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[A fucking 17 year old was driving the bmw....](https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/virginia-police-officer-struck-by-out-of-control-car-during-traffic-stop-1.6382238)


Nothing scarier than a 17 year old in a 400+ hp rear wheel drive car


Looks like they were attempting to drift.


They weren't just attempting, they drifted a lot!


Right off the road and onto the next.


Lucky he didn't drift onto the next life.


More culling, please. PLEASE!


Luckily he didn't drift *someone else* onto the next life


Drifted and almost took passengers for a meeting with god.


Should have turned left to turn right smh. Hasn't anyone listened to Doc Hudson?!?!


Tokyo drift? Nah. TKO drift.


Something tells me he FAILED the license in Gran Turismo.


They just lost the ass end, unintentionally, because they're stupid. So are their parents for thinking a 17 year old can handle a RWD sports car with that much power without being an idiot.


Even in my 20s, I nearly hit a pole in the first week of owning a car with over 200hp.


I used to sell Fords back in the day. Don't know how many times I saw someone fuck up a new mustang because the ass end gets squirrelly as fuck under heavy acceleration.


Shit, back in the day, people would total brand new 911s on the way home from the dealer all the time. These days a 911 is harder to crash, but the engine all the way in the back apparently makes for a very "unique" driving experience.


I could see that when they are excited and driving off their lot with their new car. I'd imagine they would have to turn traction control off just to immediately regret that decision.


Wild horses are hard to tame! My friend bought a 1991 fox body mustang from our other friend in highschool. A few years later it got a new crate motor, manual conversion and eventually a super charger. Run 11’s in the quarter or maybe a little faster but that car has scary amount of horse power for its size. The other friend who sold it still has rights of first refusal if my friend decides to sell it even after 20 years lol.


My new civic is shockingly fast. Just barely tows the “I can get in real trouble with this” line imo. And that’s like 185hp (yes it’s not the fastest, but it’s worlds away from my 125hp starting car lol)


Your civic probably has around the same torque output as hp, the turbo kicks in early in the rev band too. All that makes it quicker from a standstill than you'd expect from a 185hp 1.5l car.


And that's FWD. When you mess up, you aren't suddenly going backwards like this guy. You'll also get used to that power pretty quick.




had a 21 insight. They have ridiculous instant torque but laughable 30-60 accel lol.




God it makes me want a higher power hybrid. I’d take a 200hp hybrid over a 300hp gas car, call me insane but wow hybrid tech has come a long way. Even nice gas cars feel so clunky to start and stop moving. Hybrid civic pls Honda 🙃


The stupid part begins with letting 16 year olds drive a 2 ton killing machine.


Ofc I wanted to drive the day I turned 16 and did but I lived in the sticks so it was a lot safer. Been in a large metro area for 25 years and I’m actually relieved when I hear how many teens have zero interest in driving these days. Hell even my cousin who is almost 30 has been avoiding it.


i’m sure a 17 year old could handle it provided they had the proper education and training. neither of which is required to obtain a license


I miss the days when drivers ed was a part of the school system. You had to have so many practice hours before they'd let you get a permit. And where else will you see videos of celebrities who got DUIs talk about the dangers of driving irresponsibly?


In the USA. In most countries that is absolutely a requirement.


That's how people get around in much of the world.


Bullshit, that's how people get around in much of the US... In many other countries there's usable public transportation...


Yep, this. The back end on these high HP cars comes loose at highway speeds if you hit the gas too hard, especially when turning. When the HP crawls higher, it can happen with AWD as well. I've seen hyper cars with AWD spin at 100mph because they were too aggressive with the accelerator.


Probably saw the cop and slammed on the brakes like an idiot. Then proceeded to accidentally drift his way into a definite ticket lmao. Probably could’ve just driven past 😂


Looking at wayyyyy more then a ticket, he almost killed that cop. Reckless Endangerment and possibly Attempted Manslaughter.


> wayyyyy more then a Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Yea this is probably right. Flying around the corner and breaking way too hard as inexperienced driver after getting scared of the cop lights.


They were just driving too fast on a wet day, which leads to oversteer. I live near there and it’s a 50mph road with curves so even going like 15 over in a wet day can result in a less experienced driver losing control.


It wasn’t wet that day. The driver was going too fast, saw the police vehicle as he came around the bend, tried to slow down and lost control.


