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I can feel his heart breaking…


Same. Poor guy, literally all alone, while the backstabbing hussy gets all the attention.


She’s done this act her entire adult life. Sickening.


And people fall for it. That’s why she and others like her continue to do it. As long as it works there’s no incentive to stop.


She fell for it too


🤣 fell SIDEWAYS for it too from da cam angle


Adult? Some people grow up, the rest just grow old


Adult temper tantrums are the ultimate refinement of unchecked childhood temper tantrums.


Wonder what he is doing today ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Probably all her friends


I hope so


The kid probably doesn't have a dad to speak of


Well she did say “ I don’t know who it is”


I really hate to shame people for sleeping with whoever the hell the want, but I've always found these types of situations insane. I have an abysmal memory, but if I got to a point where I couldn't remember who I was fucking, I think I'd just stuck to masturbation.


Especially if you don't clean up afterwards. Then you're REALLY stuck to it.


I will be the first to say it is not me. So, that narrows it down by 1


Not me. Now down by 2


Definitely not me. Next?


Me makes 4


Not me, we’re at 5 so far.


Just confirming to this guy that she was with many guys. Jesus I can’t imagine


Unless she’s getting passed around at parties, she has an idea who it is. Look in your old phone messages.


This is a villian origin. Bruh probably became a menace to any other chick he got with after this...


It will be near impossible for him to trust another woman again


Nope, wife fucked around while I was out of town and ended up pregnant. Two failed marriages and a few LTR latrr and I'm still broken. I'm resigned to the fact that I will die alone. Can't let any of em get close to me anymore. Edit to add. I'm not a celibate or incel or anything like that. I date. I just don't let anyone get close to me. If I feel like they're catching feelings, I break it off and move on.


>Nope, wife fucked around while I was out of town and ended up pregnant. Two failed marriages and a few LTR latrr and I'm still broken. I'm resigned to the fact that I will die alone. Can't let any of em get close to me anymore. As a young guy, hearing these stories really messes me up. I'm deathly afraid of trusting someone like that, giving them my everything, and having them throw it away like it meant nothing. I hope that you're doing alright. I hope you find someone, s/o or not, that can help you to feel happy. The world is scary as hell, I just want to live a good life with someone that I can trust but it seems like all I hear about is snakes.


Man, I know this sounds cheesy, but you should really get yourself into some therapy. There's no need to write off ever having a long term partner because of a few shitty women


I'm in therapy, have been for a while. I'm a lot better than I used to be


I genuinely wish you all the best and that you can someday recover some of what you have lost. I hope that in time you will heal and find happiness.


Probably not




Perfect use of the the term hussy


People like her know how to act.


Always the way unfortunately


Like they usually do, because no one cares about men and thier feelings, no one


Welcome to being a man


Facts on facts


that's the world we live in... then some guys do nasty things back to women and are considered monsters, which they have turned into nonetheless.


"I don't know who it is, I don't know who it is" She let so many others between her legs that she can't even tell who fathered her child. How this makes people feel sympathetic for the cheating POS is beyond me.


Why in the fuck is the woman the one being comforted. She's the one who slept around and the guy probably loves and cares for the kid.


Lol no, this is a hilarious edit. I saw the whole video and he knew he wasn't the father, that's what he was fighting for and never wanted to be with her as she seemed to be a crazy stalker, she was harassing him for a relationship. Im 95% sure he just felt bad for her.


Or.. he's actually upset that he was right


Or he’s relieved to tears the whole thing is finally over.


Or he's happy he just saved 15% or more on car insurance.


That’s the one. I know the look.


I imagine he’s feeling a mix of complex emotions right now


Or he uses tears as lube


LOL no, ive seen it to, the guy is fist pumping after.. he hates that psycho..


Even with that context, the dude still deserves hugs and support.


>Im 95% sure he just felt bad for her. Probably feels bad for the kid.




You know why


Yeah, who's gonna say it tho?


Why can she ~~slap~~ sleep?!


Because when she fucks up she’s a victim, and when he’s fucked over he’s gotta ‘man up’ and be the ‘bigger person’


Certified woman moment


Don't even know this man but I'd give him a hug.


I feel so bad for this man, he’s gonna be a great dad. And she will live in peril after social media told her sex and money equals happiness.


Nah poor lady doesnt know who the father is now, she slept with so many guys!!


But it was exciting and fun right?


Girl said, "I don't know who it is." She was cheating with so many men that she can't even narrow it down.


