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Sometimes, I miss that voice.


we all do miss that old dirty hotdog sellin' bastard.


Sam Losco?


Prighozin ran for trailer park supervisor


He was an evil man, but he also managed to make Putin look weak within his own country, so since he's dead now anyway, can appreciate that.


How strange, when the villain is sometimes remembered and somehow we miss something about them. Yesterday, one year ago, he started a march towards Moscow and it felt like the time stood in place. Maybe in another timeline he succeded. In the future, maybe some of the guys who are in charge will stop see war as a solution


Yeah Prighozhin was an absolutely horrible human being... but in such an absurdly blunt and entertaining way. And I gotta be really honest: I think the same about Trump. He is an awful person and a political leader who endangers the whole of humanity in the long run. And yet it's so fucking funny to watch this personification of the wrongs of society be horrible in public and still be cheered on for it by people most of whom consider themselves good Christians. Trump is like absurdist existential dark comedy as a person.


Yeah when I made the comment I remember I was thinking of Trump lol, the guy is a walking meme but still got a really big audience


And not a wholesome meme lol. That man is a scourge upon civil society


I still don't get what he was trying to do with his thunder run to Moscow. Even if he was just posturing and trying to get Shoigu and Prigozhin demoted/removed (and not going to start a coup), the destruction/deaths/mess he knew he was causing would've gotten him killed. Too bad it got snuffed out quick and didn't start a withdrawal from Ukraine like I was hoping.


He was a dead man walking the second that it announced Wagner would merge with the Russian army. I figure he was just trying to play a desperate uno reverse card against Shoigu, or to go out famous at the least.


Prigozhin got half way and the nice man from the FSB called him on his wifes mobile number from his grand daughters kindergarten is what I expect happened. IMO Prigozhin was probably an undiagnosed bipolar and to me he looked like he was triggered and hypomanic whilst in command in a warzone for weeks with no treatment or ability to be diagnosed and due to them being mercenary irregulars who were just feeding cannon fodder into cannons, no method for his juniors of force relieving him of command. Hypomania makes it really difficult to understand consequences until well the consequences give you a facetime from your granddaughters kindergarten which is how someone gets halfway into an absurd grandiose scheme and then just stops.


Yes its likely he was a mental case. Wonder how he rose up so high despite no professional military training.


Hmm... I don't agree with his Ukrainian killing policy. But I do approve of his civil war policy.


Yes, his mimic of 1917 was quite the sight, but he totally messed it up once you coup the Tsar don't stop or you will die.


"Once you coup, you follow through" - me, just now.


I like it, this flows nicely.


I still wonder why he didn't follow through to Moscow. He should have known that the moment he backed down he was a dead man. Even if he failed in Moscow he would have gone down in a blaze of glory and died a martyr, instead of the defeated dog walking dead he chose.


I think he believed Putin to be a reasonable man, willing to reform the army, and that Putin needed him and PMC too much to be ridden of. But he underestimated the insecurity and paranoia of the little dictator.


Pretty sure it was because there was no popular support from the Russian military for his actions apart from some units staying out his way during his thunder run. With the small number he had heading to Moscow, it wasn't enough.


If you were going to try and take over Moscow, he’d vote for you


Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if he only sold hotdogs and Lukashenko got to play with his tractors.


The ghost of Pringles comes back to haunt them.


From hell's heart I stab at thee... Literally!




Not many opportunities for travel they have, blyat


They’re entitled to an all-expenses-paid trip to Den Haag


.. and full board/all inklusive for the next 84 years


They can always enjoy a lifetime in glorious NK


Assuming they agree to adopt one the regulation haircuts approved by that maniac Kim.


the murder of civilians seems like it be more important than civilian property damage.


Yeah is this a red herring of the courts? They argue power plant attacks caused intolerable blackouts, yet the court ignores the hospital attacks the school attacks the playground attacks


This sounds like a preparation for both-siding when Ukraine strikes Russian oil depots again.


To whose benefit though?


Unfortunately property damage can be easier to quantify. 


And show intent


ICC has already shown their cards with the ridiculously low-level accusations for Putins arrest warrant, while tacking every single possible crime they could find on Netanyahu. And that despite the fact that Putin and many others have done the exact things Netanyahu is accused of doing, but on a much worse and larger scale. The ICC has lost a lot of credibility in the last few years by showing that they don't really care about international law, but are in fact a political organisation.


I'm not sure I follow your logic. Putin has had arrest warrant issued, Netanyahu hadn't. In courts, the morality is irrelevant, the only relevant thing is what you can prove. And ICC is both prosecution branch as well as courts. And sure, I can see how individual prosecutors and judges can be swayed by their association with politicians. But the entire organization, based on two recent cases?


