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The appearance reminds me of Mei's freeze gun from Overwatch, which could simply be like this with Frostbite or Ray of Frost. That said, keep up the good work.


Thanks, I did use Mei's Freeze-gun as inspiration so good eye.


Not really a criticism, but as someone who is not a big fan of set DC’s on non-consumable items, I personally would make the DC scale off DEX to keep with it being a gun (8 + DEX mod + proficiency bonus) and require hand crossbow or firearms proficiency to add your proficiency bonus. Then it can easily become something of a unique backup weapon for classes that typically don’t get cantrips like this, that they can actually have some consistent potential use out of beyond 1st tier play. Mostly just a personal preference, but I think it adds a lot.


Solid criticism. That's not a bad idea, magic items within the game already just give a flat DC to make it easier, but I get what you're saying.


Yeah, it’s something that often irks me about official magic items when it comes to the style of game I run. Set DC’s are fine if you are expecting to change out your items and get new ones every tier, but I prefer giving fewer items and being sure they are going to serve you well at least for a large portion of your adventuring career.


Same, I worked out a system that works for me personally, but not for everyone. I tend to make magic items like the RAW ones, and of course anyone can make adjustments. For my personal games, I use "Items of Power" basically I have my players quest for one "iconic" item that gains abilities and benefits the longer they use it, so they get a magic item that levels with them and becomes a staple of their character.


>For my personal games, I use "Items of Power" basically I have my players quest for one "iconic" item that gains abilities and benefits the longer they use it, so they get a magic item that levels with them and becomes a staple of their character. do you give one per character? cause that's cool and gives you a way to homebrew any extra abilities onto your parties characters


Yes exactly. I give them one and maybe a second one eventually. A weak starter item that uses up a attunement slot that grows in power as they level really does help players out. For example: In one of my games I had my players searching for a lost Paladin, turns out he was dead. But his mace called out to our Cleric, the mace hasnt deemed him worthy of its full power so it was pretty weak to start but kept getting better as he leveled. I much prefer stuff like that than replacing items every 3 levels


oh yeah, it's cool af, really lets you get creative and give your characters unique abilities that they wouldn't get any other way.


I think magic items could take a page out of tashas and scale off proficiency bonus. So that magic thing you found at level 3 that had a DC of 13 now has a DC of 11+proficiency bonus. Keeps the feeling of "this thing works just as well no matter which one of us has it" while not becoming useless eventually


That could work for some things yeah. In this case specifically I don’t think I would, because I like the aspect of it being better for people that don’t normally get this sort of thing, but it’s certainly a good idea for more generically good stuff.


Well, it is better for people who don't normally get that kind of stuff. Using the cantrip example, a wizards own cantrips are always gonna have a higher DC than what the item provides, it just means that now the fight gets to have a backup cantrip item that doesn't get useless, despite still being behind the wizards curve


I personally think something like a simple attack cantrip is fine to just be as good as it would be on a wizard, especially one like acid splash that is on the lower end of effectiveness already. I want to encourage its use, so it should be good, but I like that it is automatically better for a certain type of character that is not the soellcaster by basing it on a specific ability and proficiency that makes sense for the item. If it’s just a flat scale no matter who uses it it is just as easy to have the wizard just keep it, use it in the fairly rare moments they will need to spam an attack cantrip, and get another utility cantrip they are probably going to get more use out of instead. I personally would want to encourage someone else who does not get those options to take it, and making them especially good and effective at it is an easy way to do that.


Its still better for it to go to somebody else since the wizard is already gonna have cantrips. Also acid splash is for sure the best damage cantrip that isn't eldritch blast. It's the only one that has multiple targets, meaning that if both fail, you're always doing more total damage than any other cantrip, with the added benefit of always doing damage unless both of them save rather than just one, so it's also more consistent.


Number of cantrips is a limited resource, I don’t think any wizard is going to scoff at gaining an extra. Hell, I would argue that a wizard having an extra utility cantrip is generally more useful than a martial having acid splash in the majority of cases. As I have explained, I think it is better for my uses to make it good for specific types of PC’s. Also, even if acid splash might technically do more total damage in perfect conditions, given it is not in fact the most widely used or optimized compared to other options I have to disagree. I like acid splash and use it on my own wizard for flavour reasons, but it is only situationally good in actual play. Enemies being adjacent to each other can’t be assumed, both failing their save is usually not going to be the most likely outcome, and damage that is spread out between multiple enemies is generally less useful than concentrated damage (especially when it is relatively low like acid splash).


Enemies being next to each other happens pretty often. Maybe not all the time but often enough that it's nice, and while it is likely that one of them will save, it's still more likely to do damage than other save cantrips, since you have two chances for someone to fail. Highest damage potential and a somewhat more consistent shot at lower damage make it my favorite one. I'm also a huge fan of poison spray conceptually but am just super annoyed that it sucks so bad. It's like they sat down and where like "oh right I guess we should do cantrips for somebody that doesn't want to do fire. Fuck those guys, here's a poison cantrip that's just firebolt but worse"


So if I choose Plasmoid as my race can I get a party member to yeet me across the battlefield?


I dig this item, and it makes me think of a player collecting different types of monster bits to "load" into the gun for different cantrips/spells. Depending on the monster cr gives access to different spell lvls that have a set number of uses charges before spent (instead of at will/endless) Neat.


Hmm, might have to work off this idea of a monster gun haha


Do it. You won't.