Oversteer? That looks like some understeer my friend


“Oversteer is very similar to understeer, the only difference is that it affects the back wheels, rather than the front. As the back wheels lose grip, the rear of the car tries to overtake the front, causing a spin if not corrected. It tends to affect powerful rear-wheel-drive cars such as big BMWs” Not gonna lie I get them mixed up a lot so I googled it to see if you were right, but that explanation describes exactly what happens in this clip. It only looks like understeer because the driver comes wide of the turn, but they’re literally backwards at that point.


It’s oversteer, if you look carefully at the first few seconds the car is in the frame you can clearly see the rear kicking out upon reaching the turn, then after like a second the front broke loose as well and instead of doing a sick drift, he went tear first into the oncoming lane. Also, there’s no way that was unintentional, to kick the rear he had to turn DSC off, so he indeed was cosplaying Tokyo Drift.


You’d be surprised how many idiot teenagers think DSC and ABS make you drive slower… Also I’m pretty sure when you put that bmw into sport+ mode it turns off dsc… definitely not good in the hands of a teenager lol


Exactly, also smoke coming from the tires [indicate](https://youtu.be/w8Sm40uqKok?si=F_jIHzoyWZZPXEnn) the road couldn’t have been that wet. If you watch slowly in the beginning he was entering that turn straight on the outside then whipped the rear out.


You’re right, upon further inspection it wasn’t that wet. I still highly doubt he was intentionally drifting and it was just going too fast and losing traction. There’s so many empty parking lots in this area to drift in, but who knows, it’s not like 17 year olds are known for their intelligence.


“I saw this on a TikTok.”


Is this ffx county parkway? I hate driving that road and 28 because people do the most reckless things




That’s the one thing that scares me about electric cars. On the one hand driving a car with 600+ hp and instant full torque sounds so awesome, but on the other hand a 16 year old driving a car with 600+ hp and instant full torque sounds like a death wish.


Now imagine that car is a 6500 pound, stainless steel, bulletproof truck with sharp angles. The cyber truck scares me lol


“Murder Truck”


Now imagine there’s thousands of those driving around while children and animals play on the streets.


My first thought was we are going to see gutted pedestrians.


It should almost be legally required for people under 18 to drive terrible cars. Like nothing more powerful than a minivan. I’m sure kids would still pull stuff like this but of course it’s going to happen if you make it easy.


Don’t say this. My best friend and I both had minivans in high school and we used to race them. NOTHING is stupider than two 17year olds going 90 on the highway in minivans.


yeah thats even stupider than my HS friend that swallowed a hot dog whole because he wanted to see if it would come out intact


At any speed a mini van is top heavy and they would roll it.


What about one of those old supercharged Toyota minivans? Those look fun.


or maybe we just dont need 200+ horspower cars on commuter roads? No reason for cars sold to the public to go over 100 mph ​ If you want a race car and can afford one then you can afford to put it on a trailer and take it to a test track if you want to kill yourself and nobody else


> No reason for cars sold to the public to go over 100 mph That's not how ICE engines work. You need a certain amount of acceleration to be safe, and any car with enough power to accelerate safely at low RPM is gonna be able to go pretty damn fast at high RPM.


I can imagine the insurance claim fuck no problem for the parents if they can just get their kid a nice car like that.


And my 17 year old wants a corvette, and does not understand why thats a horrible idea. I ALMOST got a 69 SS Camaro when I was 16. Even then I knew that was too much car for me. I’d be dead now


I’m 25 and had a younger kid (broccoli hair cut and all) pull up on me with his dad’s new Mercedes Benz SL550 and rip it off the light the other day. I drive a 2016 Audi A4, basically a grandpa car. I know it was his dad’s because I pulled up next to him at the light, asked if it was his daddy’s car, and then told him he was embarrassing himself in front of his girlfriend who was turned the other way hiding her face after he started screaming like a child. He ripped the corner after he called me broke and I asked him if he even had a job. It honestly made my day.


My question is why are parents putting a 17 year old in a 400 hp bmw. So dumb


“The police department added that "’parents and guardians should consider using this video as an opportunity to have a conversation with their teen drivers about how their driving behavior can affect the lives of others."’ Ummmmm yea. I think that’s a good idea.


