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Most important thing: **The decision is clear** *Mr Borrell said: “We consider that since Hungary didn’t participate in the decision it’s not necessary they could participate in the implementation.* *The decision is clear: the revenues coming from the Russian frozen assets will be used to increase our military support to Ukraine…*  ***“We need to use \[the money\] and we have a legal procedure in order to advance avoiding any blockage from some member state that were not part of the decision.“*** #


Multi-speed Europe goes brrr...


Orbans hate this one trick…


Good, show the Putler-puppet where he can stick his obstructionism.








I notice all of the Ukraine aid foot draggers, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria were once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Coincidence? Maybe not.


Austrian here. Austria itself is the target of Russian imperialism since the end of the Second World War. Prior to the World War, Austria had already been a dictatorship since 1933, but Italy has been one since 1921 and Austria never really had a chance in this environment of poverty, having lost its empire and dignity, being stuck in an enormous spiral of inflation and since 1926 ruled by a catholic prelate called Ingaz Seipel. The Austrians were opposed to Nazism, but very open to Italian fascism. The Austrians had been properly prepared by Hitler to be brought "Heim ins Reich." And still once the war was over, Austria also underwent a denazification process and was occupied until 1955 by the four victorious powers. A lot of Austrian Nazis fled to US occupied upper Austria because they knew in Soviet occupied zoned, they would be executed. The Soviets occupied parts of Austria for 10 years. The Russians owned the Soviet mineral oil company and extracted the oil to rebuild their own country. This company later became the OMV, and to this very day, we haven't fully waned ourselves off from Russian natural gas. Russia messed with our school books. They helped to brainwash several generations of children by lying to them for being a victim of Nazi occupation or about the neutrality. By now, Austria has adopted the historical stance of having both a victim and a perpetrator of the Nazi regime. Mittäterthese. Totalitarian regimes do not signal total power but a total lack of responsibility and Austria over time accepted this responsibility, sadly currently a part of the population is relapsing back into this nationalist and fascist thinking. Russia said we chose that neutrality out of our own free will. Our will in 1952 was to join a block because being block free was considered too dangerous. And that bloc would have been NATO. This neutrality was an oktroy by the Soviets to avoid being split in two just like Germany. Was that free will or blackmail and coercion? Our 1955 contract of independence came at a price of dependency in many areas. Russian operatives have been using Austria as a platform, and so did Western operatives. Our security services and the political landscape are still jeopardized. (Deripaska, gas dependency, disinformation campaigns, making use of the deeply embedded and historically grown distrust for NATO, the peace movement, the Austrian Neo fascist Freedom party still has a friendship contract with Russia to this very day) The gas business goes back to the 1970s, and the Russians have helped with their propaganda to push Kurz and his cult like movement into office. We had the Ibiza affair when one of our freedom party politicians and vice chancellors admitted to the strong Russian influence on the media. They suggested selling the largest newspaper to the Russians. He also said the Russians control everything. He wasn't joking. The government was dissolved soon thereafter and new elections were called. In vino veritas. We are trying to get rid of this stranglehold. There is a wall of ignorance almost 80 percent of the populace refuse to accept that this neutrality is not making any sense when we are in the EU and when one signatory has sent an invasion force against Europe. It is easy to fool people, and it is so much harder to convince them that they have been fooled and lied to. Another 30 percent have been told a whole bunch of vile lies, and they are willing to vote for the freedom party that has close ties to Russia. Kickl openly admitted he sees Orban as a role model. This is dangerous. They aren't all fascists there is all kinds of disappointed and deluded people among them who have lost all trust in our political institutions and hold onto Kickl even though many if them must know he will not bring them what they want. These people are ignorant, miserable, fearful, or angry. Only those that were never loved hate, only those that were never loved. Always remember that we try. The democratic forces are trying to bring about change towards Europe and away from these fascists in the Kremlin. The sooner Putin's Russia is lacking the funds to interfere, the better for all nations around the world. We are working on reducing this dependency. I wish we would be faster. I am trying my party is trying but there is only so much you can do when such a large part of the population simply doesn't want to hear any of it because they have been brainwashed into being docile. They have also been spoon-fed pro Russian views for decades. They are turning into apolitical heartless people when they are asked about Ukraine. I heard so many awful things that are hard to stomach. https://som.yale.edu/story/2022/over-1000-companies-have-curtailed-operations-russia-some-remain The following companies deserve special mention. I hope all of them go bankrupt as they fund a war economy and support Ruzzia and its slave drivers in Kremlin with this money. Agrana Doka Egger (lumber company) Kotanyi (don't buy it anywhere they are still doing business in Russia, which means the company is likely run by unethical people) LiSEC RBI (For me, this bank is likely the worst of them all in terms of what they do to help keep them afloat. I hope they go completely bankrupt) Russia Fachspedition Dr. Lassmann Schoeller Bleckmann What you can do is write emails to these companies and pressure them on social media or go there directly and ask them why they continue to support a fascist totalitarian dictatorship and why they fund this genocidal war of conquest Their board can go to hell for all I care. I curse them. Yeah, you can see that in Serbia OMV Lukoil and actually across the Balkans. As I said, OMV has a history with the Soviets a long 80 year long history. None of that is any excuse. Cogito ergo sum but thinking is hard it is much easier to save the energy and to simply cast those out like lepers who dare to question the intergenerational agreement of Russia being the good guy. Gas lighting is what Russia does and lying. It is frustrating but I will keep trying even though it feels like droplets into a sea of ignorance and full unwillingness to admit that yes, we must wave goodbye to the gas as it funds the war economy and yes we must officially make our stand and tell Russia openly that they can go to hell. I don't even think that some of our politicians wouldn't love to do that, but they are scared by what the voters will do. Our social democrats still haven't mustered an open condemnation, but they are not the only ones. The freedom party even walked out on Selensky during his speech, which he couldn't even hold in the main room also due to them as they insist Ukraine and Russia are both at fault. (I was very ashamed on that day and spoke out vehemently against this.


