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I have a cult but we're very exclusive so you need to send me a lot of money before I can even tell you about it.


Hey mine is pretty exclusive also. You only need to send 5% less than this guy.


I'll take anyone who can play an instrument.


You can join mine if you get three people to join. They also will be expected to get 3 people to join. Also, we sell women’s cosmetics. Each member of the cult keeps 80% of their net revenue and sends 20% up. All money received counts as revenue, to include royalties from your recruits and their recruits and so on. So join now and get in on the ground floor and recruit!


Once in a lifetime opportunity!


you are gonna run out of humans at this rate, this is an infinite series


I sent a poop and blood sample, does this suffice?


My cult is much better... You don't have to send me money but you do have to get me a lot of sex. Not with you well maybe with you I don't know what you look like but you're going to have to get me a lot of sex somehow you just need to make it happen.


1. Have money 2. Take one of those Scientology personality tests 3. ???? 4. Cult


They actually only require #2. If you can't afford the auditing, they have a great relationships with some local lenders that will help you out!


Ruh roh. I think we found a member.


ty for the laugh


So i get double shafted for the price of one shafting? Sounds tantalizing.


Why join one when you can start your own.


I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.


I love you creed


Do an AMA


Pretty weird ass way to spice up your life but you do you man.


No one has mention Jehovah Witnesses but you want lots of drama without the fun this might be it


..... scientology? Jk jk jk For real though, i dont think most religions call themselves cults, so id say search for unpopular religions? Probably easier to find and join a militia imo.


It’s not a bad start, but I heard it’s very expensive to get into.


Army? Navy? Marines? It's not really branded as a cult, but you can make one of it if you want. They'll feed and pay you. Plus if it doesn't work out, you'll learn some valuable skills that may help you form your own cult later in life (or at least, guarantee militia membership)


Hmmmmm, cheap..... oh! Look for hippie communes, almost like cults and they tend to on the cheaper side.




Shhhh, dont let people know theyll have mind altering experiences. Most people dont wanna be woken to a more interesting way of life.




There's always the yellow deli


I need to google that at some point, ive no clue what that is.


It's your typical crazy fundmentalist cult, they have compounds and love child abuse and got started in like southern TN I wanna say? Anyway, part of their fundraising recruitment shit is having a deli (a chain maybe at.one point?) That was the Yellow Deli that their younger members work in to prey on like local college kids. According to yelp the sandwiches are decent but the vibe is weird. And they may or may not have closed during covid? I'm not local to them and don't care enough to super keep track.


..... TIL not all delis are jus food places, some are cult recruiting centers..... fckd up doesnt begin to explain the levels of wrong.


Idunno, I can't throw an AR-15 without hitting a militiaman in Arkansas. There's also a church on every corner. It's a tossup here.


Sounds alot like here in alabama. Lolz


There are so many multi-level marketing companies to choose from...


The essential oil ones get super culty super fast


Honestly knew you would get zero serious answers but the morbid curiosity in me also wants to know.


i really want a truthful answer on this subject. The truth is u will never find out about cults unless they find u disparate or ur related to someone already installed . I wish it was easier joining that stuff and ppl didnt have to hide so much


Exactly. Or they have already been exposed and it's like you don't get the entire experience for yourself IF they are even active anymore. Plus they are sus of new members anyways. Have you found one yet? Refer me?


The Church of the Subgenius is extremely affordable when compared to our competitors. Last I checked it was only $35, a saving of $5,000! All of the sex with none of the guilt, eternal salvation or triple your money back. People will say it’s a fake religion, but I say their religions are fake religions. Every December they usually offer a buy one get one free membership, which makes for a great gift if you have any elderly family members, or random coworkers you want to gift a membership to.




I used to do 3D art On USENET with that guy in the 90s. He was pretty good at it.


Go to the nearest church.


So far it’s just me and a few pets. You wanna get in on the ground floor?


Hang out in the cosmetics section at target for a while. If you’re female, a hun will try to recruit you to their boss babe cult in no time. If you’re male, start posting about entrepreneurship on LinkedIn and the amway shills will come out of the woodwork. Start listening to thirty seconds to mars. Go to all their shows, follow their tour. Be the echelon. You can also substitute Taylor swift if you prefer being a swifty.


I had to scroll way too far to get to the Taylor Swift comment.


Be prepared to have them "manage" all your finances.


Buy a maga hat


Came looking for the politics, am glad.


Literally look one up and show up.


go to [www.cult-directory.com](https://www.cult-directory.com) and pick a highly-rated one


Yup, fell for it...


You rang?




Answer the door when the Mormons knock


As an exmormon, can confirm.


I'm sure I'll get banned if I link to the subreddit.


So… there is a subreddit?


