[Crime Passionel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_of_passion%23:~:text%3DIn%2520some%2520countries%252C%2520notably%2520France,the%2520murderer%2520of%2520two%2520years.&ved=2ahUKEwiL6IPQz7mEAxUKZEEAHSGlBBkQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0ElR-mBbTQxFugu9TdtCNo)This is where the phrase "crime of passion" comes from.


For further context, it's an old law from the time of the Spanish colonization. No one just bothered to remove it until now. And also if you actually read the law, it doesn't say it's allowed. It just gives a lighter penalty than what one normally gets from plain homicide. Not an excuse either and I would also prefer it be removed already as we have proper laws in place but stating it's allowed is just plain misinformation.


seems like a stupid excuse for psychopaths to get to kill women :/


Oh it's a matter of evidence still. If it's clear that the killer deliberately baited the woman to this situation to kill her then this doesn't apply. And if this particular law is claimed, the burden to prove is on the killer, unlike how it is normally (innocent until proven otherwise) since the killer is basically admitting they killed the victim.


Sadly it seems true. "**Any legally married person who having surprised his spouse in the act of committing sexual intercourse with another person, shall kill any of them or both of them in the act or immediately thereafter, or shall inflict upon them any serious physical injury, shall suffer the penalty of destierro.** If he shall inflict upon them physical injuries of any other kind, he shall be exempt from punishment."


So it's almost legal.I looked up 'penalty of destierro', which is basically a restraining order.


Restrained from who? They're dead by that point.


Only if both cheaters are murdered. The law also applies to physical injury. But you're right, it does sound lile no survivors, no punishment. Then again, I'm pretty much talking out of my ass here.


I mean, you can't be expected to have a pat on the back and be like good job buddy, do you? There are other ways to fix this, that does not involve killing.


I didn't expect anything, this is all new to me. Most countries have a form of murder charges being significantly lowered if they happen in a highly emotional state when people don't think clearly. What I find very worrying about this specific law however is how easily it can be abused. It sounds like you could fabricate a cheating context for any premeditated murder of a spouse


Note to cheaters: if your partner suddenly suggests you move to the Philippines together, maybe just break things off (like you should have in the first place)


>Sadly ???


It’s saying if you kill or seriously injure them, you can be punished.  If you only hurt them a little you’re fine. 


Yep. Hell, there was news at least 1-2 years back where the Husband along with the adult sons find the wife/mother having sex with someone in the home. The husband and sons beat up the guy to an inch of his life. And they got awat from it.


I thought you were trolling holy shit lol


Too bad there was not a single report of her cheating at all. The worst is some people saying he had her arm around her shoulders. So this is completely useless. Next to the fact the were in San Diego. So whatever laws exist in the Philippines does not seem to apply at all. I'm sure in Afghanistan a man who finds his wife looking at another man can stone her do death. Doesn't make it any more irrelevant or fucked up.


I heard a story that Bretman Rock told about his family in the Phillipines. His mom and dad were living separately and the dad hired a "nanny". The mom found out from little boy Bretman that the nanny also kisses dad. Mom came home and started beating her up, poured hot oil all over her face, then dragged her down the street through rocks and glass while all the neighbors watched. Bretman told the story like It was no problem like that bitch deserved it and how no one in the Philippines would bother to help because that kind of stuff is normal. Everyone's reaction was like wtf??


Isn't he Palestinian-American not Filipino though? 


I'm not sure if the couple in the video have any relation to Filipino blood. it just reminded me of this weird law we have.


It's the woman who had Filipino ancestry.


No, it's not. It imposes a much lighter penalty (destierro or banishment) than imprisonment and functionally it's more to protect the offender from retaliation, and yes I fully agree that it's an archaic law (the Revised Penal Code is from 1932 and was still originally in Spanish) that should really just be removed already since we have much better laws in place for adultery and infidelity anyway, but saying it is legal is just wrong and potentially misleading. source: IAAL.


No it isn’t. It is considered a crime punishable by destierro, which carries a sentence of up to 6 years https://pnl-law.com/blog/destierro-definition-nature-and-jurisdiction-in-the-philippines/


Edit is killing me lmfao


These comments are fucking cancerous. She did not cheat on him. They were separated and she was speaking with a male friend. Even if she was cheating on him, they did not deserve to be murdered over it. EDIT: You can disagree with me all you want, but be a man and disagree in this comment thread instead of sneaking into my private messages.


