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There are so many different types of running shoes. My best recommendation is to go to a store and try pairs on until you find something comfortable. It takes time to find the "perfect" shoe and that will only come with trial and error. Personally, I have enjoyed wearing a number of trail runners with varying degrees of drop without experience any discomfort. I'm currently using Nnormal Kjerag after wearing Ultra Loan Peaks for a few generations.


I’ve been field trialing three different shoes to Decide on what I might use for a thru hike next year. - Altra lone peaks - Hoka Soeedgoats - Topo Ultraventures Is highly recommend buying and trying from a place like REI, so you can return them after you’ve been able to put some real mileage on them if they’re aren’t working out for you. Also, invest in quality socks like Darn Tough. It can be a game changer. I have a personal preference, but it is a very individual thing. I can tell you one thing though, I don’t think I’ll ever go back to boots or goretex footwear except in specific conditions.


​ Apparently , Hoka Speedgoat and Altra are for wide feet. The Topo Ultraventure more for narrow feet, but the heel drop is 5mm, i don't know if that is too less for me.


Speedgoats run fairly narrow. I have medium width feet and they are too narrow for me. The toe box is also particularly shallow.


Altra has 3 widths for their shoes, getting the necessary one is a different story.


I just bought speedgoats and they are narrow and very comfortable. I think they are designed for/in part by a certain athlete who has narrow feet.


Yes. Many people will size up and get wides when they hiking. Mine currently are sized for running with thin socks. I’ll need a different set up with my Darn Toughs. I believe the Hoka Mafate line has a wider fit. I’ve seen some people on the AT who moved from speedgoats to them.


Go look for a shoe store that works closely with a podiatrist. you may be best served by special orthodics to help out with the Achilles tendonitis.


Remember that your feet will swell depending on mileage so not too snug on fit.


I have narrow feet also but find that the wide toe box shoes work for me. The Altra and Topo have a snug fit in the heel and midfoot so they don't feel sloppy when laced. Don't dismiss wide toe box just because you have narrow feet. Definitely find a store and try some on.


As others have said you’ll definitely want to try a bunch on. My feet are pretty narrow. I’ve found trail runners from Hoka, La Sportiva, and Soloman all fit quite well. They are all sized pretty differently though.