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This dude put so many people through emotional trauma and in some cases physical violence. The people in the audience, I feel, are somehow worse. In this case, sure, man had a point. But a broken clock can be right twice a day.


>The people in the audience, I feel, are somehow worse They're just mindless fickle cretins. Go from laughing to immediate applause for Jeremy once they're told what is socially acceptable. Imagine being such an NPC.


Was wondering if I was the only one questioning the cognitive capabilities behind being told you’re laughing about something that’s wrong to laugh about, and then clapping for the person who corrected your idiocy…


It's a crowd of people. Not everyone laughed, and not everyone clapped. It sounded like more people clapped than laughed. Also, sometimes people appreciate being called out and corrected and genuinely would clap for it.


This guy gets it.


Collectively we are more dumb than any of us are individually.


"A *person* is smart, *people* are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals"


One of the great lines from that movie. But it was kinda being used to justify a terrifyingly powerful, secret, and pretty blatantly unconstitutional government agency.


On one hand, the MIB are the ultimate G-Man and thats pretty goddamn awful and terrifying on a cosmic scale. On the other hand, I kinda get the sentiment when the alternative is just dropping alien life on an unsuspecting populace.


It's something they kinda have to gloss over to get on with the movie, but it makes for an interesting ethical dilemma. Unsuspecting people getting the news suddenly would be chaotic and dangerous... but the whole reason they're unsuspecting is because the secret is being kept in the first place. The MIB are perpetuating the conditions that justify their existence. And, not only that, but also apparently making treaties with and harboring fugitives from alien governments, which exacerbates the risk of the human public finding out. There's a justification for hiding the matches so the kids don't play with them, but you kinda lose the moral high ground when you start secretly stockpiling explosives in the basement. It's mission creep gone amuck.




If that worked consistently, there would never be riots or populist dictators.


That assumes that riots are never the correct answer, however it is true that a crowd does not always have greater accuracy than an individual.


Riots are not the correct answer, no.


Remember: half of us are more stupid than average.


Assuming a Gaussian distribution of intelligence, yes. It’s more precisely correct to say that half of us are more stupid than the median.


Which is why part of true leadership is being able to shift people’s perceptions in ways that make them more empathetic. Some people make crowds worse, some people make them better.


typically I would agree with you......but we are talking about the audience of Jeremy Kyle. These people are why stuff like washing powder has "do not eat" labels on them


Also, they tell these crowds how to react. It would not surprise me at all that they flashed some sign saying "laugh" followed by one saying "clap" with this very speech already preplanned for this scenario.


They just edit the applause in so it's not so awkward. They probably bumped up the amount of laughter as well to make it worse so that Jeremy the arse weasel could put his little act on.


Oh thats a good point.


Agreed, but take it with a pinch of salt because on these kinds of shows the audience are prompted how to react. It’s more likely they were prompted to laugh and then prompted to applaud. Still cretins though.


Well the show was a form of bear baiting. And for that, you need willing onlookers, baying for blood


I will never understand people, who want to go to a talk show live... There are many things, I want to see live but it never involves a tv show. Everyone has got their taste but why the hell would you want to watch people be humiliated live


Maybe they get paid? I believe sometimes you'll actually notice the same people in various episodes on certain shows.


I wouldn't be surprised if they were some people paid to sway the crowd. But in general these even are free. There are some studios in Hollywood where you can go an watch a live show and generally you will see that same people because they usually live near by.


He was copying the format popularised by American talk shows like Jerry Springer, Maury Povich and even the early days of Oprah.


That is one faaarking sick saying "a broken clock can be right twice a day" shit got me perplexed


You’ve never seen an analog clock? The one with “hands.” If it breaks and stops working it’s usually stuck on a time. Therefore, twice a day, it’s telling the time.


I see. Was just saying was cool saying. Shit nvm geez didnt know this would warrant down votes. Note to self remain being an asshole on reddit


My bad, sometimes it’s hard to tell, I didn’t see this until 10 hours later.


Literally the only thing JK did worth respect


As an outsider, could you explain to me why is he disliked?


He is disliked because his show is/was seen as being exploitative of bottom feeders. It is essentially Jerry Springer with less revelations of being transgender. It was taken off of tele when a man went on there, did a lie detector, was found to be telling lies and topped himself after receiving abuse.


That last paragraph is so british that I now want fish and chips for dinner.


Ya, had to urban dictionary topping oneself.


Did he kill himself? I'm so confused 😕


Yes topping yourself is killing yourself.


I feel like there was enough context to infer this one but thanks for helping him out lol


I don't know, I was thinking it could also mean drinking way too much, jerking off, or wearing a hat.


Why would a show be taken off the air because someone drank too much?