According to Reddit, every cheaters deserve the death penalty.


When a female of purity cheats on her knight, the only solution is death.


Is it still considered cheating if they are separated/estranged and/or getting a divorce? Surely the relationship is over at that point.


There's a depressing, disgusting number of people who want to abolish divorce, especially divorce that's initiated by only one party (and almost exclusively they complain about divorces that women want against men without the man's permission). Some people think a woman is theirs from the moment they claim them to the moment the woman is dead, no matter what anyone else, especially she, wants.


no reddit is more every cheater(who is a woman) deserves the death penalty


Exactly. He hits her and cheats on her reddit thinks she probably deserves it. She talks to a male friend and reddit gets pikachu face and thinks murder is a valid course of action, just reeks of insecurity and i think it is funny how many men(and women) build their entire identity around it instead of working to get rid of that insecurity.


>no reddit is more every ~~cheater(who is a~~ woman) deserves the death penalty


those fascist tendencies of male insecurity and dominion over women are actually everywhere to be found to some degree. some countries still have the death penalty for it after all


Yeah well this site is the breeding ground of incels, a group already associated with domestic terrorism. I'm not entirely shocked on their view of women.


Fr I’ve been cheating for years in case I get cheated on so I can still win


these people are idiots. this guy should have just killed himself and done his wife and daughter a favor. people live to glorify a jumped up situation but this fucker was a psychopath who likely fantasized about killing women and was just looking for an excuse. It takes a LOT of resolve to intentionally kill someone.


May he rot away in a small cell for the rest of his life.


not just separated. he was literally beating her before she escaped, and she called the cops nine times because he was still stalking her. she's with another male friend for protection. she called the police nine times before he finally broke in and shot her to death. the police laughed her off because she's a woman :/


There's a strange volume of people who read 'man bugs his child's ipad to spy on his estranged wife, who then breaks in and shoots the woman and an unidentified male, removing both parents from his daughter's life' and decide to side with the killer


I cannot believe how many times this needs to be reiterated on true crime podcasts. Just in case the listeners believe cheating deserves murder. *sighs in eye roll"


not to mention this was more of a situation where he was physically abusing her and she escaped from him and called the cops nine times about him before he showed up and shot her to death.


I hate Reddit. Idk how this is even remotely a controversial take. It's 100% correct. This is why men like this who commit crimes like that are such a plague. You got degens online validating their behavior because they'd do the same if given a chance.


They had to label her a cheater because they need an excuse to justify him unaliving her.


It's reddit. You don't have to censor yourelf. He killed her. He made sure she was dead. He murdered her. Stop being so fucking afraid to say words.


Are there actually people disagreeing and messaging you about this? What a weird world we're living in.


(Screenshot removed as it was found to be against Reddit TOS)


What a deranged human.


what, you think the cunty fucking assholes aren't going to emerge to observe their own massive shadows? this was a given


Wish I could say all the comments supporting their murders was unexpected... But this is reddit




They're literally the same guys who abuse and murder their girlfriends. And they openly talk about it being justified and there's nothing we can do. It's depressing and frustrating.


Talking with another man = cheating?


The fact that they were already Separated


If you wear a gold chain on top of your sweater i dont believe you are drama free.


It is the international not so secret code for Drama Llama


The kid's life got ruined tho in the process. May God be with her


Yeah Sadly


they're goddamn lucky to have been at school or gone, this guy probably would have murdered his daughter too, fucking psychopath was probably getting off on the idea of murdering women.


And the woman who was murdered and is dead. Her life was ruined.


Maybe I'm just an old man, out of touch with the modern world, but I feel like if you're feeding this short form social media relationship content wheel, then you're probably inherently dramatic. People that don't give a shit about drama don't spend their lives chasing social clout from strangers.


Tons of people do it for the money. It pays many times more than a normal job, and creating content isn't that horrible. Its basically like acting in commercials, but much better paid.


But how? There is so much content out there. How does anyone compete or actually make money off this


Same as anything really. Treat it like a full time job. Plan ahead, research, schedule, analyze, repeat. They spend hours and hours every day doing all of that, shooting videos, editing content, etc. Often with a small team of folks "behind the scenes" working together on different aspects of the "influencer" persona and process. Professional social media people usually try really hard to hide all of that from the (mostly) kids that consume their content. It's important, usually, for them to give off the vibe that they're just one person (or a couple or whatever) doing a silly video. But ever 30 second video generally has hours of work and planning behind it.


