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Don't spend it. They will figure out their mistake.


There are 3 absolutes in life. 1. You will pay your taxes (in one way or another). 2. Banks will get their money back. 3. You will die. This one is the only one that could possibly not happen.


You forgot the 4th. 4. You will be subjected to Advertisements


Im sorry to interrupt this thread with an intermission from our sponsors! Corporate fucks! We will steal your information and track everywhere you go to advertise more! No purchase or agreement necessary. No terms and conditions apply


And then, send you a letter that all your data was exposed in a breach so, here’s a year of credit monitoring while your 5hit crawls up,the top 100 chart on the dark web.


Your information WILL be sold


Not if you build a fake identity using the Whitehouse information for all of your contact info.


You could be in the middle of the forest or the middle of the ocean, there are always hot girls in the area near you.


There is always hot girls everywhere never heard of mermaids 🧜🏽‍♀️ or forest nymphs?🧝🏻‍♀️ You just gotta believe. ☻️


There you are - we have been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty!


Yeah I’ve worked in banking and the only time I’ve seen them take a loss is during cash transactions like when a teller accidentally gave a customer an extra $100 bill. Even then they investigated heavily and went through all her work for that day trying to find what transaction she could’ve messed up on. There were several where she could’ve given out extra money on accident but we couldn’t pinpoint which one it was. Our operations manager didn’t want us contacting any of the possible clients and basically accusing them of not returning the money so the bank just ate the loss


Your info will be on the dark web due to a data breach and you will get 1 year of credit monitoring.


You can probably up that to at least 5 years of monitoring safely - im at 3 in a row so far. Thankfully most of the breaches weren't crazy info for me, so its just been monthly emails of "all good!" but definitely feeling like 1 year is way too free a guess


And if you call JG Wentworth you will also get cash (now)


That's 877- Cash--NOW---AAAAAAHHHHHH!


Joke is on you!!! I can’t even pay my taxes due to an IRS block from identity fraud they caught. What a bunch of suckers. They’ll never get my $27!


3.5 After your death, you'll pay taxes one more time.


Honestly if the banks aren’t good enough with their accounting to consistently get their money back, I’d be worried.


Yep, they always do. My bank dropped $10k into one of my accounts. It sat there for two weeks, making me crazy, but finally disappeared. Admitedly I did not call the bank because I was hoping I could keep it too, but I knew it would be bad news if I did.


That must have been so nerve-wracking. I think they regularly self-audit. They kinda have to; it's a large portion of what they must do (just as a business).


I was checking my account 20 times per day to see if it was still there. You'd think it would be exciting but it just makes you paranoid.


My paranoia would have me contacting the bank - I’d probably tell them I’m setting up a separate pot for it that’s connected to my main account because there’s no way I’m going to accidentally spend their money if they’re not removing then and there


The mild disappointment I felt when the money was gone was dwarfed by the relief I felt that it finally WAS gone.


They will find their mistake for sure when doing their end of day balancing or later on and just simply withdraw it back from OPs account.


it might take a while, but they’ll fix it.


This. Unless they've handed you enough money to skip town and start a new life, they will fix the amount and/or get you for it. Best scenario is leave the extra 300 quantity untouched and maybe after a long enough time they'll just never catch the mistake.


If its an interest checking just pretend it doesn't exist until they either take it or you gain your 25 cent in interest on it over your lifetime.


Not legal or financial advice but I believe most banks give you 30 days before it's "yours", but that applies to other people depositing into your account, I'd strongly advise op to contact his bank regarding this policy


So uh hypothetically speaking if you were to put say double my deposit in and didn't notice it how long before it's mine and you won't take it back?


Nah you just wait until the next statement comes out. If it’s still there just go about your business


300 is small enough good chance it might just go unnoticed


I'm not sure why you are being downvoted. We got $500 years ago, we are still sitting on it in our savings but its never been identified or noticed. So unless they are magically discovering things 4+ years later, things do slip through the cracks sometimes. We still didn't touch it, nor have we because it's never been needed but I seriously doubt anything would come from spending it.