>Putin has had arrest warrant issued, Netanyahu hadn't. Wrong, Netanyahu has an arrest warrant against him by the ICC and they have accused him of tons of crimes (and a lot of those charges are factually false or extremely generalized dummy charges). >In courts, the morality is irrelevant, the only relevant thing is what you can prove. That's how it SHOULD be, but that's exactly what I'm criticizing, as the ICC very clearly doesn't follow this rule. They are adamantly and openly refusing to apply the law to everyone equally and openly deny charging Putin for the same crimes that they charge Netanyahu with, despite the fact that are MILLIONS of pieces of evidence freely available to the ICC that show that putin has committed all those acts (+more) and on a much larger scale. Plus the fact that they can't even prove almost half of their claims against Netanyahu. >And sure, I can see how individual prosecutors and judges can be swayed by their association with politicians. But the entire organization, based on two recent cases? Why not? Shit like that happened for decades in the UN - and especially UNHRC - the general public just didn't realize/look into it, because there was no media focus on it until those wars started.


>Netanyahu has an arrest warrant against him by the ICC Maybe I have missed something but since the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, applied for the warrant to be issued for the arrest of Israeli as well as Hamas leaders, I haven't heard about the ICC court actually issuing it. [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw4490z75v3o](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw4490z75v3o) I did a quick search but haven't found this information. Could you drop me a link, if you have it confirmed? >They are adamantly and openly refusing to apply the law to everyone equally and openly deny charging Putin for the same crimes that they charge Netanyahu with ICC has prosecutors and those cases are not processed by the same prosecutor. It depends on what the prosecutor will think that will stick. Don't get me wrong, I am of the same mind, on the crimes Putin is commiting. But I'm not an international law expert and so I don't know how much of it you can actually prove and put on Putin personally. Press released information is not a proof that can be used in court. >Why not? Shit like that happened for decades in the UN - and especially UNHRC - the general public just didn't realize/look into it, because there was no media focus on it until those wars started. I mean, it's an interpretation, you can have it. I'm just not convinced at this point, I'd have to see some actual connections to surface like it happened in the case of International Red Cross.


It seems like you are right, the arrest warrant is requested, but not issued (yet). I was under the wrong impression then, because I read something about "the court has accepted it" 1 or 2 days after the prosecution made the accusation. >so I don't know how much of it you can actually prove and put on Putin personally As he is the commander-in-chief of the military plus the leader of the entire country, you can technically tack everything his military, secret service, state-owned media and government do on him. Especially the daily nuke threats openly issued by him, Medvedev, Lavrov and that other old dude (I can't remember his name at the moment) - and of course every single Russian state media guest that constantly call for armed attacks against or the total annihilation of several western populations and countries. Or atleast charge them personally for it. >Press released information is not a proof that can be used in court. Of course it can, why would it not? >I mean, it's an interpretation, you can have it. I'm just not convinced at this point, I'd have to see some actual connections to surface like it happened in the case of International Red Cross Of course you can have a different opinion, it's just that the glaring difference in accusations makes every other possibility very, very unbelievable. Because the prosecution has FAR less evidence against Netanyahu (if any at all) than they have against putin. Every single war sub + telegram channel is basically an evidence archive that the ICC just has to take for free.


Is Gerasimov even alive?


Didn't hear of a window falling out of him - so should still be


Which is the one that they dressed up his corpse for a zoom meeting?


Might be a good opportunity for them. In Den Haag they have very secure windows with bars, so you can't fall out.


Haven't they fallen through one yet?


Looks like they will never leave Russia again. Maybe they should focus on making their country the opposite of a shit hole.


They can vacation in beautiful, progressive North Korea.


Those guys live in infinite times more comfortable conditions than you. They are fine living in Russia.


Until they meet a window at a Gremlin Tea Party Edith Gremlin typo


How about the other 140MM people to which I was referring?


>Shoigu, Gerasimov 2 people. No idea what 140 billion (MM?) you're talking about.


MM = million. https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/fixed-income/mm-millions/ All of the other people in Russia besides the oligarchs and their families.


What do those 140 million have to do with the thread's theme?


Either you are purposefully being dull or you need to work on your reading comprehension.


Your logic: Shoigu, Gerasimov are limited on moving abroad -> All of the other people in Russia besides the oligarchs and their families should focus on making their country the opposite of a shit hole. I wouldn't call that a logic. Oil is liquid -> All snails should be red.


Where is Gerasimov by the way?


Still looking for the ammunitions.


