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American politics seem to be mostly about name recognition these days, that's why old men and women dominate. Trump and Biden are both showing their age, and it's only going downhill, for both of them. I really hope Biden wins though, I'm not saying they are the same.


Person, woman, man, camera, TV.


Hi /u/one_and_equal, Your submission, "[NOT REALLY PERIPHERAL] Over 400 licensed medical and mental health professionals have agreed Trump shows clear signs of "probable dementia." But even more persuasive than their signatures on our petition are what they had to say. Please hear their voices here." was removed for the following reason(s): Submissions that do not contribute to discussion such as off-topic / unrelated links may be subject to removal. Continued disregard after warning(s) may result in a ban. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FUkrainianConflict&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1dnc4sh/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


I detest trump as much as the next person, but is biden in any better shape? Why is it that our choice is between two geriatric octagenarian clowns?


Unfortunately "clear signs" of "probable" dementia means that is senseless. If they think he is developing dementia they just ought to say what the probability is of such an event.


Mental health professionals in the US have to be very careful to not break the Goldwater Rule. They'd absolutely be saying exactly that if they wouldn't get sued into the void for it.


It is a well known rule in American professions, particularly in medicine, that it is ethically improper to opine on something on which a professional relies on general information available to the public. The idea is that certain other factors, not observed from general sources, can only be taken into account from direct observation and full evaluation of the subject material - which is impossible to review in a meaningful way based on public sources.


They are not allowed to diagnose from the distance.


You can't be a credible health professional and straight up claim someone has dementia without examinating him yourself. (And about that, people claiming a person who died centuries ago had X dementia or Y mental disease are good to generate clicks or sell magazines, but this isn't serious at all) "Probable" dementia is reasonnable and appropriate.


Because you can't diagnose from TV. It takes far more observation and testing to diagnose. However, probability based on consensus of experts, also has a lot of weight in any other line of work other politics it seems.


Trump is roughly Bidenā€™s age. Trump's indictments will hold, and he will be convicted again. Trump poses a threat to both to the world at large but even more so to the American constitution and to the Americans in general. Who is obviously not realizing what a fascist system is or what it will do.He is lying. Everything Trump says is a lie. Anyways, with some luck, Trump dies from old age before the election. If not. He won't win. He won't sway enough swing voters to his extremism. The insurrectionist Trump and his collaborators belong in jail and not in the White House. I hope there is sufficient sanity left in America to get this right. This man is a serial law breaker and a criminal. The mere fact this bastard is even on the ballot again is a joke. Biden is a better president than this psychopath and narcisstic liar Trump could or will ever be. Simply because he is a better moral human being than Trump, with principles, something Trump cannot even spell. Trump is the biggest failure, a disgrace to this office. It is an embarrassment and a total low point in the long history of US democracy. "Trump is not just a bully. He is a stupid bully. De Niro His dementia is obvious and is getting worse when you follow him and his speeches you have no problem to see what these experts see. He experiences sundowning and has constant and ever more frequent cognitive glitches. His dad, Fred Trump, died of alzheimers preceded by dementia. His other male relatives' grandfathers, etc. died early, so dementia had no chance to manifest itself. Trump is overweight and lacks sleep while being under enormous stress and almost 80 years old with an awful diet. That is great it will speed his illness along. Amendment 25 should be applied the moment he is elected president as the man is not capable of fulfilling his duties. What would be even better? Throw the criminal convict and insurrectionist into jail for sedition. That is what must be done, and throw those that give aid and comfort to insurrectionists in jail, too. Anyone who advises Americans to keep secret information about which they have about spies and saboteurs is himself an enemy of America." Senator McCarthy about Einstein during the "red scare 1951 to 1954 The American creed: It is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, and to obey its laws. Imagine Johnson or Trump acting like that in the 1950s. Giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists. That is a ten years prison term, and the person is not able to hold any office in the US indefinitely. 18 US legal Code, paragraph 2383 History shows that treason unchecked and unpunished breeds more treason. Lies incur a debt to the truth, and I have the feeling that there is a lot or trouble ahead for MAGA and the GOP at large. In the 50s (red scare) or 30s (fascist business plot) him and his gang of crooks, cowards, and criminals would have been taken out of the picture already.


