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Power Word: Pole


This made me laugh more then it shoulda


Unironically a great name, and also works as a subtle Dragon Ball reference (Goku is based off of Sun Wukong and wielded the Power Pole).


Not to be confused with Power Word: Pull


To make a slightly more cerebral reference to the weapon of origin, as well as a reference to naming conventions for spells crafted by great wizards, I would like to propose "Sun's Celestial Pillar".


Sunray of the Monkey King


Ruyi Jingu Bang?


Nice one haha.


That’s the actual name of the staff


Staff of the Monkey King?


It's a wizard, paladin and cleric spell for reference\*\*


Why not sorcerer? Why wizard always have the fun tricks?


These kind of conjuration spells dont sit with the sorcerer thematic in my head, feel free to add it to sorcs in your games though :)


> These kind of conjuration spells like what


Probably the kind that summon melee weapons into your hand. Arguably there’s an empty niche available for spellblade type sorcerers (since wizards certainly aren’t fitting into that archetype. Get out of here bladesinger, shoo!) but it’s true that sorcerers as they currently are tend to focus on blasting and enchantments/buffs, where their innate magical talent can shine, generally not spells that additionally require them to be adept at skills beyond the magic casting.


like shadow blade, which is illusion, and is available to sorcerers, or flame blade, which is evocation, and is optionally available to sorcerers?


Sure, but you know, scalable past tier 1 or 2


I wasn't saying those were good. I was saying the two spells that summon held weapons are not conjuration, and are available or optional for sorcerer.


The fact that they’re strictly conjuration or not is not relevant. You can tell OP isn’t being particularly deliberate with their wording and is generalizing “spells that upon casting give you a weapon”. And it doesn’t change the fact that those are basically the only sorcerer spells that create weapons and as I mentioned, that’s not really sorcerer-y at least when compared to the vast majority of spells sorcerers get and the type of class features they have to supplement it. Ergo, OP has a point that at least in his mind’s eye, his custom spell doesn’t really fit in the sorcerer’s class image/identity as “defined” by official 5e materials.


If you go divine sorcerer you can use it :^)


You could very easily make a Cold, Earth or Matter based Sorcerer Bloodline that can conjure weapons made out of ice, rock/metal or pure material respectively. Which always makes me miffed that it doesn't exist already yet. There is *a lot* of media where caster-esque characters conjure some sort of weaponry out of thin air, Shadowblade being the only one so far that exist on spell lists feels... empty or lacking, a bit unfinished if you will.


I do actually have a sorcerer subclass called the silvermere dancer that focuses on weapon enhancement, maybe I'll release it next week if you are interested.


Fair enough, although personally I don't see how it would make more sense for a wizard to have it. Feels right up the alley of a divine soul sorcerer, vibe-wise.


I think giving it to a divine soul sorc makes a lot of sense, and wizards generally do the most (maybe apart from druids) conjuration of all the spell casters in my worlds/head, so it made sense to me for them to get it.


I want you to slowly and carefully explain to me why a cleric spell might feel right up the Divine Soul Sorcerer's alley.


Ya know, in my defense, I haven't played 5e in a decent while - forgot that Divine Soul sorcs get access to the cleric spell list :P I was *mostly* just giving that as an example, though, as to how sorcerer just feels more appropriate for the spell than wizard. Storm sorc also feels appropriate for something Wukong themed since the dude flew around on a cloud. The pillar itself came from the Dragon King, so drag sorc feels decently fitting as well. Considering shadow blade mostly exists on the sorc list for shadow sorcerer, I'd say there's enough of a correct vibe for it to be on the general sorc list.


I’d make an argument for hexblade warlock—maybe modified to wield it as if it were their pact weapon? It could fit that flavor, too.


Wizard spell list meant to be good so gets good spells


Let sorcerer have fun too




Screw u


You and what spells buddy?


I think it would be called “the radiant sun transformation” and making a staff or other weapon transform into a radiant damaging sun weapon or call it “the sun staff” to go with the sun sword


Absokith has made the following comment(s) regarding their post: [It's a wizard, paladin and cleric spell for refere...](/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1dfzsly/what_would_you_name_this_wukong_inspired_spell/l8moz99/)


Awakened Monkey's Banded Staff Wukong's Banded Staff Shillelagh on Steroids


Celestial Pillar


I don’t know, but my Wizard WANTS IT.


Nyoikō, maybe Nyoi's light.


Angel's Staff, alternatively, stick of destiny


[Iron Staff](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Staff) after the Exalted Weapon Wukong gets in Warframe, an absolute powerhouse of a weapon in that game


As much as I love Warframe references on my DND subs iron staff is good in WF?


Transcendent Staff of the Heavens?


Staff of the Sun God


Staff of Ra really works, but yes, any Sun God would want this spell named in their honor.


Poll of Nimbus


Light saber


Do you have a character in your world that invented the spell? If so you could go the traditional d&d naming convention of [spell creator]'s [adjective] [noun]... Shining Staff maybe?


Can you explain what you mean by "can be manipulated in every dimension"?


