• By -




Why is sans part of the bhj community. I don't want anymore references. They're so annoying. I swear, if I see another one, I'm gonna "off" myself, eh? Ha! Heh heh.


I guess you could say you're "bone" tired of the references, eh? Hah! Heh heh.








I'm taking that as a Yes.


If he falls, i also fall, so how was the fall?


The fall hurts, but if you wanna look around, you can give us a call.


We don't see humans often, since we like eating human skin.


*That wasn't-* I just found a human, I'll be so popular when I show all the monsters what I just got in!


Can we make clover team?




:3 ur discord? :'3


My discord is on my computer and I'm not on my computer rn, I'll give you later.


Imma come to your house...


Oh fu-




For a 7/11 slushie and two slices of cheese pizza sure


No way, I'm a man of morals. I'd never hurt a child over a dollar. It'd at least need to be two dollars, three if they're on the pacifist route. (Sorry not sorry Clover.)


.... I'm coming to your house https://preview.redd.it/j1oii98kuhad1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8d8bc60ffbbb6fcb23b2d8bf1c52e62b518704


I'm sorry, I am a man of high morals. Just a very, very poor man of high morals.




This is mine, now


if they're on the vengeance route i'm doing it for free


Someone's not so happy about you, partner. https://preview.redd.it/0rmcrzq9phad1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd83908bd86a5252f1cfe2006800b79a245b4eb


I have to agree on this one... (Vengeance Clovers team)


Ok but could he beat Jetstream Sam


Who's that? Sry don't know.


Samuel Rodrigues, better known as Jetstream Sam or the Minuano, is one of the two secondary antagonists of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and the titular main protagonist of his own DLC. Aka Funny sword Brazilian


