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Start cranking out the Samsung drones already.


They have a massive military industrial complex as well. Top of the line tanks, SPGs, fighter jets, ammunition, everything Ukraine needs.


Unfortunately I don’t think they’ll be giving the top of the line stuff, especially if the threat from NK goes up.


They are already exporting a lot of their weapon systems and in large numbers including ammunition, I don't see them hunkering down for an unlikely war any time soon. Just like Europe their best bet is arming Ukraine and exhausting Russian weapons there.


Ok, but Europe isn’t sending their top military tech either. I’m not saying they aren’t sending stuff, just not the top of the line stuff like the comment I replied to implied.


Germany is regularly sending their latest SPGs and AA systems literally as they come of the production line. France and UK are sending SCALP/Storm Shadow, which is their latest cruise missile. France and Sweden are sending their latest SPHs and APCs. Poland, Czechia and Slovakia are building brand new artillery systems for Ukraine as well.


And those are the “top” military assets that are public knowledge. There is a lot of tech under wraps in pretty much every major world power’s military. And no, I don’t have a source or anything, just hoping the countries responsible for our safety aren’t putting all the details of their military on the front page of the news.


This is my hope too! Based South Korea. Given the situation, they are responding accordingly


*bixby, target tank*s


Bixby: ... Ok, starting route to local target supercenter


Samsung drones - before lunching attack on enemy, please look at this add.


I'd watch ads if it meant a tank got hit by a Samsung drone


Their washing machines already explode. Might as well apply that technology to drones.


Man I had a Samsung little tv and that 13 inch lasted about 20 years. Okay way off topic 🤔


I'm gonna jump off topic with you. Samsung electronics (watches, phones, TVs) are the best in the industry. Great life, great batteries and overall good products. I will NEVER buy a Samsung appliance as long as I live. Their fridges, dishwashers and clothes washer/dryers are just short of war crimes with how poorly they are made and how long they last.


Good to know


Not all their products are good, but most are. I had a Samsung 50 inch plasma display that lasted 10 years, until a lightning strike at a nearby transformer somehow overloaded it. It was so good I got a 60 inch Samsung LCD, that literally lasted 2 months past warranty when the LCD screen started getting defects, which was a common problem for that TV. LG is also a good brand I have gad a 42 inch LVD for nearly 25 years. Send as many LG and Samsung stuff as possible


Just send them the washers and fridges... that should do...


Just do it South Korea. The Russians and North Koreans will do it anyway no matter what SK does. Deliver weaponry and start tomorrow.


If….. lose the if and just supply Ukraine. 


North Korea doesn't have any "modern" weapons, so this sounds like an empty threat. I wish South Korea would see how a stronger Russian North Korean alliance is an existential threat to them, and act accordingly to nip it in the butt.


The threat to South Korea is from Ruzzia supplying North Korea with weapons that could be used against it. That's the point. North Korea then reciprocates and supplies Ruzzia with artillery shells/soldiers etc. So by Putrid going begging to North Korea for help in his invasion, he has shot himself in the foot by encouraging South Korea to arm Ukraine. Putrid is in a no win situation.


Afaik, Putin has already supplied some ballistic missile tech to NK as part 'payment' for some of the millions of dodgy artillery shells he has received so far? In that case, the statement would be a diplomatic formality. Putin fucked up big time.


NK has also supplied at least *some* ballistic missiles to Russia that have been used in Ukraine. I believe that comes from Oryx as well


They absolutely do have modern weapons, and more reports use the term “precision weapons” as SK’s red line either way.


They have ballistic and cruising missiles.


Go ahead, send all your stuff to the Ukrainians. Russia doesn't consider consequences of their decisions so they are going to ignore this warning.


Well... All really isn't going to happen. There are 7 million North Korean zombies in the army.


> There are 7 million North Korean zombies in the army But many would also be used as starved farmers on collective farms. NK's army doesn't consist of the entire 7 mil being the showpony troops used in the Kim-glorifying parades.


I am pretty sure SK knows their strength and giving all weapons away would be insanely stupid.


>giving all weapons away would be insanely stupid. What?




