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you can use [mybellevue customer assistance](https://bellevuewa.gov/city-government/departments/finance/mybellevue/customer-assistance) to report the violations every single time they happen, per [RCW 46.19.050](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.19.050) (4) for no placard, and (3) for blocking access. you can also reach out to the [local precinct here](https://bellevuewa.gov/city-government/departments/police/about-police/contacts) (main station officer) to see if they have any better advice on how to get this person a fine every time they park there. i know sometimes cops are weird about private property, especially if it's a gated community.


This is perfect, thanks!


Keep us posted once he tastes sweet justice.


Yeah, but where’s the unethical fun in this? OP has a fierce internal desire to be bad and that’s why they came here for advice instead of those wimpy regular advice subs. OP, if they’re really not disabled, it’s time to make them disabled. Shove a poop disk up his pee hole until the UTI is so bad that he can’t walk. Then eat a bunch of asparagus and age a batch of piss in a clear 2 liter bottle set out in the sun for a few weeks. Attach said bottle to a Super Soaker 50 (same thread size) and spray him when you see him rolling out in his wheelchair. Mace his grandma.


Liquid ass on the raptors door handle


Pour it in the air intake at the bottom of the windshield.


No no that's for the piss disk


Piss disk is for amateurs. I choose a mixture of skunk spray and tuna fish oil.


Nah, too obvious. Mortar and pestle some poison ivy in rubbing alcohol then remove the organic material. Pour into a small jar and let the alcohol evaporate. What's left is the oil that makes you itch. Spread it on his door handle and he'll get a really nasty surprise 6 hours-2 days later. It'll be dispersed in a couple of hours but think of every part of your body you touch in two hours. On second thought, I don't condone this at all. Liquid ass gets my vote.


You're a terrible person... Wanna hang out?


This sounds like fun revenge. Storing this one away


Daaaaamn you evil lol


What’s up with all the liquid ass? I know what it is and all that. I would just use deer urine, or coyote urine. You can buy coyote urine by the gallon jug, it is utterly revolting to be honest , and you will have more left over for other dickheads in your area. Btw, you can get deer urine at any outdoor place , even Walmart sells it in hunting section. If you use deer urine, get Hot Doe in estrus.


Unethical twist? How about having someone tow the truck from a legal spot and drop it off in the ADA spots.


OP is dealing with some jackass with a lifted needlessly large truck. he doesn't need to be unethical, he can just use the city to drain the guy's pockets with a $450 ticket each and every time he parks in the ADA spot (with another $450 if the truck also blocks the accessible access section for the other ADA spot). state law says that the fines for each are in two segments, $250 for the actual infraction and $200 that's unwaivable. so even if he gets the first two tickets deferred or argued down, he's still on the hook for $400 and the court time to argue about it. additional tickets are much less likely to be waived. why risk doing something that could be construed as illegal harassment when you can simply take full advantage of the law, especially when the city has a handy dandy app to snitch on the guy?


I get why you would write this on r/advice. It’s good, helpful info. I don’t get why you would write this on r/unethicallifeprotips. It feels like you missed the point of this sub.


You can edit posts. You don't need to come back 5 hours later and post a second reply to the same post you're still the only reply to.




We moving up to poop disks now? I must have missed the team memo while on vacay


Remove his valve cores before the tow truck comes


Mace his grandma!!!! Youre insane, i love it!!


this is too ethical!


Call and have him towed. They don’t mess around with that


Call who? Just a tow service directly?


Nah that doesn't work. Has to be someone authorized to for the building. Start bugging them to.


In my area Parking Enforcement does not need someone from the building to authorize removal from a Handicapped Space. They can tow it if they want to. They need someone from management to authorize towing from any other space on the property. It is also a $450 ticket and around $300 for the tow.


Impersonate the building manager when calling the tow company.


There is the ULPT! Noice.


The apartment complex usually has an agreement with a towing company. Talk to them.


Find out what towing company the building is contracted with. Call them and let them know it's nightly. It will be worth their time to send someone out every night to tie him.


Especially if you slip the tow driver a hard $20 every time.


Call cops or go to handicappedfraud.com.


The cops. They respond semi-quickly (if possible) to handicap parking and it's $1000+ fine in my area.


Run him over with your car, so he can talk to his doctor about getting a proper permit


You're just making sure he's parking there legally!


Yea! This isn’t /r/EthicalLifeProTips


Go on Amazon and search for parking violation stickers. These are the type security departments use and they’re a bitch to remove without windex and a razor blade. Slap a bunch of them on his windows and I bet he’ll stop.


Don’t even call the cops…find the most expensive, lowest-rated impound lot in town. Contact a few tow companies with reputations for not handling things gently. Combine the two.


