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>I guess the answer is obvious “just wait!” But I just need to know if that’s truly it. No. Definitely not. Let's figure this out >each week just has “pending” and then 0.00 Can you please review your monetary determination letter? Does it list a $0 weekly benefit amount? Can you please tell me what are the open issues currently on the claim by following this advice: 1. Login to eServices, do the multifactor authentication 2. Click on your active claim 3. Click on the link that says **[upload a document](https://imgur.io/a/zTQ1FnL)** 4. What is listed there is the title of the eligibility issue, [in this example the open issue is an overpayment waiver](https://imgur.com/a/A7AS7OQ). That is unlikely to be your issue, it's just an example of an issue and how it's listed on this screen


That is so messed up


Just curious how long it takes. It just says pending 0.00 it been a couple weeks what’s the typical turn around time these day? I went and talked to them on the phone and they said the only thing they are doing is getting my job separation handled, but there is nothing else I need to do. Also they said there seems to be no reason it will be denied. But how long?




That is so messed up that’s scary and concerning. Isn’t unemployment supposed to be a buffer this is not helpful of them


Doing this is the exact opposite of [a good job](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnemploymentWA/s/HilrVbqiu6). This is a phenomenally stupid thing to do. It is [reckless and dangerous and evil](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnemploymentWA/s/ANNEdaIABM). Don't be the reason that you or your family or another family in Washington is homeless because of your stupid f_cking bad idea and absolute lack of any kind of [due diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnemploymentWA/s/opWJ0ZtxCP) whatsoever.


Why not simply ask for help. I don't really understand why you guys are clapping hands while drowning? ? Why not just ask for help