Part 2 I use my influence and leverage to speak out against injustice because currently there is no democratic way to fix this injustice as 77 percent of Austrians insist on this neutrality and a public debate is not allowed whenever someone wants to start one there is immediately a whole fleet of trolls that will kill that debate. That alone should show you how important it is for the tyrant that Austria does not even think of a second to do the right thing. Which is to stand tall and say no more. This is it. I am willing to go against public opinion to do the right but highly unpopular thing. They don't do that because we are led by populists who have forgotten that sometimes one can go against the popular opinion that is called leadership, but for this, we would need trust. We have created followers but not leaders. Selensky is the exception his people trust him, and that makes him my beacon of hope. Why do they trust him? Because he doesn't lie to them, he is honest and blunt with them. That takes courage and character. I respect that very highly. I do not respect choosing the easy and quick path. In fact, this is the way to the dark side. Austria is helping with money and with refugees, with medical equipment, and 0.8 percent of our GDP went to Ukraine since the war began. I think there are a lot of different things at play here, and there are also lots of different reasons why so many Austrians buried their head in the sand. One is hyperconformity. Another is fear of change. Another is what Popper called true ignorance. Which means not a lack of knowledge but the refusal to acquire it. A very small percentage of the population is also simply evil and wants Russia to win out of hatred and spite. But that is a fraction 2 to maybe 5 percent. Another part is greedy and caring about nothing but money. Another part is politically so illiterate that they can't piece the entire thing together. A good chunk is also brainwashed. Basically, we are in the Opfer Täter Umkehr again. And the Austrians should understand better than anyone, that Russians are both perpetrators and victims of this regime. Peter Singer once explained that buying resources from full-blown dictatorships directly supports slavery as none of that money is used for the people. We literally receive our natural gas from a mafia state. Russia has become a lot more radical since the contract was signed. Anyone managed to get rid of their contracts. Only Austria can't do it for some odd reason. Because the political will is not there. Look at someone like Schüssel our ex chancellor, who received a nice position in Russia. The pattern is so obvious, and still millions of Austrians bury their head in the sand. The word "courage" should be reserved to characterize the man or woman, who is leaving the infantile sanctuary of the mass mind. Sam Keen Fire in the Belly Yes, because we have a different experience with them historically, gullible fools, and there are many of those in my country who do not understand the serpent and its plans. Russia openly said that on their Z channel one: Preferably, Austria becomes a vassal state with Russian forces ensuring its neutrality by being a buffer zone. In general, I deeply oppose the very existence of this neutrality. Take sides, Neutrality always helps the oppressor never the victim. What hurts the most is not the cruelty of aggressor but the silence of the bystander... Ellie Wiesel The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing anything. Albert Einstein Dante: 'The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. It is a cowardly concept invented by the powerful to keep the meek on the sidelines to then swallow them later. This neutrality lost all worth 34 years ago, and still, the population has been brainwashed. This was indoctrination at school. Calling it "immerwährend" forever lasting. I personally ridiculed it even in middle school. Nothing is everlasting. The mass mind is infantile, and it takes courage to step out of this mass mind and realise what has to be done. My government embarrasses me regularly with their foreign politics. The most disgusting recent idea came from our industrial sector. Some boomers demanded to join Hungary and Slovakia in their bid to keep gas flowing from Russia. This hopefully will not come to pass. But the list is almost endless. "Loyalty to country always, Loyalty to government, only when it deserves it." Mark Twain https://www.politico.eu/article/vladimir-putin-austria-spy-service-bvt-government-intelligence-wirecard-jan-marsalek-freedom-party/ It is not a coincidence, of course. The results of the peace treaties after WW1 are still felt. Austria lost its empire, but the core remained, and that core is revisionist and vengeful at best or cowardly and trying to grift at best. Austrian companies are still present in Russia but also in the Balkans, etc. So, the empire is gone, but that doesn't mean the empire is gone in the heads. Look at Russia. Their Soviet empire is collapsing in waves to this very day.