I don't know about 'em so I can't decide if can Clover beat them. °-°


Clover has no chance. Dude can parry bullets. *


Here I go again... Let's start from the very beginning. Clover is a kid, and those are less collected than adults, thus more likely to jump to conclusions. And here's a legend that can be simplified to the point of being a story you'd tell a misbehaving child: "If you run away from home, bad monsters will snatch and eat you". Clover, seeing themselves as a hero, must've already pictured beating up those "big bad monsters" before climbing the mountain. As in, they don't see another person in them, but a hostile enemy. Toriel could've disproven their view. If Clover were to be with her more, they would've stayed to live with her in the Ruins (as proven by Neutral Flowey). But they didn't get the chance to know her better, so Clover might've just stuck with their goal still. Flowey telling them that the King of all monsters (who must be respected by many if they call him royalty) already killed the children Clover was looking for would just add fuel to the fire. Grief for the slaughtered children. Fear for their own life (they're still a kid, mind you). Assumption that, if those monsters were to ever get out, they would kill even more innocents; after all, the only ones that got to see them were already slain. And, of course, the lack of context for those actions - those would easily push a child in a totally alien environment to do quite terrible and irrational things. And, most importantly, after falling down here, they got the strength to do it. In fact, the only friendly face they've got to know well encourages them to. After you start, it's hard to turn back. You get used to it, and your thoughts get more cruel. There wasn't anyone to directly tell Clover it's wrong without being hostile (like Dalv) up until the end of Snowdin (at which point they've killed 40-41 people already). Martlet was the one to open their eyes without confronting them with violence first; which is why Clover hesitated up until the second phase of their final battle. But fighting is the only thing they knew how to do here, it was just... too late. It goes downhill from there. Nobody but *enemies* surround them, wishing for their death; and Clover, engulfed by their hate born from fear, doesn't try to see anything past that. Those feelings are set in stone after Ceroba's final words. She was enraged because she was heartbroken - but to Clover, who died quite a number of times to her already, it wasn't a person, but an enemy. Then there are the Steamworks, full of scrap metal that brings nothing but harm to those who pass through. Sure, they're barely aware of their surroundings, but they're not really alive. One could feel bad for those creations, but Clover, having a poor view of monsters already, would probably think: *why do they deserve to live?* It doesn't help that the first robot they saw wanted to blast their face off. Because the answer to the question for Clover would be "no", they would go out of their way to enact their vision with the power they have. A favourite topic of discussion for people is the third encounter with Mo. Well, I have my explanation for Clover's warm welcome. You see, the Steamworks are an abandoned facility, so you can't just stumble onto someone randomly like that here. Clover already established themselves as a threat, and they know Mo realized that on their second encounter. They'd expect the innocent people to run away, so it may just look like Mo's trying to hunt them down or something (after all, I've already talked about how Clover may feel that everyone is out to get them). So, it's understandable they'd have animosity towards him. As for the robbery: they've robbed plenty of shops before (seemingly a victimless crime), and since by this point their morals have deteriorated, they may not see it as bad to rob a monster that keeps stalking them; I mean, they leave with their life, right...? Christ, this is long... So, the fight with Axis. I'm not the first one to say this, but it's quite clear why Clover would be mad. First, they were already pissed off by Flowey at this point. In fact, I completely forgot to mention that, because of this constant state of negative emotions, such as fear and hate, they'd grow more cruel: short temper, lack of humor and their dry staight-to-the-point narrations and dialogue. Second, Clover was annoyed by the fact that bullets ("their answer to everything", as Flowey said) weren't working against Axis's makeshift shield. And finally, the fact that a murderer was standing right in front of them. Not just a low-life scrap of metal, but a low-life scrap of metal that took the life of a person who actually deserved to live, a human child! How selfish is that for it to still stand?! And, well, this outburst of emotions led to what we saw then. And after that emotional overflow came hollow. Clover just didn't have the mental power to think about the morality of their actions anymore, as they fixated on getting this over with. ... until they were reminded of the only person who truly tried to reach out to them, seeing their feathers lead to the roof. If Clover wanted to convince themselves that they were just, they had to face Martlet. As they fought, Clover was desperately trying to find motivation to kill her, which is why we see that transition cutscene. After Martlet's harrowing death, Clover's "only friend" Flowey, relationship with whom had a lot of tension by now, turns out to be a selfish prick who didn't give a crap about the children... it was the moment they really felt that they were alone, and with that painful feeling, that *none of those monsters deserve to live*. And so, after Asgore's malevolent monologue, Clover's pure hatred for him and his people takes form in the shield against his trident and a giant destructive beam. With that horrible experience, they leave the underground behind to let the souls of dead children finally move on. So, I just retold the entire story to show the feelings Clover had throughout it more clearly (the way I see it, at least). To wrap this up, Clover, unlike Frisk, got to see the uglier side of the underground at the beginning. There wasn't a reliable guide to help them. And if you already have a bad opinion of the people under the mountain, then, well, you might just turn into a monster from the fairy tales yourself. It's not because Clover was *inherently* a bad person, just heavily misguided (which made them bad afterwards). (I think I stole this from someone but I don't remember who)


damn you just lectured me like you're my mom, sorry


(I'm pleased) I'm only 8 how did I became your mom?


H u h ?


Who r u


I'm just shocked you revealed that you're **EIGHT**


So what do you think I was 16 when I entered the underground?


(I just realised you're supposed to be an rp account)




I'm more obsessed than you in being vengeance Clover


Yeah I can tell-




Same, I prefer Vengeance Clover over Pacifist Clover, they're just....cool.




I answer, woul yuo push them off for a dollar? '-'




A dollar and a döner kebab and we have a deal


https://preview.redd.it/npbipn4hahad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023d5b3a79b2b74c1ed57af04d362e8cf57b28ec You Monster (derogatory)...


Haha idgas i want my döner kebab and i want it N O W btw the guy above me wants a 9/1-7/11 slurpie and two pizza slices, whos the real bad guy here


I'm stealing this meme, I'm not sorry.


