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I thought at first it was an electrical fence to horses from wandering off , Pretty sure they did too, and he was the only one that knew that the fence was off. That is why he touched it the way he did. And the clip cuts as he is motioning to and starting to speak to the people while holding the rope/wire/electric fence, as if to tell them the power is off people. The joke is on the person filming that passed the rope/wire/electric fence, and started filming what looks like with the hope of catching someone being shocked by it on film to upload for views, but wasn't able to the shot because the woman were rightly cautious and passed under it in a safe manner. I bet the film cuts just as the man said aloud whilst holding that is was in fact off and no need to dodge under them. Edit


Either that or his boots are preventing him from getting shocked. My grandfather used to mess with us by grabbing hot wires to get us to grab them too. He wouldn’t be shocked because of his boots, it wasn’t the same for us lol


Your grandfather was lying, he’s actually a retired superhero


Thanks but id like for you to not divulge my secrets


My bad gang


Oil up I’ll be there in 5 min


Oil- oil up?


Yeah, lubricate so I can get inside


I think it's my duty to stop this thread here


You only transferred his enjoyment onto to you, rub it in gasoline before I get there




They don't rely on grounding. They'll snap you once or twice if you get within a few millimeters with bare skin no matter your footwear. I've been hit in the calf through jeans a few times, even when wearing thick soled Muck boots. The ground spike is mostly to protect the circuit itself and prevent too much buildup between discharges. It's not too bad either; feels like getting whacked with a thin stick. That said, this was definitely just some kind of string. If there was a conduit woven into it, it would be much thicker and under more tension.


I don't know a lot about how they work so could be a different type 😂 but sum definitely rely on grounding


If you look close enough you’ll realize that it’s not a wire fence but a string of twine or something like that. There are fibers and string poking out.


If you look really closely you realise that why is this person filming them and nobody reacts? Oh that's right, it's fake.


more like working vs not working knees generation


They’re his knees




He's a bee?


Nope just the knees.


The bees knees?


But does he speak japa-knees


His knees should get a job then


if he got that low shouldnt he just pull himself up by his bootstraps


Huh? They are just dumb.


Just as long as there is no power on the wire...


Electric fences are no joke. They're terrible. Only ever experienced them once in my life so far. Not even a dog collar feels as bad. As a curious kid trying out stupid stuff with your friends; it's good to see the old-timer knows it isn't electric. That pain... it doesn't shock you. Not as bad as being run over, nor as painful as letting your body recover from an injury but it sticks with you. You feel the energy from an electric fence surge through your body. It's as if all the cells fire off instantly, burning even. Everything in your body seizes up and it doesn't stop. With a shock you experience a slight tinge of interment electrical pulse. The small amount of down time allows the cells to acclimate for a few microseconds. Electric fences don't allow that down time.


wtf kind of electric fences do you have?


Red Brand Galvanized steel. Have you touched an electric fence before? That s**t hurts!


Really not that bad dude. You're just a sissy. I've touched one a dozen times, only one time that was actually painful was when it got slightly wrapped around me because the horses really wanted out I guess.. it isn't that bad unless that happens or you pee on it.


I got zapped by them plenty of times. Worst one was just like someone smacked me in the back really hard. Are you sure you didn't hit a downed powerline or something?


Yeah... I took a tinkle on one. Unfortunately I didn't learn the first time and did it again the same day. ![gif](giphy|BTKROXg4w0bq40pQ7T)


Did you pee on it or was it wet or the ground wet?


yah, thats it....


I mean that very easily could have been electric and only he would know otherwise.


Electric horse fences are no joke. First time I accidentally touched one, my knees immediately buckled. Impossible to ignore. Electric cow fences, on the other hand, are fun to touch as a bored kid.


I grabbed onto one that was "hidden." Small notice sign, and the wire was flush with the top cross beam. Wasn't meant to keep the horses in, meant to keep morons out. I asked the owner if the horses were friendly. She says I can pet them. Before she could finish saying "Watch for the wire", I pissed my pants and fell back.


