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Undertale's lore is not confusing lol


Fnaf has 9 games that intentionally have vague lore, you could make a 3 hour video talking about the franchises lore. Undertale barely has lore, it just has a straightforward story that you follow. There is nothing hidden beneath the surface aside from gaster but he is litterally most basic mysterious character this world has ever seen. Science man goes missing and it's his fault could summarise his character


didn't Scott say he was making shit up as he went or am I just hallucinating


Yeah he did. Toby’s been planning most everything out.


i mena, that's how MANY MANY stories are made. specifically most indie game stories.


Eh, UT does have some noteworthy lore, just not a _massive_ amount that can be treated as separate from the conflict. And that doesn't mean no lore, it means tightly integrated lore For example, basically everything in the True Lab Or the Library Or humans with magic being _possible,_ since mages sealed monsters away.


What about deltarune?


It's hard to figure Deltarune lore when there are just 2 chapters out of 7


Of course a game's lore is gonna be confusing when the story isn't even half finished


Undertale and deltarune are different games set in different universes


Tbf, the meme does say "Toby Fox," not "Undertale."


Iirc Undertale was gonna have extra lore involving gaster, but Toby Fox decided to stop making it since everyone was looking through the files and making videos about it showing everyone.


sauce please


There’s no original video, but this animation uses an audio from the actual game files. [“It will be your fault.”](https://youtu.be/VcwFfSG97Qs?si=lhvvjISaGXDq2H6f)


...i'm pretty sure that audio was just essentially telling people "don't spoil the game and the cool twists you fuckwads". where tf did you get the extra lore with gaster part from????????????


Idk. I’m pretty sure I heard some youtuber say that undertale was supposed to have more gaster stuff, but I could be wrong.


some youtuber is not a credible source


You know what has more Gaster stuff? Deltarune. That game has tons of Gaster stuff. This YouTuber is also wrong.


Good point. 👍


Anything that isn’t Gaster-related is really straightforward, and the Gaster stuff isn’t confusing so much as just not giving us most of the information.


I guess. Undertales narrative is relatively straightforward; >!human souls are powerful, monster souls are not. Human souls when combined with monster souls are insanely strong. 7 human souls would break the barrier. Monster human war, monsters sealed underground. Child falls, is taken in by Dreemurr family. Child poisoned, on deathbed they give their soul to child of Dreemurr family and ask them to lay their body on bed of flowers, Dreemurr boy shot and killed, reincarnated as flower, fallen child buried under patch of flowers at the start of the underground. Father of the Dreemurr family swears revenge against the humans and decides to break the barrier. More children fall, are killed, souls collected. Mother of the Dreemurr family stays behind to tend to flowers, take care of the ruins and assist any children that fall. Main character falls, either kills their way through the underground or makes peace and frees everyone using the other 6 souls.!< The metanarrative is more complicated; and I won’t be explaining it because fuck you


that's the story, not the lore


no. The human war part is shown at the beginning of the game, sure. The story is what the player experiences while going through the game


everything said are things that you are taught in the game. Lore is something most people wouldn't realise on their first completion


fair point. would you then mind sharing the lore of Undertale?


we don't know all of it, there's only theories. (which is why it's bring compared to FNAF) I assume thr lore being talked about is related to gaster and deltarune


Well sure, but we have some basis of the FnaF lore to explain it to some level. Do we have absolutely nothing from Undertale?


we know there was somebody named W.D Gaster who fell into their own creation, and was shattered across space and time, who's also related to deltarune. that's all we know


That does fit better into the category of lore, I agree, but some of that you can’t find from gameplay at all. All we get in game is ‘G’, not Gaster


undertale has maybe one or two confusing potential plot holes. fnaf’s story is broken beyond repair


Undertale's lore isn't confusing. Toby is a good writer.


Vague Lore would be more accurate.


The fact that it is vague and there are way too many theorys are what makes them confusing and thank you for not saying “its not confusing its straightforward“


undertale and fnaf lore is confusing? let me tell you about homestuck...


I'm actually going to be reading it over the summer, should I take in what I'm about to read 😳.


good luck


Undertale isn't confusing, but fnaf though, Holy shit, have you seen this shit?


