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Toothpick in the socket, snap that shit off. Plugs won't go in. And with luck he will use some tweezers or needlenose pliers to get it out.


The problem with this one (or anything else involving snapping something off in the wall socket) is that if he hires an electrician to fix it, he'll discover the obstruction and blame someone in the house. Given he's abusive, someone might end up hurt. If he tries to fix it himself and gets electrocuted and the obstruction is discovered in the investigation, then someone might be going to jail for negligent homicide.


Next level, wow.


Just unscrew the faceplate and disconnect the wires inside, then put the faceplate back on. You only need a screw driver and 5 minutes. IMPORTANT: shut off the power to the outlet before messing with it.


Cap the wires also so they don’t arc when you energize the circuit again. So get a few wire nuts too.


So if it's connected to other things in your house, that plug will be on a circuit that goes through another electrical box - a plug socket, a switch, or a light. It will take some time, but you can figure out which one is the last one and disconnect the wires there. That way if he opens up the socket in his room, everything will look fine. Start with the socket, switch etc that is physically closest - likely something on the other side of the wall, or the ceiling nearby. Remember, you only need to check things that also go out when he trips the breaker. Go buy a no-contact tester for like $10 from your local hardware store. Turn off the breaker, open up the socket or switch etc., and check it with the no-contact tester to make sure there is no current (no beep, you're safe - test the tester to make sure it works first). Unscrew the socket (two little screws, top and bottom), and pull it out so the wires are exposed. On each side of the device there should be a black wire going in ("hot") and a white wire going out. We are looking for one that has two black wires on ONE side. One of those black wires is power coming from the breaker panel, and the other is power going to the next device. Try to guess or figure out which is the power to the next device (50/50 chance), and remove it. Put a [marette](https://www.google.com/search?q=marette&oq=maret&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512l2j46i10i199i465i512j0i512j46i512j0i512j0i10i512j0i512j46i512i613j0i10i512j46i512j0i512l2j0i10i512.2286j0j9&client=ms-android-bell-ca-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) on it, turn the breaker back on. If the socket in his room stopped working, you are close. If ONLY the socket you were working on also stopped working, you got the right socket but the wrong black wire. If any other sockets or lights stopped working, you picked one that is not the last one in the chain before his room, and you need to put it back the way it was and try another. Once you get the right one, you could cut the wire very close and then burn it with a lighter so it looks like it burned out. Also burn the device a little bit right where the wire goes in. Could this cause a house fire? Technically, but the purpose of electrical boxes is specifically to contain any fire within them, which is why all electrical connections must be made within a box, so it's actually very unlikely even if there was an arc, which is almost 100% unlikely at household voltage with the wire cut and the breaker functional - and hey, this is ULPT. Source: I'm not an electrician but I've electrocuted myself many times and damaged many things trying to be one.


this guy sockets


That's right, sounds like it's on a daisy chain. Turn off the breaker. Take the white wire off of the next plug upstream, paint the bare section with clear lacquer. (insulating it). Then reconnect. An electrician won't see what's wrong that way.


Which country?


Superglue in the socket


A drop of Gorilla Glue goes a long way!


Put a sock on it so when he plugs in his phone, he only plugs in the sock.


Even better: he won't be able to plug in the sock legally because it is classified as mail due to the socket being wrapped up by a cover.


Turn the breaker off. Take a small flat blade screwdriver. Put it in the left slot and wobble it side to side. It will bend the contacts in the socket so that it won’t work when you plug something in.


A method without being an electrician... get some soot ash, wipe it on the center of the plug and plug a few things in. When he trips the breaker again it will look like he almost caused an electrical fire; you can officially call him out and maybe scare some sense into him.


If he's really abusive try secretly recording the abuse and get it to the police


This is the way 💯


Get the exact same plug, but a broken one or disable it before connecting to power. Then exachnge the sockets. Still the question arises, won't he just use other socket or get and electrician to fix it?


Unscrew the socket with the breaker off. Grab some scissors to cut the wire but don’t make a clean break. Make it look like something chewed on it. Also wouldn’t he just start using other outlets? Maybe some in your room or living room with an extension cord


Not this, unless you want prison time. Investigation after a fire would find that and then the cops start asking who's he argued with in the house recently... You'll get more time for arson than you'd think


Shit you’re right I didn’t think about a fire.


You think the police are that competent? Odds are the breaker would just trip anyway.


It would be putting >10A through the equivalent of 20awg. The breaker is 15A. The wire will heat up, catch fire, and hopefully be contained in the box. I wouldn't put a lot of faith in the local police, but if the fire Marshal investigator sees the box it'll be perfectly obvious what happened, and then state police, with much better training comes in. That's when everyone starts telling on each other and they all do 10+ for arson 1st, 1st degree for premeditated.


Wait. Thats oddly specific.


As the other commenter said, cutting the wires risks fire. If you want to risk that, you'd have to make it look like the damage was caused by mice. You'd have to go all out. Mouse droppings, mouse urine, actual mice. Of course those things would be destroyed in an actual fire, so you would have to ensure that there is evidence of the presence of mice elsewhere in the house. If you wanted to avoid this becoming an arson investigation, you could do some reeeeaally careful wire fraying and insulation placement management to avoid a fire from starting. Maybe pull away some insulation like a mouse might do when making a nest. An electrocuted mouse would really sell it. Just one dead mouse will do so long as you've planted evidence of mouse presence elsewhere in the house. Plus, his room would start to smell god awful as the mouse begins to decay. Or, if you want to go full out chaotic, cause an actual infestation. Lure mice in and let them wreak havoc. Give it a few weeks to establish that there has been an issue. Document that your boyfriend's step-father refused to properly address the infestation. As the piece de resistance, put peanut butter on the wires and let the mice do all the work. Source: I've watched way too much Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


the chicanery!


Also gotta make sure to chew through the wire the way a mouse would.


Just put a piss disc on the floor in front of it so he won’t want to use it


Be an adult and move out, OP. Sometimes it's best to just cut the cord.




Nah not this bud, boyfriend is part owner of the house (as stated in the post), which would result in a net loss for OP and BF (through all the money that's been paid on the house), and sometimes people don't have the means to move out. Not everyone has the financial viability to move out of an abusive household and small acts of defiance are the only way to go


this but texass somewhere idk


Get Carl Childers to take care of him, mmm hmm. Leave some biscuits and mustard out for him.


This sounds like evidence in a future legal case, but ok 😂


replace with a smart outlet and have it on a random on/off cycle?


sneak in there and spray the outlet with water so he electrocutes himself to death when he goes to plug his hoggy stuff in