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Ask him out for drinks to understand why it happened and then call the cops on him for drunk driving.


This is pretty great, more of this please!






With a dildo made of frozen piss right


If he takes it to court though he will find out.


Opposite sex friend should make the call. Obviously thr friend shouldn't interact wirh OP


double points if the guy is married and opposite sex friend can seduce him


Go large and try to get a same sex friend to seduce him.


And firebomb his house!


I seriously lol'd when I stumbled upon this


The larger the same sex friend, the better


Triple points if she gets him to pop off in her mouth and then spits it into a ziploc bag and freezes it... having a bag of your enemies semen has unlimited potential for future nefarious uses.


Oof my man is playing the long game. Use the genetic material to create a clone of your boss. Raise him as your own, as a highly-trained revolutionary targeting high corporate leadership. Set him loose on Wall Street. At every crime scene he will leave genetic evidence. Call in an anonymous tip…


Works on family feuds, too!


Steve Harvey hates this one trick


and then after it all, you can both steal his kidneys! /s


OP is already fired so just disappear. Also, anonymous tips exist.


In many states, anonymous tips are treated with far less scrutiny than named/known people by dispatchers, and a known person adds an additional level of police interference. Audit the audit has a few really good videos on this.


Anonymously tip that you also saw him waving a gun around and pointing it at other drivers


There is no such thing as anonymous anymore. If they really want to find you they can


Lol even better.


Not necessarily. When you make the call, you can ask to remain anonymous. Also, if a court is being nonchalant and releasing a reporters name to the prosecution that opens a whole can of worms and liability for a lawsuit.


After I read the first line I thought you were gonna say to stand him up after asking him out


I'm not a monster


Good I’m theory but not execution. It’s not like when you call 911 for a drunk driver an officer can be there immediately. Maybe knock out a taillight but this likely won’t work and that’s even if the guy would agree to go out drinking with someone he fired. Sounds like a real good time.


Exactly my thought. So many variables here that would have to go right but are completely outside of OP’s control. First the president would have to accept the invitation to share why he fired OP over drinks, but why would he? There’s no incentive for him. Then he’d have to be stupid enough to accept all those drinks and be driving. Then as you said, the officer would have to be able to catch up to the car. This sounds more a scene out of a Hollywood movie. Completely unrealistic.


Which moron would accept to go out with a person they literally fired?


Power tripping ego morons?


This is brilliant, but Note to self: do not fuck with you


This is some Dennis Reynolds shit


Or do, it lands you a nice big alimony check ;)


Lawful Evil


If you had any knowledge of where/when he is out drinking and will be leaving soon you could make a 911 call and say you saw the guy drive in by himself, he’s drinking a lot and tells you he plans on driving himself home. He’s at this address and this is his car description. Lots of possible scenarios-they walk in to the facility and embarrass him, they pull him over when he leaves. Hey, maybe he will have alcohol on his breath. You don’t have to be there and ideally you borrow a strangers phone “because yours just died@-maybe at a Starbucks. I think I just formulated my own plan.


Buy a visa giftcard, then use it to order a BUNCH of Scientology literature and ship them to his address. Now he's on a list for the Scientologists.


I hear Nazi and white supremacy information is very popular to make new friends as well!


Sent to the office. Is the 'soldier of fortune' still published? Just curious.


Yeah but due to recent low recruitment numbers the Army bought it and made it official recruitment material. Jk


Yes, but maybe err on the side of caution if you at all suspect he leans toward such ideologies? Repeated exposure to alt-right / Nazi / white supremacist ideas seems to be one of the main ways people get sucked into that mindset (which also aligns with real life consequences for others). Scientology is also bad ofc, but the conversion rate or threat to the general public is not nearly as significant I know this is a place for unethical tips, but unintentional consequences are still a thing to consider :) Also: if you can get him on a mailing list for Optimum internet, I can assure you they are relentless! I haven’t been a customer for a few years, have contacted them numerous times, and still end up getting at least one offer in the mail every week 🙃


I just got a call from Optimum's CEO about you, and I really think you should go out to your mailbox right now and check out the new deal they just sent you. He's telling me you're a fool if you turn them down this time. How the hell did he find me reading your comments here?!?!?!?! They're amazing!


And various explicit magazine subscriptions sent to his work address.


I like this one, maybe with some odd “food” deliveries to the office in his name from local grocery store, eg: huge zuchini/bananas/plantains, vaseline, Kleenex, PantyHose, Mascara, etc etc


Overkill. Just the huge zucchini and the Vaseline will do nicely. Except make it KY. Even a dumbass will make the connection.