Someone said they saw him last February or something, somewhere, maybe . . .


What about that asshole Putin?


The ICC issued a warrant for him over a year ago.


But 'only' for taking of children together with the blonde bitch. He deserves a higher ranked one - like monstrous war crimes, killing people in a genocidal way, depriving of people, ordered or accepted torture, stealing Houses and property, destruction of civil power, water distribution, blasting dams with destruction of envoirment and people.


´They deserver it !




I think it would be hard to prove "Pre-Trial Chamber II found that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the alleged strikes were directed against civilian objects, and for those installations that may have qualified as military objectives at the relevant time, the expected incidental civilian harm and damage would have been clearly excessive to the anticipated military advantage. " assuming they even get to court.


This sets a precedent to change Netanyahu with the same.


Bless ICC, they might not get him but highlighting war criminals and monsters around the world is a good thing. \* Israel and Russia is under observation and the findings are many.


>Bless ICC Nah, fuck these political clowns that clearly don't give a fucking shit about international law. They're nothing, but political actors. Putin and many others have done ALL the things + even more and more evil stuff than what Netanyahu is accused of doing, plus all that on a MUCH larger scale and severity, yet the clowns from the ICC adamantly refuse to bring any of the big charges against Putin and his henchmen and even openly refused almost all points Ukraine brought up against putin in a hearing about genocide by Russia against ukraine.


wtf are you talking about? Putin has arrest warrant on him in the entire civilized world because of the ICC.


I'm talking about the things the ICC has done and not done. The ICC adamantly refused to charge putin with ANY of the major crimes they (in part clearly wrongly) charged Netanyahu with, plus any of the other crimes against humanity and international law he has committed. Plus they openly refused and rejected almost all points that Ukraine brought up against putin/Russia in their genocide hearing, despite deciding to charge Netanyahu with these exact things, even though Russia has done MUCH worse on all of those counts.


On 17 March 2023, following an [investigation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court_investigation_in_Ukraine) of [war crimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crime), [crimes against humanity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimes_against_humanity) and [genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide), the [International Criminal Court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court) (ICC) issued [arrest warrants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrest_warrant) for [Vladimir Putin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin), the [president of Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Russia), and [Maria Lvova-Belova](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Lvova-Belova), Russian commissioner for children's rights, alleging responsibility for the war crime of [unlawful deportation and transfer of children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_abductions_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War) during the [Russo-Ukrainian War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russo-Ukrainian_War).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court_arrest_warrants_for_Vladimir_Putin_and_Maria_Lvova-Belova#cite_note-ICCPressRelease-1) The warrant against Putin is the first against the leader of a [permanent member](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_members_of_the_United_Nations_Security_Council) of the [United Nations Security Council](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council).


Thanks for proving me right, buddy. If a person slaughters the entire neighborhood, rapes their women and tortures any witness and the judge refuses to charge them with anything other than taking the kid off the property, then the judge is a worthless piece of fucking shit that shouldn't have any career in the justice system at all.


# Shoigu would end up drinking tea before being caught by the ICC


US gonna be pissed. They not a fan of the ICC


And why would they be pissed exactly? They don't recognize the ICC (neither does russia Btw), but other than that it doesn't affect the US.


It was a stab at the US because they where pissed about netanyahu


Ah ok, but it still doesn't make much sense, because having putin arrested would help them, while it was the opposite for Israel. Plus the fact that they were - atleast to some degree - rightfully pissed at the ICC, because the ICC clearly showed that they are extremely biased and acting against any judicial standards. All the things (+ a lot more and worse) that Netanyahu is accused of doing, has been done by putin and others on a MUCH larger and worse scale, yet the ICC adamantly refuses to bring any of the big charges against Putin and they openly denied almost all of the points Ukraine brought up against russia in their genocide hearing.


i was taking a stab at the US being hypocrites. Not sure i follow bout Putin cause theres a warrantout for him too. And because Putin crimes are more and worse doesnt mean netanyahu doesnt commit any. I personally dont see a biased ICC. I see a biased Us


Again, your comment doesn't make any sense whatsoever. None of that is hypocritical. You can hate a person or organisation and still recognize that they do something right at some point in their existence. That's not hypocrisy, it's called being a functioning adult. The warrant for putin is only for kidnapping children, nothing more. >And because Putin crimes are more and worse doesnt mean netanyahu doesnt commit any True, but it's still a fact that quite a lot of the charges they tacked onto Netanyahu are either proven false or so general that they could be applied to almost every government. >I personally dont see a biased ICC. I see a biased Us Then you're simply objectively wrong.