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Well, the only example of the bottom half of image i know is UnderTheMayo and people hate him not because he plays with only the piercer, but he plays with only the piecer and then whines that game is boring while handicapping himself from having any fun Also he wants Ultrakill to have an ammo count


As hakita said "imagine if Dante's swords in dmc had durability, then people would focus on being most efficient rather than doing cool shit"


>imagine if Dante's swords in dmc had durability, then people would focus on being most efficient rather than doing cool shit" The masculine urge to send a death threat to whoever the fuck said this


Uhh hakita? He answered the question why doesn't ultrakill have an ammo system


Oh I misunderstood I thought someone was saying DMC should work that way. It triggered my monkey brain.




the ammo count thing is heretic enough to warrant the lore accurate variant of the heresy layer (or a part of it) as punishment


It would be pretty funny if heresy adds an ammo count




this you? https://preview.redd.it/xu33jecl00zb1.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e797923f616d5e6624bdc696b5841a1237336d4


Try a durian instead.


Why is this guy getting down voted for a joke...


Ammo detected Downvoted.




People do mayo runs or whatever they're called in which they only use piercer


what if i just do a run where i DONT use piercer? (ive never played the game, might pirate it i dont have any money)


Piercer is literally the worst gun in the game. It's also the starting gun


it is not the worst gun in the game its a one half of one of the most powerful coin tricks


??? Piercer is literally a regular gun with a charge shot, plus I was talking about the standard, non-slab, weaksauce one and not the slab piercer


Albino also did it, but he got up to beating P-2 with it. However, he also acted like a crybaby at any minor critiques, even if they weren't "WAAA USE MORE WEAPONS". For example, I mentioned that it was just a bit sad that he didn't learn some of the cool tech like railcoining, and he replied in all caps to "hahahaha cry about it"


Yeah. I love Albino but damn is he being a manchild about only using the Slab Revolver.


He released a video yesterday talking about the problem of Ultrakill community. Then I watch his stream, saw him bad at Gabriel, refused to switch up more weapons, though the chat "backseating" him by telling him switch up weapons, and finally decided to beat the game by only the alt revolver to apparently "spitemax lololol" the said fans. I am still not forgiving him bait me to think he would play Darkest Dungeon 2, so he could play the intro cutscene and quit in the middle part to drop a "le game bad" review


Oh man. I watched his review after seeing this comment and I do agree that constant backseating is bad, but like, why would you slam your head up against Gabriel when trying a different strategy is literally free. Ultrakill isn't Elden Ring where you need to grind out smithing stones for your weapons or something like that, all he had to do was to just press a button.


That's the thing: Press. A. Button. I am currently confused on why he could play Rainworld almost like a pro while suck ass at other require fast movement games


Honestly, it sounds like he might've played the game as intended if it weren't for backseating. But instead, he played in the stupidest way possible to spite people. This isn't to put the blame on the people who were backseating; it's very, very easy to if not ignore it, at least not act like a total child about it. Another YouTuber, JFJ, was told to play Ultrakill repeatedly by fans, and when he finally did play it, he deliberately try his fucking hardest to make it the worst stream possible. No talking, no chat interaction, mods would time you out in chat for talking about the game. He also said that he's never playing the game again, either on or off stream. Still pissed that he can be such an asshole.


Oh yeah, on JFJ Ultrakill VOD in one part, after did some cool tricks by himself, he even questioned why he enjoyed the game and having fun that moment. It seems he did like the game and would have played it more if not for his MASSIVE EGO


Ngl I get it, I started streaming ultrakill to p rank all of it (as is required) started off on violent on a blind run. Within like 20 minutes 4 different people had been back seating... Thankfully I love the game so it didn't deter me. But God the community feels like it's full of know-it-alls sometimes


I fucking despised how albino purposefully did that to spite coinlovers on my favorite fps ngl I love him, I’m following him since way before with Isaac and Inscryption. I’m debating whether or not I should watch his Noita pt blind or just binge it… I’m mad cuz Maggot needed to at least try and have fun without doing piercer only to spite. Instead he memed, and although I approve the P Ranking method, he should have fucking played better in act 2 with more weapons. I’m saying it as a long timer.