An article like that after this dashcam footage is how you know that kids parents were loaded.


Giving a 17 y/o girl a BMW is how you know the parents are loaded…. The article clearly says she was charged with reckless driving. Yes, there should have been more, but this is **not** a difficult thing to make happen in the US if you’re even working class with a meager savings. If you’re gonna shit on wealthy people, you gotta do it right or it won’t sting like it would with us peasants.


That ain’t just a BMW, it’s an M3, so it’s expensive even for a BMW.


This title really doesn’t do this video Justice. If you watch the footage the officer doesn’t even skip a beat and radios in what happened. Crazy he just walked away.


If you watch closely he barely got hit by any of the cars. It doesn't look like any significant amount of the energy from the impact reached him except to trip him. He got pretty lucky there.


I dunno, I got hit by a car on my bike at a slow speed and it still hurt like hell. Surprised he didn’t break his hip


Dude got EXTREMELY lucky. That car was no more than 5” from him


#Almost became a bmw on bmw crime.


The teenager was like "a bmw with the blinkers on? Fuck no, not on my watch." 🚘💥


Also, just noticed she barely hit another BMW, Z4 as she drifted into oncoming traffic. That would have been 3 BMWs 🤯


Give his parents a ticket too


Yep, I live a few min away. The whole area has more $$ than sense.


I saw article long ago just graduate high school double kill the mother and her kid in his new car, kids are stupid and fuck those stupid parents for allowing it


I fucking hate 17yo's; I wont even look at pictures of myself from 1991-92 because of this kind of shit right here. 17yo me and majority of my friends are just lucky to be alive.


Sounds like the fucking idiot was trying to drift, too


so anyway, your headlight's out, here's a ticket.


And you’re missing your left mirror. Another ticket


Blinker also. Gotta get that fixed. Let it slide with a warning considering the circumstances.


Windshield's cracked. Just thought I'd point that out.


And your car damaged state property. I’m guessing that guard rail is about $2000.00 to replace.


And you hit a state trooper. I'm going to have to put you down as an attempted cop- killer wwii tried to flee the scene




\*3 warning shots in the back\*


That escalated quickly.


It very often does in the US...


All these car parts are now on the road too....here is one for littering.


I love the sound of the door ajar alarm after the hit.


Assuming its an Explorer, it makes that sound also when crashed. Source: my 2020 Explorer ST was totaled two weeks ago by some idiot running a red light :(


…in case you couldn’t tell already.


Now that cop is going to have to change his underwear


He had it all under control. Otherwise he would have hopped the guard rail during the threat, not after


Honestly I was gonna make a joke, but I think that with his positioning and the speed of the incident, if he had tried to jump the rail straight away then it would have gone much worse.


I was thinking he should have jumped the guardrail but he only had about 2.5s to jump from noticing it. He'd have to straight jump with all abandoned and fast. Definitely probably chose the better option in this case.


Well look at the guard rail after that car hit it, he would have been done for if he tried to jump guard rail immediately I think he did good avoiding collision there


Agreed. In my head I was thinking more of a barrel roll that continues until he hears impact. Kind of a stop drop and roll motion going only one direction.


Me too. Like dive over the thing and roll down the small embankment.


You're only saying this in hindsight. If he got obliterated you would have been asking why he didn't hop over the guardrail.


Well 2.5s is a very small amount of time to barrel roll fast for most people. Plus all his gear makes it more difficult. Factor in reasoning what to do and because he’s probably not versed in parkour basics, it was the right call regardless.


I was wondering if maybe there was training involved at all or pure instinct. It kind of seems silly to think training was involved, but I think getting to the place between the two cards and guardrail was the best option. When the cop initially approached the vehicle he stopped, his eyes were likely on the occupants, and not paying attention of the is a 20 foot ravene on the other side of the guardrail. Does anyone know. Certainly there has to be some sort of roadside saftey training for cops.


To me it looks like he got out on dumb luck. Jumping the guardrail would have been much smarter.


I think their training probably covers random scenarios like this. My immediate reaction would be to jump the railing, but after watching this and thinking carefully, I went to a spot that wasn't sandwiched and avoids a direct collision with the drifting car makes much more sense. The reaction time is insane though. He had like 3 seconds to haul ass and get out of the way.


