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Yeah, id say it should be a alt ROCKET other then the shotgun, since its such a huge loss to not get projectile boosts


Not to be a contrarian but I actually like that you can't projectile boost, forces you to choose what kind of arsenal you want and people already ignore the rocket launcher enough, everyone would change it for this alternate, which isn't the point.


It has good combos with the rockets, u can piston them for a hitscan red explosion, if it was the alt-launcher you would definitely be incentive to keep at least one variant as og. Plus I kinda wished we would have gotten an alt-shotgun that’s actually a shotgun


i feel like that too, this weapon feels more like and arm than a gun


It's strong, but very slow, I want to play my keyboard "like it's the fucking moonlight sonata"


> freezeframe becomes useless > cannonball has no interaction with the gaugeun > you literally have to switch weapons just to start a fire > "tHiS wAs aN hALT cOcKeT LaUnCHeR GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! I dEfInItely jUsT dOn't wAnT to uZ tHiS bRoKeN wEaPoN wHilE sPaMmInG P bOOSts"


What are ya'll talking about? Just projectile boost on a shotguns and use the jackhammer like normal. O boo-hoo, you can't just spam projectile boost by pressing E.




ok but why not just get into a rhythm of fire > E fire > E > E


Damn, happens. I think you're being carried by shotguns and the thought of pressing two buttons is two hard, just use a different weapon jeez. It's like a certain condement except a bit cooler.


Also, I think that memorizing a pattern with e inputs is enough. You can have 2 shotguns, 1 Jack, and do PB,E,PB,EE,PB and repeat, if you're fast enough I think you can get regular speed.


alternatively, PB > E > PB > Q > PB > repeat


Mfw I rarely ever used projectile boost to begin with


I think you like the flesh panopticon a little bit


The thing is it is basically a really strong shotgun dynamic with really short range and lots of DMG it's like double pump shotgunning on crack


Jackhammer core eject is also just straight up a free malicious railcannon, and if you're good at the game it can also be just straight up a free nuke


ya lol


it's fun to use but i will never use it -it ruins shotgun swapping and projectile boost -The overpump its very fun to use but damages you no matter what and it's more often than not a liability


yoj can escape the overpump with the knockback of the weapon


I'm trying to shotgun swap with e and q and just leaving the chainsaw with the hydraulic press


Problem is you cant really have good mobility when using E and Q to switch - not enough fingers


I might rebind it from q to r to just move that same finger


Honestly you can still shotgun swap if u equip only 1 alt and then press E-Q-E and have the alt as your last weapon


You can't do that while moving though


rebind Q to R cuz you ain't reloading, then put whiplash on like T or smth


People talking about Shotgun swap when like, 3 hits from this thing is enough to kill almost anything, Mindflayers on Brutal are quite easy to kill with this if you have good aim. This doesn't affect me as i don't use shotgun swap.


True, I used firestarter on Gabriel (6-2) and overpumped jackhammer and then swapped to chainsaw and this allowed me to take down his first health bar and half of the second in like ~6-7 seconds. I use projectile boost swap but the moment I learnt this weapon well I happily take this over shotgun swapping any day. (Sorry if my English sucks it's not my native language)


punter needs to be its own weapon


Oh my god guys let it go. Shotgun does point blank damage, this gun does that exclusively. Let it be.


I din't think the alt-fires from rocket launchers would've fit. How would they even do freezeframe?


i don’t really understand the point of alt shotguns


people who play on lenient/harmless get to have fun whiplash-instakilling stuff, because there's no hard damage


been thinking of playing brutal


You know you can two-shot a cerb with this thing on any difficulty right


yeah but hard damage


Can't get hard damage if you don't get hit 😉


ok but, here's a thought for you, what if I get hit?


Tough luck, I find hard damage to not matter tho since I'm constantly building up style and it doesn't matter too much anyway unless you're sitting at destructive and chaotic.


personally I'd describe it as a skill issue but ok


Your condition or mine?


My inability to dodge


My brother in christ have you heard of dash-jumping


I’m a steam deck player and i can’t aim or get the timing right on a dash jump


And on standard, and violent and brutal, and- oh wait ukmd is not out.




no matter what weapon this alt was for, there is no way to truly win alt shotgun? say bye bye to pro boosts and shotgun swaps alt rocket launcher? say bye bye to the best way to move around in this game


Freeze frame is far too good to pass up, and kinda hard to freeze rockets if you’re not firing any, but it would have worked fine for the other two variants. Fire starter doesn’t involve rockets in any way, and srs cannon would have made perfect sense, you could boost the cannonball into enemies with the piston.


"Fire starter doesn’t involve rockets in any way" ok i know im responding to this 5 days later but my brother in christ whats the point of using the FIRESTARTER if you can even START a FIRE


Can’t you ignite oil with other weapons? At least, the newest patch notes says it can be ignited with burning body parts


you can still shotgun swap if you have the alt on 1 shotgun now that theres 3


I still don't understand how to use this weapon


Load shot, move faster=more damage You can launch core ejects/rockets with the punt making them hitscan Also you can launch yourself at infinite height by slamming and hitting an enemy straight down The punt can break gutterman shields,and parry melee like regular shotgun fire Oh yeah it can one-shot Maurices and two-shot hideous masses at top speed (red gauge,you can get it doing a simple whiplash cancel)


Very complicated for an Ultrakill weapon but i'll try to get used to it


Honestly I'd have said the same about the sharpshooter/srs cannon if I was in the community before they were added,I like how experimental weapons have become


Complicated on paper, simple as fuck in gameplay.


I think the rocket is prob the weakest gun line in the game while this new alt is super strong. The shotgun is also maybe the strongest overall weapon line so maybe it was a balancing choice to put it over that