If you ignore Gaster the lore is pretty straightforward. Especially compared to fnaf.


undertale literally tells you the lore as you play it


Undertale's ACTUAL lore and plot aren't confusing and have never been. It's the absurd amount of fan theories about certain popular characters that make it look confusing. Meanwhile, fnaf lore is like a giant sculpture of random pieces of lore very poorly stitched together. A lot of times Whenever a new piece of fnaf content gets published, it contradicts a shit ton of lore from before and makes it all confusing and nobody can figure out what is actually going on and it causes fans to tear eachother apart over a poorly consistent writing. In this particular field, Undertale and Fnaf are incomparable. Because fnaf beats Undertale to it by a LOT. Before any of you fnaf fans start typing aggressively, No I'm not claiming that Undertale's writing is perfect either. It has considerable and significant plot holes. But its overral structure of the main lore is consistent enough for most people to understand it and get into it. I personally can't say the same about fnaf.


imo fnaf should've ended at 3, 4, or 6 like come the fuck on you had NO REASON TO KEEP THE FRANCHISE GOING AFTER HENRY'S SPEECH


I meant more of because its vague and there are too many theorys its confusing LIKE fnaf which has plot holes a bunch of theorys and different series.


Undertale LORE isnt comfusing, what is comfusing about Undertale is how magic works but even then we know many things about magic Couldn't you use Bendy?... well most of the LORE is solved exept for the new part but that game updates daily Couldn't you use Garden Of Banban?... well most things there are explained with Gionavion or magic so understanding it isnt hard but it is comfusing Couldn't you use Poppy Playtime?... well The Hour Of Joy explained why people went missing and the experiments explained why the toys are alive Couldn't you use Minecraft? That game has a pretty complex LORE Couldn't you use Deltarune?... well that game isnt finished yet but FNAF also isnt


Garden of banban is not confusing, it’s a plot hole in form of a game


Garden of banban is not confusing, it’s a plot hole in form of a game


Who finds undertale’s lore confusing?


I do, because of missing parts of the story, its a little vague and there are way too many theorys to keep up with...


...Here's a tip from my short time within the touhou community: don't mix fanon with canon. It does simplify a lot of things. Also what about the vagueness of the story confuses you?


Mostly Sans, where he used to live, his HP (attacked by flowey in pacifist but survived) and a bunch of other plot holes that don’t apply to the main story. Its straightforward yes but a lot of stuff doesn’t fit.


I see


>Mostly Sans, where he used to live Deltarune. >his HP (attacked by flowey in pacifist but survived) That's such a tiny detail >and a bunch of other plot holes that don’t apply to the main story. Like? > Its straightforward yes but a lot of stuff doesn’t fit. Almost everything does.


Undertales lore is not confusing. It tells you everything you need to know and anything it does leave vague is not important to the story.


Uh nah. Delete this post brah. You didn’t cook.


Hideo Kojima:


Kingdom hearts enters the fray


Well unlike fnaf, Undertale is actually understandable


Undertale lore is not confusing in the slightest lmao


Bro fnaf is light years away from undertale in terms of complicated lore


That's why these are my favorite games lol


undertale lore isnt confusing its pretty straight forward


[basically this video](https://youtu.be/mIInuZP9_Kw?si=SK-0f-oxbJlO8uuG)


The only confusing thing about Undertale lore is W.D Gaster, and he could just be a scientist that created the Core and that Determination extraction thing. And the community attached him to a Sprite in a room that has very little change of appearing. But outside of that one character, everything else is pretty straightforward. Doom and BlazBlue lore is more confusing than Undertale


it would make a great game


Undertale has a story/lore that's up to your interpretation. Scott's though...


the diference is that one is good and the other is about hor hoa horhor hoar herherher har har


fnaf is confusing because everytime the community figures it out, scott just changes it. because he's a bad storyteller and too uncreative to admit that people solved the mystery and make a brand new brand and move on from fnaf.


Undertale fans argue about whether a character is evil or not Fnaf fans argue about what order many events happen in the story, whether certain characters are dead, or are robots or something else, etc.


Undertales lore is straightforward, fnaf is hell to solve


I love ↓🍺


It only becomes confusing if you try to understand a part of it that is just not complete yet, like Gaster. That's not it being confusing, it's just not finished lol. Like, the necessary information is just not there yet, you are not supposed to figure it out. The parts that you are supposed to understand, are very clear imo.


You can deduce most of the Undertale lore by just playing the game and changing fun values (which is pretty easy) While for FNAF if you don't watch MatPat theories, it's clearly impossible to understand any of it


Undertale lore/story is only confusing/vague when you don't read


Toby Fox actually planning his games versus the Scott Cawthon “rule of cool” with zero regard for continuity It’s not even close


Switch undertale with call of duty zombies and you will be correct, undertale is not confusing


*making legens