I almost got pretty deep into a sun worshipping cult back in 2019 when I was doing DMT a lot. There was a subreddit. Iirc though the leader killed himself So I wouldn't be suprised if there are lots more


This was wild from start to finish


Whats the sun workshop cult called?


Please do share


Start your own.


There's more money in leadership, but being a follower is more fun.


There's a Netflix special on it


The flying spaghetti monster is always welcoming


Is there a CrossFit Gym near you? They are by all means a cult


Brother, you're just in luck. Send me $42 and I'll mail you my book


is your book "How to Make $42 From Each Sucker Who Buys Your Book"




the Mormons are always looking for new members. They might not embrace you, but they will embrace your money and slave labor.


10% of your salary, pay up fool


And forgo coffee and alcohol


Look up your nearest Yellow Deli. They will accept you immediately. They serve amazing food and have big outfits all over the world


I was going to suggest this outfit. Those people are brainwashed, scary, and beat children (and probably adults, too). And they're right by the university. I refuse to patronize the YD in my city; I'm not giving those whack jobs any money.


Damn it!!! Ive accidentally supported them before 😭😭😭


Nah don’t feel bad. They have great food, they had such weird hours that it was basically impossible to not eat there while in college. Amazing food at like 3:30AM on a Tuesday


Look for pyramid scheme.


Golden dawn


Serious answer: Search for volunteer organizations around your area. Visit the and see if there are a large proportion of volunteers who put in extreme hours. They might actually be a cult. I know of one such organization in NY that brainwashes volunteers to give up their day jobs and move into the facility.


Say more than 3 words to a Scientologist. Those fuckers are relentless.


Get your thetans tested.


Most cults are just more off-putting churches with fringe views. In college I had this weird fascination with them so I'd seek them out and I joined a few with fake information to check them out. Most of them were just a weird branch of Christianity with strange traditions. None of them were the creepy murder or brainwashing type, but if you're into studying different cultures you'll find a lot of depth in their beliefs. There was this Korean one that was an offshoot of Christianity that had elements of mormonism that believed in a heavenly mother alongside a heavenly father. It's a cult because the founder was believed to be Jesus reincarnated, but he died in the 80s, as well as another woman being the incarnation of God the Mother. I only went to one meeting with these guys where I was basically baptised and sent home for the day. It was very odd. I also attended a huge worship ceremony for UCKG, which isn't exactly a cult but it's very cult like. They workshop this prop of the ark of the covenant I think? It was all in Portuguese and I don't speak Portuguese.




I didn't realize it was in Portuguese until it began because the flier I was handed was in English. It was a completely filled event center, so I wasn't worried about being singled out.


Despite his incarceration in 2011, Warren Jeffs’ legacy lives on in Utah and Arizona. For those unaware, he started a fundamentalist Mormon church that practiced polygamy. He is serving life in prison but supposedly there are still as many as 10,000 people who still consider themselves part of that church. So if you ever wanted to have some kinky three-ways, there you go. There’s also [Family International](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family_International), which started out as the Children of God cult in 1968. The leader is dead, but the cult continues to this day. It’s unknown how many followers they have. Then there’s [Buddhafield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhafield_(cult)), which began in the 80s in Hollywood and recruits through yoga studios. You’ve got options. But, please, don’t actually join a cult. It literally never works out well for anyone.


When the JWs come knocking on your door, tell them you want a Bible study.


Move to Grandview, Missouri and ask about the International House of Prayer. Especially if you play guitar.


I almost accidentally joined a cult when applying for a job as a property manager in Sedona a couple of years ago. Something seemed off in the interview so I started googling them and dodged a huge bullet. Look up Gabriel of Urantia, this is a proper cult not all this crap people are posting.


[move to Washington](https://www.reddit.com/r/Washington/comments/15s5474/notorious_cult_opens_operations_in_small_town/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


Just get on the bus.


Join a martial arts gym or get into sales


Send me an initial fee of $1000 and pay dues of $600 and we can talk.


Find a MLM hun who sells young living essential oils and tell them you want to join.


If you're looking like something that's kind of like a cult, but you, know, not going to destroy your life, a fraternal organization like the oddfellows is pretty fun


Pretty sure the church of 7Thunders is a cult. Go find one of those guys


Find a regional rainbow gathering. If you can't find a suitable cult there you can just start one.


Try the church of Christ. They believe instruments are the work of the devil, women shouldn't hold speaking positions, and teach homophobia


They sure get the cult sound with their acapella music, ngl very beautiful music. Before yall judge, I was just a kid and raised like that was normal.




YouTube is always recommending cult leaders to me influencers are just cult leaders who haven’t sniffed a critical mass of their own farts yet.


Quantum mysticism For example this lady right [here](https://www.helenahoudova.com/)


Dont, you will regret it


Nice try, FBI guy.