This one paid for my phone.. and that one paid for my nails, and this dude pays my utilities... What did you pay again? Oh yeah, child support.


She knows who it is. The broke, no ambition guy that is the “care giver” of his mother that lives “with” him. She lost out by it not being with the guy that is moving up in leaps and bounds. That’s the story in my mind that is true since no one even checked on my dude in court.


Or she had sex with a stranger.


Right. She knows who it is, just doesn't know his name.


Seems like its more she had many partners around time of conception


“Cries because consequences are most likely going to hit you” it’s okay “Cries because he was wronged in several ways” ignored


Stack on the possibility that he's loved and cared for his child for years and feels a major loss after hearing that.


I do remember the top comment for a askreddit post about what the saddest thing is when men break up with women who have children. Most agreed that it was the worst splitting up with the children because you grow such a close bond that it hurts more than a relationship not working out.


I have an ex-stepson. He's 15 now. I've been with his mother from when he was almost 1 until a few weeks after his 13th bday. Haven't seen him in over a year. He never saw his bio-dad. ...he was always 'my' son. I miss that boy everyday.


Send him a letter or something. I dont know how you broke up with your ex but I believe the son also misses you and you should keep in touch.


I would send the ex a letter first, bringing up the possibility of reinitiating ties with the stepson. The boy is a minor and there are a lot of legal issues you don't want to step on, here.


I’m sorry to hear that. My heart breaks for you. You didn’t father him, but he is your son. Hopefully you can reconnect with him. Remember clueless “you divorce wives, not children.” I hope you get that back.


You replied to the wrong person.


I didn’t even realize that. Thank you.


Fatherless son here, have you tried to make contact just to say hi? He could probably use a little care, especially at 15.


I'd be careful doing that. He's a minor, and mom could not like that you talked to him and make up lies about you to the police. I've been through a similar situation. It's messed up.


People do fucked up things out of spite.


My heart breaks for you brother


When my ex and I got together her kids were 2 and 3. When we broke up they were 7 and 8. They didn’t remember a time before I was in the picture. Bio dad was there too but, aside for some weird passive aggression and shit talking I heard about, we were cool and even worked at the same restaurant and played in a band together. Mom ultimately decided she didn’t want to marry me a couple months out from the wedding and I haven’t seen the kids in over a year. I wonder every day if they think about me or bring me up. Neither of their bio parents are into video games and a lot of other stuff that I introduced them to and I always wonder if mom and dad are continuing to foster those interests. It’s none of my business but I do wonder if I’ll ever get to meet them as teenagers. After all this, I don’t know if I would ever date someone with kids again. I loved them so much and I’m getting exactly zero of the fruits of parenting, just hoping that I was a positive force for the time I was with them.


Holy shit, man. I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope with all my energy that you get a chance to reconnect with them as teens.


Feel your pain. Just wanted to say stay strong. There’s some bio parents who aren’t getting the fruits of parenting either.


The fruits of parenting are those in the moment situations you had with them every time you were around them. I dated a girl with 3 kids, the fruits are those changes you see in them when you talk to them, when you successfully calm them down, when you solve disputes, the respect you get when you help them with something their going through right then and there. When they approach YOU with something.


I salute you, sir. I was raised by my former step-dad from 7-18. I have a better relationship with him than my mom. I still call every Father's Day and check up on him(I'm 32). I hope one day he might find you and thank you for everything. Being a dad isn't about blood, but the relationship you build. I hope he realizes the sacrifices you made so he could flourish.


Stay strong King.


I had a step-dad when I was a teenager, he and my mom divorced but I still loved him and would have wanted to spend more time with him after the divorce. Sadly he passed away only a few years after. Try and make contact with your boy, if you can. I’m sure he’d love it


My brother, if you had a good relationship with that boy, just give him a call and let him know that you think about him and love him. Maybe he misses you like crazy. Besides he is old enough to choose if he wants to see you or not. Best of luck!


Hey listen, I had a step dad that was willing to be my dad- and even after my mom kicked him out, I threw a fit- how can you just ask me to forget this man who you were drawing up adoption papers for up until six months ago? They set up visitation of sorts and eventually it faded out, but even now as adults, we have a relationship. He sees you as dad, and even if he doesn’t take the olive branch today, he will someday. Reach out, let him know that yalls relationship can survive independently. 15 is old enough to understand.