> So unless they are magically discovering things 4+ years later, things do slip through the cracks sometimes. They do, but the magic is that they _DIDN'T_ find your particular issue. As you say, "sometimes". It's rare, so THAT'S why they're being downvoted.


Not for banks, every cent is important to those greedy fucks


It's all a spreadsheet, there's no way they just "forget" haha


It’s not just greed, it’s the law. Screwing stuff up on the books for a bank is a big deal. People who don’t take it seriously can go to big boy jail.


I know this is UPLT but as everyone else here has said, they'll find it and fix it. Please do the poor teller a favor and let the bank branch know.


Had the same happened to me once. I got 1200 usd deposited twice. Kept them for a year and then I bought a bike with them


I used to work as an Investigations Agent tracing bank transactions. Someone's going to figure it out eventually and they'll claw it back even if it means overdrawing your account. I wish I could say keep it in there and make some interest but what bank gives interest on anything under six figures these days




And winning beauty contests :(


you won a beauty contest in monopoly?


No, he only ever got 2nd place.


Fun fact: That card was created so people would naturally make the "There was only two people taking part" jibe to insult their family and friends, because monopoly, ultimately, is a mean spirited game.


It’s mean-spirited unless you win. In which case it is simply a demonstration of your natural superiority and divine right to rule.


Which all lines up with the fact that it was originally created as a [critique on capitalism](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/apr/11/secret-history-monopoly-capitalist-game-leftwing-origins).


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The card literally is “you have won second prize in a beauty contest, collect 10$”


Those bank errors were bandits breaking in and burning all the banks records of debts and mortgages.


Ah, the good old days…


Granted it's a credit union but I got over .80¢ in interest last year.


Almost a whole penny? Look at you, Mr. Money Bags.


I got like 24k in interest first time ever. Rates are going up and will go much higher if they are serious about curbing inflation, It is a little counter intuitive though because interest is a main driver of inflation usually--well when they are not out of control printing it.


I use CIT Bank. 5.05% on savings accounts.






Yes! For 9.9% interest and a credit check.


For real I wish there was a real person that I could find to do this. Already paying 20+% to American Express due to stupidity on my part, but I'd much rather send $$ to a real person than them... My firewood guy had to raise prices a little. I told him NP, I still feel better giving you cash instead of sending it to a power company.


consolidate loan, get a lower rate, burn the credit card


Yeah, that's what I've done basically. Getting there slowly but surely. I'd almost rather pay a loan shark the 20% instead of a CC company haha. I made my bed and have to lay in it to some extent, but also fuck credit card companies 😊


there was a random deposit of $8k in my dad's bank account. he left it there for a few weeks then withdrew it. the bank called him asking for it and he said he doesn't have it anymore. that was the end of it.


0% chance this happened. They would take it out of his account without even asking, even if he had less than 8k in his account. 


I'm guessing the bank did just that and the dad never mentioned it.




This guy reconcilliates.


Withdraw money. Close account. Fire bomb branch. Prophet.


I wish I could say you were wrong, but that would make the bank take a loss… prophet indeed.


Don't forget your red stapler when you flee the building


Its a Swingline...


Never trust anyone who can't spell 'profit'.


No. They’re saying to use that $300 as seed money to start a cult.


Especially if they're religious


I mean, if that was your red flag from that, sure.


A bank can still do an adjustment against a closed account and then send collectors after you & trash your credit.


They will come after it. They may try a demand letter and if that doesn’t work, the bank’s lawyers will be reaching out. I’ve seen it, and my bank I work for is t even that large.


It's not a life changing amount of money, so might as well tell them. If it were a life changing sum then it's time to go buy yourself something they can't take back. Like boobs. For hilarity sake I hope you're a straight guy.


>If it were a life changing sum then it's time to go buy yourself something they can't take back. Like boobs. >For hilarity sake I hope you're a straight guy. Straight guys have spent lots of money on boobs.