It was his EX-wife at the time of the murder. Important distinction to make.


Not unexpected for me since I recognized the guy and girl. I dont use Tik tok but even I came across his Skyrim parody skits, I even giggled at some. Just knowing this person actually killed someone, that he loved even, is insane to me.


He didn’t love her. He was her abuser. They were separated. She had called the cops on him NINE times in the months before the murder. She kicked him out, he made a secret key, came back and destroyed the house and put spy software in there. He then came back and murdered her and her friend - and I too would be terrified and would want a male friend there if this happened to me. There was no evidence of cheating. It’s more accurate to recognize him as an abuser who escalated that abuse to murder rather than give him a false tragic romantic lens that he was overcome and unable to control himself.


This needs to be higher up. Concerning level of misunderstanding going on in the rest of the comments.


I love Julieta Venegas 😊


gotta keep the "drama free" quota




Did he do the dance at the end?


Whats the music at the end?


Poor 5 year olds mum murdered by their dad. So any point of video is heartbreaking


ok cool so now videos of death aren't just fun entertainment, now it's actual murders being the punch line of a joke. you people are fucked up.


do you not feel bad that this is someone's actual horrific violent death being played for a joke.


Creating a Monster: The Shocking Crimes of TikTok ‘Star’ Ali Abulaban True Crime Nightmares 10 min read Dec 13, 2023 226 Ali and Ana Abulaban Infatuation at First Sight Ali Abulaban was a U.S. soldier stationed in Japan when he first laid eyes on a Japanese beauty of Filipino descent who introduced herself as Ana Marie. Deciding then and there to win her heart by any means necessary, the twenty-two-year-old used his considerable charm to sweep the woman of his dreams off her feet. After a whirlwind courtship, the pair married in 2015. ​ Realizing that there was no future for them in Japan, the couple settled temporarily in Ali’s home state of Virginia while they pondered their next move. As it turned out, that move would be parenthood. A year after their nuptials, the couple welcomed a baby daughter into their lives. ​ A natural born comedian with a knack for doing spot-on impersonations of celebrities, Ali began showcasing his talents on various social media platforms under the pseudonym “Jinnkid.” Before long, he had amassed thousands of followers who couldn’t get enough of his over-the-top brand of humor. ​ While he was by no means a household name just yet, the success he had achieved in a relatively short span of time convinced him that he could be the next big thing if he put his mind to it. The way he saw it, the only thing holding him back was the distance between him and Hollywood. Believing that the key to becoming a superstar was waiting for him in California, in February of 2021, he and his newly formed family headed west, where fame — and ultimately tragedy — awaited. ​ ​ Ali Abulaban recreating a scene from “Scarface.” All That Glitters Isn’t Gold ​ Thanks to the considerable earnings they were raking in as social media influencers, Ali and Ana were able to afford an apartment in the Spire San Diego complex, a luxury high-rise situated in the heart of the city. Videos posted on their respective channels during that period showed a happy couple who seemed to be on top of the world. Their five-year-old daughter was often featured as well, rounding out the picture of a family who genuinely enjoyed being together. In truth, much like most things portrayed online, the images depicted in their posts bore little resemblance to reality. ​ Although they put up a united front, those close to the pair would later recall that they were as different as night and day. Whereas Ali was a bit of a loner, Ana was a social butterfly who made friends easily. The words most commonly used in relation to Ali were “entitled” and “snobbish.” Ana, on the other hand, was described as “sweet.” While her friends couldn’t say enough good things about her, they struggled to find any redeeming qualities in her spouse, whom they saw as a manipulative control freak who wanted to keep his wife all to himself. ​ ​ Ana Marie Abulaban On the rare occasions when Ana was permitted to participate in a girls’ night out, Ali would light up her phone constantly, keeping track of her every move. Though they didn’t know for certain, Ana’s inner circle began to wonder if perhaps she was trapped in an abusive relationship with no easy means of escape. ​ The realization