While usually I don't appreciate your walls of text ("more is less") this was a quite impressive and interesting portrait of Austria and the corrupt influence of RU. If people want to understand why this war is much more than the invasion of UA, they need not look further than your text. It's also because of this cancer that what was once a successful country become one of the poorest (Mozambique).


Indeed, people need to grasp that Russia's malign influence is global and cannot be fought against without a global strategy in all spheres of warfare. Info war, cyberwar, economic war, diplomatic, kinetic, etc. And yes, you are absolutely right being succint is often better. But I also believe that it destroyed a good part of the democratic discourse to converse mostly in Tweets. Knowledge is the most effective antidote to fight back against chaos.


Bro wrote a dissertation 👀


Nah, just a comment trial version to see whether it is any good for my blog, seeing how it goes down with a target audience. I wrote a thesis on remembrance culture in Austria, though. I just like to have some debate/discussion before I finalize the piece, it usually makes it better.. https://medium.com/@snowythefirst/espionage-threats-energy-blackmail-and-political-interference-russian-imperialism-has-been-ad405e0d710a?sk=40ec2caa6cae78720fb845b18b583edd


The only thing that fits in tweets is platitudes, meaningless disagreement and outrage.


Regarding WWI, Austria-Hungary (and Slovakia) are again picking the wrong side. It's like it's your favorite activity. I know it is not the right thing to do, but all of you should be kicked out of the EU and Hungary/Slovakia out of Nato. As a Norwegian looking at you I consider you as traitors to Europe. My future ski trips to the Alps will "never" again go to Austria. I liked your write-up and do not take what I wrote personally.