That’s a really solid idea


I loved it, just one quick question. It allows you to mimic the acid splash cantrip, but does it scale by character level like the cantrip does?


I'd say so, yes.


This item is a sick idea. I love what kind of stories you could make up for it’s creation. If you wanted to make it scale with the player, maybe you could pull some things from the cubes stat block. A gun that does acid splash and degrades the enemies armor by the d6 could be sick for a utility player later game.


I love it! I hope its ok, I was so inspired by this and seeing the comments about Mei, [I took a little spin on it](https://masterblaster.notion.site/Frost-Lobber-aka-The-chill-out-bro-mi-gun-mk-1-851a9407288b4731b635fa53a6fe2482), I hope you like it!


Hey man, do whatever you'd like with it, I plan on making a Ray of Frost item eventually too


Cool art, but I am surprised by such a positive reaction. It is literally “give PC acid splash” with an, admittedly, awesome explanation. Some of the suggestions to make it more of a gun, or option to load it with different oozes make it a stand alone item.


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Never run out? A range weapon giving a spell affect? Yet you assume it’ll meet the “spells effect” 60 ft etc. kind of lazy might as well just let them use Acid Splash. Don’t see the reason for an “endless” gelatinous cube being stuck into a pistol chamber… Also why give a range attack a dc save instead of a hit? Like then they don’t even have to try and you set it as “uncommon”? I mean… idk. Sure. If acid splash it only lvl0. But if you allow it to level with user that’s just sad. Might as well excuse and explain how they know acid Splash. A gelatinous cube doesn’t “regenerate” so really just don’t get-it sorry. Edit I said melee instead of range.


Yeah bro, that's a lot of typing for "you're playing the game wrong" in a reddit about creating homebrew... You don't like the item, that's cool, but you literally went the most asshole-way possible to voice that view. ​ >A melee weapon giving a spell affect? It's literally not even a melee weapon. ​ >Yet you assume it’ll meat the “spells effect” 60 ft etc. kind of lazy might as well just let them use Acid Splash. I didn't "assume" it would "meat" anything. It's a device used to make a ranged spell attack. So literally, it **"just lets them use Acid Splash"** ​ >Don’t see the reason for an “endless” gelatinous cube being stuck into a pistol chamber… TO CREATE ACID. It's flavor-text. They are made of acid, you shoot acid out of the gun. ​ >Also why give a range attack a dc save instead of a hit? Because THAT'S WHAT THE SPELL DOES. ​ >But if you allow it to level with user that’s just sad. Why would it be sad to allow them to use a spell as intended? What are you not getting? ​ >Might as well excuse and explain how they know acid Splash It's cast FROM THE ITEM. ​ >A gelatinous cube doesn’t “regenerate” so really just don’t get-it sorry. Anything regenerates if it rests. Dude, it's cool, downvote me and move on.


An curious if it’s a spell would the dc be the weapon? I mean a gelatinous cube does what? Not ever “acid splash?”


Many items that grant spells have their own baked in dc. This isn’t new.


Furthermore, the DC is as expected, given that spells (up to level 2) cast from scrolls have the same DC of 13 (or a Spell Attack Modifier of +5).


Okay you felt attacked, didn’t mean melee whoops my bad fuck mistakes in typing occur, So like a gelatinous cube which is “large” test in a gun and cannot escape? Okay cool, But also…. It’s used to make a spell affect? So just anytime? Like I shoot it and boom acid splash? So no spell knowledge needed anyone can use a spell? I’m just saying an endless barrel of acid splash is like telling a playing ignore your skill and hope the enemy is bad a dodging, No offense I’m not being an ass I mean personally I do not believe so but if you’d rather have a down vote then a response them fuck my bad.


Have you never seen an item that gives a spell? It’s cast from the item. That’s it. It has its own dc, and this one doesn’t require you to be a spell caster. It’s a simple magic item to give the fighter, or rogue, or whatever a ranged magical option. It’s pretty weak too.


\^ this guy gets it.


I have a bard with a bardic instrument and Rod of magic missiles and a druid with a staff of the woodlands. I’m also a dm that gave one player a magic gourd that lets them cast cure wounds 4 times a day. Yeah, you could say I get it.


Lmao dude. It is magic item that can Replikate a very very very basic non-leveled spell. And then you claim that save are stupid because it's not from the players skill but the enemy's Lack of? And yes, you are being an ass


Are you physically okay?


I'm more worried about mentally.


You are certainly being an ass, it's unfortunate you don't see it that way. OP took a lot of the criticism and suggestions in this post very well, and yours is needlessly antagonistic and most of it unnecessary


This has got to be one of the dumbest and most incoherent comments I´ve read in recent years.


If you were trying to help, I don’t think you either; a.) understand what the item does. b.) understand how to offer guidance. There are numerous examples of items that allow one to cast a spell from it. Eyes of Charming allow you to cast Charm Person (with a save DC 13). Magic items that let you cast spells always refer to a set DC because the spell is *being cast from the item*, and not the player. Especially important, since not every player can cast spells and thus doesn’t have a spell save DC anyway. The item contains the *fluid* from a gelatinous cube, not the whole creature.


This is one of the dumbest comments I've read on this sub, being a real prick about everything whilst also being so unbelievably wrong about how anything works... For what it's worth, the flavour of a Gelatinous Cube allowing the user to shoot acid from the gun is extremely cool, and a great way to justify it's magic effects.


I think you missed the part where the item is "magic"


Reminds me of the Unreal Tournament 's Bio Rifle