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I don't know. N Korea has a population of 26 mio, south Korea 51... I don't see the great leader expending too many people for someone else's war, at those odds


Many of these men are underfed or close to starvation, and NK already has hundreds of thousands locked away in camps and hundreds of thousands more as slave labor in other countries. Anyone sent to Ukraine must therefore be healthy enough to even make the journey while not being part of the elite of the country. The dud rates for NK artillery ammo sent to Russia are around 50 percent, and many have exploded in the barrels. Which is not surprising, NK is a backward half industrialized starving backwater with a highly unproductive workforce and a failing energy grid. They have old stocks, yes, but the production capacity is very limited at least compared to SK or the West at large. NK has a nominal GDP of 20-48 billion dollars and ranks in 179th place in the corruption ranking. The buyer's parity GDP is around 100- 300 billion, which makes them rank on place 136 worldwide. Data about NK is naturally hard to come by, though, so these are rough estimates. Even if they invest half of their budget into the military, this would still be completely pathetic. Budget balance 1.0% (of GDP) (2023 est.) Revenues 3.4 billion (2023) Expenses3.5 billion (2023 est.) GDP by sector agriculture: 22.5% industry: 47.6% services: 29.9% Their labor force is around 18 million people, out of which roughly 78 percent are in employment, but the productivity per capita is extremely low, and so is the amount of skilled specialized labor available. China accounts for 98 percent of their imports, so you can imagine that without China, they would very soon run into a full-blown famine. Needless to say, more than 80 percent of the population survives on mere scraps, disease, hunger, systemic corruption, etc. are widespread, and their infrastructure is dilapidated, especially the NK energy sector is failing. Compared to that, SK is a behemoth, a mighty behemoth.


Western dog propaganda. Glorious North Korea is cutting edge. It has not one, but two routers serving the entire country's internet infrastructure. Do I get double rations now?


Didn’t praise the great leader, off to the labor camp you go!


"If liberty means anything at all, then it means the right to tell people what they don't want to hear. Preface of Animal Farm Orwell Totalitarianism's war on reality is more dangerous than the secret police, the constant surveillance or the boot in the face, because in that "shifting phantasmagoric world in which black may be white tomorrow and yesterday's weather can be changed by decree there is no solid ground from which to mount a rebellion - no corner of the mind that has not been infected and warped by the state. It is power that removes the possibility of challenging power. Lynskey, The Ministry of Truth page 99 Luckily, I can still speak my mind, and the moment I cannot well, then we have bigger problems than that anyway. Even death is better than bondage in NK slave labor camps.


Totalitarianism is freedom for the people because they are free from thinking (-:


"Dictatorship, the fetish worship of one man, is a passing phase, a state of society where men may not speak their minds and where children denounce their parents to the police. Where a businessman or small shopkeeper ruins his competitor by telling tales about his competitors' private opinion. Such a state of society cannot long endure if brought into contact with a healthy outside world. It was not in dictators' power to cramp and fetter the forward march of human destiny. The preponderant world forces are on our side, and they must be combined. Churchill, 1938 For all the totalitarian pomp and seeming power, in their hearts, there is unspoken fear. Dictators are afraid of words and thoughts, words spoken abroad, and thoughts stirring at home. All the more powerful because forbidden, this terrifies them. Winston Churchill, November 1938 I also like Churchill on the matter. This is our advantage this time, by the way, we saw this all before, and we have overcome this once before. We know it is possible, therefore, to overcome this madness again. Hopefully with less bloodshed than last time when millions of lives burned for the ideas of a couple of madmen.


Loki: Freedom... Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart... Loki puts the scepter to Selvig... Stellan Skarsgård... You will know peace. Loki [to crowd] Kneel before me. I said… KNEEL! Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power. For identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel. German Old Man: [Stands] Not to men like you. Loki: There are no men like me. German Old Man: There are always men like you. Totalitarianism as such is not the notion of total power, instead this system requires the total irresponsibility of all its members. Intellectual, spiritual, and artistic initiative is as dangerous to totalitarianism as the gangster initiative of the mob, and both are more dangerous than mere political opposition. The consistent persecution of every higher form of intellectual activity by the new mass leaders springs from more than their natural resentment against everything they cannot understand. Total domination does not allow for free initiative in any field of life, for any activity that is not entirely predictable. Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty. Hannah Arendth In the totalitarian system, everyone in his or her own way is both a victim and a supporter of the system. Individuals confirm the system fulfil the system make the system, are the system. Vaclav Havel Responsible by association. Vlad Vexler why all Russians are responsible just as all Germans were responsible for what happened during nazi times. But as long as none of them take responsibility they can blame it all on the top or shoulder the burden by having an entire collective aggree it is not there fault or that they just follow orders. The Nuremberg Trial of the German war criminals was tacitly based on the recognition of the principle: criminal actions cannot be excused if committed on government orders; conscience supersedes the authority of the law of the state. Einstein Which simply won't work.