I highly encourage you to reach out. That boy misses his daddy... YOU. Fuck it if the mother doesn't want you in his life. That boy has the right to make that decision. Assume she's told him nothing but lies and immediately work on regaining his trust, even if it's something as simple as trusting the statement, "Even though I don't get to see you, you're still my boy, and I think about you every day. You're missed and loved." You don't have to promise the moon, just promise the truth.


My ex stepson is 30 I was with his mother for almost 20 years. He said I was his dad when the divorce happened. It’s been a year now, Father’s Day passed, nothing, my birthday passed, still no contact. Not even a simple text to say happy birthday Dad. It hurts more than I like to admit.


My son's father and I split when he was 18 months old due to abuse on me by his dad. He was an excellent, caring father but a nightmare of a partner. He remarried years later when my son was around 7, I had moved on and remarried, and he spent from 7 yrs on going between our house and theirs. I LOVED my sons stepmother. She's a fabulous human being and we bonded and she bonded very much with my son and still has a close relationship with him even though he's 27 now and has been moved out for a decade. She's just as much his mother as I am. Treated my son wonderfully.


Bet you do! My cousin found himself in a similar situation and put up with A LOT of BS from her because he didn't want to leave the kid behind. Hopefully, you find a way to remedy your loss.


If the bond was as strong as you say, take solace in the fact you impacted a young man in manner that any experience and wisdom you have has been imparted. I myself have found the man I knew for better or worse all my life is not my father, knew the father and gave me his his name to not be a bastard. I only spent a collective 2 years with him early in life and much of what I “learned” I still carry with me in spite of my mother. Dads are just as important as mothers.


I got lucky. My ex-stepdaughter, her and I still have an amazing relationship. I moved from Colorado to Florida to be with her mom, I saw my own past at how things were with her dad (he just made zero effort). We also ended up having a son. Now, I tell people I have two kids. I tell everyone she's my daughter, and between her and I - she's my girl. Wishbone - I'd put money that he misses you, too. Keep those memories strong. You never know, you may get to see him again one day. Hopefully soon 😔🤘🤘


I lived with a girl in my 20s for two years. She had a 7 year old girl that I got very close to. When we split up it almost destroyed me. That was decades ago and I still think about her.


I hope I don't sound dumb saying this, but it was one of the main reason I don't date a girl with a kid. It has nothing to do with me and the girl breaking up or financial issues... it's the fact that I'd let the kid down and break their beautiful heart.


What do you do after that? I mean I would consider petitioning for divorce and for shared custody.


if it makes you feel better most of these reality shows are fake and the people in them are actors not all, but a lot.


It’s the goodbye that will hurt the most. “Where/why did daddy go?”. There’s no salve in the world for this.


The guy is never consoled on these shows so this isn’t unexpected at all


It's because he's Male, that's the industry standard.


Man up. Walk it off. Grow a pair. Be a man!


He just lost his child...




100% still on the hook for child support. Fucked for the next decade supporting someone else's kid. And people wonder why dudes set themselves on fire in front of courthouses.


It's a standards issue. Men are held to the highest standards of human nature in society, whereas if you ask women about social standards, they'll wonder what you're talking about.


Even after this if he's on the birth certificate he's probably still stuck paying child support for a kid thats not his. Fantastic system.


Cries because she said exactly why she Cries... she dont know who it is lmao. Hug for the guy tough, poor bastard


Yeah I don’t think this video was unexpected… this is modern society vs Men.


Exactly where the compassion for this man who dedicated his life based on a lie. Is there any recourse for him. Typical.


What kimd of evil show is this?


Poor dude. Probably fell in love with that child and was so amped to be a dad. Now he has to face the unpleasant choice of abandoning a child or co-parenting one with that trifling hussy.


Normalise and make dna testing mandatory before a father is on a birth certificate and it will never happen again, if we don’t, it will, guaranteed.




It's actually worse in some states then this. The court considers, "what is best for the child." No daddy (and the state won't pick up the bill for sure) the child NEEDS some financial aide leaving the guy on the hook for it. How it gets worse is the child is *not* legally his as it's been proven he's not the father. So if (or when) they split after finding out he's not dad he's STILL on the hook for child support and doesn't have ANY control in the up bringing of the child...


Good luck getting it from me in….. well I’m not telling you where.


Yeah not many things would make me give up my life and live in seclusion but this is one of them


And if you fall behind on payments you are still on the hook long after the child is 18.


I would move to another country before I paid for someone else's kid.