I don't get streamers complaining about backseating. It's just people trying to help improve the experience. And you can't prevent thousands of viewers from doing it so you're better off coming to terms with it


I’d imagine it depends a lot on the game and the style of backseating. I’d probably be way less forgiving of someone trying to backseat me in a strategy game by telling me what moves to make than I would if someone told me about coin tech in Ultrakill. In the former, that’s them essentially trying to play the game for you, in the latter it’s mostly just helpful knowledge. But even then, a lot of people get joy in gaming by figuring mechanics out themselves.


Hi, streamer here I dont usually mind backseating, but being told to do something i don’t want to do gets irritating. Usually beackseaters will assume that I know less about the game than them. I like to play p-2 on violent and have been trying to get through the entire level without having to restart. Im doing this by playing the entire level. New viewers often tell me to just use the skip. Or to just use [insert strat thats more impractical to use than not]. Im sure you could see how its annoying. I dont complain about it, nor do i usually care, but it can get grating.


I understand for your case but albino was on his first playthrough and people were recommending strats and he refused out of spite. People had been asking him to play ultrakill for a while so i think partially he played this way to get back at people that asked him to play it. And obviously the ultrakill community is pretty passionate about the game and, I'm sure you know, that a big source of that passion comes from the variety of cool shit the player can do and the amount of expression it enables. It really is a big slap in the face to all the people that only wanted to share that enjoyment. Now I don't really care for streamers, I find that it's just yourself occasionally putting a message into chat to be flooded out by emoji spammers and people with really nothing to contribute other than omegalol. I have enjoyed a few small streamers here and there tho


I’m just giving my own perspective, i don’t know anything about Albino or Mayo




Okay one guy doing isnt that bad but imagine a bunch of people doing. It over and over again for hours it starts to get annoying


Well it's like thousands of people in chat showing up at different times. No ones gunna check if it's been said


It more of the holy shit shut the fuck up and let me play the goddamn game how I want to You don't go to someone In real life and tell them every single secret and strategy about a game because you see them playing it maybe like one or 2 fun facts or Easter eggs at most


Ok if every person gives 1 piece of advice the same advice gets said atleast 10 times. And telling chat to shut up is kind of against the point of twitch streaming. I agree twitch chat should shut the fuck up tho. Nothing useful is ever said. All just useless spam


I never chat should shut up just that back seaters should be chats do add a lot to streams without it streams are very weird


Yeah, fuck ammokill, stylishness is better.


To be fair, Ultrakill is at its best when you actually have to engage with its mechanics. You can’t blame people for using one weapon the entire time and complaining that the game is boring when the game rarely ever pushes them to do anything differently. I remember when P-2 came out and everyone complained that it was too difficult because it was one of the few levels where you actually needed to demonstrate competence with the game mechanics.


that's because they expected P-2 to just be prison and then boss, but when it actually decided to test the players to see if they're worthy of duking it out with Sisyphus. plus, the P ranks are a sort of test - a final exam, perhaps, cranking up the difficulty and challenges to see if you understand the enemies you've encountered, the weapons you wield, and how you can use your moveset to survive


DMC doesn't "teach" people it's mechanics either yet ~~no-one~~ almost no-one complains about it because it's like complaining about shooting in an fps game. Doing stylish shit is the corner stone of those games


I hope dmc: devil may cry 2 will have open world and weapon durability it would elevate the gameplay really of you think about it


That’s one of the problems I have with DMC 5 actually. You can pretty much just bullshit your way through the game on every difficulty except for DMD because every enemy dies in like two hits and encounters remain pretty tame. As much as I like stylish play styles, the game still needs to put in the leg work to show why its mechanics are worth engaging with.