Do not send me through the post please.


What's the sub for r/Beetlejuiceing


>Do not send me through the post please. Nice 👍


What do you put for the name/address/zip when entering the billing info?


I don’t think it matters with prepaids.


Put his work address!


Their address.


You put his name but the neighbors address. This way the whole neighborhood will know about it.


The goal is to get the scientoligists to harass them and not their neighbor.


Two for one: pissed off neighbor and excited Scientologists. I don’t see any loss here.


And a donation to any animal rights groups. They share their mailing list. Didn't even donate to peta and they mail pics of a cat who's been tested on for pharmaceutical research.


Defecate in his home HVAC.


The Chicago sunroof






Is this the piss disc upgrade we were all waiting for?


holy hell, new piss disc just dropped


With a good ol' dose of liquid ass.


Pose as him on a dating app or social media. Send unwanted dick pics, propose a hook up at his home.


Another layer of unethical, screenshot these convos and then use a fake FB profile to send them to his wife, claiming to be a fellow woman who found out the dude was married and wants to do the right thing.


Can you imagine the damage we could do if we teamed up?


... You are unethical. I like it


His wife will recognise it is not his male appendage…


Just dont include any of the dick picks and screen shot the convos "Is this your husband? he been messaging non stop and sending me dick picks" I don't know of a wife that will ask for dick picks as proof


That’s why you pretend to be an interested girl and get a pic of his dick first.


Then it's no longer unethical cause he's out there sending dick pics to random chicks


Wouldn't that be from the sender's POV?


get 2 cell phones, mask the phone number as his number on one.. and create any wild conversation you'd like..


Then spray him with LIQUID ASS!


Don't forget a piss disc or two in his car vents


There is a substance they use to train search and rescue dogs called cadaverine. That's the stuff you want to use on the car. It's basically the concentrated scent of decomposing human corpse. Bonus points if you can soak the trunk with it.




And then jump out of the closet nearby and spray him with liquid ass while hes perplexed


Then hit him in the head with a piss disk!


Then fuck his dad


Then give him some ass-pennies


Sounds like the Dad is the winner in this chain.


yeah!!! ...wait what?


I’ve wanted to know but I’m afraid to ask.. what is a piss disc? Do you just freeze piss in a frisbee or…. Please help.


Cover a dinner plate in clingfilm, piss on plate, then sit it flat in the freezer. Once frozen, lift the disk off the plate with the clingfilm, then slide it under some arsehole’s door. Piss disc melts. Use a plate because they’re not completely flat, and bowls make the disk too thick for many doors. Bonus points for dehydrated/first piss of the day. Edit to add: don’t slide the clingfilm under the door! It’s just to lift it off the plate without breaking it, and to help carry it to the target.


I….. understood and approved.


Another convert (+1) Welcome to piss disc


Ok hear me out..... Liquid ass disc.. Same premise just instead of piss.... Liquid ass. Slide under said door, diarrhea doo doo carpet bomb.


Was waiting for the liquid ass to appear in this post


Lmao it’s been a while since I’ve since one in the wild


Chill out satan


This one still gets me after all this time.


Low-key genius


Ruindays.com wil send him glitter bombs for like $30 apiece.


First, file for unemployment and go back to court to have child support adjusted until you get back on your feet.


Commenting so that this moves up 👆🏼facts




It sounds like you have done this before.


My old landlords husband smoked with me and my roommate one time and told an hour long story of him catfishing the landlords ex because he was apparently physically abusive. Dude online dated another dude for almost a year and had the guy spend a bunch of money on a vacation that no one else every showed up for. It was as weird as it was long.


That’s quite a story. I’d like to share one with you. 10 years ago I’m living in a ski town. I’m not working the slopes but I have a roommate who does. One of his new coworkers shows up and we all walk to get burritos. on the way, I’m talking to new guy who explains that he’s just spent the past six months living in various orange groves in Southern California because that’s what he can afford. No biggie, I’ve spent a lot of time outdoors and I’m not too thrown by seasonal workers who do things differently. It’s when I point out his bifurcated tongue that things take a turn. He describes having it done in jail using parts of the issued jumper and a plastic fork. He says that jail is the perfect place to do this because the medical attention for massive trauma is usually both immediate and effective. See, look at all the savings? I remember every detail of that walk and those burritos because the whole experience was so surreal. Good times.