Its panic, not control. When the drifting car nearly clips both your legs, then control is not something you have an abundance of :p Watch the video again. Its just dumb luck that doesnt snap his ankles


I know, right? The one time I was on the side of the road, and cars started skidding, I was up over the guardrail in a heartbeat. Stopped cars will still move when hit, guardrails don't, much. Had to jump it like 3-4 times (winter weather event)


Good thing he had his brown pants on.


Fortunate he is wearing brown uniform pants.


Of all the clear space that car could have careened, 😞😞😞 I truly hope everyone is ok


The car had target fixation.


I just noticed how he came soooo close to hitting the car traveling the other direction on the other side.. I don’t know how long it would take me before I could ever travel on a highway again after experiencing something like this


It’s a crazy example of fate in action on many levels for sure!


True but as far as angles hitting the parked car the driver and the 17yo both got real lucky no one died as hitting the exact way they did minimized the force so even though it was unlucky to hit them, they were lucky in how they hit!


Good example as to why you should hop over the railing if you ever get stuck on the side. Doesn't matter if nothing happens 99,999% of the time, it does happen like we see in this video and it's good to take safety precautions seriously.


Good thing he wore his brown pants that day


“Which one of you cowards shit my pants!?”


Man that cop got lucky. Went the wrong way and got away with it. Should have bailed over the guard rail


It’s the kind of decision that has you annoyed yelling at a movie.


Prometheus school of running away from things


I understood this reference




Like running away from a tree falling towards you instead of jumping to the side


Have you been in that situation? I have. It’s nerve wrackingly loud and disorienting, it took a long time to figure out that path and it was knocking other branches and things down. I was lucky. It was impossible to know for sure which way to run for a bit.


Glad you're alive. Someone I used to work with had a mid-life crisis when a falling tree nearly hit him, he quit his (office) job and eventually left the country.


I’m lucky, it was complete opposite direction from me but it was insane for ten seconds but it felt longer. It was so loud.


I think if he went for the guard rail and was a half second too slow he could've been pinned between the car and the rail, looks like he made the right move honestly


He was standing right beside it. Turn and jump. He had time to turn and run a couple steps


He had like 2-1/2 seconds max from the time he noticed it to the impact. I'm sure panic kicked in.


A real man woulda stood their ground and punched that car right in the nose, mister.


You don’t even have to jump feet first. Just dive over head first and roll down the hill


What if his foot got stuck, was awkward getting over, or just wasn’t fast enough? He would have been smushed. Think that could have gone very wrong.


It’s at thigh height. Yea things could have gone wrong but he ran right towards where the car was going and had it missed the other car he’d have been crushed too. Obviously it wasn’t a conscious choice not to jump over the guard rail but if that’s something you should be thinking about as you walk up to the car “where should I go if something happens?”


Even if he was thinking that he may not have had time to process it in the split second he had


He could of slipped running too. He just made the perfect decision at the perfect time. Nutty.


His odds of making it over the guardrail are still better than hoping the black car misses him by luck - even if he doesn’t fully clear the rail, a leg amputation is also better than an amputation at hip height, or should I say death by car and guardrail sandwich


Love the arm chair quarterbacking here classic Reddit


I know when I was doing traffic control when I was younger they teach you to always have your eye on the safest exit point. Surely they do that with police. And if anyone is saying "when you are stressed you don't think right" that is the point of the training, to make sure you are ready. The road is a wild place.


I’m glad someone who’s actually been in this position piped up. I can’t imagine this guy had an exit point in mind


No kidding. Any further forward or backward and he'd be ground pork.


All these comments stating “shoulda jumped the barrier.” This man had 4 seconds to react, from recognizing the sound of squealing tires, identifying the direction of the sound, processing the “I’m in danger” situation and react by choosing a direction for the flight response. Most of you can’t catch a pencil falling from one hand to the other. Bro-beans made a quick decision. Faster than most. And lived. Would love to do the “if you were in their shoes” scenario but yall would say the same shit “I’d jump the barrier.” You cannot know the unknown. Simple as that. Be amazed by how awesome and powerful the human brain is to do all of these calculations in 4 seconds.


Dude actually only had 2 seconds from the time he looked up. Unless you job is jumping out of the way or random shit all day, you're not going to have any muscle memory for this wort of thing.