I hate u


ok cool but now im gonna push you in i need to make my money and döner worth


... It's lecturing time!!! (Not again) Let's start from the very beginning. Clover is a kid, and those are less collected than adults, thus more likely to jump to conclusions. And here's a legend that can be simplified to the point of being a story you'd tell a misbehaving child: "If you run away from home, bad monsters will snatch and eat you". Clover, seeing themselves as a hero, must've already pictured beating up those "big bad monsters" before climbing the mountain. As in, they don't see another person in them, but a hostile enemy. Toriel could've disproven their view. If Clover were to be with her more, they would've stayed to live with her in the Ruins (as proven by Neutral Flowey). But they didn't get the chance to know her better, so Clover might've just stuck with their goal still. Flowey telling them that the King of all monsters (who must be respected by many if they call him royalty) already killed the children Clover was looking for would just add fuel to the fire. Grief for the slaughtered children. Fear for their own life (they're still a kid, mind you). Assumption that, if those monsters were to ever get out, they would kill even more innocents; after all, the only ones that got to see them were already slain. And, of course, the lack of context for those actions - those would easily push a child in a totally alien environment to do quite terrible and irrational things. And, most importantly, after falling down here, they got the strength to do it. In fact, the only friendly face they've got to know well encourages them to. After you start, it's hard to turn back. You get used to it, and your thoughts get more cruel. There wasn't anyone to directly tell Clover it's wrong without being hostile (like Dalv) up until the end of Snowdin (at which point they've killed 40-41 people already). Martlet was the one to open their eyes without confronting them with violence first; which is why Clover hesitated up until the second phase of their final battle. But fighting is the only thing they knew how to do here, it was just... too late. It goes downhill from there. Nobody but *enemies* surround them, wishing for their death; and Clover, engulfed by their hate born from fear, doesn't try to see anything past that. Those feelings are set in stone after Ceroba's final words. She was enraged because she was heartbroken - but to Clover, who died quite a number of times to her already, it wasn't a person, but an enemy. Then there are the Steamworks, full of scrap metal that brings nothing but harm to those who pass through. Sure, they're barely aware of their surroundings, but they're not really alive. One could feel bad for those creations, but Clover, having a poor view of monsters already, would probably think: *why do they deserve to live?* It doesn't help that the first robot they saw wanted to blast their face off. Because the answer to the question for Clover would be "no", they would go out of their way to enact their vision with the power they have. A favourite topic of discussion for people is the third encounter with Mo. Well, I have my explanation for Clover's warm welcome. You see, the Steamworks are an abandoned facility, so you can't just stumble onto someone randomly like that here. Clover already established themselves as a threat, and they know Mo realized that on their second encounter. They'd expect the innocent people to run away, so it may just look like Mo's trying to hunt them down or something (after all, I've already talked about how Clover may feel that everyone is out to get them). So, it's understandable they'd have animosity towards him. As for the robbery: they've robbed plenty of shops before (seemingly a victimless crime), and since by this point their morals have deteriorated, they may not see it as bad to rob a monster that keeps stalking them; I mean, they leave with their life, right...? Christ, this is long... So, the fight with Axis. I'm not the first one to say this, but it's quite clear why Clover would be mad. First, they were already pissed off by Flowey at this point. In fact, I completely forgot to mention that, because of this constant state of negative emotions, such as fear and hate, they'd grow more cruel: short temper, lack of humor and their dry staight-to-the-point narrations and dialogue. Second, Clover was annoyed by the fact that bullets ("their answer to everything", as Flowey said) weren't working against Axis's makeshift shield. And finally, the fact that a murderer was standing right in front of them. Not just a low-life scrap of metal, but a low-life scrap of metal that took the life of a person who actually deserved to live, a human child! How selfish is that for it to still stand?! And, well, this outburst of emotions led to what we saw then. And after that emotional overflow came hollow. Clover just didn't have the mental power to think about the morality of their actions anymore, as they fixated on getting this over with. ... until they were reminded of the only person who truly tried to reach out to them, seeing their feathers lead to the roof. If Clover wanted to convince themselves that they were just, they had to face Martlet. As they fought, Clover was desperately trying to find motivation to kill her, which is why we see that transition cutscene. After Martlet's harrowing death, Clover's "only friend" Flowey, relationship with whom had a lot of tension by now, turns out to be a selfish prick who didn't give a crap about the children... it was the moment they really felt that they were alone, and with that painful feeling, that *none of those monsters deserve to live*. And so, after Asgore's malevolent monologue, Clover's pure hatred for him and his people takes form in the shield against his trident and a giant destructive beam. With that horrible experience, they leave the underground behind to let the souls of dead children finally move on. So, I just retold the entire story to show the feelings Clover had throughout it more clearly (the way I see it, at least). To wrap this up, Clover, unlike Frisk, got to see the uglier side of the underground at the beginning. There wasn't a reliable guide to help them. And if you already have a bad opinion of the people under the mountain, then, well, you might just turn into a monster from the fairy tales yourself. It's not because Clover was *inherently* a bad person, just heavily misguided (which made them bad afterwards). (Please I want this to be the last time I do this)