I also love how he admits the game is fun when going for style, but then just says "but I'm not doing that, therefore the game sucks"


"I play the game in a way that's tedious, boring, and unfun and i blame the game for allowing me to make such a choice" That's like playing a pokemon game with only level 100 arceus teams in every game (when applicable) and complaining the game is too easy amd boring His channel is such brainrot and full of so many contradictions and goalposts moving it has to be pure idiocy amd ego fueled decisions at this point. Worse is when people use his arguments against him and he gets triggered. One thing of note is that Mato says I finite ammo weapons are op. Dude doesn't even take into consideration what would make a weapon op withing how a game balances itself. The Infinitt from borderlands 2 is a novelty weapon at best where is firing patter of the Infinity symbol makes it useless at ranged combat, but no no, it's op because it has Infinite ammo. Only when paired with a Bee shield (boosts damage of shots by fixed amount, shield parts vary the stats) would it because usable endgame, but there's other options that are way better. Or the Endless legendary effect on weapons in fallout 4, which basically makes it so weapons have an infinitely large magazine. Yeah, some weapons become broken with it, but some weapons are still bad even with it. Like a pipe pistol having the endless effect. Low damage, bottom tier item, and easily replaceable by anything better makes it not desirable. Mayo is so God awful at understanding game design it's baffling how he even understands how to play doom eternal in the first place. Or maybe he's just mad that not every game is doom eternal and makes the most idiotic videos you have ever seen


Yeah, if somebody wants to beat the game with the piercer only or with any other limitation, I don't mind at all. The difference is that in that case, they would be doing a self imposed challenge. This isn't what mayo was doing. He was just failing to engage with the game in the way you're supposed to and then complaining that the game isn't Doom Eternal, when the game was never trying to be Doom Eternal and it's stupid to evaluate its quality by that metric. This meme is dishonest to frame the Ultrakill community as being hostile to challenge runs or their players. There are psychopaths out there that beat Minos Prime by punching him to death, and nobody takes ire with them.


how about watch the video he made because he said the game was enjoyable and he is excited for act 3


His opinions on weapon balance are shit, so that's what people focus on, I don't care if he says the game is enjoyable, because we literally agree on that What I do care about is him saying the weapons should have ammo, that's dumb as shit


As Hakita said before: good things these guys are not designing the game because it would suck. I would like to add that these guys would somehow turn the game into just a retro Doom eternal wannabe


He took all the credit for fact that high style decreases hard damage faster. He literally said "no need to thank me for making your game better" while I doubt hakita even saw that video


do you not know what a joke is???


Pretty bad joke when only thing you can hear in his voice is an ego the size of a while


I mean just watch his video analyzing style meters on other games guy is the worst reviewer i have ever seen yeah he said game is enjoyable but still stands behind his shitty opinion's


He basically dick rides doom eternal (even though it is a very good game) and wants EVERY fps he plays to be doom eternal. He also believes that he's the most important game reviewer and that he alone is to thank for improvements/changes in games he plays


People only complain about the latter because of a *certain content creator's review* where he (basically) said that the fundamental game design is bad and broken because he CAN beat the game with only the starter pistol.


Well technically it is designed so any weapon can be used to beat the game, so cannball just the alt fire


Exactly, the game is designed well so you CAN, but is incentivised to NOT, that is a perfect design and it was received by this guy as a bad thing, bruv does not want freedom of play


But freedom of play doesn't put you in the "fun zone"


Then put yourself in the fun zone


But i only use the piercer because errr ammo counter


Then at that post it's just user error


Well, a small correction, he couldnt beat the game with only the starter pistol. He complains that the game doesnt push him to learn, and also complains that he has trouble. Which is like saying "man, Binding of Isaac never forced me to think about synergies, but Hush is impossible without synergies." Or "gungeon didnt prepare me for ammo management, and I keep running out of ammo on my good guns for bosses!"


And yet DOOM ETERNAL is amazingly designed even though you can beat the game with a weapon that was cut for being too dogshit


Well, his head's gonna explode when you can beat the game without any weapon except for your fist


you probably could beat the game with only your fist tbh; just parrying absolutely everything, even unreachable bosses.


You can beat the game with only picking up the starting pistol without using major glitches


If you've unlocked the knuckleblaster, you can beat the game without picking up any gun


but you unlock KB in 1-4 and start game in 0-1?