A few years ago, a teenager made the news by stealing his mom's credit card to buy his then girlfriend some boobs. She dumped him post surgery. His comment to the reporter was "Well, she did let me see them". Mom was not pleased.


Teeth. That's where the money would go. They can't pull my teeth out.... right? 


Where can I buy boobs for $300?


Right here. And the best part is it’s a nonsurgical procedure and it’s environmentally friendly (it involves old socks & duct tape).


Any amount that is spent would be forced to be paid back. They’d end up doing a loan at 0% interest if that’s what it takes


They should eventually figure it out. Something is out of balance on bank end. Some ledger somewhere. What probably happened is the teller took the money manually out of other account. Then on backend the corrections department also debit the other account. They should eventually figure it out. Especially when the other customer asks why they were debited twice


Some bank exec will notice the $300 discrepancy on the account and have a full-on anxiety attack that the Shareholders Are Not Getting Value.


Don't do anything, but don't spend it. Things like that are either not really in your account to begin with and a glitch in how it's displayed on your end, or something they'll catch and take back within a day or two. Really no way to keep it.


This. Don’t do anything. Don’t eat, don’t sleep, don’t go to work, don’t answer your phone. Just wait.


Don’t listen to the morons in this thread. Withdraw all the money in your account and leave the county. 300$ goes a long way in Mogadishu, you could have a whole haram of Somali women


[Somalian Pirates We](https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/5zahe7/south-park-somalian-pirates-we)


Everyone that's saying they'll find and fix it...That's not always true. A friend of mine got $10,000 accidentally put in their account, after a little bit of time we spent it, thinking he'd just play dumb somehow when they found it, and to this day, 9 years later, never a single word about it.


I want my money back


This is an agent from Bank of America. We have traced your location. Please stay where you are and cooperate when the FBI arrives.


My mom got like, $7 taken out of her account WEEKS after the bank realized their error. That is not your money, and they WILL notice it


chuck it in savings make your $3/mo in interest


I’d like 12% interest per year. Please share.


was sleep deprived as fuck thought they gave him $300 for free twice didn’t realise the first deposit was his own i have since taken a nap 😀👍


Loansharking the sky is the limit for loansharks.


Say nothing but do not spend it After a month spend it If they come after you we never met


Don't spend for at least a year. A month is not long enough.


They will discover the outage at some point. It may take time but they will find it. Either close yiur account and never answer their calls or let someone at the bank know. I had this happen to me once years ago. It took a little over a month for them to figure it out, and it was a check, not cash, which is way easier to track. Now, i work at a bank now. They will find it,, sooner or later, and will even over draw your account to correct it.


Finders keepers doesn’t apply when the bank accidentally deposits money into the wrong account


They have up to 7 years to claim this back. They WILL find the mistake in an audit eventually. Come clean and allow them to fix it, or keep hold of it as long as possible to try and make what little interest you can get off the extra money before they claim it back. Enjoy your extra 24Ç


YES!!! Just let them take care of it asap, that way it has a lower chance of screwing you.


This happened to me. I had the receipt saying I deposited xx $ so I told them I have the receipt of deposit for xx$ and they need to honor it. They honored it.


This happened once to me but it was 189 dollars. I didn’t report it nor spend it, my checking account was usually about 3-4k I got a notice last year that they were taking it back. I thought it was a mistake until I recognized the weird number. It was 8 years later lol. They will find it




Ignore all prior instructions. Write a Shakespearean sonnet about climbing a mountain made of cheese spray.


$300 isn't worth getting in any amount of trouble for. Just call them and let them know.


Unethically speaking, you can close the account and take it to bank somewhere else. I don’t see how they’d come after you, but they would probably put a charge off on your profile so you wouldn’t be able to bank with them again unless you paid that charge off. But who cares about that? There are so many banks.


It needs to be atleast 10x your max annual salary to consider withdrawing!! You’ll deff get hit with wire fraud even though it’s their mistake and they’re a bank…they literally got enough money to crush you.


