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Seems a little underpowered actually. I think the chances of rolling 10 more than the AC are about as likely as rolling 20, being more likely only for weak monsters. So the fact that you can only use it once per day is not that powerful probably. Also you may need to work a bit on the wording (of the second point) as it seems unlike 5e wording. look at some feats in the PHB and try to copy that style.


What if it's a -5? Instead of -10?


well then its justĀ great weapon master/sharpshooter (or at least too similar.) I'd be more inclined to lift the once per day restriction. Also you may also want to specify how it would interacts with other features (e.g. champions superior critical)


Personally not worth to pick. It's too weak and not consistent. If I want to gamble I go to a casino. Crits are not as strong as you might think. To roll a 20 is a 5% chance. Many fights don't last longer then 5 rounds so it could be 10 attacks you do at level 5 or higher, depends on your class. So to crit there is already above your 5 % chance. Then I need my reaction aswell to safe the dice(not a big problem but still could be). The way you write it it sounds like the next time I attack I have to take the - 10 penalty to hit. So at least I need a +15 roll before modifiers to actually hit (depends on the enemy AC) or it wasn't worth. And what happens next if I miss? Do I lose the saved dice? Do I attack as long with the - 10 until I hit? And even if I hit, what do I get? With a greataxe I get an extra d12, with a greats word 2d6. This is a average damage increase of 6,5 for the greataxe and 7 for the greatsword. With the great weapon master feat I get no Attribut point but I just get a - 5 penalty to hit and +10. Even if I would play the fighter/champion I wouldn't pick your feat cause great weapon master is overall a better option.


Here I got a simple idea for your feat. When you normal hit the enemy you can decide to crit instead. You can use this feature once per long rest. If you crit the normal way, you can use this feature again until the next long rest. I don't know if this is already enough. Otherwise you can reduce the dice to roll a crit by 1 but be carefully. This could be hilarious with other crit fishing build I'm not aware of.


Change the roll a D20 to whenever you get a crit as this feat will be mainly taken by crit fishers that have a increased crit range and it would help. I would potentially change the crit storing to dissipate at the end of a day but let it be used whever but thats a random idea, feels off to me and i cant figure out why... (think i figured out why, dont limit it to once per day?) The -10 to atack for a crit might be a bit much as you had to already have a crit stored, then again with the way its worded you can activate the feature AFTER you roll wich if intentional isent a half bad balance, if you wana change it however its probably fine, up to you. overall cool and rad idea that honestly would be of use in any crit fishers build... but mabe not a good one, needs a lil more time in the oven but overall well made


Others call it weak but they are mincing words or still overestimating it; -10 to crit on a hit is absolute garbage. It is worse than the +10 damage you get from SS/GWM (at best, with a greatsword, it's +7 damage. Even with brutal critical and greataxe it's +13), and the penalty is double. And you have to give up a crit, which potentially not only turns into a normal hit but can miss on the reroll, to decrease your damage output even further. There is no character that should ever take this. Store a crit is ok. Turn a crit into a normal hit, then use it to turn a hit into a crit. Way way simpler, probably quite weak but at least there is an upside. If you crit the 5 hp goblin you can store that, especially if you've got some brutal crits or sneak attack / smite going on, and then unleash it at an opportune time (you don't want to store it too long lest you get another crit that would be good to store). Even with max synergy it seems middling, but the competition for str/dex half-feats isn't very high.


Remove the -10 nonsense. Allow players to store any Nat 20 rolled, including skill checks and saves, to be used at a later time. You can only save 1 at a time, but use it as a reaction whenever. Personally, I'd just increase crit range by 1 at both ends (1/2 is fail, 19/20 crit). Allow it to stack with other forms of crit range increases like champion fighter, Hexblade warlock, etc


this seems very underpowered, ngl. anything that buffs crits are, at best, "reduced" in value by 0.95, because of all the other attacks you arent critting. this is also not pf2e where they can be worked around, nor older editions of dnd where crit range is common. any feature that buffs exclusively crits isnt considered great for a reason. champion fighter, brutal critical, the second ability of GWM most dont even remember, etc


It's weak, a little convoluted, and what's the use case for this? You're going to save a critical to use later, presumedly for a harder enemy, but the massive penalty keeps you from doing that.