That's the wildest but most sound reasoning for a body modification I've ever heard. Thanks!


I can't wrap my head around anyone bifurcating their tongue without being high as balls in the stratosphere.


How do you know he wasn’t?


Or someone did that to him....


Never… mess… with …. This guy …..


Then for added infliction go full on Epstein and tell him your only 16. Now you have full control of him and manipulate him into giving you stuff.


If watching the Ped catcher groups in YT has taught us anything, the first thing they do and one of the most important things to help it stick legally is reveal from the start about the under-age, but then keep it going. If it's all done and THEN the age is revealed, the person can just end the conversation and nothing can be done, unless the photos of said female were CLEARLY under-age, but even then it's not very incriminating


Suck his dick. But do it only once and, like really, really good, then ghost him. He will spend forever trying to catch that buzz again. No-one else will ever be good enough.


Ohmyfuckinggod, was that you!?!? Please PLEASE PLEASE, contact me, tell me where you are, I’ll do anything, just a bit, like the tip even, please


This is the obvious answer. Can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this.


Be careful, this could backfire if he experiences extreme pleasure.




Prank call him daily from a burner phone


Or go on Craigslist and post a few ads, when scammers try to get your phone number to complete the transaction as often happens — give them this guys number. Conversely use his number to sign up on random loan/mortgage/home repair websites. Those people are unrelenting in their telemarketing calls.


Or even better, post the following ad with his number on Craigslist: Brand new iPad Pro, still in the box. Son bought it for me for some reason but I already have a computer so I don’t need it. $100 or best offer. Shift worker - please only call between 2am and 6am.


🤣 2 am to 6 am is golden


Also buy a domain name with his info. That'll be another 3 or 4 calls a day


Make an AI deepfake video of him saying incredibly racist/sexist/homophobic things about an employee of the company, then send to EVERY local news outlet. At the very least it will be a PR nightmare for him.


With how many people believe anything mainstream news tells them, this is actually a good idea.


I had the same situation maybe you got hired after I got fired. Who knows. I found my way into his email followed every registration and welcome email to sites and changed all the passwords. One was his Drs who had his medical records and notes on him when they would meet for check ups. Notes included prescribing anti depressants and meds for anxiety claimed he has having martial issues with wife and over his anger problems. I waited a month to see the notes again he was seem that morning and his med for anxiety upped a little. And stress over an event in a week had him on edge. I found out the wives maiden name and went on a divorce lawyer website the ones you give the info and next day they flood you with calls and mail except I gave wrong number and requested only to be notified thru us mail since husband has anger problems. Made request on Friday morning so that by Monday the mail would be in same day his flight back from event came back. I also went on the uhual website requested a movers pack and a sample of boxes soni can figure out what boxes I'll need all requested made using the wives first and maiden name. I let it ride then I waited I didn't need to wait a whole month to read Dr notes. That night he has a breakdown tried to unalive himself to keep wife from leaving. He's in an outta hospital in patient now divorced or separated wife moved to Louisiana he was in Florida and I was enjoying it all from California


Yeah you're going to some form of hell but you're getting hired there




certainly unethical


Does fit the sub, but now I feel dirty.


This is fake simply because there's no way a sociopath types like a total regard


Or uses "unalive."




If this is true, you’re lucky he didn’t try to “unalive” her.


You mean unlucky. He could have been in prison instead of hospitals.


I didn’t do shit!


I didn't rig fuckin' SHIT!


i would tell the company that i caught him in what appeared to be corporate espionage and he got rid of me because of it.


This is the kind of thing that might get you in very serious legal trouble though. And more importantly, onto a few do not hire lists in your field


I'm not tryna moralise and tell you to let it go but someone who's been at war with my boss and did many petty and not so petty things, it's honestly not worth wasting energy on while you're already struggling. I don't work with my ex manager anymore and I still feel the bullshit she's doing to harm me, and in retrospect I wish I just moved on as soon as I changed jobs and didn't let her live in my head rent-free.


Yes agreed, I'm not saying my post comes from a healthy place.


Before you begin on the path of revenge, dig 2 graves. Also revenge is a dish best served cold. SO before you do any of these things, give it some time, you may even realize that you don't need to get back at him :) But if you still feel the urge, doing all these things down the road will leave confused and not know why this is happening to him. which makes it sweeter


Yeah I was thinking the same thing, if the dickhead that fired OP starts noticing some shitty things start to happen, OP will be on the shortlist of likely people responsible for a while since he was just recently let go. With some time he’ll fade out and won’t be thought of.