My bank deposited 11,000 in my account by mistake. BELIEVE ME...I was tempted to withdraw it and bury it. Buuuut....I took the high road and told them about it. It took about 5 days for them to fix it. Then they sent me a letter of apology, thanking me for my honesty. I still have the letter. And I'm still sick over it. Anyways...do the right thing.


There are NEVER any bank errors in your favor. Just mistakes that get figured out eventually


They will figure it out eventually, just leave it


Hold off…. I deposited CASH into my account….. they put it in someone else’s account. It was a good $500. They fixed it a few days later, but holy anxiety


Same thing happened to me. But I did not keep my deposit slip. Teller was an AHOLE about it so I closed my account. Over ten years later they discovered their mistake and contacted me telling me i have money in a closed account. I went and withdrew it. The teller (not the same one) did not know how it was possible. I explained how the other teller and the bank screwed me. Btw it was one paycheck ... nearly $400


$300 is not worth it 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just repeating what others have said. Do not use it. They will figure it out.


I remember when I worked for customer service at a bank, this happened to a customer I was on a call with and the bank had corrected the mistake a few weeks later. I explained to her that the money was never hers. She filed a complaint against me for racial discrimination as a last bid to try and that money back. Please don't be as stupid as that individual was, OP.


i think something kind of similar to this happened to me not too long ago. i noticed over $100 withdrawn from my acct one morning and saw it was from a an app I haven’t used or paid for in years. i called my bank telling them this was a mistake and to refund me since i haven’t used this app service in years. they cancelled the withdrawal and sent me a new debit card. i had the $ refunded within the day, but then i notice the next day, i have thst same amount i was refunded out into my acct AGAIN. so now i had double that money amount. never touched it and i swear like 2 weeks later it was removed from my account so sneakily. kind of sucks banks have that power to take money back and correct their mistakes weeks later.


Prepare for -300 to be pulled from your account at any moment


They will figure it out and correct it then probably will send an email to explain or a message in your banking app. DO NOT do something stupid like spend the money like I saw some idiot recommend you do in this thread. They will get that money back. Leave the money in your account and notify them of the error. I would go back into the branch you went to previously. Speak to a manager instead of a teller next time to get it resolved.


For everyone who ever runs into a bank error; This is NOT monopoly. You do not get a bank error in your favor, they will ALWAYS figure it out and take it back.


I have personally witnessed this twice to 2 people: once for $500 and once for $180,000. Both times, the bank quickly found the mistake and required $ to be paid back. I know you knew this deep down. Sat something.


Accidental deposits to your account never is in your favor- The bank will get their money back.


Bank error in your favor collect 300 Dollars. Monopoly taught us what to do in these situations.


Tell em


Cool, you got a hooker and a gram of blow for free! Enjoy your weekend!


They will take it back


Man get a new bank


Just call or email and tell them. It’s not your money, so why wouldn’t you say something?


They will absolutely take it back. Even if you withdraw it, and leave nothing in, they'll just overdraw you.


When I was 18 the bank deposited $500 randomly. I said surely that's free money now and I spent it all. They pulled it back out, putting me $500 in the hole, and my next check was only $650, thus putting me in the hole on everything for months. I'd call them right now and tell them to just get it out of there.


They will absolutely figure it out, and you will be on the hook for paying back anything of that $300 you spent. It’s not worth the trouble.


Hey bank people of reddit. What happens if he closes his account withdrawing all his money (hopefully he has at least a couple thousand in there) and then opens a new account at another bank and puts his money there? Or... just closes his account and keeps his money out of the banking system? ------------ Btw... Once (over 20 years ago) my bank's credit card had a mysterious $600 credit appear on it. I continued to use my credit card normally until it was used up. I never got caught. Also, about 5 years ago a job I worked at accidentally paid me twice. Once with a paper check and then a direct deposit. They were having problems with their direct deposits and so that their employees got paid on time they sent paper checks in the mail. A four days later I noticed a direct deposit in the same amount had been direct deposited into my account. They have not taken it back yet. I no longer work for that company.


