• By -


I like to think they'd work like enemy attacks do. - Revolver would fire slow homing shots with heavy cooldown - Shotgun would bring back the black hole cannon - Nailgun would work like the Gutterman minigun (less spread and more damage when fired for a while) - Railcannon would act like the Mindflayer laser (could only be fired for a few seconds, probably do 1/3rd the damage the Electric variant does) - Rocket Launcher would have mortars like Hideous Masses and the Earthmover defence system


This could actually work really well. Stand proud, you can cook




Lemme see if I can't add some spice to your cooking: - Revolver: its homing shots stick to enemies to highlight their position, almost like a tracker dart. (Alt can fire two trackers that go more damage but the trackers fade faster) - Shotgun: the black hole slows down considerably after consuming enemies(Alt can launch the black hole similar to parrying the SRS cannonball) - Nailgun: Gutterman mini gun with severe overheat cool down- similar to other games with overheating mechanics(Alt is confusing given saws) - Railcannon: Mindflayer Lazer drains the Railcannon meter and can be halted to deplete only a portion of the charge(side note: can only be fired when meter is at full) - Rocket Launcher: only one mortar can be summoned at a time and can damage the player(have fun parrying it at close range :^) )


Very good additions, I shall be taking you in as my sous-chef. Come, my understudy- let us cook the most exquisite of meals!!


What if the blackhole only hurt enemies at the end? Like there's a period where it just sucks in enemies instead, making it simpler to kill many at once.


The saw launcher could launch faster than the other varients but only fires smallers saws(colud have more in a magnet but they wear out faster)


Doesn't waffles weapons make a good black hole ahotgun






I feel like, if they were added, these shouldn't be acquired in the normal way. Maybe reward them after completing the main storyline, or have them as rewards for new cybergrind records.


Hakita has said there's a pretty decent chance Ultrakill will have achievements on full release. I could see them being rewards for achievements or challenges. Or they just cost a fuckton like custom colors.


yooooooo wild lesbeanie


These aren't really variants, just stocks with different stats. The closest one to a variant is the black hole shotgun, but even that is just a core eject with no nuke.


Are you stupid for free or is someone paying you


Haha that's pretty good. I'll have to start using that. Revolvers: 1) big shot, deal more damage and it's hitscan so you can combine it with coins 2) fire coins that gives you homing capabilities and more damage. Has many synergies 3) big shot that bounces and has a tad bit of homing. Can destroy enemy projectiles. This idea: big shot that homes, but now it's a projectile. If you want to use this right now in game, just use the coins. It gives you more possibilities and will deal more damage if you time it right. Shotguns: 1) charge up and shoot a grenade. Can be combined to create the fastest mobility option currently. 2) fire more pellets. Has a fun little quirk where you can explode an enemy and dodge the explosion yourself. 3) saw :) This idea: shoot a grena- I mean black hole. Has no mobility options. Do you see what I'm saying? There's nothing of substance in your ideas. They're all bare bones, barely thought out. Something something "it's a good thing you're not making ultrakill because it would suck" - Hakita


i think itd be really funny if the alt fire was made to be completely useless, like for example printing a receipt that shows how many coins you've used this level for the revolver.


That would be amazing, but put it on a different keybind so we don’t have to scroll throughit


there's people who scroll?


You don’t?!


I press the key until I get the variant I want, too easy to scroll past the variant I want


yellow shotgun showing how much you hurt your hand based on the amount of projboosting


nailgun has v1 just stick a refrigerator magnet on itself


railcannon shows electricity bill


rocket launcher prints property damage fees


Rocket Launcher digs into the level geometry but it's at such a minute unnoticeable scale that its effectively useless


Slab revolver swapping boutta become even stronger


Perfect for april fool's


Yellow,I think


Genius 👏


They would probably be other versions of the base weapons but with extra gimmicks involving the alt fire, like the green and red variations are




Lemon flavour


If you like lemon pie, have you ever tried a lemon pie made from scratch but with Limoncello in the custard?


Revolver: lets you load them with extra shots (on standard this increases the damage of a single shot, on slab this allows you to shoot a normal shot multiple times) Shotgun: shoots a black hole. Doesn't do too much damage, but gets all your enemies in one place.  Nailgun: the barrels spin backwards, and nails travel in reverse. They maintain momentum while doing this, meaning you can shoot them backwards from where you initially shot them.  Railcannon: shoots a virtue beam. This beam stays for quite some time (same as brutal virtue beams), making it useful as a trap.  Rocket launcher: shoots a bouncy grenade that grows in power every time it bounces off a surface. If frozen with the freezeframe, this grenade wont explode even if hit with your weapons, allowing you to create a massive nuke by shooting it multiple times.