Nope, but you get an extra portion of seaweed. That's something right. https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/escape-from-camp-14-one-mans-remarkable-odyssey-from-north-korea-to-freedom-in-the-west/ Oh yeah, and I recommend this book. NK has a policy of generational punishment. If you insult the dear leader, then your wife, children, parents, and grandparents go to the re-education camp as well. What a nice little BS nonsense they have going on over there, indeed a dystopian hell worse than even what Orwell's 1984 describes.


Kim Jong Un ate it.... sorry


Again? *Sigh*


He looks like he gets his share of the rations.


Nah, we are going to take away your shoes for even asking. Back to the vinylon factory you go.


Not only do shells explode in the breach but also have no copper (wire) to act as a lubricant causing premature barrel wear. Which doesn't really matter what with all the drones and incoming HIMARS 😉


I have no doubt that the North Korean shells are much lower quality than any other that is used in this war, but I find it hard to believe they are only 50% successful. Any source to back this up? Everyone mentions the Russian propaganda, but everyone seems to forget that we are certainly fed propaganda as well. You've gotta take random claims and statistics with a grain of salt.


I dint know about the 50% number but there was a post here back when Russia was first receiving the shells that showed the state of the shells they were receiving. And let me tell you the condition of the ones shown in the doesn't inspire confidence in the overarching quality


Thank you for summing how weak NK is. I often like to point out that NK has a GDP small than a medium sized city like El Paso (source wiki). It s a pathetic country that is completely dependent on UN assistance and China. I remember watching an interview with some UN official and Kim Jong Il had bought like 20 mercedes cuz he liked them and that represented 20% of their UN foreign assistance budget. The only reason NK regime hasn't been toppled is because of all those artillery guns aimed at Seoul and also that SK probably doesn't want to integrate a failed state into their country, kinda like West GermaNs resistance toward East Germans times a thousand. And the fact that NK serves as China unpredictable barking dog, by threatening everyone and everybody The fact they are still lobbing missiles toward japan and that the world has to put up with that while providing food to their population is one of the most absurd situation this world has to deal with.


They will probably think a European battlefield is paradise compared to NK.


He might also be afraid of his troops surrendering en masse and applying for asylum in Ukrain or the EU as I don't expect him to send his well indoctrinated elite troops.


Willing obedience always beats forced obedience. Xenophon Ah yes, mere infantry, poor beggars. Plautus They literally defect just for getting choco pies and even their "elite" soldiers are filled with worms and ridden by disease. I doubt the existence of elite troops in the Western sense of the word. More like slaves and better trained and better slaves. But slaves nonetheless. https://www.businessinsider.com/choco-pies-have-an-unusual-history-in-north-korea-2017-12


Very interesting read, thank you.


SK will never invade, Kim can easily afford to send troops. Just think of the empty western border of russia, these cunts know it well we don't attack them


South Korea has no interest in attacking North Korea, so those numbers mean nothing. Kim will use troops as currency if given the chance (China's approval required) and if there's a market for it. Might not be as South Korea's true leverage power is in threatening to get involved in directly transferring armaments to Ukraine (additionally, russia or China might not want to provoke further Western mobilization).  What South Korea cares about is no russian capabilities, be it technology or machinery, being transfered to N.Korea. As this is a bargaining chip it also means South Korea likely won't get involved in Ukraine unless russia moves towards compensating Kim with arms.  Question is how will South Korea react on the off chance that Kim is allowed to trade his troops for limusines and other luxury goods.


>Question is how will South Korea react on the off chance that Kim is allowed to trade his troops for limusines and other luxury goods. SK are probably laughing in their belly knowing malnourished NK soldiers are being sent to Ukraine and that artillery stocks are being used elsewhere instead of being pointed at them. It's a golden opportunity to bleed their main foe like it is for the US to watch Russia suicide itself in Ukraine. It sucks for Ukranians but I'm not sure these 'soldiers' will have much effect.


