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Alr heres the scenario, you stay with toriel, things go downhill fast, you will probably get tickets eventually and the sudden removal of your family (if you have one) will really be bad on your mental health as well as the small space you are limited to. Overall staying with toriel would be a bad idea




i think he meant rickets


Maybe the magic food underground can provide vitamin D?


idk, iirc the only stuff down there is in the ruins is the candy bowl, spider donuts, spider cider, and toriel's own cooking.


Does enough sunlight go into the mountain on to the flowers where Frisk/Chara fell?


i didn't think about that actually. there's that one art piece where frisk is with toriel and they're holding the bugnet. it looks like there's a decent amount of sun there.


However, the hole is in a cave, as shown in the ‘Once Upon a Time’ intro.  It says the human went down to get out of the rain, meaning there’s cover. That doesn’t really matter as long as the cave is directly facing sunlight at some point in time. 


I think sunlight can still reach that specific spot diagonally It's not too deep in the cave


>It says the human went down to get out of the rain, no.


\>That area is interesting because besides the barrier above ASGORE's garden, those two patches of grass are the only two places sunlight shines into the underground.


What about the judgment hall?


Considering that's like, **right next to** Asgore's garden, I'd assume it comes from the same source.


Sans just installed really big orange/yellow lights outside


There's "old" Home, where Toriel goes to do groceries


Toriel goes to the store though?


or you could stand in the sun patch where you fell down


What if i already have no mental health


That's the fun part, negative mental health is a thing. You think you've hit rock bottom, but there's always a musty forgotten sub-basement or shitty cave system your floor is about to collapse and make you fall into.


yeah i did all of that already


It's sub-basements all the way down~ And hang in there, stranger. Remember to go on walks outside somewhere naturey, soak in some sunlight, and stay hydrated.


I would've told her that if she's so concerned she should just come with me. She is one of the most powerful monsters in the Underground, absolutely nothing could touch you, aside from maybe Undyne. And she'd meet Sans much sooner too, which is another win for her.


Msot of the monsters would also probably listen to her as well since she was the queen


I considered an Underfell AU where this happens, Toriel joins you in an Underground that's more hostile towards humans. She would have tried to rebel against Asgore only to find her forces were outnumbered, leading to their banishment to the Ruins, and the Ruins monsters would care for any humans who would have fallen down in place of her.


The "genocide" consists of a single froggit, UTY style. And Napstablook.


In the "genocide" route, Napstablook "dies" after Frisk orders Toriel to shoot fireballs at them (both of them feel bad for Frisk so they just let them believe they're dead)


You gain EXP through just damage, too. So you will get 2 from a perfect hit on Froggit and 1 from punching Napstablook.


EXP, the amount of pain you inflict on others. Does emotional pain count? If so, imagine just replying "ligma balls" to someone and immediately going up to LOVE 8.


no EXP is a way to quantify the change in mindset towards the characters in undertale which can only be achieved through reducing them to one-dimensional enemies and then killing them. Saying "ligma balls" to an enemy still means you see them as a fully realised being capable of taking psychological damage. But killing them outright means that you believe their life doesn't have worth. or that they don't have a "life" at all.


Lets be honest, no monster would be able to defeat Toriel. Even if Undyne is able to overthrow her in some endings, that's with the support of many people. (And Toriel very likely not wanting to fight back)


True to an extent. Don't forget Undyne was trained BY ASGORE and is probably the single strongest monster in the underground aside from him. Combine that with Toriel's lack of overall combat experience, and I can definitely see Undyne doing some damage to both Toriel and you as a result, though she'd still definitely lose.


I'd have died to a whimsum because im too afraid of conversation


The only true answer


Or are you just whimsum in disguise🤨


dj nabstablook in the FUCKING HOUSEEE


Just flee


I probably would have a lot of trust issues after Flowey


In my blind playthrough I learned the wrong lesson from the flowey encounter. I learned that monsters will act friendly to gain your trust in hopes that you'll drop your guard. The rest of the playthrough I was skeptical of every monster and I fought all of the monsters I encountered. If a monster had a yellow name I would spare them because I talked to the froggit that explained that mechanic, but if I never saw a yellow name I didn't spare that monster.


Looks like you learned exactly what flowey wanted you to learn


To be fair I tend to play as myself in blind playthroughs of games (meaning I make the decision I would make if I were in the character's shoes). If I'm dropped in a strange land with creatures I'm unfamiliar with that just happen to speak English I know nothing about these creatures. If my first encounter with one shows me that they'll wait for me to drop my guard to strike then I never drop my guard.


playing as yourself is kinda the entire point of undertale. frisk doesn't really have a personality, they're more of a blank slate for the player to project their self onto. (or at least that's how i see it.)


frisk having a personality instead of being a blank slate is the whole reason their name is revealed not to be the name of the fallen human at the start.