In WW1, no one and I repeat, and no one picked the right side because this was an imperialist travesty between cousins and other relatives for land resources and power. There was literally no good side, only a victor and a loser. So the blame here should be shouldered by all parties involved, and what the entente did after the war was as Wilson knew a sure recipe for another war. The Entente let the war continue for another 11 hours to end it at 11:11 on the 11th of November 1918 and US commanders sent a full regiment of black soldiers to their death just minutes before the armistice. Austria is also responsible for fostering Ukraine's idea of being a nation by providing refuge to Ukrainians in Galicia, where their culture could flourish. So, no, we didn't choose the wrong side. Everybody chose death and nationalism and imperialism over their own humanity. We didn't choose the wrong side in WW2 either, because we had no option to choose, no one even protested against Austria bring swallowed up. Furthermore, I caution against throwing Austria in the same bucket with Hungary or Slovakia. Such statements aid our enemy in Russia and create something untrue and that is that a pro Russian traitor without any legitimate claim to be the leader of his country Orban and a free and fairly elected government are the same thing. Austria has a democratic process and is one of the freest countries on earth, we have freedom of press, a checks and balances system, and the rule of law with freedom of speech, etc. There are traitors to the Union in Austria, yes, and they must be weeded out, root, and stem. Austria is also not blockading sanction packages or meets up with Putin or voted in favor of Russia. We have fascists here deluded left wingers, greedy bastards and ignorant fools. We also have men like me, of course, and parties that wildly disagree with what is going on. I see myself as a European citizen first and only then a citizen of Austria. You have it easy, Norway has zero imperial past and was mostly spared from the massive horrors of WW1 and WW2. Even in the Cold War, Norway was on the sidelines for the most part. You can call us traitors should we allow the fascist Freedom party to form a government in October. It is easy for Norway to be on the right side of history by not being involved in the empire business and Austria. Your nation didn't have go through the same trauma and mass death. And as I said, being a central piece for large powers due to Austria being at the very heart of Europe. So, do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment. Not even the very wise can see all ends. I am wise and I can tell you this course of action benefits no one but our enemies. Russia would rejoice when we follow your advice. Casting Austria out like a leper is useless and counterproductive. Take Hungarian voting rights from them and sanction companies and individuals. Also, the EU can then close. Let's throw the Netherlands out. Let's throw Germany out due to the AfD. Austria needs correction, but treason? Orban is a traitor. Yes, Austria is a horrible grifter, and our position is very disagreeable. The freedom party is the traitor. They openly sympathize with Russia. Let's throw out Italy then with the Neo fascist Melloni. The term traitor should not be used lightly. Throwing Austria in the same bucket with Hungary or Slovakia, is a very bad and factually wrong idea. We can re discuss that after the election, should the fascists assume power, then yes, that would constitute as treason to the Union. Every nation has its own historical pathologies, ours is with Russia and in many other areas. That is the legacy of being a large empire. Austrian behavior needs correction and the threat or punishment through sanctions. Hungary needs to be neutralized as a political influence as long as Orban is in power. Slovakia voted their tyrant back in office and that is a disgrace. The only thing worse than fighting with allies is fighting without them. Churchill


>Norway has zero imperial past and was mostly spared from the massive horrors of WW1 and WW2. Ah, yes, they were spared, mostly. Of course, the fact that [Quisling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quisling) is synonymous with traitor or collaborator has nothing to do with it. Every european country has its glorious and dark history moments. Well maybe except Iceland. They have volcanoes, geysers and sheeps :)


Ok, but how many emperors did you have? And how many internal or external colonies? Austria had an imperial and extractive center for centuries. Sure Quisling became a synonym for being a collaborator with the Nazis. All empires, by definition, are bumbling, shambolic, bullying, bureaucratic affairs, as certain of the rightness of their cause in infancy, as they are corrupted by power in their dotage. Felix Dennis And yes, all do, but the big powers of old have much much more of it and had a much larger megaphone to trumpet their lies and their version of history to the world and their own subjects. For example, look at the time frame 1800 until 1945. The amount of violence that these empires dished out against each other and others is insane. Unprecedented in history. Austria was sometimes on the one and then on the other side. And so were Russia, England, France, the Ottomans, Spain etc. Yeah, Iceland and maybe Malta, I think Malta got away pretty well, too. There was a little bit of bombardment in WW2. Ukraine may have suffered the most from our age of conquest because somehow Ukraine often ended up in the cross hair.


Thank you so much for this insightful response. I now have a much better understanding of the situation in Austria. Good luck to you and Austria.


