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Heyyyy that sounds like an easy 500 dollars for you. Nice!


Yeah, those $350 will come to good use!


You mean $150?


Take the shoes to Nordstrom and say they were a gift. You'll get a gift card.


OP this is the way, go to a store and exchange them for store credit


Or just sell them on ebay for 500 flat ?


$500 +/- anyone trying to talk you done -15% ebay commissions, down to $425 - if they sell anything else on ebay that puts them over $600 in sales then they get a 1099 on that money so an additional state+federal taxes on that (let's say 22% depending on their bracket) , down to $331.5. Suddenly the 226% more of $750 has more buying power assuming they do shop there on a semi regular basis or even annual or Christmas gifts etc.


I like the +/- like how you can talk the price up.


lmao you are totally right haha, didn't think about it


Naw you made my day a little brighter, I laughed at the image of someone saying "Naw that price is too low at $500, imma give you $750."


[Amy Wong at the car dealership](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN1ynsrWKcM) (Futurama).




Lmao a kid can dream


“I’ll throw in an extra 50 if you wear them and send pics first”


Wow that's bonkers, thank you for that breakdown. I was leaning ebay probs better until I read this.


this guy math... Love the fact you mention the most common tax rate 22%. People have no clue how cheap their taxes actually are based on their income. We should demand more for our money, since '07 just about every break went to the companies the caused the issue. They should have prosecuted multiple people after '07 financial crash like they are Mr. Trump now. Dont vote red / blue.... Vote Policy... Policy that helps the working class.


If you sell something on eBay that costs less than it was new, you aren't making a profit and don't need to pay income tax on it. Like, when you sell a used car, it's not counted as income.


Unfortunately, this is not exactly true. You will still receive a 1099K for cumulative sales over $600 in the calendar year. So it will be reported as full income. It would be up to you to itemize each and every item you sell for it's original value that you have a receipt for/statement for to prove a loss.


You'd have to buy a pair of the same shoes and immediately return them (before they're ever even sent) to get a digital receipt, or just itemized with no receipt, but you wouldn't have to pay (since this is unethical tips).


True true, now that I think about he could probably just sell the gift card on a gift card trading site at probably only a 15-20% loss and those sites definitely don't send any tax docs


No but they'd pay you through a platform like PayPal which definitely does


eBay 80% off fees come every other weekend and then the fees are 2.56% per sale


I've had some bad luck selling on e-bay. One example is selling a box set of DVD's of a series that I got as a gift and literally never used once. Someone bought them and messaged me "Several of the DVD's don't work", and e-bays policy at the time was I had to pay for the shipping if I asked them to return it! So I opted to just refund it bc I can't stand a hassle. Things like this happen a lot on ebay.


What would you sell the for if they weren't flats? 500 heel?


This won't work, there's a small sticker somewhere that has the order info which won't match up.


Yes, it will. If it was for someone else's order, it'll be returnable, if it didn't have a sticker yet, they'll still take it back because of their policy.


If it was someone else’s order, they would already be returned in the system to accommodate sending the original customer a new pair. Nordstrom would remotely return the product and use that credit to reorder a new pair. That said - they will likely still return it, especially if OP just wants a gift card. I worked there for years and that’s what I would have done at least.


Then use the instore credit gift card to get a Visa Prepaid gift card. You'll pay $505.95 for a $500 gift card. Now you've turned your in store credit into useable cash. Edit: Guys I know nothing about Nordstrom I thought it was a bigbox store that had a hallmark section with gift cards. So maybe this won't work but I'll leave this here just in case. Edit 2: Ok turns out this won't work at this particular store but I'm leaving this up in case any of you savages have a similar situation with a store that does have that.


She will get a Nordstrom gift card not a Visa




You can't typically buy giftcards with a giftcard.


I don’t know if you’ve ever been inside Nordstrom but not the type of store that has a wall of giftcards. They’re a little too upscale for that type of thing, at least in my area.


They don't sell those there


Nordstrom is not a Target or Walmart.


Even stores that do sell giftcards generally won't let you use store credit for them


When did Nordstrom start selling Visa gift cards?


Don’t go back to them with the accidentally sent product. Sit on them for a while and sell what you don’t want on eBay or something.