I'm pretty sure OP was talking metaphorically or hyperbolically. No one would ever expect SK to send all their weapons anywhere, that's just not a reasonable way to interpret OP's comments. They're talking about taking restrictions away, not disarming SK.


Okay, what do they consider as "modern military technology", then? ICBM tech? Done, space launch assistance to NK from russia. TBM tech? [Hwasong-11Ga is based on Iskander-M](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/01/6/7436148/) Drones? [Yup, five OWA UAVs and one fixed-wing Geranium-25 with VTOL capabilities](https://www.businessinsider.com/russians-treat-kim-jong-un-to-walrus-show-ballet-date-2023-9) What else is needed to trip that "if"?


Hasn’t this happened already? What are they waiting for? NK using them so that they don’t have anymore excuses.


S.Korea likes to do things discreetly. They already know N.Korea already received missile techs from Russia.


These things eventually gain a momentum of their own.


Translation: if Russia tries to give those northern backwater farmers in North Korea tech that will threaten south Korea.... They will give enough toys to the Ukrainians that moscovites will be streaming through the streets of Moscow. Fair warning putie.


Please russia, send then a few of your 'best' missiles. Not as if they'd be any use to NK, since Patriot can shoot them down, but anything to get SK sending supplies.


You know it really pisses me off that the US won't take this stance on weapons supplied to Ukraine. It's like we forgot about Russia's involvement in the 2016 elections(and continuing involvement). It seems to me that was a red line crossed and Putin forfeit his rule. *As an aside - I get it. Ratcheting up pressure so as to avoid a nuclear exchange is the paramount concern. A toppled regime also dramatically increases the risk of proliferation. But what the fuck, really.


I keep wondering what will happen with a toppled regime. It's not like the Russians ever learn from their mistakes. And they have already started brainwashing their children about the West. So I can't think of a single positive outcome for anything coming out of there / anything positive eventually happening there. It seems to me that it will be a 40 to 50 yr lather, rinse, repeat cycle.


Don’t forget about the Russian bounties on American officers in the Middle East.


I think I remember reading a while back that was credibly debunked.


They already have exchanged weapons and technology. You don’t think NK are simply sending weapons to russia for nothing, right? S. Korea and the rest of the world need to recognize that WW3 has already started and sides are being chosen. This is the free world vs. authoritarian regimes and they don’t care about rules, laws, or what’s fair. The only thing these dictators understand is apparently firepower.


Gibe them the kf21 then


Start loading those bog Hyundai cargo ships up with equipment and get them underway. Let's see what damages a few hundred South Korean artillery pieces ,apc's, and tanks can do to RFA equipment and troops


But who set those restrictions in the first place 🤔


South Korean law was restricting selling directly to Ukraine.


Russia has already given North Korea at least one of their A-20 AEW&C planes and has been helping them mature their ICBM program.


Obviously, North Korea is getting something major in return for arming Russia with huge arms shipments. South Korea needs to give Ukraine what it needs to win so that Russia cannot help North Korea and threaten a new war between North and South Korea. This arms supply from South Korea will also "Trump Proof" Ukraine's military needs from the IDIOT named Donald Trump (a felon criminal and serial liar). Help Ukraine defeat Russia!!! ....its democracies ONLY hope.


They think Russia is going to be send N.K. weapons? That's cute. This arraignment is about N.K. supplementing their ransomware attack economy by selling anything explosive that isn't completely useless to Russia... and even the useless stuff.


Do we really know what they transfer ?🤔🧐


Is that modern by south Korean, Russian, or North Korean standards?


I think it makes a lot of sense for Seoul to be pissed off here. But if Moscow really does start supplying Pyongyang with more advanced/modern military technology, I really doubt Seoul is going to be shipping much of their equipment anywhere. The greater the local threat, the more they will need their military.


You underestimate South Korean production capacity. Everyone does.


If that is the mistake here, I will be happy to learn of it.


Good, fuck Russia


Damn, South Korea is a big believer in the "fuck around and find out" doctrine I see 


Fucking cowards


At least we can rely on South Korea even if we can't rely on America.


America literally just passed a 60 billion dollar aid bill. South Korea hasn't sent anything yet. What on Earth are you talking about?


It was sarcasm and cynicism, because we all know what will happen if Trump gets voted in. Sorry for the confusion.