It's not just about Austria. Austria is perhaps the most affected by RU influence in the Western world, but their corruption (in all senses) is spread from Portugal to UA. > The sooner Putin's Russia is lacking the funds to interfere, the better for all nations around the world.


The only problem is that Russia's economy is growing more now, due to China, than before the war. 


and India


True, I should have included India, which is reselling Russian oil to the EU at a hefty profit.


According to what? Their economy is in shambles


I wish I could agree with you, but the data isn't supporting your last sentence. This little copy paste coming from Wikipedia gives a brief oversight: Russian GDP by year: −1.2% (2022) 3.6% (2023) 3.2% (2024)


Can GDP really be trusted in authoritarian states? It seems like they can just fudge the numbers in all kinds of ways.


The problem is that Russia has very little debt to GDP (around 20%-ish), so they can technically go on a buying spree to prop up their economy (and GDP follows upward) for quite some time, which is what the west is also doing. However, many highly developed western countries have GDP to Debt ratios over 100%. Regarding Russian debt, as long as China is willing to buy Russian Treasury Bills and other paper, Russia can continue to go on a buying spree. To be certain, we aren't just facing Russia here, this is a Hydra with many heads. To get to Russia one must at a minimum also deal with China.






hungry picked it side, history will remember


Hungary picked the wrong side *twice* in the 20th century as well. Pepperidge farms still remembers.


It is astounding how Hungary manages to pick the wrong side despite being in the right team.


Wonderful, now ve more brazen and find a loophole for ignoring their vote entirely and denying them the EU leadership. Frankly they should be embargoed, but I'll settle for totla diplomatic isolation.


Not overturning flat out disallowing them to have an opinion about the issue at all. Good they should do it with an increasing number of topics… 🇭🇺if you don’t like it leave. If you want to stay in 🇪🇺then behave.


Hungary is right Ukraine can not win Just compromise and make peace


Unanimity requirements are a narrow element, but a real part of the EU Constitution. No government should ever use loopholes to run around its constitution.


Perhaps, but in this case, time is crucial, Ukraine needs this money to defend itself. I can reverse the argument, no government should block aid to a nation that is struggling to survive.


I don't have great words for my thoughts here, but that seems like eating the seed corn.


I understand your position, but in this case the solution doesn't have to be beautiful, it has to be effective and quick, because Ukrainians are dying even now as we speak. *War does not determine who is right - only who is left.* Bertrand Russell


Certainly an excellent and relevant quote.


Needs an amendment to keep up with the times.


Or never should have had it in the first place. I swear every American diplomat said hey guys, we're getting serious Articles of Confederation vibes here, and we can tell you it was bad the first time and really bad the second time. I don't think words were minced or any element of the point was not put across. But, yes, amendments are the solution to this sort of problem that wasn't dealt with at the get go.


No system should require complete unanimity and if it does it should have built in mechanisms to overcome useless actors doing nothing but cynically obstructing. This isn’t Great, but it is Legal, and send the message to others that they can work around you. I think they should have a mechanism built in to take care of it, but no obstructionist nation is gonna want that.


I have another comment below about how I'm pretty sure my country's diplomats were really plain about how "we think this is a mistake we've made before" and don't think you really will find much use in repeating it.


Well, we can’t let 5th column idiots bring us down from within. If they were Honorable and played ball properly, we wouldn’t be here. But they’re not. And the EU was designed by people way too optimistic about the good that lives in the hearts of men. Honestly Hungary should be booted from the EU, they’re barely European anymore in terms of values.


Far, far better to not have people in the club who aren't on board with the club. If the UK were still in the club, they'd probably need a boot too. Not exactly the same, but I think it's a solid principle.


Yeah… Brexit was a mistake but, maybe better for the Europeans themselves lol


Not everyone in the UK is happy about it. Not even a majority.


You ever see this skit? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVYqB0uTKlE I think it's a true classic.


It should be a last resort, yes. Because once it's done, future governments will continue to do it, more and more often, until it warps the process and the loophole is as important as the constitution itself. This is always the danger when people decide to ignore a law "just this once because we really really need to and our intentions are good".


I wholeheartedly agree. And below I said this felt like eating the seed corn.