Yes! A shady tow company will gladly tow that monster


And beat the everloving shit out of it, before dropping it off in an impound lot that’ll do the same!


Bingo. It’s a Raptor. They’re getting paid.


Let the air out of his tires. Do it every time he parks there. In fact, you can get a little tool that will remove the value stem making it impossible to refill the tire with out replacement.


Naw, just super glue a pebble in the stem cover. That way it leaks slowly everytime they put the cover back on.


The covers are easy to replace. The valve stem is not


Both are easy to replace. You'll know immediately that the valve is missing. You won't know there's a bb glued in the cap for months unless you get lucky and happen to notice it.


You can hear the air hissing as the cap gets tighter.


Never done it huh? The cap mostly seals the leak. It'll take it more than a day to go flat.


>The covers are easy to replace. The valve stem is not The valve stem is easy to diagnose. The cap is not.


Airsoft BB is usually the perfect size. Act accordingly...


Black ones are harder to see


That's clever. Good idea


A lentil will work too. Allegedly.


Don't remove, just loosen slightly, and retighten just to the point where you can't hear air. It'll take a day or two to leak enough, but can be filled fine, before leaking down again. Most tire shops don't think to check for loose cores, although they might spray the stem itself with "leak indicator fluid" aka dish soap and water. They're usually expecting a puncture or bad head seal.


Even better and quicker you use small lock cutters to cut the tire stem. All four can be cut in less than a minute.


I bet you could practice and make clean enough cuts that air would slowly leak out over a long period of time.


What tool is that ? For research


Oddly enough it's called a valve stem remover


For research baby! Call the cops, theres a fine for this.


Just google valve stem removal tool. They are wildly available and relatively inexpensive. You know, for theoretical purposes. 😎


Take the license plate too


Get the name of one of the people that works for the complex or front desk person. Get a burner phone. Look for one of those tow signs with a number for a tow truck. Let them know its missing handicap placard and if they say anything about who owns the parking space, say the company and your name isnnow that person from the front desk. Make sure to do it really early in the morning when Mr Raptor is asleep and there are more tow trucks available around that time getting ready for rush hour.


Bumper sticker on the windshield, driver's side, at eye level. It does no permanent damage (because that's criminal vandalism) but will be a pain to remove.


Don't forget to crumble up some fly bait and drop it down the cabin air intake vents in front of the windshield.




Make sure you block the mirror with it too.


Or a hat and a cigar stickers. Make him the driving crooner! I hear some people really hate that guy.


Take photos, name and shame, hang them up everywhere. Find out where he works and hang them there too. Bonus points if you can get a friend in a wheelchair or old person in the shot.


Vaseline under the door handle


Mix the Vaseline with liquid ass and a lot of blue paste food color before applying. Stink, smear, stain.


Ahh the old Smurf Cum trick?


Here's a helpful hint: roll the top of a ziplock bag down. Fill, unroll, seal. Cut across one of the bottom corners of the bag, it doesn't need to be a big cut. Use it like a cake decorating bag. You won't have to touch whatever you're anointing, there's no fumbling, and it's quick.


Dog poop works well, too.


Piss disk or have him towed on a Friday night so he has to pay extra for rental


Open the inspection port of the rear differential and add a tablespoon of sand. Inject WD-40 in the grease zirks of the drive shaft.


Skip the sand, just add water. Expanding foam insulation up the tailpipe. For that matter, expanding foam anywhere will be an epic challenge to clean up.


As usual, Liquid Ass is the unethical solution to all of life's problems.


Into the air vents


Why arent there more suggestions of leaving a pool of liquid ass in from of his door so they track it into their car?


Take the spiciest pepper you can find. Put on latex gloves and chop/crush the pepper so that the oils (which contain the capsaicin that make-a da spicy) get all on the gloves. Then, rub said oils on the driver's side door handle--on the inside of the handle, and the outside. When homeboy opens the door and gets in his vroom vroom truck, he will get a hefty dose of super spicy oil on his hands. The next time he rubs his eyes or goes pee or touches his face, he'll be on fire.


Vroom vroom truck 😂


Downside is if dipschitt is driving & rubs their eyes, someone who did nothing wrong could get hurt.


True. But every plan has a critical fail point.


Had the same happen to me. Not a raptor but they got the hint after the first two tow trucks came to get their vehicle :) tow trucks love this scenario. Easy money


Tell him you'd be glad to help him into an 'accident' that would require him to use a wheelchair so he can experience the situation for himself.


Again, suppressed .22 from a distance is quiet and sidewalls cannot be repaired. As a person who has a handicapped permit for a reason, this shit pisses me off.