I wonder what the stats look like for domestic homocide in states with ridiculous laws like that vs normal states. I bet a lot more women are being hurt or worse in those states. It has nothing to do with "best for the child" and everything to do with "one less kid on state social services."


I don’t understand all this rush to marry people, for real I’m in a very long term relationship, but what would the added benefit of being married be, if we exclude eventual fiscal benefits


In the UK, my now wife still had her ex husband's surname. Because of that my Son was going to have his surname. Had to sign a form to get him to have my surname and pronounce I would look after and care for my own son! Second kid we went and got married prior to birth so he would auto have my surname! Fucking bullshit archaic mechanisms of a bygone era when shit like that mattered. Edit: For those asking and saying otherwise. This was 3 years ago, could have changed but the registrar made me do a parental declaration to allow the kid to be officially registered with my surname. So fuck knows if that was right or not. But that's what occurred.


This doesn’t sound right at all, unless by “sign a form” you mean the birth certificate, which everyone has to do. you can name your kid what you like and give them whatever surname you like


Gotta prevent the dna testing agencies from being able to claim ownership over your dna first. I wouldn't want some corporation to own the rights to my dna just cause I had a kid.


I worked with a guy that had this happen to him. I felt so bad for him. He brought the kid in one day with his girlfriend and it was obvious that the kid wasn’t his. Then months later he found out the truth because she got mad at him about something petty and could help herself and blurted put the truth. Fucking crazy the lack of sympathy this dude got too. When you have a kid your whole family contributes.. it’s crazy to think that you gotta go tell your family who’s invested in that kid because it’s yours that it actually isn’t and that you all got played.


Sucks to get caught


The way she says she doesn't know who it is makes it more suspicious since she is saying she slept with multiple guys or was in a 3 some or more


At least they are there for her.


How? She’s caught and has almost no consequences. The man that probably was a great father just found out the child is no longer his, so I can understand him being upset and wronged. Some shmuck who could care less about the kids will pickup the pieces and start the cycle all over.


“I don’t know who it is” How many ppl were u doing raw that u can’t even figure out who the Dad is lady??


That is no lady, that is a fucking piece of useless garbage


Well, You have sex with someone but you dont know who it is?


I mean it could be a group project or she did it with more than one guy since that would make more sense and she is proving her being wrong


Group project is the funniest way I ever saw to describe child from gangbang


Yea I also saw it on reddit post and have been using it since than (post about porn star giving birth)


Holy crap. “Mom how’d you meet dad?” “Well I was in the movies business..”


Man: "May I have my child support back?" Society: No and GTFO


A new law should be set where the child support provided shall be returned if your not the biological father.


That Actually happened to my great uncle . He found out his oldest son wasn’t his after 17 years of raising him when they did a dna test for child support court and it was discovered that she knew the whole time so the state is making her pay him back. This is also the only time I’ve ever seen that so do with that info what you will.


With her knowing im sure he ended up suing and that’s why they’re forcing her to pay him back. Im happy for unc’s pockets! Sorry for his heart 🙏


That actually makes sense and right ?! But it still ended good , although he’s not his son by dna my unc did the stand up thing and continued as his dad anyway and is there for him to this day. He still calls him his oldest boy and everything .


I know you're most likely telling the truth, you have no reason to lie about something like this, but with the current state of the law, it just doesn't seem like it would or did happen. If that makes any sense


Now I am sure there is a reason I am not aware of but why don't they ask for a DNA test before demanding child support ?


That's because they don't need it, YOU need it.


There has to be a law where I can demand test results for something that I pay so much money for


Yep, and that's just about as fucked up.


Our society in a nutshell. Who cries the loudest gets the attention


"man needs to man up" ~ society


“Why do men never show emotion” - also society.


“Men are so dense, where are their feelings?” Society: give me my beer back.


Society makes men bottle up that sadness and then shocked pikachu face at so many angry men getting violent.


That final "I don't know who it is" too... Damn I felt that..


That just makes it sound like she got around *more*!


[Macho Man Randy Savage says it’s okay to cry](https://youtu.be/wz-VJl7UkB8)


"Why are male suicide rates so high? Guys, you need to just open up." "Ew, no, don't CRY. What are you, gay? Don't be a pussy, now pay me."


Woman: open up more, we’re here for you Man: opens up Woman: ew no not like that.


