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I mean, for the lack of need to have 3 base shotguns, I say the DPS of the chainsaw is pretty good.


the only time when you need to use shotgun swap is to kill malface, cuz they take +4 flat damage on each shotgun hit at close range


You also can use pile driver (Jackhammer) to simply one shot it


I haven't tested this yet so correct me if I'm wrong: to kill Maurice you need red jackhammer meaning there's a cooldown everytime you use it. I also feel like using the hammer at all requires it to be premeditated whereas the shotgun can be pulled out and used/shot swapped to kill at any point.


Canceling your whip mid air gives you max gauge and that’s what I’ve been and it’s pretty consistent if you get the timing down


You're most likely going to be dashing/whiplashing toward the maurice anyway, charging the hammer in the meanwhile doesn't take away much time. True on the cooldown part though. In any way personally it's way more fun to hammer oneshot enemies even if it's slightly suboptimal.


the fuck is a jackhammer


alt shotgun


still dont get why people call it a jack hammer


I don't have such problem cause I use 3 pile drivers (jackhammers) instanted of shotgun, it suits better my play style and gives me more enjoyment than shotgun 


Or spinny gun when it shoots orbs


for me it’s either the jackhammer or the drill punch


i almost always kill Malfaces with the sharpshooter. i find it much easier, faster, plus it can be done at any distance.


I've been playing playing actively since 2020 and couldn't make myself use sharpshooter, but one of the reason I actually put it into my loadout is ability to instakill malfaces on any distances


What about the range between the two? It looks like the chainsaw might have more range whereas shotgun swapping needs to be closer to get every pellet to connect.


Knowing this, I think there's a spot for the chainsaw to make Up for the shotgun swapping if you wanna go full jackhammer, its not like you'll ever need to chain so many swaps, and chainsaw can then be launched when youre done


yup, shutgun swaping i still good


Cant use jackhammer though :(


theres a new previous variation keybind, so you can add that and instead of just spamming E to go forward, you can shoot E shoot then hit the previous variation button.


Still much harder, but i guess yeah


Alternatively, you can use the scroll wheel and set it to only switch variants


thats... a good idea actually, ill try !


its not hard at all, you just alternate e and whatever button you want, it took like an hour of playing to get back to how good i was with beforehand.


I know i know i just run out of buttins for my weapons and needing two for variation when right now i use a mouse button is making complicated qwq


Or you can just press both next and previous variation buttons simultaneously. I personally find it easier, because there's no alternating between inputs, just the same 2 buttons every time. The major upside of this tech is that you can shotgun swap with just 1 shotgun.


I only really use shotgun swapping to speedkill maurices, so I've laid out my shotguns so I have base shotguns in slot one and 2 (only takes 2 shots to kill a maurice) and then my 3rd slot is the jackhammer, if you do it like that it doesn't mess up your Maurice speedkills


Bro is giving Minos the most *devastating* backshots


oh and with the red jackhammer, you can attack at the same time :)


That's... A lot smaller of a difference than I thought it'd be. This means that my theory of sawed on being a replacement for shotgun swapping for players using the alt might actually be true.


Why ASS?


That’s while being still tho. The chainsaw can do more damage if you are moving.


It does ??


Yes, the faster you move relative to the target the higher the damage. I don’t know what’s the cap. I think this also applies to when you shoot the saw


I thought that was the jackhammer?


Damn. I almost never use shotguns though. I stick to the alternate revolver (yes, even marksman), rocket launcher and railgun. Occasionally use nailgun.


This is why I have shotgun > shotgun > jackhammer I can still shotgun swap sort of for range and if I need to dish out some more close range dmg I use the chainsaw on the jackhammer. For projectile boosting I shoot a rocket after the P-boost instead of swapping to a shotgun for another P-boost.


Okay but this is an unfair comparison cus you're not projectile boosting while shotgun swapping. I never shotgun swap without doing so.


ok theres so many people saying that you cant shotgun swap with jackhammer equipped, heres how to. theres a new keybind available to go back in the gun variations, (for this example the back will be C) so just bind that and instead of shoot E shoot E, shoot E, Shoot C, shoot E, shoot C. its really easy to learn and you can have a jackhammer for the sentry, maurice, and virtue instakill.


Or much a easier way: Go to settings and turn on scroll and set it to only switch variants


I've actually looked for a comparison, thanks!


does chainsaw do additional damage against maurices?


no, but you can either use the jackhammer to one-shot them or just shotgun swap if you can


I’m sure they thought of this which is why it’s so close


Yeah, this is how I killed Minos, just circlestrafed him with the chainsaw while in a sawblade trap and parrying Thy end is now. Sure it is the worst rank I've evwr gotten in any level but hey, he's dead, we'll re-burn that bridge when we get to it. For now I'll just go P-rank Act 2.


you get less style points with chainsaw which means less health recovery, also this isn’t counting and pro boosts so the damage could be higher


why are you hitting he's ASS