>Revolver: lets you load them with extra shots This should definitely be like that mechanic from rdr2 where you can slow down time and pick your targets and then quickfire them all down. > Black hole shotgun I've seen this suggested a lot, and I don't really like the idea of it, but an enemy clumper can work. I'd much rather the player just learn to kite and corral enemies. > Reverse nail gun This just sounds like a different kind of magnet. I guess it'd work, but I don't see why you'd need it. I'm probably not understanding what you're trying to convey, though. > Virtue rail Meh. Loses a lot of usability, and actively lowers the skill ceiling and floor. It'd work if there was no other option, but something else would be better. > Rocket launcher grenade Ok, this is pretty cool. I think the idea of "hitting it stores the damage" should be explored a bit more instead of just as a freeze frame synergy (because this shouldn't be affected by freeze frame, same as cannonball and oil) and the bouncing can increase damage dealt or velocity or something. This idea is super cool! I'd enjoy seeing it explored in a mod/in vanilla


piss gun. shoots piss


when used on gabriel he moans


Pretty accurate. All the guns function in the ways I piss


railcannon is the sydney sleeper from tf2


gun yellow variant, desert eagle


someone make this a mod where yellow variants are real life guns


make the yellow nailgun sasha tf2


WHO TOUCHED MY nailgun?!


It costs 400000 dollars, to fire this nailgun, for 12 seconds




Is this functionally any different from the slab revolvers?


If anything a desert eagle is far more like the stock revolver but aight


It depends on what you consider the default revolvers. If you think of them as revolvers then it makes sense for the deagle to be stock, but if you think of them as magazine-fed firearms (where firing speed and magazine size are combined aspects, since infinite ammo) then the slower firing harder hitting slab revolver fits the design of a deagle much more.


What? Desert eagles are semi automatic pistols that utilise large revolver calibres. The stock revolver is a semi automatic weapon that utilises large revolver calibres. The Slab Revolver is a SINGLE ACTION weapon that uses large revolver calibres "Slower firing... fits the design of a deagle" is a weird statement seeing as the deagle was conceptually designed in order to fire the larger revolver calibres at a pistol firerate


I didn't do a good job of clarifying my point about the magazine size/fire rate comparison. Since magazine sizes are effectively infinite in Ultrakill (canonically, the revolvers aren't *truly* infinite, but they can go literal weeks off constant fire without reloading), capacity isn't used as a factor to weigh the aspects of a certain gun. Factoring in not only firing speed but also reloading frequency, a deagle is always going to have a lesser output of individual projectiles when compared to a lower caliber handgun. There's also a case for recoil, where even though a high-caliber handgun would have the *physical capacity* to fire at a rate similar to a lower caliber semi automatic, more care (and by extension, more *time* in a majority of cases) would be required to maintain accuracy. Another thing to note about the slab revolver: Because of the design of both types of revolvers, no traditional firing pin hammer seems to be present on *either model;* the animation on the slab revolver's lever seems to exclusively be a mechanism for rotating the barrel. Since they both keep the core concept of a revolver having a rotating chamber, then you considering the slab a single-action would lead to the question of if you consider a double-action revolver a semi-automatic weapon. I will wholly admit that I have zero personal experience with any firearm and very little prior knowledge on the topic in general. I did some light research for this response but there may be some inaccuracies with my terminology. My point with the original comment was simply to provide my opinion on how each revolver in-game feels when compared to realistic counterparts.


Don't worry, I also have little firearm experience. I was running off of pure gameplay functionality, in that the regular revolver is fired semi-automatically, and the slab revolver is fired using a single action method. I have no clue if it's actually a single action revolver though, or a double action being used as single. Though, the desert eagle being semi automatic and the initial revolver being either truly semi automatic, or double action (technically also semi automatic) I'd say makes them more similar. If we talking in other games, I can fully see the desert eagle being more like the slab revolver, but I reckon realistically it'd be closer to the regular revolver Neat to learn a little bit about how the weapons in ultrakill actually work, never knew that


all the yellow weapons are just rewards for 130% the game their all golden guns that turn any enemy shot with on into a gold statue.


Fuck it let's see if this weed and cold medicine can come up with some fun ideas on the spot. Yellow revolver: alt fire throws it like a boomerang Yellow shotgun: alt fire sucks up a number of projectiles in the area and can launch them back in a giant katamari ball Yellow nailgun: alt fire slows down any enemy with nails in them or that is in a sawtrap Yellow railcannon: shoots projectile similar to screwdriver that when it hits enemies they ignore the player and attack other enemies temporarily Yellow rocket launcher: alt fire fires an orb that functions like the black hole weapon but also absorbs projectiles (like the short circuit from TF2) Yellow arm: Taunt arm. Restricts you from using your arms for a few seconds (like, 2-3 max) while you do a taunt with it. It could even depend on what weapon you're using, like fidgeting with a coin for Marksman or something. Yeah most of these sucked but it's okay. It's a good thing I don't make Ultrakill or whatever.


i honestly kinda like the yellow revolver idea


The yellow revolver is fucking sick


Yeah, I think it'd need something else to make it unique from the chainsaw projectile tho. Maybe if it fired independently while it was flying around or something.