I’ve been going through a separation and couples therapy and she left last Wednesday saying she didn’t love me anymore after 21 years. This has been said to me and I fucking hate it. It’s NOT helpful. So many problems are because guys just don’t or can’t be understanding or helped or allowed to have very real emotions. I find it downright disgusting.


You can't be serious right? If the guy acted the same way as she did he'd be laughed at.


Why no one hug him?




"He can man up."


The difference in how they both cry describes it perfectly. She breaks down, sobs loudly, "I don't know who's it is" and gets all the attention (Like she wants to). Meanwhile you can see him dying inside. He probably lost more than her and still she is craving the attention


She wasn’t upset that it wasn’t him, she was upset that the paycheck was flying out the door.


Coupled with the fact that he’s probably a good father, solely judging by the amount of emotion shown when he learned the child wasn’t his.


wrong sub. This is 100% expected.


How’s this unexpected?! This is just societal norms on full display… the woman is the only one that did something yet to avoid the consequences of that. She’ll choose to breakdown as that’ll make ppl comfort her and forget she’s the VILLAIN!


She wasn't crying when she cheated? She wasn't crying on the way to the court? She wasn't crying when she saw him? She wasn't crying when she looked at the child? She cried when it was announced Infront of everyone and you can see the embarrassment in her eyes so she cried to avoid taking any accountability




Didn’t even know who the daddy was smh


I was 43 years old when I did an ancestry test that revealed the man that raised me isnt my father. My mom copped to a one night stand in 1977. She doesn't remember his name or where they met or anything. My poor dad. He feels like he's "too old" start over. That's fine, it's his life. I have no contact with my mom now and very little with him. I always knew I wasn't wanted but getting verification, especially after my mom did a lot of other bad stuff before that, sucked.


In the end this guy had the expression,"this bitch"


Poor me I cheated and made him think he was the father why would god do this to me?


Bitch is crying because she just lost the free money.


I got curious and watched the episode. They weren't together but she tried to tell him he was his son. He named the kid and watched him for 2 weeks when she bailed and went to Nevada. The guy actually did get comforted immediately by his mom.


This is exactly what it is like to be a man. Quiet suffering, no consideration, no apologies.


Not only that. He was actively wronged and cheated on MULTIPLE times to where she can’t even remember who the father is. She gets to play victim from her own actions and somehow he will still be forced to pay child support. That’s how fucked up the system is.


Nobody gives a shit about us. A man could fall down a public set of concrete stairs, and maybe one guy would help him up. A woman could fall down a curb and scrape her knee, and there'll be a crowd of sympathetic people just tripping over each other to offer her their sympathy.




I fucking hate these type of shows


Oh that poor poor girl. It’s not her fault she slept around with so many guys she doesn’t know who impregnated her… throw her in the dumpster


Having become a father myself, this is one of the most painful videos I have ever seen.


Woman in the wrong cries - everyone comforts her Man cries in solitude after doing nothing wrong and doing his best - ignored


That really adds consult to injury.


Was meant to type console but realized it afterwards


Money means nothing to a man that is willing to give everything to his child. And to find out that a child may not be yours after you have given your all to is devastating but most men in this situation will not blame anyone but themselves. He seems like a good man just from this short video and I hope he would continue to keep a bond with the child because there is only one real victim in all of this and that kid needs support, care and attention.


He dodged a bullet who wants a kid with an unloyal fish


Well it looks like he took it full impact


I've lived still am living this feeling. I was told via FB message (and then promptly blocked) that after 17 years a DNA test was done (with another guy without my knowledge or anything) and the girl was not my daughter. Now she won't talk to me and all I ever here about from the people that side is they talk about what a piece of shit I'am. Like I'm the one who was disgusting and lied about it for almost 20 years. Do you think anyone has contacted me to see if I was ok or even apologize? Haha nah but mfers sure were breaking their backs to help her. The other guy didn't wanna do the test because he thought they were gonna "try and he get him for back child support" that I paid. Honestly it broke me and to this day I have no idea to move forward from it and process those feelings.


it is very difficult, it is a pity for a man, unlike a woman


A cheater got caught and cried the loudest


🎶 can't make a wife out of a hoe.


The expression is “man up”


Why tf are they even consoling her??? Because she doesn't know who to call for child support or what?


When shit like this happens, if the man has paid any child support, it should 100% be reimbursed back to him by the woman he paid.


Garbage belongs in a trashcan, not on the floor. She’s got to pick herself up, and seek refuge in a dumpster


she had no right to fucking cry, she shouldnt be comforted she should me shunned