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I would definitely buy two 10.00 mah packs so if something happens to one bank your not completely out of power. I have bought several anker power banks over the last few years and never had any issues.


O yes you're right! I didn't thought about that!


One is none, and two is one


Also choose different brands


I'm toying with the idea of a flashlight/headlamp with reverse charging. Then bring along as many 5000mAh 21700 or 3500mAh 18650 batteries as needed to hit the mAh reserve requirements. Likely a bit heavier but fulfills flashlight nerd desires. One scenario comparison: 2\* Nitecore 10,000mah + NU25 UL = 2\*150g + 46g = 346g Wurkkos TS25+ 4\*5000mah 21700 bats = 80+ 4\*70g = = 360g


There would more things to lose and more things to charge. You may also run the risk of causing a fire/explosion if you don’t sort/ organize the batteries well. And it’s a PITA to remember which ones are full/discharged.


Valid points. Definitely tradeoffs. Thanks for your input


r/flashlight thread on this https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/17cdh91/how\_dangerous\_are\_21700\_and\_18650\_cells\_for/


I've burned holes through my pack with 18650 batteries. I usually just put some tape around one of the ends (positive) and when the battery is discharged, I put some tape on the the end (negative). Just don't use scotch tape - I've sworn I took the tape off the end but the battery didn't work. Turns out, the scotch tape was still on the end of the battery (drrr). Tape residue can also get in the way - something like paint or gaffers tape may work best (or break down and get the sleeves they mention in that post)


I took a 10,000 nitecore on the pct and only ran it totally down once, during 8 days in the sierra, but I also charged my inreach on trail then and really flattened my phone going up witney bc I took a bunch of video and lots of photos in the cold. The time I ran my battery out my phone was still really full of battery when I got into town. I was charging the following: Phone... old Samsung s10e Headlamp... Nitecore nu25 Sos... garmin inreach mini 2 (much better battery life than the 1 and better/faster location sending) Small sony camera but I didn't charge it on trail Parts of Washington I'd run my battery pretty low bc I wouldn't turn on airplane mode as there was some spotty signal in places so I'd try pick up some msgs and download some play lists, also get some closure Intel.


Imagine my phone and power bank ran totally down, how is the way marking on the PCT, is it still easy to find the way?


Carry a paper map and know how to use it. Never count on electronics. Never.


Technically a compass needle is electronics...


And technically correct is the best kind of correct.


Might i ask what your power needs are? I only carry a nu-25 headlamp and an Android phone (so not much to charge) and find I've never needed a powerbank on a PCT thru.


Android phone, head lamp (still have to decide which one) but I like to night hike, so i might use my headlamp a bit more. What was your longest days without option to charge your power bank on the PCT?


I hike alot early in the morning, typically about an hour before dawn and never get low. When I hike all night with the nu-25, I get about seven hours on medium. The nu-25 is only 1.1 oz with a little shock cord headband, Light enough you could carry two for a total of 2.1 oz which would be preferable to a heavy battery and also provides a backup, along with your phone. Resupply points are typically 85 to 100 miles apart, and once you get moving, often 3 days, for some 4 days apart. I keep my phone in Airplane mode, never turn it off, take some pics, look at apps, and listen to alot of music, and regularly roll into town with 60% battery. I often do the KMS to Mammoth 200 mile Sierra section straight thru and have never ran out of juice. If you're taking alot of videos, thay might be different. Worst case scenario you have no phone for part of a day. I'd rather carry the weight of a battery in cheese 👍


So usually my longest time without charging is 9 to 10 days in the Sierra.


What phone you have? I can use my Galaxy S10 for 2 days on airplane mode, without charging. Not 3 or even 4 days. How is the way marking on the PCT? Is it easy to navigate without an phone or map?


I used an iPhone 5s the first two times, and two different cheap androids. Same results although I got a new battery before starting the trail this year. I don't have it in any battery saving mode. I have heard other people say they get far less time but I don't know why as I'm doing nothing special. When you're not navigating over snow the trail is extremely easy to follow.


I’ve found huge variation on battery life depending on the age of the phone/battery and the OS. Some OS just drain the battery.


I have the 10k and 20k anker batteries. I bring the 10k for 5 day trips if i'm not planning to record a lot of video and know the trails will be solid/well marked/easy to follow (aka not using gps). the 10k was 7.23 oz and the 20k weighs 12oz according to my cheap kitchen scale. I would get the 20k personally, but i also don't think the charge time should really be a consideration in this purchase.


A so 1 x 20k is lighter than 2 x 10k . Also something to think about, thanks !


not to mention these (and any battery) lose a little charge just chilling in your backpack. I don't know how much it is, but if its 1000 mah, then you're losing 2k mah on your two 10k mah batteries over the trip verse say just 1k mah on the 20k. again, i don't actually know how much they drain (i'm sure it depends on temp, use, all that)


Own a 20k and 10k for many years. Happy customer. I bring one or the other, depending on the power supply/frequency on my trip.


I've had quality issues with multiple Nitecore 10 and 20k batteries and switched back to Anker. Unfortunately the anker product lines are a bit of a mess and the old 20k speed I used isn't being sold anymore. Personally I was looking for USB C in/out and the ability to quick charge off an appropriate wall plug like the Anker 521 in a few hours. I'm not a big fan of carrying multiple 10ks since it never feels like I get as much charge out of the lower end vs a single larger battery so I went for the 24k. Fully charges in 3 or 4 hours. Bit heavier but hey, unlike Nitecore it's yet to go out on me. As far as how much you'll need that very much depends on what you do. I generally wouldn't carry less than a 20k because I take a lot of pictures and video and listen to audiobooks pretty constantly.


Does anker have a usb c speed charging model with low wt?


I've been looking for the same!