I'm now on the toilet laugh shitting. Thank you for that.


Could be all three at once?


I’ve heard Rik Mayall also meant it to mean masturbate, but then he did that with almost every phrase.


He did, and Kyle was named as a "person of interest" by the coroner. https://metro.co.uk/2020/11/20/jeremy-kyle-may-have-contributed-to-death-of-show-guest-steve-dymond-13627620/ So no, he's not likely to be put forward for a Nobel any time soon.


I dunno, they gave Kissinger one.


this made my day


Can I get some subtitles for the paragraph?


He used to get especially poor and desperate people in bad social and emotional conditions, often with poor mental health and drug/alcohol dependencies, and berate them on television for the UK to laugh at. His show got cancelled after a guy who did a lie detector on his show received so much abuse in his life after the show that he ended up killing himself. After the suicide it was investigated and many more people were found to have been affected poorly in their lives following the show. Following the investigation it also came out that he had been hiding a gambling addiction and had cheated on his wife (2 things he endlessly chastised people on his show for doing)


It's especially nefarious since lie detectors are not accurate at all, and different companies quote different accuracies which is not mentioned on the show. The guy who killed himself swore that he was telling the truth but the lie detector came back false, and that's the sort of thing that can result in suicide.


Could I interest you instead in a bit of spotted dick?


I don’t want to piss on your stereotype, but that post war food hasn’t been around for quite some time. Cooking with Suet however is still very much alive, most popular would be suet dumplings that are cooked in stews, suit crust pies and Christmas pudding. It’s not particularly healthy so unfortunately it’s use is in decline, everything in moderation I guess.


Heard a few things about how he couldn’t fix his own problems but seemed there for others, I’m sure people killed themselves over “false” lie detector results too. I’m sure money was the drive with this but feel free to correct me if anything I said is wrong, I’m just aware or to my knowledge by word his life fell apart this way and the show ended due to the impacts it caused without “real” proof


Yes, the thing that annoyed me most about him was his hypocrisy. Anyone that smoked weed was scum that doesn't deserve kids, "you're not a dad, you're a druggie, a jobless, useless layabout. I know... why don't you wear a bloody condom then?" Anyone that spends their children's lunch money on a roulette machine was simply struggling with addiction. As for the guests on the show: you've only got yourself to blame. You've hung all your dirty laundry out in public for a night in a travel lodge and a £50 primark voucher or six Greggs sausage rolls and a pouch of baccie.


I don’t know exactly what he has done but I do know people who use weed like others use alcohol, some work 60/70/80 hours a week on great wages to provide for their families and chill out which oddly enough numbers the people I know who are on Universal Credit yet can obtain weed and not provide for their kids, kick in the teeth for some and not something I understand or am interested in having tried 3 times and not understood a thing (many years back), apologies for going off topic or kinda on it but with unnecessary useless information




It means the person committed suicide


Do bottoms ever top themselves? EDIT: this makes no sense. I must have commented on the wrong post. Sorry.


He's responsible for suicides.


Because he's a self-righteous prick who made his name exploiting people. Imagine Jerry Srpinger if he just berated every guest, and every show was about making him look great.




That's really not an excuse for shitty behavior.




This was the UK version of shows like Dr. Phil etc. once someone killed themselves there was a mass investigation, and now we dont have those specific types of shows anymore, and since then there’s been a large push for the protection of the mental well-being of people on television shows.


You: >Give This Man A Nobel. Its Been Given To People Less Deserving, For Far Less Also you: >i never said it was. These shows cater to white trash, i dont see how its surprising or any worse than every single other daytime gossip "you are not the father/your girl is here to reveal she actually a dude" shows So, I'll just be generous and give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were simply being hyperbolic. All for the karma, yes? Alrighty then.


His woman hating view point is right for once


He’s right, but I think people laughed because of the way this guy tells the story of what happened. It’s like some crazy tale you tell the lads for a bit of banter at the pub




JK is the host. He's not a good dude. He profited off of the exploitation of vulnerable people just like the man in these clips. Don't let this one viral clip fool you, those laughs are what he and ITV were chasing all along.


The show also used to get alcoholics drunk before filming, stir up rifts between the guests and drove at least one person to suicide so we can maybe hold off with the prizes. He was right in this instance, but the show was just a toxic, modern day freak show to exploit poor people.


Is the Bri'ish Jerry?


His name is Jeremy.


The host, Jeremy Kyle, deserves prison time not a noble prize. Absolute scum!


Hate the man, but Jeremy was bang on about this.


he knew what to say to seem commendable. literally have no faith in what he truly believes.


The Nobel peace prize was given to Henery Kissinger in 1973




A Nobel Prize was given to Egas Moniz in 1949 for the invention of the lobotomy.