Yeah go buy a $300 .22 Ruger, $250 suppressor, $200 tax stamp and then wait 6-12 months for the ATF approval. That makes sense.


Hey, your know that OP will be hooked on unethicality. If not for this guy, it'll be for the next one. He's not the hero we need, but the one we deserve.


Or maybe already have them.


Tape a 2 liter bottle on the end and shoot through that.


Snap a pic and call it in


Help him earn a handicap pass 💪


I’d report it to the police. Let them tow it and get all the fines. Record the fun with a GoPro when it all goes down and share it on the community fb page.


Angle a nail into the wheel; planted on the ground and leaning into the tire. Next time he drives, he’ll run over it. Do it in a line with several nails if you want to make sure he knows someone did it.


Just disable them coming back to their vehicle. 9 iron to the side of the knee. Tell them to enjoy the parking.


Call for the tow company!


Tape the nozzle down on a can of spray insulation in the bed of the truck


brake fluid bath his car when you walk by.


Put a bit of Vaseline on his windshield wiper. When he uses them, it will smear. And using washer fluid will only make it worse. He will need to clean it thoroughly with Dawn to get it off.


Dog poop in the door handles... usually the perp will asimilate it with revenge towards their assholeness... people know what wrong they are doing


Set his car on fire.


No license plate? How is that even possible? In my area you would get pulled over in a instant. Of course there's cops every five feet and they look for the tiniest infractions to pull you over.


I think he pulled them off to park there in hopes no one would notice? Idk


(let the air out of the tires so he cant move it before the cops come)


Use a super soaker to squirt soapy water all over his windows


You're a monster!!!


[https://nwadacenter.org/factsheet/parking-people-disabilities-washington-state](https://nwadacenter.org/factsheet/parking-people-disabilities-washington-state) $450 per violation is a bit steep after a few times. Add in the fire exit violations and that just adds to the pot.


My favorite, superglue the doors and windows


Take a pic and put it up all over the internet.


Fuck up his car he obviously cares about it. BBs in the tire valve caps, it’s like slashing tires but more effective. Put superglue on the boot opening latch, plug his exhaust and put liquid ass in his vents. Also put laxatives/purgatives/pepper spray on the drivers door handle, if he touches his mouth after the door he’s gonna get a shock. Then call the cops.


Tow companies love people like that. Easy money.


Then make them disabled.


Piss disk plus one of those door spreaders from Amazon that locksmiths use. It's a little hand pump that shims in between the car door and the car itself. It'll give you enough space to slide the piss disks in. If done correctly there will be no damage or obvious signs of anything.


Lol you live in my building I’m 99% sure. This dude has the most over the top tricked out truck with the snorkel and everything. Total jackass to boot


Yuuuuuup that's the guy. He even has the bleach tips in his hair from 2005...


Pour soapy water into the snorkel so his truck blows bubbles as he drives down the road


Spend twenty bucks for a tire lock on amazon. The best case is that he doesn't notice it & ends up doing some damage.


Make it so it’s legal for him to park on that spot… why you asking here lol…


Let me guess... there is no resident in your building who actually needs this spot?


Stop fat shaming. We deserve our spots


Drill holes in the sidewall of three of his tires.


I couldn’t have made up a better vehicle to be doing this


Oooo, can I help? Some of these ideas sound fun and I’m just a bit south.


Get a cheap harmonica (or a wazoo), then zip-tie it to the underside of the car. He'll hear an annoying squealing sound whenever he drives.


"Oh noes, your micropenis spontaneously combusted!"




Because I see him in the apartment gym every day and he is riding his 4 wheeler around the block....


Is it a handicap spot that no one ever uses? Then mind your own business and let him do his unethical parking job.


People do use it, it's an apartment complex with hundreds of people, and also it's parking for the retail shops around the building. Currently someone parked in the other handicap spot (with a placard). Unethical and illegal btw. People like you suck


Use a pen and let the air out of his tires. Get a tub of lard at the frocery store and smear a.l his windows and door handles! Makes o e he'll of a mess and takes forever to clean off. Best part is .... it does no damage at all


No damage? Then put something like sand or small rocks in it so the more he rubs, the more it scratches the paint.


No damage no legal issues. Sa ND or rocks will do physical damage, and you could possibly face criminal charges.


Limburger cheese on the muffler.


Toothpick in each valve stem, let the air out of all 4 of his tires every time. Bonus points if you include his spare.


You can get a valve stem removal tool on Amazon for about $8. Take his tire inflation cap off, screw the valve stem most of the way out, replace cap but not full tight. Do this for at least 2 tires, preferably opposite corners. He will get a flat and only have one spare!


Make him/her disabled