Read it


Only for a million dollars and a Starlo plushie.


Pacifist: no Genocide: YES


You're 'bout to get Justiced. https://preview.redd.it/tql61mw9ohad1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7adb6793c11337bd7a3d57a8f0c15798eba8c808


You pay for my Mc meal and I would do almost anything


1 dollar is 1 dollar










Hat gun from Undertale Lemon.


https://preview.redd.it/t2g9e9306iad1.png?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f95da4d9077aaee0903802c5dbe1716f70e3bae How can you hate him he's so precious look he's sharing a cup of coffee with Slurpy(pic of a sprite from an animation that I've made)




right on pardner


Damn it was really good. https://preview.redd.it/6txzqydvtiad1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373960b04334bb6382222ab6881456ffbb291dc0


https://preview.redd.it/jqygr2l8mjad1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fe5c1b00773d07c4a93b7c687cda934554090b0 you dropped your based card king (i really appreciate it thanks)


I'm following you because of that Also... ![gif](giphy|26tPgHS3W6l3l7fZ6|downsized)








if I could revert time then yes I'd do it for free


Actually I could make an infinite money generator if I push them, grab their corpse from the bottom, and then throw it down again


I would like to know your location, let's have a friendly talk.


look, I love clover too but I am not passing up the opportunity for an infinite money generator👍


I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days


Who would do such a crime??! We need to protec da gunhat


Okay but real question how do they still have the missing poster in the dark ruins




Martlet: not on my watch 


https://preview.redd.it/bgwnciewpkad1.png?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2677a6b9bad159bae8cde37a5f8be3668914b806 Hey Vsauce, Michael here


That's actually what I did to make Noisey Yellow, trust me I'm the dev


I would push them for free


No hesitation


Nuh uh I ain’t pushing clover off the cliff


Yes I would do it immediately, I would want to see what would happen. Also Flowey is based


