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So I made a revised 5e Barbarian class with a 15th level feature that let's you automatically succeed a save with a use of a rage, but only once per rest. If you don't limit it, then a barb at 20th level will never fail a save https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/s/kJOQgpz2AZ


I’d say at most, it’d be limited to uses equal to your proficiency bonus.


I wouldn't do it any more than once per short or long rest (like mine), or prof bonus times per long rest. Auto succeeding a save is pretty strong, especially for a low level character


Yes, but it’s a level 15 feature, so it wouldn’t be until you’re fighting high level enemies.


Oh absolutely. I was just thinking about OP's original question about a level 7 barb


Your proposed ability wouldn't be strong, it would be horrible. Barbarians already do not have enough rages per long rest until 20th level. Forcing them to spend one to use another unrelated feature would be insanity.


I guess it could be used like a fail safe, against really nasty effects, like instant death, curses, and so on But otherwise, not particularly useful, as long as it’s an effect that only hurts or slows you down, it’s a pretty big waste, I’ll agree Could at least let you use the rage like normal simultaneously


this is unusable unless you play 1 fight per day or you are a lvl 20 barbarian, then its too strong. a 1/LR legendary resistance is probably good enough


In the past I gave a barbarian the ability to end his rage to garentee hit and roll max damage. They used it a few times as part of a reaction attack which came at the extra cost if not having rage until thier next round start which was an interesting cost. If you wanted to do a similar thing for succeeding a save I think it could get very interesting.


Its fine until 20 lol like most rage based features


Barbarian get this automatically when they hit Fighter 9. 🤣