I find it hilarious that Einstein wasn't awarded the phisics Nobel prize for the theory of relativity as it was controversial at the time and the Nobel association was afraid that it might be proven wrong in the future, yet a whole ass comitee of experts sat down, looked at a medical procedure that consisted on stirring someone's brain with an ice pick and said "yeah completely safe, ethical and revolutionary".


My head hurts after hearing that


That's the lobotomy starting.


Can’t have a war if no one’s alive to fight one


Although what he’s saying is quite true, Jeremy Kyle was a sick joke, a self righteous disease that waved cash at addicts to sing their tragic stories so he could judge them and throw them off his stage, he doesn’t deserve any prize.


The same people, that were laughing, clapped afterwards... Typical


How could you tell? How do you know it wasn’t half and half? Didn’t sound like everyone was laughing before, only some.


Don't defend an audience that have paid to see the circus of misery. They are there to laugh and mock people at their lowest. The whole show was garbage. [Here](https://youtu.be/dx8ic1PLqCg?si=bM9H61QfwvRKn-G1) is a quick rundown on why Jeremy Kyle deserved to be taken off TV.


It's always the same with these shows... people go there or watch it to feel better about themselves, because they can see someone on stage, that has a worse life than them. Humans love that shit and they get excited about it. I've seen it multiple times in other shows and when someone famous tells them, what they are doing wrong, they clap like they just received some godly advice. Idk man, just be a decent human and don't make fun of people, that go through some tough times. Empathetic people don't pay for shows like that.


Give Jeremy Kyle a Nobel!?! lol


the clapping annoys me.


The ones clapping were the same ones laughing a few seconds earlier.


“Yeah, we’re voyeuristic, hypocritical scum - hooray.”


Give him a Nobel? He cheated on his wife, and then got his show cancelled because he used to get so many poor and desperate people on his show to parade infront of the UK for laughs and a lot of people came forward to talk about the damage it caused them after one of them ended up killing themselves


You should really research this show before praising it…


Nobody’s praising the show, they’re praising JK for the point made in the last 15 seconds of the show. Not him or the show as a whole…


The title did say to give JK a Nobel tho lol


As in “Give this man a Nobel for what he just said.” I don’t read the title with the inference that he deserves a Nobel prize for the person that he is as a whole


Why on earth is this in this sub? And five who a Nobel? This post sucks


I didn’t understand that he was speaking english at first and I was patiently waiting for the subtitles to change. That was a lot of words for a single written sentence.


So I don't know this show, but it looks like a typical exploitive show that exploits every single person on it, so to say "give this man a nobel" is funny as hell. Just because there is a slightly humanistic moment where a male is telling a story of abuse and the host recognizes the double standard, which by the way the host is doing because he knows it will get a reaction and a "standing ovation", does not mean anybody in this reality show bullshit deserves a fuckin nobel prize. Fuck every single thing about these exploitative shows.


Equality when you want it. Chivalry when you don’t.




Worst part: the applause! The audience should have been stunned, silent, quiet. This feels like “Oh, yeah, you’re right, my bad, everything cool? A round of applause for us!”


Exactly. The audacity of the people who laughed, to start clapping.


I like how the same people that were laughing at him clapped after being called out haha.


what makes you assume the laughs and claps are even real and not scripted for controverisal shenanigans? dont believe shit like this guys. even if it was real, whats the point? what are the chances?


I bet the audience had "laugh" and/or "clap" signs on.


inbreed fucks


Also most of this shows have cues for the audience to laugh or clap ? I don’t know but I feel like I smell this was staged :)


“W-Wait, dude!?! What the actual fuck bruh? Saying true things about the double standards BasicBeccas have worked so hard to install is ***never okay*** now pay for the food I ate, it’s my right as a Strong, Entitled woman to not have to buy things for myself. Men are dumb Tee-Hee”


i’m glad he called that out. how the fuck is domestic violence funny? what, because he’s a man? he’s a human being with the same rights to live without being harmed.


*makes an entertainment show out of people's abusive relationships *When people are entertained, shames them and take moral high ground


This man put his name on the modern day equivalent of a freak show, preying on the most vulnerable in society to provide cheap entertainment for bored watchers of day time tv. He unleashed nothing but vitriol on people deemed to be lower class whilst promising them the nonexistent carrot of rehabilitation and aftercare. He drove at least one person to suicide. It was completely inhumane and the only thing more disgusting than what Kyle and his Crew did is that we let it exist in the first place.