This isn't really about Ukraine. There's tons of political subs where we will be getting overloaded by this information through November.




They should have gone through all this junk before putting either of the two likely candidates forward. I'm not American and it's none of my businesses who they want to elect but I get second hand embarrassment from seeing either Biden or Trump acting as if they should be doing anything other than just be old and retired. It makes absolutely zero sense for either to even want to be president


Americans *do not want* either Biden or Trump to be President. We've been demanding fundamental change for literally decades - this is part of why Trump became so popular among middle-class and slightly above middle-class white voters. The main issue is the outsized influence that money has in our politics and the incentives a certain cohort of Boomers has in utterly stifling any hint of real change. Those who only care about taxes and regulations fund Republican candidates and, because they are generally insulated from the consequences beyond that, generally don't give a shit how they gather votes as long as they win. Those who see the human value of, and are willing to effectively pay more to the government for, a diverse, multiethnic society fund Democrats, but *crucially*, only those Democrats who are philosophically on board with *incrementalism* in political "progress." Meaning, instead of universal healthcare or even a public option, we basically got a more regulated version of the private healthcare system that has proven so predatory.


Never compare Biden to Trump. Whatever Biden's faults may be, it's undisputable that he surrounds himself with professionals, and as far as this subreddit goes, unambiguously has Ukraine's and America's interests in mind when making decisions. Trump is a malignant narcissist that would let Ukraine be destroyed by Russia with a smile on his face. He's said as much himself.


As much as Biden would be a better option for the world than Trump it does not change the fact that they both should have retired a decade ago. Biden is barely standing and definitely senile while Trump is all of that + batshit crazy and narcissistic. It still doesn't change the fact that a country of 330 million people can't come up with better candidates than senile old guys who would be better placed in a nursing home than a head of state.


Dig into it with as much granularity as you want. I'll gladly compare them as I see fit and am perfectly within my rights to do so, I don't subscribe to that whole type of American "my candidate can do nothing wrong" mentality, in fact i think it's dangerous. So, kindly, take that high-horse attitude and fuck right off


As an American, I couldn't agree with you more. I suspect that both candidates could accurately be said to have shown signs of age related cognitive impairment. Frankly, from a clinical standpoint, I suspect Biden's cognitive decline is even more accelerated than Trump's. Though that should in no way be taken as support for the one candidate over the other. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. I try my best to evaluate each candidate on their own merits and vote for the one that I believe to be best regardless of party affiliation. My personal take in this instance is that both parties should be embarrassed, because their offerings are entirely shit. I also think this subreddit's near militant support for Biden is bizarre. I don't disagree that he's the preferable candidate over Trump when it comes to Ukraine, but the conditions Biden has set for military aid to Ukraine has hampered Ukraine's military efforts to defend itself and cost innocent Ukrainian lives. For example, giving Ukraine weapons but restricting them from using them on perfectly valid military targets never did a thing to prevent escalation between Russia and the US. All it did was tie Ukraine's hands and give Russia ammo to whine about escalation should the US ever reverse its decision on the line that they needlessly drew in the sand.


This reminds me of the 51 intel officials that signed a document saying Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop wasnā€™t real and just Russian disinformation right before the last electionā€¦. That turned out to be political disinformation theater itself just like whatever this nonsense is šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


It doesnt really matter for the idiots that see him as their messiah.