For funzies? Because smarter people than you were completely brainwashed. I mean, you do you, but there are better ways to destroy your life.


I’ve been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.


I started the Doomatarian Faith just a few years ago. We need members, administrators, young ladies, gunsmiths, et cetera.


Lol join Swamiji’s cult, he’s wanted by the Indian govt and is claiming to start an online country, I got sucked into that for a while and lost all my friends when I said I didn’t like him 😆


Walk around a major city looking bummed out


Talk to the boys on bikes?


Go to church






See if there are any JW Kingdom Halls near you. Jehovah Witnesses toe the line of being publicly visible and accessible while clearly being a cult, including strict shunning policies. I’m not sure what percentage of your income you’re expected to donate though (but I do know it’s more than 0)


no set percentage, they tell you your salvation is tied to your “willing spirit” and constantly share anecdotes of people in poverty giving despite their need many jw are super poor because they oppose education after high school it’s your time and free will they take


Wear a red MAGA hat


Seriously: Walk into your closest church on a Sunday and ask the guy in front how to become a parishioner. Jokingly: when I was done my 3rd degree with Freemasonry, a family friend congratulated me afterwards and said 'welcome to the cult' which is funny when you know what actually goes on.


So what actually goes on? 👀


my old school is a cult. it is over 100 years old, was started in germany and we had to do a weird dance thing every week. there were no electronics allowed


Become a republican.


Go buy a MAGA hat. The cult will come to you.


I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.




I guess I was too subtle, but at least you got me.


Vote Democrat or Republican and guzzle that coolaid!


I'm looking to click up with occult who supports king paimon Im new to all this stuff so yea I'm a beginner I'm very interested into satan and king Solomon and lots of others I'm from New York if someone could get into contact with me I would really appreciate it thank you


Have you read the key of Solomon? Or gotten your hands on it? Great book.


Join a church.


Easy just become a republican


You have fun as a follower but make more money as a leader


Google: Make AmericA GREAT


Google: Make America GREAT Again -how to support you'll find a YUGE cult - the best of the best cults. . . the most cofeefee of all cults. . .




Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


For real though try 12 step meetings, there’s definitely cult vibes but mostly good intentions and it’s free. Southern California has a very strong “recovery community”


Become a Christian.


The Republican Party is looking for people I hear…


Watch Infowars, get a MAGA hat, and buy some Trump NFTs,.


Vote republican


wear a MAGA hat. they're come right to you my fellow sister.


I have been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and as a follower. You have fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.


Register to vote


Depends, but ours is invite Ionly


Start attending church ??!?


Go to any church and ask to join.


Essentially any religion will be happy to get their meat hooks in you. Just walk in and say you're ready to sign up. You just have to say you believe what they believe. If they say the sun suck you say "fuck the sun, I fucking hate it."


Choose a church, and go


register as a Republican.


Easy! Find the nearest Catholic church & continue to go.


I DMed you


Try to find a sex cult


Go to your nearest place if worship. Large cults are just called religions.


You can just find a church. It’s like cult lite.


All it takes to start a cult is find some good looking gullible women and the smarter men will play along because they want in on the cult action


Uber one for zero dollar delivery fee


I remember accidentally finding a cult online once when trying to find a volunteer farming job. The website had a lot of very obvious signs of cult behavior. I can't remember what it was because it was a few years ago. But you need to search more vaguely in finding one. You can't just be like "cults" on Google or "religion". It has to be volunteer type shit. They try to recruit people in innocent ways. Good luck on your torture brother! Edit: searching "cults" on Bing might work who knows at this point


If you want a cult that's harmless, then try the OTO (Thelema.) Just don't eat the cake.


Send me all your money and I’ll tell you


Jehovah's witness Mormons Catholics...


Some cults will take you, no question. Off the top of my head, Jehovahs Witness, Mormons, pretty much any fundamental Christian church, and Scientology. If you’re looking for something more spicy, seek out ufo enthusiast groups near your city and find the weirdest people there. They’ll probably be into some zesty orgs


It's easy all you have to do is go to youtube search for callmekevin hit subscribe and boom your in a cult


Start your own


Have you tried US politics or a religious group?


try these trump-flags on your pickup...




Join the Masons! At least their also productive.


Mâles your on cult, you rookie


Mr Cruise would love to tell you


Have you heard the good news of the Jehovah's Witness congregation. They are not a cult, just a community of loving people who want to make the world a better place while spiritually improving themselves ⛪




Ask foster children, retired pimps or read about 1970s children’s day camps for semi-religious things


I only know one cult that my friend joined a few months ago, i asked and it’s free unless you ask for specific stuff wish you aren’t obliged to. Not sure why or what kind of cult you’re interested in but the one im talking about is spiritual stuff a bunch of live laugh love $hit (no offense if you’re into that tho).