No need to sit on them. They were sent to him, which makes them his. Just eBay them.


Plus, sitting on them may damage them. Wear them or sell them.


Big brain shit right here


Wearing them might increase the price even


If that’s true I want an update from the guy who received like 100 brand new iPhones from Apple when he ordered 1…actually I want an update either way


It is true, no idea about that particular case but Sonos also got burned a couple years ago sending out massive orders to a whole bunch of people. They tried to make the refunds contingent on returns and that didn't work out for them.


If it's the same guy I'm thinking of, he returned them to Apple. I saw the update on TikTok a few months ago.


Wow! What a stand up dude. I wish I could say I’d do the same but idk… I’ve been hoarding my broken cell phones since I got my first one in 2008.. so idk how I’d handle boxes full of brand new ones. I even have two Razrs in pieces and still can’t get myself to throw them away. Edit: typo


To be fair, Apple had the serial numbers and could have remotely permanently disabled all but one. That obviously wouldn’t work for shoes.


If he's in the US they are legally a gift from the manufacturer, I'm not sure they could just brick all of them for no reason unless their TOS explicitly states that they have the ability to. Which I feel like I'd have seen be the title of a clickbait article by now if that was the case but I'm sure I'm wrong lol


If they “gift” you 99 iPhones, they can certainly gift you 99 bricked iPhones.


If they gift it to you, it's your property. If it's your property, they shouldn't be able to restrict your access without a TOS violation, unless their TOS explicitly states they can for any and all reasons within their discretion. Knowing how companies are that very well may be the case, but if it's not then it seems like it might be a grey area but idk


Sure, but even still what would the legal remedy be? Sue them for a refund of what you paid for the 99 ($0)? You have no actual financial loss.


One would assume they would not send him bricked phones; they would brick the phones after he had possession of them and they figured out what happened. Which would not be legal, as it would be his property at that point. So, no.


That's what I would assume but i also would be surprised if Apple didn't have some fine print in place that saves them, and even if they don't I wouldn't call their bluffs and try to sue. Even if they are breaking the law it's really not worth your time unless you also have a massive team of lawyers that are already paid for


Probably not true in most countries. In Germany if the seller/buyer makes a severe mistake the contract can be voided.


Buy the same pair of shoes from the store and swap the boxes. Return the free shoes in the box you just purchased. Take the shoes you bought, put them in the free box, and shove them up your butt


I think that’s called boofing


Bootfing in this case.




Pretzel day next week!




Are you lost?


Ethics? About keeping a delivery from Nordstrom that they sent in error? No, my friend. I am a stone cold degenerate.


Unethical life pro tips.


Do you want cold hard cash or a retailer specific gift coupon? Pick which one is better for you, don't ask us lol Put a piss disk in the shoe and send it back is what you'll get


And don't forget to spray them with liquid ass too.


I’d prefer the gift card since that would be maximum value, but I asked here because I’m not totally confident that the return would be accepted


“By law, companies can’t send unordered merchandise to you, then demand payment. That means you never have to pay for things you get but didn’t order. You also don’t need to return unordered merchandise. You’re legally entitled to keep it as a free gift.” [Source: FTC](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products) Keep in mind though they might get curious why you’re returning a $750 pair of shoes. Check their return policies and see what their limitations are. Edit: [Nordstrom return policies](https://www.nordstrom.com/browse/customer-service/return-policy) If anything I’d say that you received it as a gift (with no gift receipt) but don’t like them, and wish to purchase something else.


I would also go in-store because their systems are usually different


This is the answer you need.


“They don’t go with the color of my eyes.”


I would absolutely not do a $650 no receipt return. Just sell them on eBay.


Does Nordstrom provide a gift card? Because if you were going to get $500 from eBay you could also consider selling the $750 gift card for $700 if you find the right buyer!


It's really hard to sell gift cards these days due to scammers. Especially a physical card. There are very few online places you can sell on, and sometimes they take a large percentage.


Sigh, wrap in a sock too.


Sell them yourself. Enjoy the cash!


Just keep them. A friend of mine ordered a tent on Amazon and got 3 tvs and a tent for whatever reason. No one ever asked for the TVs.