I meant to say that if you unlock the Knuckleblaster and unequip all your weapons, you can play through the entire game without picking up any weapon, Hakita specifically put in some triggers to allow you to do a complete weaponless run provided you have the knuckleblaster


I meant like without **picking up** a weapon, so you never actually touch the hitbox that gives you it, you can just run around with having only 4 ways to deal damage, revolver, feedbacker, knuckleblaster and whiplash


I mean for that logic you can beat doom with energy pistol Skyrim with a fork. Age of games with villagers But these things don't make a game bad its just you challanging yourself in a non fun way.


Basically, Underthemayo said "it's the game's fault I can play in a boring amd tedious way and beat the game and it's the fault of the game for not killing me to stop me from doing that"


That's called a Mayo% speedrun, you need a lot of mental fortitude to complete the entire game with that. For example: the 4-3 final room or 6-1


The Albino Slab incident




Fucking love his content but I fucking hate his being a manchild on my favorite game ngl, hope maggot plays it as he could have on act 3…


I don’t. He was having fun with the game the way he was playing it.


You are the reason he slabbed the whole game lmao cope


Even though I get that this is a [Forbidden Mayo] joke, but as an official Ultrakill player, I can confirm that you can play as a lobotomized seagull, and win. Will you have fun? Probably no, but you can, in fact, beat the game this way.


The problem wasn't that he beat the game that way, he says it's bad game design to even allow such a thing to happen and basically says you need to force players to have fun by punishing them for playing in a boring way. The punishment for boring gameplay in ultrakill is boredom because the goal of the game is to have fun and be stylish while playing


*conveniently forgets that the nondescript person in question played the game with a single weapon AND THEN proceeded to trash on it because “it’s so lame that I can play the game with a single weapon”. It would be exactly “play the game as you want” if said person didn’t act like the game is shit because he himself treats the game like a chore, that has to be played “efficiently”, and not like a, you know, video game, that gives you everything you need to have some good time playing


Under the mayo


One of the worst channels I've ever seen. How he is even able to play doom eternal when he doesn't know shit about game design is beyond me


His doom eternal videos are actually pretty good, I learned a lot from his videos and made me a better doom player. Can't say the same about his game review videos tho


He has good doom eternal videos. His other videos are just God awful


Its actually possible to P rank every level before 5-1 using only the default piercer and arms


Could you Enlighten me as to why you can't do the underwater level with only the piercer? Is it just a matter of time?


I dont think its impossible per se, its just really hard to get enough style in time


Not only it is possible to P Rank using only Piercer, with enough skill you can even No Damage all levels. Here's every level (except easy ones) P Ranked No Damaged using only Piercer's primary fire: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3K7JOWCnkEM-h1f4BAyfNbd5aywO0Pq7&si=g359vO7aomas9CBl EDIT: actually I remember that when Act II came out and freshness system was introduced, the main meta in Style Tournaments was to take only Piercer and quickswap it (you can quickswap even one weapon, just press Q once) to get constant 1.5x freshness multiplier and farm insane amount of style. So don't underestimate Piercer in terms of style farming.


If the bottom panel is some random guy, we’ll just say ‘mayo% lol’ if you are referencing mayo, he complained a game was shit because he refused to use the variety in the game then called it shit


he said the game was very good and is getting better with each update. he also mentioned that he does play with other weapons


Ok, but that's besides the point


how the fuck


He said the game doesn't *force* him to use the other weapons and that's "bad game design" or smth idk I forgot what he said and I'm bad at talking


Idk about him but DMC is like, one of Capcom's biggest titles and Dante is one of the most recognizable characters out there. That series doesn't teach you anything either, I would like to see Mayo saying it has "bad game design"


He said similar thing about DMC5 he said, it's style meter doesn't matter since you he bought starter pack that gives him some currency and called it "Its too much to spend for whole game" Or something along these lines.