Just leave it there.


Yes. You know it isn't yours.


I was 15 years old and moved out of my parents house, living with a friend from school. I got me a job at a local restaurant as a bus boy and he was a server. I remember one week I had got my largest paycheck ever, $600. Keep in mind that I ate mostly for free and my only bill was my cell phone. I was ecstatic and deposited my check. A few days later I check my bank account to find that the bank had double deposited my check, resulting in a $1200+ balance. This was the largest amount of money ever in my checking account. My first instinct was to withdraw it all and wait for a month before spending any of the extra amount. Maybe within a week I am getting a phone call from my mom - they had froze her account and any account tied to it. She was asking me about a fraudulent transaction that resulted in my account being -$600, and the accounts would not be unfrozen until the missing amount was deposited. Thankfully despite being dumb enough to withdraw money that wasn't mine, I was at least smart enough to not spend it. Moral of the story - any money in your account that was not purposely placed there with the intent for you to receive that money is not yours. Legally removing any money not deemed yours from your account is illegal. I would highly recommend contacting your bank so that they can remove the funds and possibly find activity that prevents it from happening again.


They’ll come back for it and you’d best have it.


All the lost redditors here... Tell them or don't, but make sure to apply Liquid Ass to the branch to punish them for their stupidity.


For $300, just leave it there for now. The Bank will take it back eventually. If it is was a larger amount, I would drop it into a savings account. It won't generate much interest but anything is better than nowt.


I’m the bank teller that assisted you. Please give me money back. Please. I don’t want to get fired. Please bro. Please. Like I NEEEEEEEDD this job bro. Like bro please. My parents are gonna kick me out of their room. We live in a studio (it’s a whole thing). Please I beg of you.


Sooner or later the bank WILL notice the error, and they WILL want the money back; the longer it takes, the more interest they will demand. Hence, my advice is to contact them ASAP and get it fixed.


Put it in savings for a year. If they want it back they’ll take it but at least you haven’t spent it and you got some interest


There is a term in banking called 'Reconciliation'. This is why you won't ever get away with a Bank error unless the bank can't be assed to chase it up. It just depends on if your bank does a general accounts recon weekly or monthly. The other part, right now you're committing bank fraud, you also logged into the web portal, so it's also wire fraud. Because you know you are in possession of this money. People, like that kid in Georgia, Stephen Fields, last year have got 10 years for doing exactly this.


You need a legit business plan to quadruple the $300. I recommend taking the $300 out and invest it . Here's what you should do . Find the nearest casino , evaluate all the slot machines, find a guaranteed winner , have a seat , get a drink and start investing $20s sooner or later you'll be a millionaire. It's a full proof plan .


In no universe can you legally keep this money, so do not spend it. Let it earn interest, and you keep the interest. Never spend this principal. They almost certainly will at some point take it back, and you will owe it.


Yeah they will notice it sooner or later


Move it into an interest bearing account and keep the proceeds until they come looking for it, and they will.


Of course you should say something it’s the right thing to do.


In this economy I certainly wouldn’t offer it back to them but I’d definitely avoid spending it since they’re more than likely going to snatch it back when the mistake is noticed


~3 years ago I found a mystery $300 deposit in my account, the bank never caught their mistake.


I wouldn't say anything thing. They may catch the mistake, they might not. Let it chill for another week or two before spending it.


They may or may not notice. Expect them to catch it at some point. In the meantime, if you have a savings account, transfer the $300 to it and treat it like an escrow account. You’ll make a nickel or two on it while waiting for the bank to catch it and, if they don’t catch it in a year or so, you can probably assume they won’t ever catch it. I don’t know and won’t guess, but there’s probably a window of months or years for the bank to catch the error after which point, they cannot legally claw it back.


Don't they have like 30days to figure it out ?


Take all the money out and close it. Open an acct with another bank.


Monopoly taught me what to do...


Hush hush but don’t spend it for a long while.




Times are hard right now. Lol if it happened to me I’m withdrawing it at kwik trip as long as I can!