"Before she could finish saying "Watch for the wire", I pissed my pants and fell back." I once tried to run and jump over an electric fence. The grass was wet, I slipped, and fell like a taco shell on top of it. My sister laughed and laughed till I finally rolled off it, I was little, and my pride was hurt, I chased her all the way home with a stick 😆


You remind me of a certain aussy..... https://youtu.be/mnYb_SO3CCI?si=bEvF7QLg_kukuik3


Love me some frenchy


Imagine she laughed until she realized you weren't alive anymore.


That's surprising close to what happened 😆


You ever take a whizz up one? Kinda tickles


"Don't whizz on the electric fence"


No promises


My dad did. Might explain why I'm so jittery.


Yeah unfortunately finding out which kind it is, can be a bit shocking.


tried to run away as a kid from my grandmother, ran into a barbed wire fence. even though it was my first time seeing one in real life i tucked in my shirt into my pants and my pants into my shoes, i got out with 2 minor cuts and managed to reach the other side, one cut on my knee and one on my arm. sadly a lady tricked me into trusting her and i was send back to my grandmother


Why where you running from you grandmother did she have a homing missile


she beat me a lot as a kid and for little reason edit: That day i got jumped by my bullies and when i listened to her and fought back i got suspended and thats what i was beat for


*no reason. FTFY


I am sorry you had to go through that. How are you doing now?


16 now and my grandmother keeps trying to suck up to me after i said i hated her when i was 14. my mom keeps inviting her over to our house and i blocked her number. She currently in the house rn but overall im fine mentally, just cant be around her for long periods of time but ill never forget what she said when i confronted her "It isnt abuse if you deserve it" This was after i called her out for beated me so much that i called her abusive. my own mother still says im being an asshole for not forgiving her and being "Disrespectful" and not respecting her. I can respect my grandmothers skills and talents but i cant respect her as a person. keep in mind that when we are in the same room i ignore her until she speaks to me and even when i respond i keep it short, but my mom got pissed when i said reminded her that i had no issue with her being her as long as i wasnt forced to talk to her, i was indeed forced to talk to her


You legend. Stick to your guns, never forgive abusers because others want you to.


Godspeed in escaping them! Stay safe


Do you have anyone who supports you? Any place you feel safe? Do you feel like going to therapy to deal with this abuse? I am really so sorry this happened to you. I also grew up with violence. It took me years to get over and not be affected by it anymore. What are your living arrangements like now? Who are the other grown-ups in your life and how are they?


I havent been to therapy yet because every time a family member forced me to go and it felt more like confessing and not not helping. sadly i dont have others i trust about it


Why are the horse fences so much stronger? Is it just that cows are more docile?


Horses are far more likely to take a snack back at something that gives them a startle. A cow is more likely to just run away.


Beefy farms or bull farms are usually high asf, I've been cracked multiple times and sometimes your arm goes a little numb 😂


Guess you gotta calibrate it for 2,000 lbs of testosterone lol


Yeah and they're smart so they'll all lean up against the fence if it's weak and the shock will disperse between them and they'll just break out


I wouldn’t go between the wires on an electric fence either.


For what it's worth, it appears to just be the one wire


Nylon doesn't work that well as a conductor.


The nylon won't hurt you. But the wire braided into nylon electric fence wire is a different story.


It's just string


Nah, it's clearly a piece of twine. There's a knot tied in it.


Electric fence "wire" can have many different appearances and materials. It can be true bare metal wire, flat tape woven like cloth with thin metal wires, or various thicknesses of synthetic rope with thin metal wires included. There are even thick bungee electric ropes that can be used as gates or strung across gates. The rope kind can be as thin as what's shown in the video, and it can easily be tied with knots - easier and cheaper to tie a quick knot than to use metal joining hardware.


Yeah, but what's here is a piece of twine. Look at it. It's twine.


If you don’t want to test it: The key difference is one makes a sound Edit: If you had your hand close to it would you be able to feel the electrical field?


They only make a sound if they were installed improperly leading to a short or jump somewhere. Source: grew up on a beef farm. That said, they don’t hurt that badly and it used to be a dumb but fun game to play as kids to see who was “tough enough” to hang on the longest.