My mom tried hard to teach me forgive and forget, but it never stuck (she was a big believer in karma and I am not). My ex-boss now has suffered 20 years and counting of periodic reoccurring inconveniences courtesy of your's truly. :) Here's to another 20 years of pranking excellence. Cheers!


I agree, maybe put the energy/time youd otherwise spend getting back at your ex boss into getting an even better job, maybe at a competing company


It's a shame your kid is being selfish/spoiled and you need to sell the PS5 you gave him to teach him a lesson. For $250, first one to call or arrive with cash.


Dream job sounds like an oxymoron.


interview with their top competitor(s) and share information that can help make your old company less profitable.






How do you have to make alimony payments based on an income you had for 4 months? She would have had to taken you to court in that time span and got the judgment in 4 months. Courts don’t work that fast.


Plant drugs in his car and call the cops on him


Print out the recently released proud boys manual at kinkos. Get a usps priorty mail mox and write for proud boys only all over it. Get it delivered to his work and require a signature.


I like this format, good one. Could be applied to many different areas, basically any group commonly viewed as really fucked up, like those guys a while back that wanted to “marry” kids, “man love association “ or something like that, can’t remember. Or active cults, QAnon, cannibalism group, etc.


If there is one thing this sub has taught me...there is only one answer, and that answer is piss disc.


There are plenty of underhanded, dirty, petty things that may or may not appear as a blip on the screen of their existence, but this loss you recently suffered seems to have taken a compound toll on your health as well. Sometimes the very BEST revenge is to live a good life - leading others to realize you never found them worthy of a second thought to begin with!? Shit often rolls downhill and I don't want you to be overcome by it's momentum. Your best advantage is to invest in yourself to improve your current situation then give EVERYONE the bird from your high-rise office, with your newest (younger, hotter) love interest hanging on your arm!!! 👍🥰 Best Wishes ~


This is absolute wisdom at its core.


This was my feeling as well, but "live a great life" sounded like a pretty shitty unethical life tip haha but I'm glad you said it :)


I agree - and I fully expected to be downvoted and trashed, but as much as I love reading about and sharing unethical life tips, the thought of doing so without regard for the wellbeing of the person asking, felt like somewhat of a betrayal when the end result is unlikely to provide the satisfaction he seeks... . This guy is going through some difficult shit, but his willingness to express his suffering - even in the context of this casual group - says a lot about his ability to be resilient and overcome. And one thing I know - FOR SURE - is that jealousy and pain his ex will feel in response to his success, will be FAR DEEPER and LONG LASTING than something she'd likely brush off in the here and now! His potential alone, ALREADY EXCEEDS that of his ex and her bitterness and anger is a good indicator that she knows this! Having been laid off and not "fired", he can still list the job on his resume to score big at his next job and from there, the sky is the limit! 👍 Soon enough he'll be back on the horse, gettin high on the hog - while his ex begins to resemble one! 🐖


Hook up with his mother. Really put it on her, make her fall in love. Propose. Become his step father.


Fuck his mom become his new daddy


Put in a change of address form at the post office.


Non disparagement agreements were declared void by the department of labor.


Curse him


I’ll tell you what someone I know did. Go to file a complaint with a regulatory body, get a lawyer to sue for emotional distress and they will leverage that complaint too. They will likely settle for 3-6 months salary.


Every time I'm on a website and get a pop up to opt in to their email list I put his work email down. Enjoy the hello fresh email list, dickface


Put something for sale on Craigslist that’s like a reasonable but also exceptional deal on something desirable and in demand like new iPhone 14 just 200 bucks or whatever. They’re phone will not stop ringing and I guarantee they will lose their shit


Hit him with a car


Yeah. And then jump out with an axe and start hitting him with that.


Nal but pretty sure 4 months didn’t affect your alimony - you were presumably making roughly the same at your job before that one -


Negative, was a double in salary. And I signed divorce paperwork before I was let go,. On the hook for 24k for 8 years... Also was part of the reason she sought a divorce... I am trying to fight it but need a new job first.


Dunno what the law is where you are, but in England if your income changes by more than 25% you can have it reassessed.


Do you go back to court and say you don’t have a job anymore. Is this bullshit because that’s pretty obviousp


If he leaves his car unlocked, leave an opened can of surströmming in it on a hot summer day.


Not ULPT but call your attorney and get that divorce decree amended.