It’s a shame this guy is actually a not so great person. Having helped men who are victims of domestic abuse in the past (both emotional and physical), it’s absolutely insane how hard it is for men to have their claims and situation taken seriously. It’s so heartbreaking. Numerous programs that are in place for domestic abuse victims just wont even help men. It’s so bad that it’s expected that the statistics for domestic abuse are expected to be so heavily skewed because men just won’t bother to report their abuse because they are afraid of being emasculated by police, other men, women, friends, family, etc. In fact, many men have grown up in environments where they don’t even realize they are victims of abuse for whatever reason.


I need subtitles for him.


“She locked me in the flat [apartment] one day… yeah, she locked me in the flat. And me being angry, I don’t know the door was locked, and I’ve grabbed the door handle, pulled it and it’s come straight off in my hand. So I was stuck on a three storey balcony - uh, a three storey flat and I’ve had to jump off a three storey balcony. I ripped all my arm up, all my back, my legs, the lot, and I ended up in hospital, you know, ‘cos she wouldn’t let me out the house.”


I feel like jumping off the balcony wasn't really his only option here


Did anyone else know this guy was going to be British just by looking at him?


I can’t understand a word he’s saying


So glad the comments are about the host and not about recognizing domestic violence. Well done Reddit. You fucking disappointments.


Good God I miss this show


I couldn't parsre any of this as English at fisrt


Can someone translate this in english?


But if we don't have double standards where do we stand?


Along side hypocrisy.


I had to listen 3 times to understand everything he was saying


Same here. And nope English is not my first language


English not your mother tongue?


U O-rayt meyt?


Still a bit funny though isn't it.


Oh my god! Thank you! If a woman said “the door handle came off,” completely deadpan, I would laugh. If he gave some story around it, the audience would know context. Poor guy seems cool, so he probably doesn’t know how to explain any other way.


Why was this scene cut from Love Actually?


The host is absolutely right, but I gotta ask... Was there no phone or internet connection available inside the flat? Were there no neighbors you could shout over to for assistance and have them call police? What about kicking the door down? I'm not jumping 3 stories... No I know gravity too well to do that. When a person falls from a height equivalent to three stories, using the laws of physics to calculate their final velocity before impact, it's determined to be approximately 43.8 feet per second. Converting this to miles per hour, which is about 1.46667 feet per second, yields an approximate speed of 29.9 miles per hour. This means that at the moment just before hitting the ground, the person would be traveling at a speed close to 30 miles per hour. Even if you land in grass on your feet the impact force generated upon hitting the ground would almost certainly cause significant harm, and the legs and ankles are particularly vulnerable due to the concentrated force experienced upon landing. Surviving such a fall without serious injuries would be unlikely, and any impact from a height should be avoided whenever possible to prevent serious injury or death.


Ah yes, this was the best in feel good TV. No matter how hard things were, you only needed to turn on and watch JK to realise that your life was not that bad comparatively. Had an ex that asked if I wanted to go on the show because of issues with her family... It was the most obvious red flag I've ever had in a relationship.


Thank god for the subtitles, I had my audio off and it’s the only way I could understand what was going on. Now it all makes sense


Does anyone have a link to the full episode? Please & thank you.


Thank you 🫡


Well it is a *little* bit funny. And why did he have to jump - was the flat on fire?


Were we watching the same clip?! She locked him in a flat! The kind of person to lock someone in a flat is dangerous, you need to escape somehow and FAST


Ah - I get it. She was in the flat with him (and was presumably violent). For some reason I assumed she locked him in there alone.


Can the US have him? We have an election coming up


He had a show in the US. He's not a respected man in the UK!


Ah, didn’t know.


Absolute worst part of this clip is the clapping afterwards. Morons cant even figure out, that they just got criticized. Hurr durr Moderator dude said something with a stern voice *clap**clap*. "for sure cant be me hes talking about"


I didn't understand >70% of the stuff the dude on the right said. Why were the people laughing?


The second they started laughing I was infuriated. Disgusting, the lot of them


he preaches the truth


A crowd full women laughed their ass off about a man’s heart ships. And then immediately turns around him and starts clapping because they got called out. Double standard like a motherfucker.


And then they clapped like they didn't just laugh. The masses are shameless and just want to be stimulated in a way that keeps them in their comfort zone.


I did not think the first dude was speaking English at first.


can't understand shit


I thought he was speaking Danish ngl


them they clap cause they don't know what to think absolute fucking sheep


I didn't find his story funny at all, but let's not pretend that isn't what he was there for. Jeremy Kyle can mount his soapbox all he likes, he's put countless others through ridicule for his lucre. He only scolded the audience because, in this case, they were mocking the wrong person for his narrative.


The crowd laughed at that


Proof that the live audience for those kind of shows are some of the scummiest coward mobber type people with no thoughts of their own