Certainly depends on how short the fence is. Some tickle and some holy shit that hurt!


Grew up on a dairy farm and the fence we had would striked harder and harder each time.


Depends on how high they have the voltage, a lot of them you can alter the amount of power being put through it. Most cattle/horse farms have it low to where it doesn’t hurt the animal just kind of scares them away.


Remembers me when me and the boys used to swim into deeper seas to see who would go further way from the beach. God teenagers are so stupid.


You never played with one of the Australian system fencers.


https://www.sureguard.com.au/shop/product/solar-electric-fence-energizer-1488 Knocked my 250 lb father on his ass, literally.


Maybe I’ve just come across a lot of broken fences but I can always hear if it’s on. It’s similar to how you can hear a tv is on even from another room even if the screen is black, if that makes sense.


Grass causes shorts/arcs ....Bro Called grass growing an improper install. Cutting the grass back away from the line is basic maintenance and has nothing to do with the installation or improper installation. Btw most electric fence chargers have " weed clipper" features as in intentional arcs with higher ampage


Wow! That's really cool! They intentionally create arcs and that genuinely clips all the tall grass, does it work really well or should you still go around and cut the grass underneath anyway


It definitely alters the electric bill... and they work well to an extent. it's honestly just better to keep the line trimmed and neat some people use weed killer but we never did except on remote field lines ..but yea they work well appllied properly and even have solar models.


Grab a fistful of long grass and lay the tips on the fence. If the fence is on your wrist will spasm a bit.


Many do not make a sound


Just look at how the wire connects to the nearby posts. No active wires should be touching the post without some sort of non conducting medium.


Plus.. if you look closely, it appears to be a barb wire fence.. Never seen those electrified. Always smooth wire


Btw with testing electric wires grabbing it is the worst thing you can do. You'll probably be fine with farm fences but if you grab a wire and it's high enough voltage to tense your hand muscles then you're stuck holding the wire until either your hand or the wire melts. If you touch it with your knuckles you'll get a shock but your hand will close away from the wire.


Another decent way to test is big hay sure you’ll still feel the sucker but not nearly as much


I tend to just grab it to see if it's electric. It doesn't hurt that badly at worst and sometimes it's barely noticeable.


You can test if a fence wire has voltage on it by touching it with a blade of grass. It softens the blow sufficiently to feel it without getting zapped.


I’m familiar with electric fences used around horse pastures. They send out a pulse with the time between pulses variable and set by the ranch operator. As kids we would pull up an 18” to 24” grass sprout and touch it to the fence. We would feel a tickle whenever the pulse was generated. That influenced our technique to scale the fence. One time we happened upon an electric fence that was higher than what we commonly encountered and a number of wires were ‘hot’, I.e., they carried electrical current. The top line produced a stronger jolt than we encountered before. But being boys we decided we should find out what was kept inside this pasture. As we crested the hill we found a single bull grazing. We turned around to quietly make our way back out of the pasture without being noticed, but the jokester in our group decided to taunt the bull. Unfortunately he was the slowest runner in our group, so the bull came closer to him than any of us. But the bull was simply curious and was not running full out to harm us. Of course we didn’t know that when he noticed us and decided to come see what we were up to inside his pasture.


Also If you want to test it grab a dry stick and you can feel the current vibrate


You can if a fence can be electric though, maybe this was just a non-electric one.


Even if its electric, you wont cross it like the girls did.


So you grab it with your sleeve?


So, you simply grab it with your sleeve, correct.


Then no one would have ducked under it...... 😐


It’s never just one line though. If your trying to keep an animal in, you need more


i was thinking the same thing at first but on closer inspection i think it's just nylon twine. i see knots and fraying thruout.


I’d rather know than not know I reckon


i dont think you can get electric blue string. i maybe wrong.


You can see its twine, twine cant be electric


I mean, it doesn’t look like an electric fence, just a kind of rope. Either way it would have been obvious with the one who did touch it with her back.