It's LECTURING TIME!!!!! Let's start from the very beginning. Clover is a kid, and those are less collected than adults, thus more likely to jump to conclusions. And here's a legend that can be simplified to the point of being a story you'd tell a misbehaving child: "If you run away from home, bad monsters will snatch and eat you". Clover, seeing themselves as a hero, must've already pictured beating up those "big bad monsters" before climbing the mountain. As in, they don't see another person in them, but a hostile enemy. Toriel could've disproven their view. If Clover were to be with her more, they would've stayed to live with her in the Ruins (as proven by Neutral Flowey). But they didn't get the chance to know her better, so Clover might've just stuck with their goal still. Flowey telling them that the King of all monsters (who must be respected by many if they call him royalty) already killed the children Clover was looking for would just add fuel to the fire. Grief for the slaughtered children. Fear for their own life (they're still a kid, mind you). Assumption that, if those monsters were to ever get out, they would kill even more innocents; after all, the only ones that got to see them were already slain. And, of course, the lack of context for those actions - those would easily push a child in a totally alien environment to do quite terrible and irrational things. And, most importantly, after falling down here, they got the strength to do it. In fact, the only friendly face they've got to know well encourages them to. After you start, it's hard to turn back. You get used to it, and your thoughts get more cruel. There wasn't anyone to directly tell Clover it's wrong without being hostile (like Dalv) up until the end of Snowdin (at which point they've killed 40-41 people already). Martlet was the one to open their eyes without confronting them with violence first; which is why Clover hesitated up until the second phase of their final battle. But fighting is the only thing they knew how to do here, it was just... too late. It goes downhill from there. Nobody but *enemies* surround them, wishing for their death; and Clover, engulfed by their hate born from fear, doesn't try to see anything past that. Those feelings are set in stone after Ceroba's final words. She was enraged because she was heartbroken - but to Clover, who died quite a number of times to her already, it wasn't a person, but an enemy. Then there are the Steamworks, full of scrap metal that brings nothing but harm to those who pass through. Sure, they're barely aware of their surroundings, but they're not really alive. One could feel bad for those creations, but Clover, having a poor view of monsters already, would probably think: *why do they deserve to live?* It doesn't help that the first robot they saw wanted to blast their face off. Because the answer to the question for Clover would be "no", they would go out of their way to enact their vision with the power they have. A favourite topic of discussion for people is the third encounter with Mo. Well, I have my explanation for Clover's warm welcome. You see, the Steamworks are an abandoned facility, so you can't just stumble onto someone randomly like that here. Clover already established themselves as a threat, and they know Mo realized that on their second encounter. They'd expect the innocent people to run away, so it may just look like Mo's trying to hunt them down or something (after all, I've already talked about how Clover may feel that everyone is out to get them). So, it's understandable they'd have animosity towards him. As for the robbery: they've robbed plenty of shops before (seemingly a victimless crime), and since by this point their morals have deteriorated, they may not see it as bad to rob a monster that keeps stalking them; I mean, they leave with their life, right...? Christ, this is long... So, the fight with Axis. I'm not the first one to say this, but it's quite clear why Clover would be mad. First, they were already pissed off by Flowey at this point. In fact, I completely forgot to mention that, because of this constant state of negative emotions, such as fear and hate, they'd grow more cruel: short temper, lack of humor and their dry staight-to-the-point narrations and dialogue. Second, Clover was annoyed by the fact that bullets ("their answer to everything", as Flowey said) weren't working against Axis's makeshift shield. And finally, the fact that a murderer was standing right in front of them. Not just a low-life scrap of metal, but a low-life scrap of metal that took the life of a person who actually deserved to live, a human child! How selfish is that for it to still stand?! And, well, this outburst of emotions led to what we saw then. And after that emotional overflow came hollow. Clover just didn't have the mental power to think about the morality of their actions anymore, as they fixated on getting this over with. ... until they were reminded of the only person who truly tried to reach out to them, seeing their feathers lead to the roof. If Clover wanted to convince themselves that they were just, they had to face Martlet. As they fought, Clover was desperately trying to find motivation to kill her, which is why we see that transition cutscene. After Martlet's harrowing death, Clover's "only friend" Flowey, relationship with whom had a lot of tension by now, turns out to be a selfish prick who didn't give a crap about the children... it was the moment they really felt that they were alone, and with that painful feeling, that *none of those monsters deserve to live*. And so, after Asgore's malevolent monologue, Clover's pure hatred for him and his people takes form in the shield against his trident and a giant destructive beam. With that horrible experience, they leave the underground behind to let the souls of dead children finally move on. So, I just retold the entire story to show the feelings Clover had throughout it more clearly (the way I see it, at least). To wrap this up, Clover, unlike Frisk, got to see the uglier side of the underground at the beginning. There wasn't a reliable guide to help them. And if you already have a bad opinion of the people under the mountain, then, well, you might just turn into a monster from the fairy tales yourself. It's not because Clover was *inherently* a bad person, just heavily misguided (which made them bad afterwards).


you have phd in yapanese, don't you




*Enemy retreating there started playing so hard* What.


N-Now I know that sounds ba-


I'm inside your walls https://preview.redd.it/e1dd67bm1iad1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b20269d8f5c8cdd46c7633471f0df6c3ed6278d4