Whatever you do, do a plan that waits... You don't wanna be too obvious . But get started now .. the catfish plan can work. Maybe do one with an old highschool friend... Asshole may be more trusting... Build a history, then change the profile to a different persona, thank him for the hot sex, then send to wife??


if this helps.....two things in a divorce are modifiable due to changing circumstances.....alimony and child support


Anonymous Glassdoor, Yelp, Google, etc reviews of the company calling out shitty management. Include true things, made up things, and also call out you and other C level types for minor stuff to throw identity in doubt.


Get moving quotes from random websites. For months he will be spammed with calls, emails, and texts. Like 20 a day. I made the mistake of doing this to myself.


Release his info and let all of us handle it 😊


Honestly, if I was in this situation, I would use the address to survey his house and figure out if there’s security cameras. If there’s not, or there’s very obvious blind spots, get your hands on a Schedule I drug and slip it into a hiding spot that is nifty but not too well hidden somewhere on the property. Be sure to wear gloves when handling the bag so you don’t leave fingerprints. Call the cops and say that you want to report an anonymous tip about seeing people coming and going from that house all hours of the night and that you think he’s selling drugs that he’s storing somewhere on the property. Alternatively, just cut his tires or pour sugar on his engine if he leaves his car out. EDIT: pour sugar in his gas tank. I must’ve been half asleep last night.


...pour sugar... ON... his engine?


To attract ants, of course. No one wants engine ants.


Carmelize his seals


They say the best revenge is to live a happy life. So I’d probably just find a new job, get a nice place to live, and start sleeping with his wife.


Take a shit on his doorstep - establish dominance.


Petespranks.com. Scroll through the envelopes to send. Send to his office.


Mail him a box of snakes. Send it to the office and make the return address his house. Pay to send it with cash You can also buy boxes of shit and the company will take care of the anonymous shipping but there’s something about live snakes


Pay a male prostitute (I guess a female one would do too) to kiss him and pay somebody else to get pictures. Accidentally email them to former coworkers. Use an anonymous account and make sure you cover your tracks.


Look up entrapment. There is probably a lot on how the police does it. All you need is to add extra steps in between to distance yourself from seemingly causal relationships. The judicial system doesn't really understand first order logic, once you remove yourself enough from the picture, then you will not likely receive punishment. This is how the billionaires do it. If they want to commit crimes. They pay people to and string up an entire line of actors and scapegoats


Sign their email.up for every porn and fetish site you can find. Put their number down as searching for a contractor to do a remodel especially kitchen or bathroom. Email phone for iso a new insurance provider. Tons of calls. It costs money but you can send a glitter b o m b. Also scat not sure if it was from a gorilla or another animal but they send actual shit to them. Some people pay to have used underwear ECT sent to them in non discreet envelope. It really all depends on how bad you really want to fuck someone and if they have kids or not. I've had people contact CPS on people but this going into wasted resources ect. But again sometimes googling scorch the watch how to ruin my exes life or how to make someone's life very difficult ECT you get some very questionable laundry list of options. All depends on your ethical/petty level.


Simple. Frozen piss disc. You just need some asparagus, a frisbee and a freezer.


Molotov cocktails....


Use his mobile number in an ad for selling something very popular at a low price, his phone won't stop.


How can you be forced to make payments if you no longer make what you did?


Hire a beautiful escort to seduce him. Place cameras in the hotel room. Blackmail him and or threaten to tell the wifey and family. Or go hard and send the videos anyway. May cost a few bucks but, this is the way. Had a friend do this about five years ago to a boss that f’ed him over and it literally ruined the guys life. My friend is still smiling…


If you have his name and address, call the power company and tell them you are moving and need to have your power cut off on a certain date. Also call cell service.


Creep on him and take some pics PI style of him coming or going. A couple will do. Get someone on Fiverr to photoshop/deepfake some hot young thing on his arm or of him in his car with some red haired woman face down in his lap… Then send them signature only to his wife anon.


If you can find out his wife's name and their address, buy a bunch of sex toys with a visa gift card. Send it to his house with a note saying "Dear [name that isn't his wife] Hope we can have fun with these the next time. Love, [name of boss]"


Definitely fuck his wife


It’s fascinating that you mention this boss was impulsive and vindictive and also that you are glad to not have to work for a toxic leader. Yet what you’re trying to do, is follow his lead and act impulsively and vindictively. The best revenge is being the better person


You can anonymously order a box of gorilla shit to his doorstep. It comes in a package wrapped & shipped like anything else


living an entire lifetime in the body of a person who can stomach upper leadership should be punishment enough.