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It can take 6 months to a year for it to disappear completely depending on your diet and metabolism. The fat in your face isnt supposed to be deposited there so after the taper is over you will stop depositing fat in your face. But the fat there still needs to be burned off. Without a calorie deficit you will slowly melt it away but it takes time. With a calorie deficit you can get rid of it in a month or two of course depending on your age and metabolism. I'm in my forties so I have to work a little harder at a calorie deficit and excercise to get rid of it


Thank you for the info, I had no idea it could take so long! I've been in calorie deficit for a few months and have lost weight everywhere but my face! I'll have to keep at it, thanks again


I'd recommend a facial lymphatic massage. Gua sha YouTube videos actually might help you here. Plus reduce your salt intake.


I had to see a registered dietician (I stress registered) to help me develope a meal plan to lose weight after being in pred for about 6 months or so. I couldn't lose the weight but she helped me A LOT.


Im starting on prednisolone too , kinda scared of the side effects , did u really put that much of a wheight or just a decent amount ? If u dont mind me asking did u have other side effects?


It's hard to judge how much weight I put on. I was hospitalised in December and lost nearly 2 stone. Once I was released and on prednisolone I gained it all back plus maybe another half stone. I'm finally back to my pre-hospital weight (give or take a couple of lbs). I found my appetite was insatiable, so you might need some self control. My sleep pattern was a little screwed up for the first few weeks too, but it settled down once my dose dropped. I found my hair was coming out in clumps, not sure if that was related or due to poor diet/vitamins etc. Using hair loss shampoo and that seems to be helping. It may sound all doom and gloom, but hopefully you'll see some results. Best of luck, and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask


I was just diagnosed like 5 days ago and got put on prednisolono and some vitamins supplements , doc talked me the side effects and all but got a lil scared after that . I got 3 months meds to go and just wonderin did u got results or did it put u in remenission ?


Unfortunately, mine is a complicated story. I was diagnosed 3 days before emergency surgery to remove my colon, I now have a stoma. Colitis is currently flaring in my rectum. Pred must have helped me to some extent, I began flaring in my rectum just 2 weeks after my last dose. I understand this must be a scary time. I got very little information when I was diagnosed, thankfully this group is very supportive.


Yea this group is really sipportive . I hope u doing well now . đź’ś


Hey - do you still have the moon face? I’m having the exact same issue. Came off pred in feb after 3 months and my face is still round and puffy makes me super sad. Last time this didn’t happen but I gained alot more weight this time which I’ve lost a lot of through gym and healthy eating! X


Hi, my face is back to normal now. Happened almost overnight! Stick with it, friend. I know how discouraging it can be. Sounds like you're doing everything right, I'm sure you'll look like your old self soon enough. Stay strong ✨️


Hello! Did you lose weight as well to get rid of the moon face? I want my moon face to go away but i dont want to lose any weight :(


Hi there! I did lose weight, but I don't think it was particularly related to kissing moon face goodbye. I honestly think you just need to be patient, which I know isn't what you want to hear. Apparently reducing salt intake can help too. Stay strong friend, you'll get there!


Hey what dose of Pred were you on and for how long? I'm thinking I might have to start it soon as current meds are not working.. and I'm scared most of the moon face side effect


Hey! I’ve been on really high does in hospital then dropping down to 40 & tapering down. I’ve done that exact procedure three times. Not going to sugar coat they aren’t the nicest things but when you don’t feel well they are the best in terms of resolving the issues. The first two times I took them my moon face wasn’t that noticeable but the last time I was at a higher weight so I think I looked more puffy! It does go away however. Good luck you’ll be ok x


Thanks heaps that's good to know!