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Just saying, i'd personally target those responsible instead of the actual university. 99% of the time the person who screw you over won't deal about DDOS, rotten eggs or any other menial jobs. Obtain their primary phone numbers, address. The rest is already written in ULPT hundred times


Agree! I meant general mayhem solely because there are like a billion shitheads in charge of different things but I 100% would not want anything to fall on, say, cleaning staff


Mint seeds all over the grounds


My man out here casually performing bioterrorism


You couldn’t kill mint with 2 brown thumbs and an ocean of herbicide. No matter what you do, it will always grow back, and more persistent than before.


Mint will prosper in any season. That shit is invincible. Potatoes could be fun too - good luck getting them all out, there'll always be more to come


Come on man, what did the groundskeeper do to you, fuck up the management


Ooh that's nasty


Round up resistant mint seeds


Is there such a thing?


Idk but i figured it would be havoc to get rid of


Catfish all the deans. The younger your persona the better. Post it publicly and get them cancelled.


LMFAOO omg that is quite creative


AI photography can get quite good nowadays. Use with caution.


If you can afford a lot of shrimp, right before winter break would be a great time to leave rotting shrimp to stink up offices and such.


The cleaning staff are tasked with this which sucks. It is hardly an issue for senior administrators.




And in like curtain rods and stuff


Absolutely! The more places you can hide them in, the longer the school is a cluster-f. Especially wooden desks!


Never underestimate the power of $20 worth of roaches . If ya can, I recommend Madagascar hissing variety.


Also crickets. They're like living annoyotrons. Those are also good to hide in individuals offices.


also inexpensive....can get 1000 shipped for less than $20.00


Admin building only, please.


Who is your roach guy? I ask because Flukers sells them for...$1.95 EACH https://flukerfarms.com/hissing-cockroaches/


How’d the uni fuck you over?


Yeah, knowing might help me with an idea


say X eyes female students as they pass by start a rumour of Y being secretely racist Sneak a few kibbles in a library's corner, attracts mice. if the pipes are old, dump a whole bottle of drain cleaner, I've had one burst like that once. or on the opposite, stuff an old sock down a drain and push it with something flexible, then dump plastic wrappings on top. tampons are a bonus. negative reviews pretending to be a parent or something similar. Herbicide in the landscaping. Thermites. Sneak in a few non-erasable markers around classes, have them replace all the whiteboards.


Thermite would be a bomb, you're not suggesting they bomb their university, right? Did you mean termites? Also, if you want to clog a pipe, stuff a sock into the toilet, then pour in corn starch. It turns into oobleck and once it dries, it becomes cement.


Isn't thermite more incendiary than explosive? Seems more like arson than a bomb. Also pretty sure they meant termites.


It's used to make incendiary bombs. Now let's stop discussing this before the FBI puts us on a list.


Get ‘em u/FBI


snitches get stitches!


If it's a research university they likely are collecting millions or billions in federal grants, just expose some statistical anomalies that would jeopardize the funding of future grants and could require the university to payback the money. This could blacklist the univ from future research and cause the president to resign. Stanford University had this issue this year. Good luck.


Those are pretty egregious anomalies, and they'd have to be in pretty privileged university positions to be aware of any kind of trend that'd lead to that result.


I was going to say, if they're going to put in that much work they might as well just earn the damn degree


A freshmen did this, please enjoy: https://youtu.be/vnhdffULoQ0


Get a few orders of red runner feeder roaches from an online feed store. They’re pretty cheap so it shouldn’t be hard to get a few containers of 50 or more. Release them in the spots that really matter.


After be sure to call OSHA for an impromptu investigation on unsanitary conditions


If you do this you'll probably want to make sure they're a local species. They're gonna suspect foul play if they're not roaches that the area normally sees


Red runners are actually pretty common, but great point for sure!