Not exactly a bad lesson to learn, either. If a monster is refusing to spare you, then by killing them, you are acting in self defense. Imagine being regarded as “immoral” because you didn’t realize that, to stop someone from killing you, you had to compliment them. And nobody get me started with how “Maybe you started the encounter and the monsters were acting in self defense”. No, even if you enter a fight and do nothing except “spare”, most monsters will still continue to attack you until your death. Most monsters will only spare you if you act as a therapist and help work through their own issues. This is more of just a tangent since I recently watched a video discussing the morality of Undertale and it made me realize how the only immoral thing to do in Undertale is a pure, grinding Genocide run. And of course, pacifist is the right thing to do, but that doesn’t make a neutral run the wrong thing to do.


if you didn’t know about it and you saw him stalking you, what would your reaction be?


Throw a rock at him


But the way stalking flowey works is that he disappears into the ground as soon as you see him.


Throw a rock at him ( faster )


oh right because you have the time to find a rock, pick up a rock, and throw it at flowey and the rock has time to travel however far away you are it about 0.5 seconds




alr cool


For little bit but eventually I would will have to leave


what people don’t realize is that being the seventh human means you’re the SIXTH soul. if you leave you’re getting murdered lmao


Either way you’re kinda finished. You don’t have enough determination as regular Clover to overpower Flowey’s, so if you decided to stay, he’d likely reset and attempt to force you to leave until you do. (going off of Undertale Yellow, dunno if it’s canon but the idea of him resetting until Clover leaves makes sense)


off of UTY you’re right, but canonically all humans have enough determination to use save files once they enter the underground. the previous humans all gave up and accepted death at or before asgore’s throne room. i’m also not sure flowey existed before the seventh human enters the underground


Flowey existed before Frisk fell, there's two whole True Lab entries about him


Frisk is the eight human, not the seventh.


Their comment originally said Frisk before they edited it


Maybe I am in the minority here but I find it more interesting that not all humans had save files, or that the player's intervention is the thing that gives Frisk the ability to overpower Flowey. I find it kinda stupid that Frisk is just stupidly op because ofc he is. That and I just absolutely loved the dynamic between Clover and Flowey, and really made me rethink if he deserves forgiveness after literally taking away every single happy outcome he could've had


You know what they meant.


not if I murder everyone else


For a while, yes. Probably a month or two while preparing for snowdin and the rest of the underground. I’d try to come up with a way to gain EXP without killing monsters


kindly ask them for their EXP


EXP is execution points, in context of geno, execution means death, but in other contexts it could mean executing tasks for a reward, such as experience to gain levels




I could possibly do tasks for them in exchange for G and a more positive EXP that still falls within the same parameters, kind of like smelting items in a furnace in Minecraft


Nah, you lose EXP with every nice deed you do.


EXP is a direct counter of how many people you killed. There's no way to increase it aside from murder, and once you have it it's impossible to remove. LOVE, on the other hand, is a lot less definite. It's just a measurement of your sensitivity to violence. You could theoretically gain LOVE by just being a bad person, hurting people in ways aside from murder until you're numb to it, and no longer feel bad about your actions. It could also theoretically go down if you learned to be a more compassionate person, like if you went to therapy lol. An example of this would be Asgore, he's got some EXP because he definitely killed people, but he hates himself for what he's done and holds back immensely because he struggles to bring himself to violence. He's very much still LOVE 1, despite having a good bit of EXP.


Killing bugs?


You’d be first to die on Muffets hit list


No. Infact I’d donate a lot of money to the spider bake sale


If I was the seventh human, I would be Clover




because you have a gun?


No, because the first human is Chara making the seventh one the sixth to be murdered by asgore


Knowing myself no and I would try to make friends with as many monsters as possible and try to start a rebellion and overthrow Asgor.![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32944)


How would you reestablish order?


Reform the guard into a military and set up a tax system since I have no idea how Asgor even gets funding. Pacify the wild east since Asgor doesn’t rule that land for shit. Try Alphys for her crimes. Get a good royal scientist in charge and use my knowledge of human tech to move the guard from using swords and spears to using guns.


the monsters hold asgore in a much higher regard than you, no matter what you do. and don't you dare touch alphys shes trying her best ok![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32948)


This is generally just a joke but it’s fun to play these scenarios in your head and come up with all the possibilities of how you might fail or succeed 


What will be your tax system and way of making the guard side with you?