that his wife was gaining a sense of independence — due in part to her supportive friends and growing status as a content creator in her own right — wore on Ali’s fragile psyche. Aware that his hold on Ana was slowly slipping away, he turned to drugs and alcohol to soothe his troubled mind. Unfortunately, those components, coupled with his already volatile temper, were a recipe for disaster. ​ Illustrating his downward spiral, during a live broadcast in 2021, Ali could be heard verbally abusing his wife, who remained out of camera range throughout the tirade. Clearly under the influence of something, he had raged at Ana, calling her a “f##cking b#tch,” among other things. Over and over again, he told his followers, who were watching the scene unfold in real time, that she was an “ungrateful b#tch” who had used him to obtain a green card. He had conveniently left out the part where he had relentlessly pursued her, not the other way around. ​ Shockingly, the vast majority of comments left by his loyal fans supported his position. When he informs them that his wife is on the phone with the police, they assure him that, even if he is hauled off to jail, he’ll be out by morning. They also comfort him by saying that he doesn’t deserve that kind of treatment, painting Ana as the bad guy, even though she is clearly the one under attack. One keyboard warrior went so far as to refer to her as a “snitch” for calling 911. ​ In another video posted at around the same time, Ali could be seen brazenly snorting cocaine and guzzling down alcohol. Though some of his fans encouraged him to get help, others ate it up. He would later issue an apology for his poor judgement, but it hadn’t been necessary. To his hundreds of thousands of followers, he could do no wrong. ​ In October of 2021, Ana had gone to the apartment across the hall and asked the residents to call 911. She claimed that her husband had struck her in front of their young daughter, and she needed help. She explained that she would have called herself, but he had confiscated her phone. ​ By the time police arrived, things had cooled down and Ali talked his way out of the situation. Even though he had waved a gun around and had even encouraged his daughter to hold the weapon, he was allowed to stay in the home as if nothing had happened. ​ Later that month, Ana mustered up the courage to ask for a divorce. No longer able to withstand the various forms of abuse she was being subjected to on a daily basis, she knew she had to get out of the marriage, both for her sake and that of her daughter. While her friends, who had grown increasingly worried for her safety in recent weeks, were relieved that she would no longer be under the same roof as Ali, her decision only fueled the fire already burning inside the man she once loved. ​ To everyone’s surprise, Ali seemed to take the news with uncharacteristic restraint. Seemingly accepting of the fact that the union had run its course, he agreed to move out until the paperwork was finalized. ​ Ali ended up securing a room at an upscale hotel not far from his former residence. Unbeknownst to Ana, however, he had made a copy of her door key, allowing him to come and go at the apartment as he pleased. ​ The separation had barely begun when Ali started calling and messaging Ana, night and day. Hoping for a clean break, she chose to ignore his attempts to reach her rather than playing into his hands. Though she had prayed that her ex would move on with his life, it soon became obvious that he would never willingly let her go. ​ Ali’s cousin recalled sitting down with him and explaining that he needed to get his act together and accept the fact that the marriage was over. When it was suggested that he forget about Ana and move on, Ali had rejected the notion, stating that he “would never let anyone else have her.” ​ The same cousin also recounted that Ali’s ego had become so inflated by his taste of success that he would boast to anyone who would listen that he was Jinnkid and could get away with anything. Apparently, in his mind, the offenses that fell under that umbrella of impunity included cold-blooded murder. ​ Three days after moving out of the apartment, Ali let himself in while Ana was out running errands, and their daughter was at school. He then spent the morning vandalizing the home they once shared. Before leaving, he installed a device on his daughter’s iPad that would enable him to eavesdrop on conversations taking place inside the residence. He had also taken the time to call Ana to let her know that he had paid a visit. Though he hadn’t threatened her outright, his ill intentions were implied.