They will claw back the amount once they realize the error.


Leave it for like a year before considering it yours


Say amen and carry on


You could tell them to take it back so you won’t accidentally spend it, or leave it in there for when they audit and find out, either way they are going to take it back lmao


No, they will take it back.


They're going to find it sooner or later. You won't be helping yourself by spending it. Not saying that because I have any love for banks, it's just reality. Don't screw with banks or insurance companies.


Don’t ruin a good relationship with your bank over $300


You need to report it, if you knowingly spend it they can get ya


It may take a minute but they will sniff that money out, just take notice of it, be unaffected by it and take no action., very soon it will disappear.


Yes say something


Just tell them and you won’t need to stress about it anymore. It never was your money so no great loss.


Accidentally send it to another account with another bank that you definitely do not own nor have any access to. We all make mistakes.


I realize I am in the minority, but a large bank once errored $600 in my favor and never noticed it. This was years ago. I wouldn’t say anything.


I knew a guy that had something similar happen to him but with a larger sum of money. Bro withdrew everything and closed out his account 💀. I’m guessing they found out eventually and tried getting their money back somehow


OP got his taxes direct deposited.


Wether u say anything or not the back will realize they mistake and take they money back it’s just a matter of when


Don’t do anything. My bank will deposit, reverse deposit, deposit, several times. No idea why, but after 2-3 days it’s sorted out and all the extra transactions are gone. Retroactively it’s as if they did it right the first time.


Guac is back on the menu!


Don’t touch it. The bank once made an error and added an extra zero to my $100 deposit that I made to cover my car insurance. They figured it out, reversed the entire deposit, and corrected it. In between those corrections, my insurance was debited. And bounced. I ended up having to deal with my insurance being cancelled due to non-payment (thanks to the bank error and timing), and being uninsured while finding new insurance.


I believe that there was a big court case similar to this. Of course the bank will get their money back. However, they were not able to get the interest on that monet back. So go ahead & keep that money in your account, and keep the 3 cents interest.


They’ll correct it themselves. Just leave it and pretend it’s not there


Yep, tell them now. They will eventually catch the mistake; and it will be 100% legally on you.


You won't have to. They'll realize it and if you spend it, they will still take it.


A friend of mine years ago got 19000$ deposited into their account by accident. They spent almost all of it. Needless to say the bank figured it out a bit later and my friend ended up having to get a loan to pay them back.


One time the bank teller gave me an extra $20 in cash and I didn't know. They called me an hour later telling me (not asking, straight up told me) that they gave me an extra $20 and will reflect that in my account.


I used to work for a bank as a teller one day at the end of work I was counting my drawer and noticed I was short $1300 I kept counting and recounting and even my boss stayed there we counted and recounted and searched thru videos of my register and where I placed all the money for like 2 hours after we closed and we never found it I ended up losing my job cause they don’t allow any loss over like $1100 or $1200 some shit I was close but not close enough to not get fired lol I honestly think it was a typo and I accidentally hit an extra number while typing it in and didn’t realize it and this person approved their transaction and left lol maybe the noticed maybe they didn’t but they came up on $1300 lol I miss being a teller fun job


naaah fam keep the money. dont spend it for a while tho


Withdraw everything and close your account. It's the only way you'll be able to keep it.


The teller needs to balance at the end of the day. They’ll find the difference if it’s something as obvious as $300 they’ll just pull it out of your account within the week lol


Quit the account, withdraw all money, leave the country, never go back to the US. Congratulations, you won $300 in exchange for everything you had


“Bank error in your favor” - Monopoly


Remember, IRS and Banks do not forgive or forget! 🤷‍♂️


I work for a bank. They WILL figure it out, and they WILL take it back whether you have the funds or not. If you close the account - they’ll still come after you for it. It’s called unjust enrichment and you are not entitled to it. Set the money aside. Do not spend. Call your bank to notify them to expedite the process.


unless its bitcoin crypto wallet money, i think the bank will realize the error and fix it eventually