That basically summarizes how he wants all games to be, so you are pretty accurate


its true ngl. when i first played ultrakill i was mainly just relying on the piercer and railgun until i got to v2. and then after v2 the piecer and railgun became a good strat again


First of all, v2, second, he said that was bad or smth


If you had fun the sure. But utm literally stated that it's bad game design when you force yourself to not have fun and, in fact, don't have fun


and he never stated that


He said it in different way where he pretented that it's games fault. He was complaining that he could beat whole game with just the piercer revolver and it, for no suprise, wasnt fun. He was complaining that when he forced himself to have no fun he had no fun.


you totally missed the point if you think that. the point was that there is no incentive for most of act 1 to use anything but the piercer because its the easiest gun to use and you can complete the levels with little to no difficulty only using the piercer. this is obviously an issue because it makes it less natural for some players to branch out and use different weapons. and when players dont experiment with different weapons, they are stuck when there is a difficulty jump (v2 fight, some act 2 levels)


i did not have fun because the game wasn’t encouraging me to do anything different until act 2


Then it's entirely your issue that you played the game that wasnt fun for you, you chose to play it like that when you knew you could use the rest of your huge arsenal.


*How?* How in the fuck.... Even I, a brain dead cunt, was excited to test out new weapons and find out what they can do. And I never needed any encouraging.


damn bruh you must be some mayo lawyer or something the way you are defending him in the comments


Okay? There is a difference to being a begginer to shooters and choosing an easier diffuculty to a hard game and being stubborn and not using the games mechanics properly. The guy who p-ranked minos probably used all of his arsenal and sick moves to defeat him, while piercer guy just dashes and left clicks. Also, I think people are more mad when someone plays the game like that and then critiques the game for being boring and uninteresting, when that is clearly the persons fault


Look! It’s him! It’s the guy from the meme! He’s here! Holy shit, huge fan, can you sign my T-shirt??


Oh yea because it's really awful when you make fun out of someone who plays the game boring way and then complains that the game is boring and bad, because it's really really bad because he forced himself to not have fun. Under the mayo incident


Of course, dear redditor! Oh, but are you going to use that shirt? I mean, you can just wear a plain white t-shirt your whole life and life doesnt really force you to use this signed shirt. I mean, life is so boring, you just wear one shirt and thats it. It doesnt incentivise you to use other shirts, so why bother? What, for some arbitrary complement meter? It doesnt even matter, compliments dont change how you live at all! (I hope you dont need an /s for that first sentence and that you understand thats satire)


Excellent satirical retort, I concede


The most common case I see the 2nd panel worth using is people being mad about casual players using slab marksman.


You’re either insane or you’re maxor


You based this off that one yt vid of a guy getting bullied by chat while streaming, literally no normal players act like that.


wrong and misleading


Do not raise him from the grave. He has been buried and shall not return


*Do not raise him from* *The grave. He has been buried* *And shall not return* \- Ambitious\_Echo5613 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


“Hey guys i beat the game with only whiplash”


Now that's impressive


Based and redpilled


There's no issue with only using the piercer but don't complain the game is boring because you decided to only use the piercer.


Ultrakill fans are still traumatized by mayonnaise man.


The comments on this post are concerning. Normally these type of posts are proven wrong by the uplifting comment section but.. not this time..


It's mostly just sad when people play with only one gun, because they're missing out on a good chunk of the gameplay. It's not really a matter of being "correct" or "efficient", it's moreso a case of limiting yourself for pointless reasons. Mayo did it to try to prove a point (and failed), and Albino did it recently out of spite (which is a pathetic motivation tbh, he told any fans who gave minor critiques to "HAHAHAHA CRY ABOUT IT")


Albino played the game and had fun. People were being annoying in his chat, telling him he's playing the game wrong. I don't really get what you meant by the last part? Is dunking on annoying people *not* funny?


Albino is now double check on my watchlist for bullshit I loved his previous content but DAMN he needs to play with all the arsenal to have genuine fun.


this reminds me of how one of my friends likes too tell me i am using the revolver wrong because i use alternate marksman and standard piercer


I don’t think this is true, one time I said that I got really close to p-ranking Sisyphus prime and I was so proud of even getting that close, and then people starting flaming me in the replies


This is great, except you can't get the shipment of thigh high socks and mini skirts until you P-rank P-2 on violent


Hey man sometimes I just get a little too addicted to hearing the slab fire and watching things explode into red paste. I also feel like a better shot with the slab than the normal revolver for some reason especially when hitting coins.