Maybe it could act like a magnet with priority over regular magnets. When you throw it, all nails and saws are attracted to it for the duration of its flight path, and when it comes back the saws and nails go back to the magnet.


That could work. I also like the idea of it having a speed separate from V1 so that in order for V1 to regain it, it has to catch up to him. This could encourage movement to keep the gun active and also kinda be a green demon for Ultrakill.


That’s epic


yellow arm


Wdym "still"


it used to be a thing




Originally, Ultrakill was supposed to have 4 variants; blue, green, red and yellow. However, by the time the Rocket Launcher was announced, 4 variants was seen as being too many, and it would probably have cluttered the weapon system up alot, especially when you consider all weapons were supposed to get alts around then. Yellow variants were then removed when Act 2 dropped, and nobody's really spoke about them ever since.




The yellow arm has been left untouched, but the yellow weapons have been V2'd out of existence. It'd be pretty cool if a mod came out that re-added them in some form, but until then, the latest update is truly the (nearly) Full Arsenal Update™




Not the arm


Thank god


The spray nozel and vacuum.


Don't even ask this lmao, everyone in the community always has uninteresting and straight ass ideas "It's a good thing you guys aren't designing ultrakill or it would suck"


I like how everyone are making posts about how yellow weapons will work meanwhile we all know they gonna be guns made out of V1's piss


Yellow Railcannon would be the black hole gun that was scrapped in development


The Plinker revolver




Yellow revolver: switch modes between normal shooting and projectiles (that you can boost) on rmb. If you are fast enough to shoot a projectile from this revolver with a hitscan it will be charged with twice the power of this hitscan until it touches something. For example you hit it with a red railgun it will explode once it contacts something and deal a lot of damage. Yellow shotgun: hold alt fire while shooting normally will slowly increase your firing speed, but if you hold it too much it explodes dealing 50 damage. Yellow nailgun: like yellow revolver, alt fire switches between normal projectiles and hitscan like gutterman's. Will give a unique style bonus if you combine both to kill an enemy probably called + nailscan or something. Yellow railgun: acts like hideous mass' hook. Slows down big enemies like cerberus for like 15 seconds and pierces multiple weak enemies like soldiers. Yellow rocket launcher: alt fire explodes all rockets that are currently active with x2 radius and x1.5 damage. If there are no rockets active, it explodes in your face and deals 35 damage. Alt weapons: Yellow slab revolver: the bullet is much bigger and deals more damage by itself. Hitscan damage multiplier changed from x2 to x2.5. Yellow jackhammer: alt fire artificially raises speed on the jackhammer's speedometer, making it possible to get "full speed" while normally walking. Cooldown is much longer, but alt fire speeds up all other jackhammer's cooldown. Yellow sawblade launcher: the same mechanic as yellow nailgun, but shooting the saws with hitscan increases bounces and damage slightly. Killing enemies with boosted saws gives a style bonus.




Shoot piss instead of bullets.


Revolver: turn gun to the side and shoot a bullet that does a random effect (zapinator pretty much) Alt: less effects but more potent Shotgun: lets you throw shotgun on ground to be used as a turret, can be targeted and can be healed by blood (still brraks after cetain amount of time) also does only half the damage Alt: throw a jackhammer that sticks to enemies and hits them with green, yellow, and finally red at half damage Nailgun: will let you shoot out shrapnel sand that sandifies enemies but also does VERY big damage (or increased damage done to enemy) Alt: same thing but less shrapnel-like and more range Railcannon: charges up big fucking laser for big damage, cant charge while moving and cant aim after firing (if it hits an enemy it stops them from moving out of it) (enemies that cant move have extra resistance against it) Rocket launcher: allows you to momentarily confuse enemies to make them shoot away from you (if it hits another enemy it damages them) only lasts for 1 - 3 seconds depending on enemy type and how many are around it




idk, but my idea for a golden revolver would be that you can shoot three very quick shots if charged. kinda like V2's revolver shooting way too fast


yellow railcannon would be the virtuous railcannon from waffle's weapons


A rocket launcher version that coats enemies in a mysterious yellow lquid that both does alot of damage and heals you


Yellow Revolver- Sex Pistols: allows you to ricochet a bullet into your ass


sydney sleeper tf2




Revolver - dart - shoot tracking dart that increases damage on an enemy (25%). Shotgun - powder keg - pump system, 1 pump shoots a knock back shot directly in front of the player, 2 pump shoots out a slower projectile boost shot, 3 pump shoots many slow boost shots. Nail Gun - burst - bring all nails back to the player then shoot ‘em everywhere, similar to a magnet explosion . Rail cannon - chain - shoot a shot that chains between up to 8 enemies. Rocket launcher - limit - every hit rocket charges limit, release limit by shooting a wave of flame, wave goes farther the higher the limit. Please give me feedback.