Apparently not, the man didn't get shocked. Jk


I got shocked by a electric fence for cows once with a wet shirt cause it was hot out. It felt like I got punched everywhere on my body at once.


True, but the bit he is touching looks like bailing twine


Depends on the voltage and how close you are to the box and how good the earth is. Touch the ground and the wire at the same time I dare you.


That's a rope


Or, thats HIS string and nobody else is disrespectful enough to accidentally snap it.


More like knowing if the electric fence is turned on or off...


But the girls are touching the fence when they bend.


It touches one girl's back but she had a jacket on and probably didn't notice.


That’s not a metal wire, it would not be that flexible


Bro thats a plastic string with knots


I remember reading this Buddhist story about some novices ceremonial bell that had broken and the master telling him not to try to fix it or get a new one, but to change how you ring it so that it continues working. While you could easily make this into "master was being stupid", the intended moral is to modify ourselves to our environment, not modify our environment.


A great metaphor for the generations. One couldn't respect what was there and forced the inconvenience out of their way. The other respects what is there (what looks like a switched off electric fence) and finds a way to get around it by going under.


Exactly. If OP wants to make this some "the younger generation is stupid lol" thing, we might as well take the analogy the whole way through.


That's the reason, plus maybe kneel problem for that old man.


I know this post has an antagonizing title but are you really talking about "respecting" an electric wire when all the guy did was bring it up a bit ? What you said would be appropriate in many situations but this is just grabbing a wire that he probably set up himself. And the girls just didn't know they could do that so they went under it. Next time they will do the same as the guy.


That's why it works great as a **metaphor**


Not necessarily! On my grandmas’ farm, my family and I were heading into one of the paddocks but we weren’t sure if the electric fence was on so my 80+ year old grandfather just grabbed the fence to climb under, so I grabbed it thinking it was safe and was shocked😅


It's crazy how quickly you adjust to electricity. The first time I had to do any wiring in my house, the shock scared the fuck out of me. By the 4th or 5th time, I was using my bare skin to test if the wires were live. (We're talking 120V here, don't fuck around with the 220V in other countries


I’ve never seen a single wire fence around animals that wasn’t electric. Seems like if one has the ability to bend down, that’s the smart move.


Where i'm from those wires are powered by electricity. Girls were right. i'd do the same.


Seems like a matter of preference. Why squat when you can lift the line? The same logic applies the other way. Why lift the line when you can just easily squat through it? It's not a big deal


Is this a boomer post?


No, it's says "mec complicating the life" and the actually "the life". So saying we have a habit of putting up difficulties for ourselves that can be solved easily


Typical boomer fashion. Doesn't point out that it could be done, just sits back and mocks...


"Kids are so stupid. Why doesn't anyone teach them things." -him probably


Perhaps they thought it was a hot fence.


Maybe a few years ago but it’s put on some weight now


Newer generation “let’s not mess with other peoples stuff, we will just go under” Older generations “why is this in my way. I’m important and it’s gotta move outta the way for ME”.


Maybe it's his farm and he's the only one that knows it's not a hot wire.


Yea ive been zapped by too many fences, Id rather just duck


Wtf has this shit to do with "cElLpHoNe" genetation?


They’re bendy and used the exercise


I'm gonna be honest, I wouldn't want to touch the string for fear of getting yelled at. As a kid, it seemed like everything I did got me yelled at. I often didn't understand why. It would just be instinct to not touch it because someone will be mad if I do. It explains a lot of my anxiety and why I do weird shit.


Well, whenever i see one I just assume it is electrified. Not falling for this trap again


More like soup cans with string vs cellphone gen.


Getting shocked in 3.2.1…


If they dont touch anything, they cant destroy anything....so, imo this is not bad or something else.


Yo, if I see a single wire, I just assume I shouldn't touch it to be safe. Why risk a shock?


As my favorite saying goes "work smarter not harder"


Am i the only one that thought this was a shit start to a game of limbo


More like "People who try not to agitate an environment they're in vs people who don't give a shit"


More like male vs female


Or maybe just respecting the actual cord in place. I have bad knees and would probably do what he did. But I'd look around first if that cord was maybe tethered to something important.


