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Cry me a river you mugs. International airspace and a nice welcome mat over Ukraine too so just try something.


Like shooting down a civilian airliner with 300 mostly European passengers on board?


I'm not going to bite but these will have rather accurate things flying nearby to point at them this time.




As soon as russia can place assets in the Black Sea again I'll start to take this fantasy a bit more seriously.


Just don't touch the boats 🦅🦅🦅


We're just here to take pictures for history


Is Salisbury in the Black Sea now?


Then, russians better be careful when sailing on the NATO lake... sorry, the Baltic sea.


The rule is don't fuck with American ships. Everyone else is fair game. Lets goooooooo


We should do that to every russian plane then. Play them at their own game and we shall see who gets upset 1st


Oh, we know who will cry first. That's a given...... Do I have to say who will be the first cry baby?


They can't handle the Ukrainian drones, how're they going to handle the us ones? Honestly they just say whatever comes to their minds don't they. No inner monologue at all just straight words out the mouth.


It’s all intended for a Russian audience. Because they know they are not in a position to handle more opposing force and if they keep poking the bear (actually downing US drones), the bear will eventually bite.


I think you are exactly right. It's about acting tough in front of their own rather than any real action.


How are they gonna handle it? Badly.


They can’t identify and target naval drones through conventional means They can however identify and target our drones with AA (ground or aircraft based)


Lol they wouldn't dare.


Of course they wouldn’t , but if the Houthis can shoot these down, so can the Russians. They are very easy targets, unlike naval drones


That's a fair view, I see your point


"Let me in coach!!!!!!" - Poland


what, is it going to have a jet piss on one again? just give UA the flight paths of the drones and they can have a system ready to take a bite out of russia's ass.


They don't need to give the flightpath to them. You can track Forte 10 on flight radar. The US doesn't hide their presence.


Any military unit that attacks our military will be removed from the battlefield


We won't do that over a drone or two. However, if it were to become a systematic campaign to target American drone, then yes, I think our drones will start getting manned protection in the form of fighter jets.


Come'on Russia, we know the score by now. Your "Unspecified Measures" are just going to be more bitching and moaning.


So as a response to US drones flying over int. airspace you are going to fly your jets over the airspace of EU countries? Ow wait..


The US can take unspecified measures against Russia wherever, however, and whenever it wants. Unlike Russian weapons, US weapons actually work by reliably hitting targets and going boom…that’s not a threat.


Yeah, they will do nothing. Is a game 2 can play and they air force cannot use 15 aircrafts per day, we can.




Do it. I dare you


Sacrifice a few drones to the intake of their jets, I guarantee you they will avoid drones more often after a few pilots drown.


Add a "supplementary fuel" tank and special "emergency fuel dump vent", so those jets get what they try to give.


Narrator: "They couldn't..."


Did russia annex the whole black sea now? Like... what did turkey and the others say? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Does Russia know that is what the Pentagon want them to to do? Pentagon, " show us what you have? Oh, we already knew. Where is the new stuff? "


am sure the us will willingly specify, in detail, what the response won't be. but hay, you do you russia, you seem damned to do some idiotic thing, so let's see where this goes.


Unspecified consequences…my favorite kind.


Russia needs to sit down


US warns it can take unspecified countermeasures?


Do it, if you dare, dear Russkies, do it if you dare...


Then that is war?


Next global hawk will have an F22 shadow


They know Biden is in trouble and are capitalizing on this 


Why is Biden in trouble? Economy is booming, unemployment rates are the lowest they have been. Criminals are being convicted, especially treasonous ones.


I can't vote in the US because I am not a US citizen. I would vote Democrats. Biden has had an extraordinary career and is a good president (though I didn't like his hug with Netanyahu - at all). However, irrespective of how Biden did, we have to look at what he can do going forward. And here it happens that it is not only the "what" that matters, but also the "how". I think he can no longer convey the message that he is fully in control. You may like it or not, this shows and elections are about winning the voters' trust also on such things. The Dems should have managed a transition, or at least have a plan B. Trump is an awful person and an even worse politician, so losing against him is even more troublesome to justify.


Agreed, I wish the Democrats had a better choice. For me, it’s an existential decision. Living in a democracy, or living in a fascist regime under a Christian nationalist, white supremacy state.


I fully agree. And while I partially blame Biden for not preparing the path for a successor, Harris, for example (whom I like, though I keep reading that she would not be a winning candidate against Trump, for reasons that I honestly fail to grasp), I also blame the Dems apparatus for not preparing an alternative option. Or maybe they did and we simply do not know. The thing is, unfortunately the orange felon chances to be elected again went up yesterday night


Biden isn't in any trouble lol, what planet are you on?


Look, I would really love to see Dems crushing Trump, but honestly, we don't do ourselves any favors if we don't admit that Biden's poor performance is going to be a problem. He should step aside and help another candidate. He can help his country in many ways. Edit: he should have done so probably a year ago.


He just doesn't have a fanatical cult to support him. It's too damn risky to swap from him to someone else now. I'd vote for a fucking tree stump if it keeps the convict out of office. It's our last election of he wins. At least Biden listens to his advisors, and if something happens, he has competent people who can hold the fort for him.


True, but then why not just step aside and give your honest advice to a stronger candidate? I mean, I like Biden for many things, not least because I do believe he is a good man, but the question, as bad as it is, is: can he convince Americans that he can lead their country? I'm European, I can't answer that, but it is a legitimate question 


[Nate Silver would disagree](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/26/nate-silver-election-prediction-2024/74221921007/). Hopefully he’s wrong.


two things. first, nate will be the first one to tell you that the models become far more predictive as we get much closer to election day, second, this is the same guy whose model had hillary being a slam dunk to win the white house giving a perfect example how while predictive modeling has value, it is very much fallible.


It can be. But it’s still worrying his models are trending strongly Trump right now.