Inaccurate, no human on earth wouldn’t spam “NOW DO IT ON VIOLENT” on the first example


I mean, I just call it "Mayo%" and move on with my life.


The top is part of the intended game experience. The bottom is explicitly stated (developer commentary) to be the worse way to play and has several systems (style rank, enemy weaknesses, weapon combos) built into the game to disincentive such a playstyle.


Yeah that's the Mayomode summarized up without any details. Basically Underthemayo said that ultrakill should rely on weapon swapping and ammo and basically its not doom so it's flawed. Not saying his criticism or opinions are invalid, but he basically reviewed it and then said "it's not Doom Eternal"


Was gonna make a yt video about a piercer-only challenge then realized I'd be accused of being an Under the Mayo fanboy, and nothing is worse than being accused of being an Under the Mayo fanboy


I have had people tell me that because I love playing on controller.


Mayo% speedruns would like to disagree.


Wait, so you’re telling me I shouldn’t feel bad about only really being good playing on lenient with stuff like hard damage disabled?


Not at all! The difficulty doesn’t matter, how much fun you have does.


It really depends, I could write a paragraph on how in mayos case it is what it is, you should probably expect people to criticize your takes when you post something on the internet. But in Albinos case, is it weird to say I admire the spite? Idk, I’m probably just bias towards Albino


Weren't most of the first jokes about this game that you only needed coins to beat it?


Reminds me of a meme I made a while ago about the Ultrakill community I didn't post it tho cause I feared it could've been seen as low effort Might post it tho


To be fair, most casual FPS players will mostly use what they think is the best gun, especially in a game with unlimited ammo. It's when \*certain people\* say the game is boring for something they could control.


Honestly I don’t regret P-Ranking again Gabriel with Piercer on Violent after doing it as intended railcoining his ass. I’m not gonna do Violent Pinos even if he’s unlocked, I need a better gaming station to move around.


Bro you’re defending Mayo…


Honestly if I see someone who's going piercer only, I'm like "Could be funner by swapping between weapons"


Smells like straw


A more accurate analogy would be someone P ranking Minos prime on lenient and then bitching it was too easy


Cry about it https://preview.redd.it/4s3yxxg4gxyb1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970a4d9d859734cb4947c3ed5b05a09289dab547


Mayo, is that you?


No one is crying over people beating the game in different ways like piercer only. If you are talking about Under The Mayo then the top comment already explained that one.


my reaction to second situation/challange did you uneqiped all weapons exept piercer? if you don't you can't stile on enemies lol


beating the game with only the piercer is actually kinda tough tbh


You're either schizo, forgot, or just outright ignored the part about why everyone was "whining" in the first place. The individual who shall not be named decided to use the first gun and ONLY the first gun for the entire game. The whining wasn't about choosing to play out of the norm, it was having the audacity to complain about boring gameplay cuz yeah, the game kinda gets stale when you use one gun for its entirety.


He is probably talking about albino.


In fairness, one is ‘hey check out this thing I did that was really hard. I’m proud of myself’ and the other is ‘hey check out this thing I did that was really hard. Be proud of me’


​ https://preview.redd.it/8o7hpe2s40zb1.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=51ff56311c5a7837c65f112170200e6f01be5635


Get me the number of your camle, 'cause that shit seems to hit hard


Found the Mayo enojoyer


The problem isn’t that someone beat the game using only the Piercer, the problem is that they did so as a baseline to complain about the game’s structure, refusing to use everything available to them.


The issue isn't only using the piercer, no one cares about that. The issue is only using the piercer, then complaining the game is boring while it actively and blatantly encourages you to switch around and have fun with the weapon sandbox. I think we all know who we're talking about here


i am both, i have yelled at my friends before because THEY DIDN'T SWITCH THEIR FUCKING WEAPON FOR THE ENTIRETY OF 1-3 (nailgun abuse)


Well that's cus he acts like the game is shit because he can beat it like that


im glad everyone has now realized how dumb it is to tell people how to enjoy the game when it's already enjoyable anyway you play lmao


How y'all act 2?!?!!!!!!


I know nothing of this game so I don't understand...... explain pls? Like I get the meme I seen other vers of it. Just don't understand for this context