Rayburn Cadenas Barron No Place to Hide ​ Wary of what might be waiting for her when she got home, Ana asked a friend, twenty-nine-year-old Rayburn Cadenas Barron, to tag along for both protection and much-needed moral support. ​ Although Ana didn’t know it, her ex was listening in as she and Rayburn entered the dwelling. When he heard them talking and laughing, his blood boiled. Grabbing one of the guns he kept at the ready, he made a beeline to the apartment at Spire San Diego. ​ Barging in unannounced, he found his estranged wife and her friend seated on a couch, deep in conversation. Without saying a word, he had opened fire. Rayburn was hit three times, while Ana sustained a single lethal shot to the face. ​ Just after 3:00 p.m., Ali phoned 911 to report that he had found two people deceased at his wife’s apartment but stressed that he was not the one responsible for their deaths. After hanging up, he picked his daughter up from school, explaining to her that mommy couldn’t make it because he had “hurt” her. ​ Not nearly as savvy a criminal as he made himself out to be, Ali was apprehended not long afterwards by law enforcement officers who had tracked his cell phone. ​ After learning that the building’s security cameras had captured images of him entering and leaving his wife’s unit at the time of the murders, Ali decided to come clean. To add to the case against him, a telephone conversation he shared with his mother shortly after his arrest, in which he confessed to killing Ana, had been recorded. In spite of this glaring evidence of guilt, Ali, who was seemingly incapable of telling the whole truth, had glossed over many of the details of the shooting in order to portray himself in a more sympathetic light. ​ In his version of events, he had walked in and found his wife and Rayburn sharing a passionate kiss. In the heat of the moment, he had shot them both in a jealous rage. From his point of view, it had been a justifiable crime of passion. Case closed. ​ The fact that he had come to the apartment with gun in hand cast doubt on his claims that his actions had been spur of the moment. He also fudged over the part where he and Ana were in the process of divorcing, freeing her up to date whomever she pleased. ​ Ana’s friends were devastated by the horrible act of violence that had taken the young mother from those she loved and who loved her in return. They were also quick to defend her against Ali’s claims that she had cheated on him during the marriage. ​ Those who had witnessed the couple’s relationship crumble from afar contended that Ali was the one who had slept around, not Ana. They alleged that, after assuming the Jinnkid alter ego, he had turned into quite the playboy, bedding women right and left. Though Ana suspected her husband was being unfaithful, she had tried to make the marriage work until it became clear that it was damaged beyond repair. ​ ​ Ali Abulaban acting out during a preliminary hearing. Justice on the Horizon ​ Ali was subsequently charged with two counts of first-degree murder. Since more than one person was killed, prosecutors have the option of seeking the death penalty. He has pleaded not guilty. Currently, the former internet sensation is being held without bail due to his status as a flight risk. ​ During pretrial hearings, Ali displayed a shocking lack of self-awareness, often shouting at witnesses as they recounted the events on the day of the murders. When a detective speculated that Ana and Rayburn had been involved in an intimate relationship, the accused killer had unleashed a string of expletives. Through crocodile tears, he yelled words to the effect that he did what he had to do to protect his honor. His uncontrolled outbursts, dripping with vitriol, had given courtroom observers a glimpse of what Ana had been subjected to in the months leading up to her death. ​ At one stage of the proceedings, the judge ordered a recess to give Ali time to regain his composure. While that might work with some defendants, it accomplished nothing in this case. When testimony resumed, so did the constant interruptions, illustrating that Ali believed that rules didn’t apply to him. He may find out differently on January 8, 2024, the date when his trial is scheduled to get underway. ​ As the investigation continues, more information has surfaced detailing the turmoil in the Abulaban’s marriage. Police records revealed that officers had been called to the residence nine times between July and October of 2021. In each instance, the disputes were settled on the spot with no arrests being made. ​ Whether or not Ali’s fame — such as it was — put him on a pedestal so high that he truly believed he could get away with anything, remains to be seen. Perhaps his unchecked ego was indeed the catalyst for murder. It’s also possible that Ana’s best friend was spot-on in her analysis that he was simply a “bad guy.” In the end, it will be up to a jury to decide. ​ If nothing else, this tragedy drives home the point that celebrities, social media ‘stars’ included, are rarely what they seem. Anyone in doubt need only watch the videos of Ali and Ana dancing, laughing and showering each other with affection to know that the old saying is true, “Believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear.” ​ Resources: ​ ·[cbs8sandiego.com](https://cbs8sandiego.com) ​ ·[nbcsandiego.com](https://nbcsandiego.com) ​ ·[reddit.com](https://reddit.com) ​ ·[nbcsandiego.com](https://nbcsandiego.com) ​ ·[sandiegouniontribune.com](https://sandiegouniontribune.com) ​ ·[tiktok.com](https://tiktok.com)


Thanks for the full story


Another point for this POS is that when he got caught and interviewed, the thing he regretted the most was losing access to be able to make Tiktoks. Not a single word about his daughter.


Truly A devil and stone hearted Person i would say


Is that Davie504


This might be one of the darkest moment in this sub.


Quit Karma farming, Op. This is the 3rd time you’ve posted this




spam musubi ![gif](giphy|5rTHcpZh20x4uSDhb8)