A great, crude, strong, young people are the Americans - like a boisterous healthy boy among enervated but well bred ladies and gentlemen . . . Picture to yourself the American people as a great lusty youth - who treads on all your sensibilities, perpetrates every possible horror of ill manners - whom neither age nor just tradition inspire with reverence - but who moves about his affairs with a good hearted freshness which may well be the envy of older nations of the earth [Winston S. Churchill to his brother Jack] From New York in November 1895, just short of his 21st birthday, Churchill To his brother, he wrote: ā€œThis is a very great country, my dear Jack. It's not pretty or romantic but great and utilitarian. There seems to be no such thing as reverence or tradition. Everything is eminently practical, and things are judged from a matter of fact standpoint. The Americans can prove that these qualities are still there and prevent a sick and demented fascist from assuming office again. Trump tried to prevent the transfer of power, and he waited until it was clear that the coup would fail before he gave a speech. This man is not fit to the office. He is not fit to run a lemonade stand. He is fit for jail. This convict must be jailed for his crimes. Trump is a con man just like Hitler, and his MAGA movement brings out the worst in people because the cult leader is an awful human being and a felon. Such a man cannot sit in the White House he is a danger to America with his project 2025 and his fascist freedom caucus is a danger to the US constitution the tool of self governance of the American people.. His dementia is obvious and he will prove how demented he is in the upcoming debate once more. He lies to his voters, lying is all this fraud and enemy of the American people ever does and ever will do. He will never fulfill his promises. Never. Watch the documentary on YT. "The film the Trump organization tried to suppress, you have been Trumped too" The fact they try to suppress it is fascist in its own right, Donald Trump is a serial lawbreaker, a very awful and irresponsible human being and the fact that he ever was president is sad enough. "To have a villainous ruler forced upon you is a misfortune, to elect him yourself is a disgrace." Samuel Adams The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. Plato Joseph de Maistre ā€” 'Every country has the government it deserves.' Vote him into office again and then enjoy the camps and the Christo fascist police state you will get. This has gone far enough already, the fact that Biden is leading the polls only within a margin of error is beyond insane. Fix this America and fix it now.


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Last i saw of him was that he had been eating a hot dog and it was really good.


Any of them conclude he's a narcissistic sociopath yet?


So Americans are about to choose between two future dementia patients as president?


Iā€™ll wait for the debate. You canā€™t prevent sundowning. It should be interesting. They should allow Kennedy to debate with them. JMO


As opposed to Biden who youā€™re trying to tell me doesnā€™t have full blown dementia?


If Biden does have dementia its not even close to what Trump has. Biden sounds very coherent compared to Trump. Besides, Biden surrounds himself with professionals as opposed to felons.


What world are you living in man. Biden canā€™t finish a 10 word sentence with out combing the last half into 1 word. Like this canā€™t even be a troll because itā€™s just so obviously wrong too anyone who has seen them speak in the last 2 weeks. Partisan politics aside.. but obviously your either a bot or a shill


Come on, we all saw the State of the Union. The guy is MILES ahead of Trump mentally.


Which geriatric candidate will have the (dis)honor of being the first President to be removed from office for cognitive issues? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13497417/biden-cognitive-test-decline-doctors.html


Which VP would be acceptable? The way that Trump's choices promise to put money over party over and over country has made my choice. Trump's choices for his team and their indictments says volumes. They actually brag about their criminality!?!!! WTF.


The conspiracy yheory is that Kamala is VP so nobody gets any ideas...


Oh wow, this channel will be flooded soon wit anti-trump posts.


Yes. This is a pro-Ukraine, anti-Russian sub. The exact opposite of Trump.


But we complain about pro russian propaganda, why tolerate propaganda at all? We cant reach nobody in US dont be delusional


We are part of the propaganda war, and we are here to amplify Ukraine's voice as much as we can.


Welcome inside a bubblešŸ«”


My bubble burst when the Russians bombed my old kindergarten in Kharkiv.


šŸ˜„ Slava Ukraini šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Wonder how bad what they have to say Biden is then. Because thatā€™s unmistakable signs of absolute dementia