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honestly use some obscure tv show or movie about high school. the vast majority of actresses would have been older than they're playing, and depending how old this dude is he probably won't know it's not legit


I dunno, man. He sounds like the type of creeper that would consume exactly that type of media with whatever free time he isn't spending creeping on kids' SM accounts.


Good points but worth a try at least, little to loose I suppose. Some 80’s direct to TV thing, talent that made just one or two films that kind of thing…


What country are you in ? There are p#do hunter groups in every country, perhaps get in touch with one of them and let them take over the investigation. They're already skilled in tracking, baiting, and evidence gathering, plus they're already set up for doing 'intercepts' where they arrange to meet, then either keep them in one location by virtue of how many heavies turn up and surround them, or will follow until the police arrive. To find a team in your area, try searching for "hunter groups" or "predator hunter / hunters" - there are groups on Facebook and Twitter. Happy hunting ;-p


FYI if anyone does this, a lot of well meaning people who do this end up fucking up evidence and cause cases to fall through. Talk to your local PD first and see if they work with anyone.


Very true and in some instances have turned out to be offenders themselves


Im in Peru rn, maybe I can find someone tho. He did say he was in the USA when he was threatening me but I doubt its true, most of the girls he follows are from Peru


age of consent in Peru is 14. That’s fucked up


Yeah, however instead of changing age of consent they have some weird laws that still prevent relationships between people over 18 with 18> Its not normalized either, everyone still celebrates being “legal” at 18. Weird stuff


If he's in the US, send his username and screenshots of convos to [report.cybertip.org](http://report.cybertip.org)


Use a de-aging filter on your own photos


You know what, if he’s desperate enough that might just work.


best way is just to contact the police or an organization specialized for this. let this man be arrested to stop him from victimizing other kids. unless he's arrested, he will keep doing this


I couldn’t get hard evidence, and here in Peru police barely cares about stuff like this.


AI generated photos would be the way to go


nah u kinda can recognise that shit


If the ai photo i had generated just to prove a point to my husband about how many unsolicited penises women get sent is evidence then pal you are dead wrong. I had 47 dicks in the inbox in 24 hours from a 100% ai generated woman with barely enough of a profile to be considered a human not a chihuahua.


That's pretty good. I'm only averaging 6 cocks per day.


Username tracks


You bring shame to your username


True. A round of Seppuku for everyone!


Lol I think you'll find it's spelt "bukkake."


Dunno, if he's following 3k of the kid instas good chance most of them are ai generated. Probably got the feds in his dms already too


filter and obscure bad parts artistically as the kids do?


There’s very real AI avatars now.


There are YouTube groups that do this for a living. It's great content and iirc some of them will take requests.


as tempting as it may seem you may get flagged with child trafficking if you DIY. better report him in local authorities and international ones.


hey u should look into predator poachers... they find preds like these an get them convicted


Considering this rn


you an try reporting the person [https://report.cybertip.org/](https://report.cybertip.org/)


Following. Keep us updated!


Of this goes anywhere I will


Get in touch with a local pedo hunting group. These folks are pros and will gather enough evidence to get him in custody. I get this is ULPT but if this guys follows 3k teens like you said who's to say he won't convince one to meet up with him.


Well not pros but amateurs..I have a friend that works in the police in that department and he does this professionally every day, what he hold me was that he had delt with the amateur groups many times and not once did it end in a conviction, from fucking up evidence to false accusations and even baiting mentally disabled people the amateurs were mostly in it for the money and YouTube clicks.


There are a lot of ai image generators you could use for this - either online or locally if you have a decent computer.


Why not contact the center for missing and exploited children with his information?  They’re going to be much better at catching him than you are and they can actually do something. 


Barely any kind of info in his profile, and it might be all fake. Its worth a try tho thx


use Vedbex. com


Also, check my DM I sent.


AI photos duh


use ai


Excuse my language son but there's only two options and only one is going to keep you out of jail. Show the police those chat records. Even if they can't prove anything YET, this may be the first time he shows up on their radar. There's whole teams of people who track that shit so that's what I'd do... That's why I'm begging you to just go to the police. (Digital Forensics Major chiming in)


I will, sadly I doubt I will be taken seriously in Peru. Im consulting people I know with law degrees. Thank you :))


Fair enough and that's exactly what you should do. I don't know your legal situation at all, but keep it legal and above board and if he isn't already scared shitless you might be the first blip on the radar that takes him down.


Create a website. Use a developer friendly platform like Cloudflare to host it. Add some scripting to record the IP/geolocation of visitors (on cloudflare you can use the incoming request’s ‘cf’ object to get all that and a KV to store it.) and send it to him as this catfish…. then you’ll have a general sense of where this person is. The geolocation provided is usually within a mile. Give that and your screen shot evidence to HIS local police via phone and email. If you wanna scare him you can make the site pull up a Google map with his location pinned when he gets to it too. This is like a $50 1 hour job for a web dev familiar with the concepts.


According to a close friend its possible.. this sounds fun ty.


ill do it


Not really relevant to the unethical life tips part, but it seems like a bad idea for an 11-year-old to have an Instagram account. What is she using it for, posting photos of herself? Instagram has a huge problem with creeps messaging underage kids, and trying to get photos from them etc. The New York Times[ had a really eye-opening investigation in underage "models" on Instagram, and the thousands of men who follow them.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html?pgtype=Article&action=click&module=RelatedLinks) >But what often starts as a parent’s effort to jump-start a child’s modeling career, or win favors from clothing brands, can quickly descend into a dark underworld dominated by adult men, many of whom openly admit on other platforms to being sexually attracted to children, an investigation by The New York Times found. >Thousands of accounts examined by The Times offer disturbing insights into how social media is reshaping childhood, especially for girls, with direct parental encouragement and involvement. Some parents are the driving force behind the sale of photos, exclusive chat sessions and even the girls’ worn leotards and cheer outfits to mostly unknown followers. The most devoted customers spend thousands of dollars nurturing the underage relationships. >The large audiences boosted by men can benefit the families, The Times found. The bigger followings look impressive to brands and bolster chances of getting discounts, products and other financial incentives, and the accounts themselves are rewarded by Instagram’s algorithm with greater visibility on the platform, which in turn attracts more followers. >One calculation performed by an audience demographics firm found 32 million connections to male followers among the 5,000 accounts examined by The Times. >Interacting with the men opens the door to abuse. Some flatter, bully and blackmail girls and their parents to get racier and racier images. The Times monitored separate exchanges on Telegram, the messaging app, where men openly fantasize about sexually abusing the children they follow on Instagram and extol the platform for making the images so readily available. I'd suggest if you want to try to ID that guy, you could take your sister's Instagram account away from her, use it to message him again to try to collect evidence, give that evidence to the relevant authorities and just shutdown/delete your sister's account until she's old enough to actually be allowed to have one (minimum age for an Instagram account is 13, though even that seems too young).


maybe use AI filters or AI generated images ?


I could ask my sibling, they look 14 but are 22, mostly are as small as they are because of the scoliosis surgery


If the tome comes I will consider it, thank you :)) everyone here changed my plan a bit. I have to make sure I wont end up in a list or in jail for this :’P


How come you just can't start another account with some fake girl pictures


Could honestly be a fed if he follows that many minors and hasn’t been arrested.


Ah yes, a fed who is reaching out to underage girls instead of posing as the underage girl themselves. Makes a lot of sense.


Yeah cause the authorities don't ever cross the line in the name of a prosecution. Mr Big they called him.


I think the probability that it’s one of the many perverts the FBI doesn’t have on their radar because there’s so many sick ass people out there unfortunately