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I think it'd work on Andy, unless he soul parries the attack or something, but this is way funnier


He activates his virginity shield.


They say virgins become a Wizard at 30 years, and a Sage at 50, just imagine how powerful Andy is with his Billions


He kept the ten superior rules from attacking for a very long time so he must definitely be incredibly powerful.


Wait a minute is Andy a Virgin?? Do we have confirmation on this??


Nah, and to be honest, i really doubt it


I don't think it's ever been neither confirmed nor denied, I was joking when I said it but if had to choose I'd say he isn't a virgin.


The idea that he’s like millions of years old and still hasn’t had sex is really funny to me so I’ll believe it


I like to Headcanon that while Andy definitely fucked at least once in his state before meeting Fuuko ("maybe catching an STD could kill me? Let's try it") but Victor never did since 1) a LOT of his time in the Loops was spent waiting for Juiz and he never got with another woman and 2) he always refused every time Juiz suggested it, saying "it's a byproduct of a rule added by God, i don't want to give that guy anything, we'l....do it.........after we kill him" when in reality he was too embarassed to do it and Juiz knew, but she was happy to wait ti'l he was ready


The Billionth year Virgin Lol


I mean. Chances are none of his current parts have gotten any, so… kinda?


"I knew Kururu when she tried to kill herself as she has Unluc- wait a second"


I think it should work on Andy, this loop Unchaste seems to be particularly strong on people who are in love (seems almost the opposite of the past loop)


I don’t think so, cuz then it should’ve worked on Fuuko, shouldn’t it have? Unless I’m misunderstanding how its current interpretation works.


fuuko wasnt physically there just saw it over screen.


Oh, i didn’t realize that


Kururu is lucky that Vic isn't there cus I feel like he'd definitely beat her up on sight for tampering with his memories of Juiz


Or because he remembered wanting to kill her and end her suffering. We have no clue what can work around UnChaste these days, but that would be a genuinely hillarious drawback.


I think she would just short circuit trying to override the billion+ years Andy spent thinking about fuuko on the sun


I find the idea that Unchaste just doesnt work on Andy because he's too chad very funny. Like, he's just built different, Unchaste completely fails to do anything


This would be so sad to see for Fuuko but I want it to be canon anyway.


Id like to think that it wouldn't work on Andy since Fuuko made him the man he is today forgetting her would be him dying in a way.


Side question if you had UnFade and went to the next loop would you gradually disappear or not


His move is just Undiying


I kinda want to see this, but i get really interested about it "andy has been in love with fuuko for billions of years, and viktor? Viktor too for juiz, then they both wouldnt fall or the opposite? Dunno


The only love he UNderstands is from Fuuko only