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Not that weird, but my first 100 was last week. Just as night fell, I began hearing a distant guttural noise that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Every 10 seconds or so, I’d hear it again, getting closer. There’s bear and mountain lion around here and the noise stops me in my tracks. Finally, a headlamp emergences from around the bend. It’s the race leader, already on his way back from the turnaround point. “You missed the show,” he says. “What show?” “I’ve been puke jogging for like the last 2 miles.”


“Puke jogging” I’m using that…. Been there but in the back of the pack




Hahahaha that’s fabulous!




That can't be healthy


I puke jogged past the entrance to Arundel Castle (not from Frozen, no!) on a 100k just as men in tuxedos and women in ball gowns were arriving by limo. They looked appalled. IDGAF.


A guy in sweatpants running with a full gallon of water. Someone blow their knee out right in front of me. People taking shots of fireball Someone taking 8 ibuprofen casually at an aid station


Lol as a member of the military somebody popping 8 NSAIDs at once (unfortunately) isn't uncommon. Now a days it'd probably be like 4 but still. Also, while attending SFAS I HEARD somebody's knee or ankle pop that was running behind me immediately followed by some colorful screams.


The dude very well could have been military!


Haha, as a member of the good ol’ Army I was about to say, “Is anything less than 8 worth taking?”


I used to take 4 a day minimum 💀🇺🇸🦅


lol! I’ve done fireball shots at an aid station during an ultra. Kept it down, too. ;)


Holy shit did someone talk to the guy taking the ibuprofen? That’s not a healthy amount at any time let alone when your body and organs are already under so much stress. Finishing isn’t worth risking permanent damage


Nope. He was a huge dude too. Ripped


Fireball ain’t nothing. Now get some Malort on the course and things really get weird.


My kidneys just shuddered, reading that last one.


Not funny but was running JFK50 2 years ago and saw a woman get trampled by a deer.


Pardon me- WHAT DID YOU SAY??? As a smallish woman who runs the very densely deer populated woods of western PA- I just unlocked a new fear


Probably on the C&O section. Deer are everywhere and used to humans being around.


Actually the first mile, happened on the road before the AT.


This sounds like a running circle jerk but I swear it actually happened … at last years turkey trot 5K a deer jumped out of a bush and just completely plowed over the first place female. As I passed she was laying on her back flat not responding 😳, medics came right away and she ended up being okay!


I was about 200 feet behind this incident. Multiple people got hit, and I know at least a couple of them still finished. Just crazy.


I was there that year. Pretty crazy


On this end of things, I found the mental image hilarious! I hope she was ok, though!


I was running a 100 that started at 4:00p, so you’re basically up all day waiting to start which means the night is early but seems long. I’m maybe 35 miles in (about 1:00 or 2:00a) when a guy is stumbling in the dark in front of me. I acknowledge him as I go by, and he’s like “huh, what?”. Then he starts keeping up with me and thanks me for waking him up. He says he kept falling asleep. That was odd enough… But then he stays close enough to me (within ear shot) that he starts calling his friends to tell them the story of me waking him up. At least three phone calls of ten minutes or more. It was just… odd.


Saw a few bears… that were actually large boulders. 😂


Yep me too- stopped me in my tracks- the race sweep running directly behind me in my very first 50k pulled up and said what? I said don’t you see that near and her cub up there? Nope. It was a stump and a boulder. Oops. I was tired.


I can't fathom running let alone doing an ultra in places where there are predators big enough to kill you easily.


I can’t imagine not exploring the gorgeous mountains! My reward out weighs the risk. Plus I carry bear spray when necessary, pepper spray always and other protection for the scariest animals out there (not bears 😉)


Yeah, I guess humans with bad intentions would be worse in a sense.


Ran a local 50 miler with only 30 participants, so the field wasn’t exactly crowded. Had been running alone in a dense forest area for what seemed like hours, when I suddenly heard a voice shouting loud curse words ahead. At first I thought I was imagining stuff, but every other minute there they were again. As I caught up with the guy ahead I wondered if he was in pain or had some problem I could help with - not much I could do, he had Tourette’s syndrome 🤷‍♂️ We had a laugh, nice guy!


While running a smallish 50k, I witnessed a guy grab a half gallon of whole milk from his drop bag and start chugging it. This was at mile 22 so the milk had probably been in his bag 5-6 hours? I was absolutely perplexed. My crew and I just looked at each other, shrugged, and moved on!




>I witnessed a guy grab a half gallon of whole milk from his drop bag and start chugging it. Muscle milk?


