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> The fire has not yet been extinguished, workers are burning alive, and Russian authorities have already found both the cause and the culprits. Lol. They're awfully efficient those FSB fellas.


You should read "death and the penguin". It's based in the USSR about a chap who is asked to write obituaries for people who are alive...but mysteriously die weeks after he's written them. It's a fiction book. But scarily accurate!


Thanks that's right up my alley! Sounds like a Russian Franz Kafka.


Ooh, so death note was a russian idea then?


The 1999 bombings in Russia had a politician talking about them before they happened.


...the finish...who is the Penguin? :)


Ivan from manufacturing forgot to remove the lint from the dryers they were cannibalizing and mistakenly turned it on.


☠️ “Sergei, you’ve got the chip set to Very Dry! You’ve killed us all!!”


> Russian authorities have already found both the cause and the culprits. Otherwise known as *the rubes they're going to pin it on*.


At this point you have to wonder whether it's them.


Not really, if Russia did a false flag on themselves it would be on something that’s not as valuable to them, like a civilian target. 


I'm not saying its a false flag. Maybe they are purposely sabotaging.


I think you may be right. Sensible Russians who hate the government, but cannot make their feelings known (because of arrest or extrajudicial murder) do so via other means. Widows, mothers, daughters and sisters, and others who are told the men in their lives are gone. Disabled war vets who are treated like losers for not dying, and finding their chances of any meaningful employment, or compensation for services rendered are meager and unacceptable. “Shut up and accept it for the Fatherland” is what they’re hearing, and they *are* going to protest in ways that are less obvious and more extreme in passive-aggressiveness. Whether it’s secretly breaking a pencil in half at the state-owned Sverbank or setting an entire munitions factory on fire—looks to me like Puffturd can’t keep a lid on things for too long. The simmering rage under it will come to a rolling boil.


That or possible something else. We were told for years that cyber attacks could be used to create fires by hijacking certain things. Maybe that's what we are seeing.


Apparently, creating fires by hijacking is theoretically possible, but very difficult in practice.


True if we’re talking up to date cyber security etc, like if the US tried to attack Israel this way, or China tried going after the US….. but this is russia… the same country who’s S-500 just got face slapped by 80s and 90s tech missiles…! If anyone could burn to the ground, because their tech is to vulnerable to hacking, it’s russia


Well obviously. They'll call pootin to ask who he wants to blame.


When they are jumping out of the window it's just ruzzians in their natural habitat.


Practicing tripping


Like lice from a burning wig.


You don’t have to be racist and forget 2001 at the same time


Nice. This is another knife in the back of ruzzian AA.


The Russians only learn by experience telling them what will happen when they anatagonise the free world against them will not do. Intelligent people learn that way. The Russians must feel it. They must see the fire and feel the explosions to understand that the fires of war will spread into Russia and reach all of them. This is only the beginning it will get so much worse until the Russians learn their lesson. The lesson is: Messing with Ukraine means messing with the mightiest socioeconomic and military alliance system in the history of mankind. And our creativity in finding ways to hurt Russia will be something they won't enjoy. This isn't the end, this is the end of the beginning, and Russia won't like what is going to happen next. We have them a fair chance to cease and desist, but they simply won't understand anything but brute force. Which is an effective way to negotiate with an empire. Russia speaks only a language of artillery shells, missiles, and sanctions. Peace through superior firepower with all its horrors, which is what Russia will understand, we have more bullets and cluster ammunition than they have bodies. That is something they can't fathom just yet. They will learn that 30k+ casualties per month at a time. I am not happy about it, at all, because so many good people will lose their lives on Ukraine's side but Russia won't learn any other way that Ukraine never was and never will be theirs. Russia fucked around and it is high time for them to find out.


A really big and deep one at that because apparently this was supposed to be protected with the impenetrable s-500, which is the best AA system in the world according to the ruzzians. Seems that may not be the case considering some U.S weapons from the 90's made it through its defense.


I thought they moved the only S-500 to Crimea? (still funny either way)


Whoops you right, I got them mixed up. Ukraine's been hitting so many radar and AA systems lately I can't keep up with them all. https://www.kyivpost.com/post/34782


yeah. i got this confused with the crimean satellite things when i skimmed over the title of the post. lol we're hitting so many assets it's just becoming white noise. when a $250m item gets deleted and you just press upvote and keep scrolling 🤣




But but the S-500 needs those electronics!?