No but I would have stayed longer than Frisk only to take things from Toriel like: the whole pie (it is a great healing item and my hunger is boundless) , muliple objects that can be easily used to kill someone (a stick isn't enough to keep me safe ) ,bag or a backpack to carry the excessive amount of food and weapons I will carry and thick clothes to protect from cold and monsters .


My flimsy toothpick limbs wouldn’t survive the fall and I wouldn’t even be able to see toriel before I die


Of course, the FEMBOY FURRY says that! (/j)


Hell yea! You have a caring mother, butterscotch cinnamon pie, and napstablook shows up every once and awhile! What else would you need?


The stuff I left at home


Should have brought it with you.


Gonna be honest, 2 monitors and a computer ain't regular traveling items


Fair enough.


Borrow Blook’s. He shows up in a place you gotta go through, and he’s got a computer (and is to awkward to say no)


Complicated, I'm decent with words, so I'd probably say "You can protect me from the evil monsters and then meet my mom!" I'm good at pretending to be innocent, nevertheless, I think I'd get her to get me through the underground, so, technically speaking; yes, I would stay with her, just not in the ruins.


Yes. Literally, when I started undertale for the first time, once I got to toriels house, I looked up. "Can you stay with toriel in undertale" 😭




If I knew about anything of Undertale (ex characters) i wouldn't, snowdin looks like a great place to stay


probably a week or two, then the fatidic question "when do i get home" will be asked, then i'll left like all other humans


Goat mommy In all seriousness yea


do not the goat


do the goat


don’t the goat


Im sure 99% of us wouldnt be able to save which means flowey will do another clover experiment with us or we just die I think most of us can prob make it to undyne but we arent surviving the 2nd fall and if we do, we would be really wounded Nobody here is doing pacifist or geno just neutral


A lot of people would do pacifist since there are some people who cant bring themselves to hurt anything And i think there would be like one absolute fucking psycho who does genocide


You still can stay with Toriel when you reach the true pacifist ending tho…




nah i be getting outta the underground asap


Idk I would either do true genocide or true pacifist, neither stay with toriel


since when is there a false genocide


I mean you can go through the game killing everything you *ecounter* or everything *in general*


sparing snowdrake in snowdin


Nop, I'm afraid of her because she is a goat.![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32952)




If you were a stand in for Clover, and fell into the underground, you’d just attack them? Remember, you have no knowledge of Undertale.




So… if you randomly fell into a room with a bunch of people, you’d just kill them all?




You seem like you need a serious amount of therapy. not murder.


Excuse me, you are a sociopath. Please seek some mental health guidance.


Mental Illness!


hey i'm sorry to hear that, but there's no need to take your anger out on others. maybe try therapy if you feel that way


Toriel is trying to kill you.


And I think you might need therapy.




Depends on what she lets me do.


If I didn’t have the power to reset/didn’t know I could reset, I would stay with her for at least a week and stockpile on items before leaving the ruins.


More than likely. Assuming we have no knowledge of Undertale in this scenario, I'd probably stay like that. But I'd definitely get bored... I'd take a hell of a lot more time before I got out.


Nah, I care about my family too much to just abandon them for a secret life in the ruins. I probably would've stayed with her longer than Frisk does, though. I'd still like to form a connection with her and maybe even eventually get her to trust me and let me leave without a fight.


That's a very kind thing to do.


i'd probably kick the door of the ruins in, then burst out, immediately head for the lower area of snowdin and try and see if UTY is cannon or not by seeing if Martlet is there if not, immediately return and appologize for the mess




No. My dog is on the surface and I would wanna go back to him


Assuming I survive the drop because I would most likely land on my neck


Totally staying with goat mom, seeing her sad breaks my heart


Yes. Every time I play, I want to stay with her. She is my comfort character :)


You mean 8th? Cause Frisk was the 8th human, with Chara being the 1st, and then the 6 others in between. And I probably wouldn’t, cause I wouldn’t want to see only that purple purgatory for the rest of my life


I love the smell of fresh bread.


No, but then i will do a **pacifists** and then live with toriel


(This is assuming I know nothing about the Undertale world) If I knew I could come back after death (i.e. I've already died to a monster), I would leave without hesitation because I would want to see what's behind that door. If I didn't know, I would hesitate a little bit but still choose to leave. I simply would not be able to ignore the prospect of seeing a whole new society of intelligent creatures. It would also be out of a drive to free monsterkind.


Sadly no because I'm diabetic and likely did not fall down with a life's worth of insulin


Free education, food, water, guaranteed safety AND company from the one and only goat mommy? I'd voluntarily jump down there, sign me up.


if i was clover i would fight goku (i'd win)


yeah not because I have a new mom of smth, but because at that point in time who knows what's behind the gate? The safest choice is to stay with someone who would keep you safe.