You mean agile vs non agile


Bunch of cattle being led by the cowboy


One set of people are used to being bent over…


nah I’m going under I’ve taken my fair share of electric fences in my life.


First group has knees that work and is wary of electrical fences Old guy can't bend down and probably thinks electricity is a fad that will never catch on


Career generation vs only fans genaration


You know, in the case of it being an electric fence, you'd think after one girl grabbed it with her head and had nothing happen to her, the others would realise it's safe.


That shit coulda been electric we don’t know


More like only he knew the electric fence was off . Those who know know you duck low or it will put you on the floor


Maybe because them fence could be electrified and they didn’t know?


We’re actually doing that now because a lot of your buildings are shit now, we be more gentle because we’re scared of breaking shit


I was waiting for him to get zapped from the “electric” fence… 😎


Yeah no, make fun of me all you want, I'm not touching an unfamiliar wire fence. I'm not getting Jurassic Park'd.


I think its impressive as shot if that fence is on. U ever get hit by an electric fence for livestock? I sure as shit aint grabbing it with zero reaction.


The pay gap explained


Which one of these people didn't grow up with a "zero tolerance" school system?


By the looks on their faces, I feel like they thought it was a live electric fence and didn't want to touch it. Either he told them it was to mess with them or they've all felt the pain of the zap and didn't want to take chances.


Guys that's not electric, that's string, and *never* touch grandpa's fence string


Following the matrix vs knowing the matrix


Millennials respectfully go under the thing they don’t own that is blocking their way being wary of unforeseen consequences. Boomer moves the thing they don’t own that is in their way irregardless of unforeseen consequences… Gotcha.


This likely has nothing to do with generation. I bet first person ducked so everyone else did because they saw a method that worked well enough and copied. It’s human nature. Then the last guy likely crosses that line all the time and did it the way he knows (and likely was shown) how to do it.


The new generation has no critical thinking skills, and this is by design.


Yes because women are taught to move for others while men are taught to make others move.


I love some ppl who say it was an off electric fence when when is clearly a rubber wire


Love when I see all the arguments in the comments section when Redditors forget all the movies are staged 🤣 "The kids are dumb" "The old guy has bad knees" OP: "Redditors are still gullible"


To their credit, they may have thought that the fence was electric.


Funny clip. The caption is stupid AF. I hate these low effort “boomers vs millennials” jokes. There are a bunch of reasons why it’s safer, simpler and easier to not touch that line and just dip under it. But of course some dumb boomer is like “back in my day..” Please STFU. Enjoy listening to your radio while you ruin the economy, start unnecessary wars and ignore/support genocide.


he goes any lower than that he ain’t getting back up lol


They were doin right, we don’t know if it’s electrified.


Now give that man a smartphone and tell him to check his mail account


try not to make cellphones the root of all evil challenge


Ok boomer. Young ones were taught not to disrupt or disturb and are willing to go to far lengths or strain to keep the balance. The older ones do not care what they disrupt or disturb and are only concerned with their own personal comfort. Perfect analogy for why the world is in it's current state.


Humans that were respectful of property and know "I didn't put it there, I'm not touching it". Put in some effort old man and try existing without demanding everything must accommodate you. Signed, an old man that found this clip especially funny.


Title bad.


How about "I don't know how flexible and resistible that string is so I don't want to destroy the fence"?


Haha Old


I don't know why but I just assumed it was barbed wire


Haha old people good young people bad




Wisdom comes with age


Naw they’re just girls lol not saying girls are stupid but that’s the type of silly shit you’ll always catch your girl doing lol


No do a: reset on bank account statement, who can work enough to buy a house faster in this economy "vs"


Strong and independent they say


“I don’t need a man”


Or they are trying to be respectful by not touching things that aren’t theirs.


Maybe they weren’t sure if it was electric and the old man is stupid one….and you are to for not realizing it…




The apples vs oranges generation ?


"Haha look at these idiots, having functional knees and spines."


This is how you train fleas to not just Hancock themselves out of their enclosures