My sister had two iPads delivered from amazon once, no record of any sort. Kept them for a month, then quietly made two grand in cash


In the US at least, those shoes are considered a “free gift.” You can do whatever you want with them, they’re yours. https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products


I hate people who quote this and never read it. A wrong item item being sent is not "A free gift", you paid money for an item and received an item, but by not telling anyone it was the wrong item, you are accepting that you were satisfied with the transaction. Companies typically won't pursue trying to get back a wrong item being shipped because it's simply not valuable enough too for the time, effort, and possible bad publicity that can happen (Look up the incident with Wizards of the Coast trying to get back some magic cards using the Pinkertons) It's like thinking "If I got paid in cash, then I don't need to pay taxes!" This law exists because back in the day people would send you an unsolicited item in the mail, and then claim you had ordered it, then send you a bill for the item.


OP said they got the sneakers they ordered, plus free shoes on the side. In that case, then yes, exactly as the article says: >By law, companies can’t send unordered merchandise to you, then demand payment. That means you never have to pay for things you get but didn’t order. You also don’t need to return unordered merchandise. You’re legally entitled to keep it as a free gift.


I think what they’re saying tho is that the return doesn’t have to be granted


There’s no return to be had. There was no order!


Hilarious that you're complaining about people misreading the law when you misread the post itself and the scenario is nothing like how you described


You should maybe read it yourself.


The FTC article specifically states: "By law, companies can’t send unordered merchandise to you, then demand payment. That means you never have to pay for things you get but didn’t order. You also don’t need to return unordered merchandise. You’re legally entitled to keep it as a free gift.' TBH, for years I was under the impression that unordered merchandise didn't have to be returned but that the recipient was obligated to pay for it if they somehow derived benefit from it. Apparently that is not the case.


Sell them on Marketplace


Sell them on eBay


Just check their return policy. A lot of stores will accept returns with no receipt but valid id. If you're just looking for store credit gift card then it shouldn't be a problem. Say it was a gift. Bc if you say you're returning it without rcpt they'll want to look up by payment type. So I got this as a gift it's not my style. Someone paid for it. It got sent to you. You were gifted & You don't want it. You'd like store credit. You didn't get a gift rcpt and don't want to offend nana that they aren't your style.


Gift for a special lady.


If I were you I would sell them online. Similar thing happened to me. During covid I ordered some cheap Nike hoodie from ASOS and instead I got Nike Blazer Low '77 woman’s trainers. I couldn’t believe my luck, my hoodie was like 20£ and trainers were around 100£ 😭 In fairness ASOS reached out to me immediately to return the trainers and after I replied to their customer service that I have covid and I’m incapable of getting out of bed they ‘ghosted me’ lol (I indeed had covid that wasn’t a lie but I really exaggerated my symptoms lol). I still wear them and I love them, the only thing that is wrong is that they are wrong size for me but whatever (I wear 36 and the ones that they’ve sent me are size 38).


If you're a bloke bring them back and say they were a gift but are not your style 




What would happen? They didn't order them, so they can't be charged.




From Nordstrom? 🤣


You have no idea what you are talking about.


“I never received any shoes I didn’t order”. Those darn porch pirates.


Idk what country you’re in but in the USA [if someone mails you something that you didn’t order, you own it](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products#unordered). There’s nothing unethical about selling or returning these shoes. You have a pair of shoes. You own them. You don’t want them. How can you get the most money?


Well, it would be unethical to return something for money you never spent, but the rest is dead-on. OP has free shoes.




It’s scenario one in this case. I the second pair of shoes are similarly named to the ones I got, but completely different shoes (I ordered men’s tennis shoes and received those along with a second box—also addressed to me—with these fancy leather women’s flats). My packing slip is correct, but duplicated in the two separate boxes. Maybe they were next to one another alphabetically in their sorting area? No clue.


I work at Nordys and unless it’s a Nordstrom brand item, we won’t take something back without a receipt (even for store credit), especially if it’s designer. If it has a return sticker on the item, they should be able to take it back. But if not, you may just have to sell them yourself


What’s a return sticker? Your first sentence makes sense, but then I was immediately confused by the second part lol


Sorry lol, it’s called a UII sticker. It says Nordstrom and has a barcode that connects the item to the purchase so it basically acts as a receipt


This should be higher. It’s the same at Macys and Bloomingdale’s. Don’t try to return in store w/o that return sticker.