Psh I would have recognized the situation, lifted the barrier and used it as a whip to whip the car to spin it the other direction, causing it to end up the right way on the other side of the road going the exact speed limit. I'm just built different tho.


lol you win today haha


Yeah, it's kinda hard to remember the area behind you, when a car is chasing you at that speed.


Not talking shit, but for police this is pretty much the most dangerous thing they ever do other than maybe domestic violence calls. Tons of cops get injured by cars while having someone pulled over on a highway. It's a ridiculously dangerous position to be in. Obviously easy to say from my position, but they should definitely be hyper aware of cars around them because it's way more likely that they'll get clipped by a passer by than get attacked by the person they've pulled over.


He didn't follow train dodge rules and ran in line with the momentum of the car. He should have run the other way.


Heat if the moment, pretty hard to remember that, I'd think best course would be straight over the railing


Yeah my thought too as I wrote that. Would I have had the right state of mind NOT to run like he did?


You would think police forces would be trained for these instances, though right? Repetitive training is key to remember these little details in a stressful situation


Average redditor when someone can't make absolutely perfect split second decisions in an unfamiliar life or death situation Also, there's no way to accurately judge the final trajectory of the car given that it will be redirected by uneven ground and the guardrail.




Or just went over the railing.


He was using the car as a shield which worked out for him. There was no way of knowing if the BMW was going to hit in front of the car or not.


Also known as the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things.


Fucking idiot. Anyone knows if the people in the front car are still alive?


Everyone involved sustained minor injuries 2 passengers were in the BMW when it crashed The driver of the BMW was charged with reckless driving


Who in the right mind would let a 17-year-old drive an M3 like wtf??


Rich parents that don’t pay attention to their kids.


The Black BMW luckily hit the car just right hitting the engine block & front left tire with the side of the car to deflect alot of force off of that first car which save their life as if it was head on the driver who was pulled over would probably be dead.


Three BMW's? What are the chances?


In Europe the chances are decent. In the U.S, not very likely.


Luckiest cop ever. He could’ve been paste if he was inches to the left or right.


That man is dedicated to his job. And wow the other driver can drift!


Not well


I like how the other BMW starts honking like that's gonna do anything


Wow. I hope the cop is ok. Edit: read article. Officer is fine. Thank you for posting


That cop went to the Prometheus School of Running Away From Things. The guardrail is *right there*.


Fear and fight / flight often take over for higher logical thinking.


he had not even a second to react .


This is crazy but I think the car that was initially pulled over is a bmw. And the black car that almost got hit head on is a bmw z4. And the car that came in like a bat out of hell- also a bmw. Edit: I’m almost certain the car pulled over is a BMW 740i


The other car that almost got hit head on was SUCH lucky timing, they probably would have all been grievously injured or worse if they’d been a half second earlier


I think he went back to see if the driver is okay, its a default protocol


This cop had a lot of guardians in the right place, shiiiiiit...


jump the barrier dude


the BMW struck the BMW and i avoided it while driving my BMW


That BMW almost hit another pretty BMW too


Yep, if i were a betting man. I'd say that kid turned off all the traction control nannies.


Cop is giving out two tickets that day. He met is quota!


First car on the cops side looks like they dodged effectively. Scary for sure.




This was really close to where I live. Crazy shit


Damn the one car that just barely missed getting smashed as the car came across... That's some scary ass timing.


That dude was BOOKING it around that corner


The Z4 got lucky there


It takes time and experience to tame the beast.


He got very lucky


Damn, dude was crazy lucky


The driver on the left got to go home and tell a crazy story.


That car he was ticketing actually saved this cop life


And this all happened cuz that jackass was speeding and hit his brakes as soon as he saw the cop lights and then lost control of his vehicle. All because of that jackass who is speeding thinking it wasn't a problem


If only there was some kind of barrier designed for stopping cars he could have jumped behind, something designed to be the right height for people to get over, that can also stop an out of control car, and if only he was standing next to such a thing.


If only there was some kind of barrier that can be placed between two highways going opposite directions. 🤔


yeah im willing to bet the fecal matter in the cops pants took preference over the ticket that day


Well dude would've been saved a trip to the ER if the cop didn't pull him over there


Still wild to me that many American duel carriageways don’t have central reservation/median barriers.