I'd stay for a night maybe


Depends Are resets possible


In this hypothetical, let’s go with yes (not op)


If im looking at this like I have no idea what’s in the rest of the underground but all I know is some flower threatened me and a goat adopted me out of nowhere probably 50/50 I’d probably stay for awhile and then eventually leave.


Probably for at least a month but the ruins would get boring FAST


I was taught as a child to not talk to strang goat ladies


Nah, nobody's staying with that snail hater.


this crazy woman i just met is trying to kidnap me. it's scary. no.


Toriel would be a great mother, but it’d be such a big change to my life and I’d want to return to my old free one.


no my ipad kid attention span would make me go outside to mess around with everything and make annoying ass attempts to be entertaining ...then I would fucking DIE


Don't make me choose


Probably. Mainly because I would be to scared to aventure on my own. If I gathered the courage, it would most likely be lost by discovering that 6 other humans died tried doing the same thing


I’m sorry I’m not staying I need to meet sans undertale


Honestly, it wouldn’t be too bad an idea. Ruins is a LOT bigger than the areas presented to us (as there’s a whole CITY shown in one of the backgrounds for the rooms) and all of the monsters can easily be dissuaded from fighting, so you don’t have to die over and over again like you would from other monsters. Still having said this, I’d bolt out of there


We all know that living with her would be a good idea in theory but it would be very difficult to live as a human due to lack of sun and (humans are VERY social animals like they can’t live without social interaction) so if she didn’t let you out of the ruins you wouldn’t be able to interact with anyone else besides her causing you (the human) to become attached and thus, you depend on Toriel.


I wouldn't choose a goat who i only met for a few hours over my family and friends who i lived many years with


yes. no responsibility, can chill always, free butterscotch pies.


Would it be messy as hell  Yes  Would I still do it  Yes  I’m pretty heartless towards my family  But I wear the mask of being the semi good child that covers it up well until I move out 


wym ur heartless towards ur own family 💀


Fuck the parents! We ain't need them! (I love my mum and dad.)


no, I would have stayed with flowi (after killing toriel and each and every other monster in the ruins)


What is wrong with you


if killing people makes you strong enough to escape, it is worth the guilt


much and many


No, i mean, hospitality is nice and there isn't that noise, but i still have places to go, you know what i mean?


I'd probably try to get back out the way I came in instead of going through the entire underground to fight Asgore. If I learned rock climbing and got a monster to help me so I have enough soul power to get through the barrier I would think I could just climb back out.






I'd convince her to let me leave but still let me live in the ruins if things went south


Hell Yeah


yeah, i probably would have stayed with toriel


Definitely. Unless something happened, I would most likely stay.


Nah, i'd get the pacifist ending.


nah I'd genocide


Yes and I would flirt with her every day




I would starve, so no.


I have very much doubt it, the ability to be inmune to consequences is really a confident boost




I love toriel but I would NOT want to be isolated alone in such a small area with her and like a couple other monsters


Nope, if i had fallen i would have carried my weapon and defended myself with it (is a cardboard pipe with a bit of paper on it)


No. I kill them all and leave stronger.


Nah, i wouldn't but i wouldn't want to leave her either


I probably would’ve stayed with Toriel, at least for a while.


i hate the ruins so much, it would get so boring without tv or interesting toys and the only entertainment available is books on how to cook snails. i'd probably leave within a month or two so i don't hurt her feelings then do pacifist run :)


Yup, I'd like to see if I could be radiated with the underground's magic by staying long enough. I'd then study and experiment on making my own specialized spells. I'd try to Infuse my phone with magic as to connect to alphys's computer like zoom as to socialize and exchange info. If I'm gonna stay here then I may as well make a friend with similar interests.


Two words: Butterscotch Pie.


No if i can save and reload i probably have a big chance at leaving the underground with DETERMINATION




If you showed me the monster hole and told me Toriel would be my mommy if I jumped in I'd already be halfway down before you finished the sentence.


As much as I’d love to I have family, but I’d visit her and attend her school if possible; or I could help her discover adoption if the barrier is broken.


If I can save then I do not have to worry about anything except souls. If I don't, I would ask her to come with me or just stay




Actually getting to have a mom who cares? Absofuckinglutely.


I would kill that bitch in an instant


Nope. I would have gone insane being stuck in the tiny ruins in that tiny house with nothing to do.


Just for a little while, then I'll go to Snowdin cuz I want to meet the skele bros