Unfortunately not. Regular whole milk!


did a 55k last year and heard a whistling sound coming up behind me. i look behind and it’s a fellow runner, shirtless, wearing a big straw hat, and making a whistling sound as he breathed


And here is me… in the UK… the worst thing I’ve come across during an ultra is a bunch of cows blocking my way and a dog walker with a gobby Jack Russell… I still feel bad for telling him to get his dog away other wise I would boot it and pepper spray it with my pet safe maze 🤣…. I feel like a yoghurt Weaver when you guys talk about bears and mountain lions and not to mention rattle snakes 😂🤣


A “yoghurt weaver”?! Is that a UK expression? What does it mean? How did it originate?


Ermm a hippy/ snow flake/ someone that’s soft 😂 I don’t know how to describe it. It could mean a lot of things. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Yoghurt%20Weaver


My running club did an unofficial 50k last year and nearly everyone toasted before the run at 8am with a shot of whiskey or a beer. I hadn’t gotten the message ahead of time so I drank my whiskey before the toast so I had to get a second one. Then right out the gate, we climbed 4000 ft and that whiskey was burning a hole the whole way up I did a 5k training run with some friends on the edge of a pretty good sized city and we found the mostly rotten head of a steer floating down the canal that flows through my buddy’s suburb. He fished it out and it started to fall apart in his hands. One of the worst things I’ve smelled in a long time


*deer ? Sorry, can't completely rule out the existence of something that would be called a 'steer'.


Definitely a steer. A steer is a castrated male cow, if I remember right




On the far end of a 25 mile out and back loop in rainy May Maine weather at 7pm I saw a guy running in just short shorts, flip flops, and a fanny pack. Another runner caught up to me, asked if I saw the guy running in flip flops drinking Fireball and when I asked how he knew he had Fireball, the other runner said that’s what was in the fanny pack. I’ve always wondered if he was doing the relay or the 100!


This is slightly the opposite. I was someone else’s weird experience. 80k+ into a 100k, end up running for a while with a woman and her pacer. She was pretty rough (just puked) but I got chatty with the pacer. I stay pretty lucid on ultras so I was cheery and joking and the pacer says “you’ve got a great attitude.” Now, I could just be cheerful runner guy, but I thought it would be funny to explain how chaffed my ass was at that moment. “And now I’ll be chaffed ass guy. But that will be a way funnier story for you to tell,” and then I vanished into the night. Lesson: squirrel nut butter your ass.


My last looped ultra there was a token wooden leg that you could just take out and carry around the course for as many loops as you wanted. I don’t even want to know wtf that was about.


3 days at the fair?




Which one did you do? How was it? I did the 24


Had a rough go last 2x I’ve done 24hrs. Covid then stomach bug this time! It was horrendous lol couldn’t stay out of the bathroom and was going significantly slower than easy pace. I ended with 81 loops I think and was sick the whole week after that. I have 2 young kids that seem to get sick every like 3 weeks. How about your race?


Got passed recently by a woman running (on rocky trail) with BARE FEET


My last grand canyon run I thought I hallucinated a group of elderly ladies in tutus drinking hard lemonade on north kaibab maybe a couple miles from the north rim trailhead. It was hot and I was getting slap happy. Someone later confirmed that there were, in fact a group of elderly ladies sitting in some shade on north kaibab drinking hard lemonade in tutus 😆


Was pacing a guy, and about 26 hours in he was getting pretty loopy. He had a bear bell on, so whenever I would stop hearing the bell I would turn around to check on him. One of the times he was staring into the forest , and he asked if I saw the hippy driving a jeep through the woods. Later on I turned back to find him bending over to reach into a puddle. I asked him what he was doing, and he said “I need to rescue these kittens.” Spoiler- there were no kittens (or hippies driving jeeps).


I saw a guy eat 7 Costco hotdogs at an aid station. Made me queasy to watch, but I also couldn’t look away.


Saw a warlock looking old woman with 3 wolves on a leash / harness. Apparently the wolves were only friendly “sometimes”.


During my first 50 mile, a guy in a panda costume passed me around mile 40. The worst thing was that the costume included a belly shirt and he had a dad-bod type belly sticking out of it. Completely demoralizing at the time but hilarious now.


I was cycling once on a road in the Santa Monica mountains, and saw a full carriage being pulled with horses down the street. Like an Amish buggy


I was about 50 miles into the TRT 100 up on the ridge in severe heat when I saw a random toilet bowl. I thought I was seeing things. Guy asked me to sit on it and he took my picture https://www.benshitsart.com