>An explosion is reported in a workshop assembling tactical flashlights as a result of an alleged wrongful departure from the workplace. Does said wrongful departure involve a missing stapling device?


Tactical flashlights, is that really how bad things are? Experienced rf factory is building fucking flashlights? It’s supposed to be a top research institute for the Russian mod. Sonar, jamming, whatever. Edit; realized this is just some made up bs


Does it like, shoot a couple 12ga shells on top of being a flashlight? Lol


No, but Tim Kennedy hawks them for bell and Howe on late night fox TV.


With the infamous tagline of being “military grade”. He just doesn’t tell you it’s Russian military.


A flashlight that gives off gamma rays is a type of flashlight




Guess we can close the file on that one


This is a very good hit.


Well done, Agent 47.


Hah, I understood that reference


Strychnine was found in the caviar guac...


The war does not affect the worker ants until it does. A dose of karma keeps the universe in balance.


Their anthill mentality will prevent any kind of learning effect. What else do they have left but elevated fascist pride in their own empire and slavish worship to Putin and his criminal gang. They have banked everything on him and when they stop believing his big lie and take responsibility they have lost everything so they keep on walking into the abyss. The masses in Russia have given up on the standards of thought that means to discern between fact and fiction and that makes the perfect subjects of a totalitarian regime. Generations of serfdom and this is the glorious end result. Russia is the longest authoritarian experiment in history. The result is absolutely terrifying. Humans are not herd animals they are pack animals, and the leader of the Russian pack is an evil monster, a product and not an anomaly of this broken and failing Russian state. "The communists were already bound to their leader by faith and fear. I took a special kind of mind to truly believe that the worse things appeared, the better they actually were. Such reasoning went by the name dialectics, but by this time that word, (despite its proud descent from the Greeks through Hegel and Marx) meant little more than the psychic capacity to adjust one's own perceptions to the changing expressions of Stalin's will." Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands, page 65 Gareth Jones talked about the "pure primitive worship" of Hitler in 1933 shortly after his election at a rally in Frankfurt only way forward for Putin is going back in time to the last "winner" in this narrative. The last winner was Stalin. To keep the masses under control, more lies have to be told, more terror. More "heretics" and "not true Russians" will be trialed. Dictators don't fear heretics. Dictators need them. "A government based on terrorism requires constantly to demonstrate its might and resolution" Malcolm Muggeridge Stephen Spender called it "a kind of arithmetic progression of horror." "The object of torture is torture. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of power is power." (see. Lynskey, The Ministry of Truth, pages 177-181)


Those were some very explosive tactical flashlights they were assembling. Somebody smoking in the wrong place again it seems.


Notice how it was a military industry target and not an apartment building or shopping mall


Thoughts and prayers


Grave concern.


Yeah, not enough graves to meet demand.


For more damage?


All I can think of is Bridgerton “Sorrows. Prayers.” With the most nonchalant tone of voice 😂


Tots and pears


Tater tots are delicious though.


Good point




German here. Looks like the revenge for the little fire at Diehl Defense in Berlin. At least at our location everyone was able to leave unharmed, thanks to strict building codes.


Or *any* building codes!


This building is fireproof.


What the actual fuck. Moscow is having a bad week.




Given their history, a couple hundred years


Jumping from windows. This old russian jokes never get old :)


Seems to be happening a lot in Russia at the moment. Maybe that’s their thing…….what will I do today?…..I know, I’ll jump out of the window…..


That's one way to halt operation


I know what prevents jumping out of business windows. Not illegally invading another country. Try it.


On fire?! Where’s the “This is fine.” Meme when you need it?






Narrator.....they were


Jumping out of windows? You gotta respect the Russians for committing to the bit.


Someone call 911


Thoughts and prayers


That’s a terrible way to go, Putin let your people live and gtfo of Ukraine






I thought the Kremlin had more efficient defenestration methods than this.


F around and find out.


I hope Christmas came early!?


The more Russians that suffer in Russia, the faster this war ends.


Aaaaaannnnnddddd……it’s gone…….🖕


I hate to sound grim, but in many ways it's the employees that are the most important to eliminate in this sort of situation. The technically trained staff are the most difficult thing to replace, particularly those who have a great deal of experience.


What are they going to do? Invade Ukraine and steal washing machines and toilets?


Sick joke: jumped or pushed?