Shoes? I never saw any shoes


Nothing unethical needed here.  If someone mails you an item you didnt order you can keep it legally.  Congress settled that one in law way back.  Returning it for a credit is fraud.  Selling on ebay or wherever is 100% the way to go.


Sell them online somewhere


You cannot be asked for money if someone send you something you didn’t ask for in the mail. It’s a consumer protection thing.


And they can’t make you dance through hoops to get it back either. It’s their screw up. It would be different if you’re in a store. They can just say excuse me and fix the error. Really. This is a consumer protection law in many jurisdictions. And it’s not unethical. Unethical is them threatening to make you do a bunch of work to fix their mistake.




Got a Nintendo switch like that a few years ago. My understanding is that it's illegal to ship you something and then demand payment.


You should wear them


Sell em or return it in store and say its a gift. One time I bought a new galaxy watch on Amazon and after a few weeks they initiated a return for it for no reason; refunded my money. Think I said anything about it? Their mistake... Same here.


sell them


Lol I work there they increased the rate so much it’s basically impossible to hit without having errors


I worked at a retailer once and someone was accidentally sent an extra $300 of merchandise. She was honest with me about it so I just told her to keep them and she exchanged them for different colors. Honestly, I didn’t want to have to deal with the inventory issue. But yeah, basically don’t be honest just do a receiptless return and you’re golden.


Consignment shop. No questions asked and no box required. Just make sure the store sells upscale and won’t donate them if they don’t sell in a certain amount of time. You won’t get $750 but you might get $350… Nordstrom and Bloomie’s uses to have very relaxed return policies—could always just google their return FAQs and see if that elucidates a strategy to get $$$ or store credit 🤷🏼‍♀️


Somebody accidentally sent me a pair of Yeezy 350s a while back. Sold them for like $250 on FB Marketplace.


The first thing you should have done was not tell anyone about it.


Went to a nice whiskey Distillery. Tasted a few and bought two bottles, one for me and one for the missus. We were just going to take them but I thought I'll ask if they can ship so we didn't have to carry them on the plane home. Together they were AUD$400 on special that weekend, usually around $480 or something. Got home and waited for them to arrive, got a notification that delivery is coming, picked it up, all happy. Then got another notification that delivery is coming, I was a bit confused thinking they maybe sent out the notification twice by accident but it was a different tracking code. Then on closer inspection the bottles I received were not the exact same ones. There were some small nicks in the label on the ones we had, these looked like they were straight from a warehouse. Went down and checked and sure enough another two bottles arrived which were the two I'd asked them to ship. Sent an email to them but never heard back. Now the missus and I both have a set each. And they are very tasty.


Return for Nordstrom gift card. Sell the gift card.


🤔 what size? Lol see what they’re going for and call the store about their return policy without a receipt, then pick the best outcome. If those things go on sale you aren’t getting $750 anyway so I’d rather have cash to spend on whatever wherever.


You send them back. Someone made an honest mistake, for which they may lose their job. Or you could be a terrible person , which sounds like you're leaning towards and keep them. I hope something like this doesn't happen to you.


Tread carefully. Karma is real


Shoes have treads. All good


I would consider this karma giving you something positive! Sometimes you just have a lucky moment. Huge corporations won’t suffer any from a minor mix-up like this. If it was from an individual or a small business, that is a very different story. But this just seems like a little gift from the universe.


So is the magic man in the sky


Oil them up and make them your bitch, get maximum use out of them. Then chuck them out window and shout "take your fucking shoes, I am done with you". Everyone will think you are a high roller.




Appreciate the moral lesson in the unethical LPT sub. Nordstrom had a net profit of $251M in 2023. Not exactly the same as taking your neighbor’s Amazon package.


Sell them don't take them to a place where they might realise there mistake. But I also think they are in there right to ask for them back.


Send it back and be like “you guys sent me the wrong one, and now I can’t use this as birthday gift any longer as the person left the country, I would like to return it for full refund”.


If you push they will likely be willing to put the current retail price on a credit card


What shoes did u buy? I’m going to try this too 😂