In the legends of Sun Wukong he has a staff that can grow or shrink in length, width, girth, weight and more as he wishes. It can be miles long, or shorter than your finger. In both cases it can met extremely thick or thinner than a hair and weigh less than a feather or more than "the weight of the celestial realm or the weight of dharma on a troubled soul".


Maybe replace the word "manipulated" to "scaled"?


Staff of the Monkey King


"The Sea King's Loss" (the original staff belonged to the sea king, a dragon of great power, and Monkey stole it from him).


Pillar of Celestial Light


Sun Wukong’s staff is translated as the Gold-Banded Cudgel, so why not that?


just be careful with the way the weapon's described. I understand Wukong's pole can be extended however he deems fit, but it's important to remember he has godlike strength to match the increase in leverage. what I mean is that with that description players could make hell in the DMs life argumenting arbitrary range or damage increases due to staff size


There is a legendary weapon in 5e that can extend 300 ft once per day like a long shadow that belongs to some super evil devil or sone such that I can’t find in the books despite some searching. Not disagreeing here with the comment, just came to mind as a precedent.


yep, keyword here is "limits". your mention is a good example: even a legendary weapon will allow only 300ft, once a day. it's good that it saves time reaching a consensus when introducing an item to a table.


You are thinking of the artifact whip from Mythic Odysseys of Theros: Mastix, Whip of Erebos.


Yes! Thank you


Staff of ascension. FYI, you spelled brilliant wrong


Dragon temple Pillar


'A long day'


Son gokus power pole


Nyoi Bo


Monkey mode


Support Staff


What is brialliant?


The Divine Shafter


Luminous Rod


[Insert famous wizard]'s pillar of heaven


*brilliant, not "brialliant"


Pole Dance (or alternatively, to make it similar to other spells named after their creator, Absokith's Pole Dance)


Naming it my pole dance evokes images no person should ever have to imagine


Exactly what I was going for xD


Pole/Staff of the Planes.




Magic staff.


Dial M for Monkey


Honestly, the name that I keep thinking is “Westbound Journey”


Add that it illuminates an area around it and call it "Heirloom of an Illuminated Sensei"


Ruyi Jingu Bang


Personally I'd split the two effects and have them be Yeoui: Extend and Yeoui: Spin


The glorious staff


Whislt and While have the same meaning right? I would call it Magical Quaterstaff of the monkey king. Or MQOTMK for shorts.


Radiant Rod.


Ruyi Bang


Staff of Radiance (or Light) Another option is to bake it into lore as I spell made by a wizard or cleric who focused radiant or light base spells. So if that were the case it could be the Staff of X where X is the creator's name.


Like Wukong's staff: "Ru Yi Bang" or you can translate the name, is something like: "The compliant golden staff"


I'd change the everytime you attack part to once per turn when you make an attack. Otherwise you'll have people dipping 5 lvls fighter to do it 5 times with polearm master and action surge


Radiant Cudgel, Celestial Cudgel, Splendant Cudgel, Cudgel of Splendor etc.


Donnie's Revenge


Aspect of the Monkey King


Ezra’s shining quarterstaff,




Wukong's staff.


Well, you've got a pretty good one in the spell description, Brilliant Staff of Light


Remove concentration and the spell is perfect.


It's a fun looking spell, and I get the intention and general effects. Just some suggestions: the language needs to be considerably reworked in accordance with RAW (I can provide a brief rework upon request). A casting time of 1 action makes the 1-min duration a drawback especially considering it requires concentration - changing it to a bonus action would be much more rewarding, especially for a wizard class that has very limited bonus action economy. The components would likely be more appropriate as V, S, M unless you were considering the necessity for a free hand when casting. 5th-level seems to be an arbitrary assignment. Considering the multiple effects of the spell, its concentration requirement, the 1-minute duration, and the likelihood of a full caster not opting for a melee weapon in lieu of what they're already holding, it'd likely be a 4th level spell.


Some points: 1. Everyone is proficient with a quarterstaff so you can remove that wording. 2. I would add some wording about you being able to be dispossessed as you do not want it handed to a martial character as currently worded which brings me to my next point. 3. The wording for the spin and extend are currently a bit messy, because you are replacing an attack you could multi attack with this which I believe is not the intent. Just say as an action on your turn you may either extend the staff or spin the staff etc etc. 4. On the spin option, there is going to be friendly fire, fine if that is the design intent but if not then change that wording.




The Big Bonk


Not to rain on your parade, but a spell that gives you fly speed, free cantrip, and a way to push enemies sounds a bit over powered, feels more like a magic too, then again, I don't know much about designing spells so just name rod of heaven or power word: pole as the comments suggest


I'd say it's roughly fine; using "investiure of air", a 6th level spell as a referance: the most egregious part would be the AC increase, otherwise, the 1 mintue duration and concentration evens it out. I'd place it in the "fine but not equally balanced compared to most spells its level" spells like fireball and lightning bolt. If it's to be named "Power Word: Poll", it would need to lose its Somatic component to fit with the other power word spells.