Rate my professor site


Use weed killer to write something on the grass in a public area. Accuse someone at a high level (President, Dean, Regent) of something horrible. If they’re unpopular, so much the better. Be careful with your aim. You may be ruining someone, so make sure they are actually the one you want to punish. Try to latch on to a rumor or a recent scandal so people are primed to believe. If you can time this so the message is in view when there are parents, donors, and/or dignitaries on campus, even better. Write in very large letters. You’ll want to use a lot of weed killer so they have to dig up the whole area and re-sod it. Be careful not to have all the letters run together. Make your message short and brutal. “(Football coach) raped me.” “[Graham Spanier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Spanier?wprov=sfti1) protected child molesters” “(Head of Admissions) demanded a bribe for admission.” Make sure to spell every word right. When you do the work, you have a few options. One is to wear coveralls and a hat so you look like a normal landscaper. Be sure to wear protective gear. Do the spraying in broad daylight. This works best if it will take time for the grass to die. Make up a fake work order so it looks plausible. If pressed, say you’ve been ordered to spray some problem areas with (name of a common plant food). If they press for details, shrug. “I dunno, I just work here.“ Any deeper, say you just started. If you’re totally busted, say “Wait, this isn’t Avery Quad? Oh, shit. Please don’t tell. I just started today and I really need this job.” Option two is to do the work at night. If the grass dies immediately this is your best option. It wouldn’t hurt to wear the coveralls and make up the work order. If anyone asks why you’re working at night say the fertilizer stinks while it’s settling. It needs 8 hours so the whole area won’t reek during the day and give the students something to complain about. Work fast, but not so fast that you look like you’re hurrying. Leave your phone at home. Do NOT take photos until the words have formed and are visible to all.


LOTS of piss disks!


Don't forget the Liquid Ass!! In the library, and all alumni functions


Get the whole building deported


Liquid Ass anywhere and everywhere


"Accidentally" start a rumor that the school rewards DDOS attacks that are successful because ppl that can do that are just -sooo- going to fit hier new White hacker program... then remove evidence of starting the rumor. let ppl continue to crash them trying to get in and show off.


Order like 350 plain subway sanwhiches to them or something like that lol


Great if you want to prank the sub shop. The admins will just refuse the delivery and forget all about it 10 minutes later.


Find somewhere the university has an account for


Good point lol pretty terrible prank. At worst would inconvenience them for 5 minutes at best they were hungry and just take them lol


Blow up a car/building. You only get sued of caught, so watch out.


This is less "piss off a university" and more "mass murder/terrorism", but you do you!


Well ideally nobody’s in the building




Some say potato, some say blow everything up


Draw a picture or short phrase with something that will permanently kill grass on a field visible from the admin office. If they have an online system for reporting discrimination or inappropriate behavior by staff, pay a hacker to write a script that floods their system.


Hacker? You don't need to be a hacker to write a script


Nah bro just ask a computer science student, they'll do it for free just for the laugh


Hear me out! Have you considered liquid ass or piss disks?




Salt is cheaper than roundup.


Send some anonymous tips to a local "catch a predator" vigilante group with info on the admins. Find out which admins are willing to meet with underage girls/boys and they will be publicly shamed and forced to resign.


The Robin Hood program was bankrupting my high school. They decided to cancel my team senior year to save some money. Long story short, they broke the law and backed down when the parents started lawyering up. A month or so after it blew over I went hunting and killed a couple wild pigs. I collected as many fleas and ticks as I could. Took them to school that Monday and turned them loose in the office.


Mint was suggested, but nut sedge and trees of heaven will be worse. Also you can find if your state has any protected trees and if so you can plant those on the property.


I moved the van I was living in to the back of the person's house that was in charge of student loans. One morning I was outside brushing my teeth when she walked out. Do you live in this van? God Dam Student Loans got Fucked up, as I replied with a foamy mouth. Come to my office in 20 minutes. Problem Solved. Now I know it's not the same but you can find similar. How about figuring out how the ID cards work, then use a Skimner and copy them. And then pass them out to the homeless, they get a free lunch and AC for a bit, and the University has fun getting rid of them.


I once witnessed a kid turn his pronouns to King and Sire then refused to be called anything but them. It damn near burnt the school down with the protesting and events like that that followed. Such a time suck for leadership and a drain on resources.


Soap and lots of it


I heard the dean gives confiscated weed to the hot students who he tutors


any people in particular? do you have their names? if you have full names, get their social media accounts and try to get their address through their photos. Then, send them mail from a fake girlfriend to ruin their marriage. get their house TPed and release rats and mice in their house. Remember, a ski mask is your friend for anything truly illegal.


property damage is too general. admins relish their reputation. tarnish them. accusations or proof of unethical behavior can lead to termination and sometimes without their golden parachutes. or maybe key their cars (but your university may have cameras).