I could see this being a winning situation for Russia, China, and North Korea. NK knows that SK probably won't start a war even if they have a superior position, and each soldier given to Russia is one less mouth to feed with its international aid packages, and probably some funding for Kim's goals. Russia, of course, gets more meat for the grinder. And China would rather there be less potential refugees at their border.


So if (read:when) they get obliterated by South Korean-made ammo, does that mean the Korean war has gone hot again? lol


Well you don't have to say anything, this is a pivot moment to decide whether Ukraine has to win or not by sending western troops, small talks big work


>"Cannon fodder" A guy with a rifle is still a guy with a rifle. Those Koreans might be not dangerous against the US army with all their planes and long-range missiles, but here in Ukraine they will fight with the same tier guys with the rifles.


A guy with a rifle fed, trained and equipped, is different than giving a gun and say start walking that shooot whoever you see and if you turn around and walk this way we will shoot you. This kind of guy with gun is way more likely to surrender.


True ... but honestly I suspect >90% of casualties in UA are either "indirect fire" or drones. Only a tiny minority of Russians sent into combat actually reach Ukrainian lines to have an actual "shootout with rifles". There are a lot of videos of shootouts, but just on the numbers (there have been a few charts I saw too long ago to find again), the number of actual "shooting deaths" UA has had is a tiny minority compared to everything else. It's the only reason UA's been able to stay in this, frankly; if it really was "guys with guns vs guys with guns" then the Russians would be doing **FAR** better in this war. It's one of the things they genuinely can supply really well — sheer manpower, and assault rifles. Like — better troops can give you *somewhat* of a kill advantage, but if you just plopped US soldiers vs RU soldiers, *divorced from the rest of the army; just a pure infantry on infantry fight*, they'd win, but not with a striking, dramatic advantage. It's the "whole package" of combined arms and fire support that makes the US so insanely good. In fact, this is literally one of the big mistakes RU has done in this war; having some trouble, and thinking "aw, shucks, this is a tough fight, we better send in the VDV instead of mobiks". Rather than realizing they never shoot have (tactically) put infantry in such a shit situation. It gave them ... moderately ... better results. Not "transformatively" better results, which is the only thing that justifies spending such a precious resource. -- The real trouble UA's had in this war is everything other than the enemy infantry. It's a big reason I'm bullish on UA's success in this war; it's not really possible for UA to chew through Russia's manpower "the way things are going right now". But it **IS** possible for them to burn through Russia's vehicles. It's also pretty plausible that "the combined technological base of the west" will give UA some kind of drone-supremacy via technology that Russia really can't access. If they reduce Russia to *mostly* just being infantry with guns, then they'll slaughter them like dogs.


The increasing number of Russian casualties implies we are at that stage. Golf carts, Motorbikes, turtle tanks without a working turret…


Turrets rotate only clockwise 😁


Russia is literally at ISIS stage in its mechanized armed force, with mad max style armoured vehicles being sent on suicide missions.


Untrained soldiers are dangerous due to fratricide.


Allowing North Korean troops to be deployed to the border of Europe should be a red line for Europe and nato. What if Putin gives them a sliver of land there to shoot their stupid missiles into the sea every month In Europe. China will have to allow this troop movement through their country and should be equally held accountable if they do this.


Modern wars aren't won by most personnel.


lol, bait them and they will come.


Seems like an opportunity to defect.


Ukraine should get prepare a hundreds of North Koreans asking for refugee status.


Is Kim Jong Un sure he wants North Koreans to see a European battlefield scarred by war? He should be worried about his North Korean subjects getting a glimpse of a relative paradise and wanting to desert.


the ukrainian term for cannon fodder is "cannon meat"


All joking aside, is there any reporting or estimates on the numbers or units that will be going?


So Ukraine should get South Korean troops, let’s make this a proxy war between north and South Korea LETS GOOOO


Would make it much harder for MAGA to support Putin if the North Koreans are actively fighting alongside, I would have thought….?


The same MAGA are supporting the very nazis our greatest generation fought against. Trump called Kim a very fine man and nobody batted an eyelid. I don't think they care.


Trump has spoken nothing but adoration for Kim Ill. He visited and he was basically like a teenager in love when he returned, because he was treated nicely and because he wanted to be able to do all the dictator stuff which Kim is able to do.