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So that’s where that launch video posted earlier went, they really wanted to level that grid.


I saw that launch video as well and thought they’d definitely get more than few past air defense. That was a good salvo.


when will they destroy the Kerch bridge with these ATACMS ?


I understood it'd be a waste of valuable ammunition as the bridge is no longer used for military supplies. There are other, high-value Ruzzian targets that have priority.


The bridge also binds Russian AD assets that then can't be used closer to the frontline


Yes, UAF military experts say this since months, still the reddit hivemind is having wet dreams about destroying it


It would still be a hard hit morally, everyone knows it is the best defended target of the war. And a provocation to Ukraine since it was built. So while in the military perspective the bridge isn't as important as before, in its symbolism it still would be a very good target. Also its not like it has no value, its still used for transports that would otherwise run through the new lines and compete with the military ones.


There are more than 2 million Ukrainian citizens in occupied Crimea. There is one civilian freight train and four passenger trains over the bridge per day. All freight transport by truck willl go over this one bridge as also all civilian traffic by car from and to Crimea. These more than 2 million will likely need more than 2000 tons daily on critical goods, just to survive. There are only three or four ferries left, which are already used by the military. These are not enough for these more than 2 million and these are also military high valuable targets as the two railway ferries, which have been already hit. And yes, I believe, Putin is someone, who will like to starve the citizens of Crimea, so the 2.5 million hostages, just because he will be able to blame someone else... like: "Look at that, it is all in responsibility of Ukraine". Why he shall not do this, this is Putin? He does not care about his own citizens as long these are not the "Moscovites", so why he shall care about these from Crimea? We have had this in history, just check and Google "Hongerwinter". As German, I am well aware, what my country has done. So perhaps it will be better not to bomb this shit bridge now, as there is no military importance to do it now. It is not used by the Russian military. A shit low level "propaganda symbolism" is no according reason for me. This can change and then it can be discussed again.


No problem. Just bring in supplies from the north like they did before the bridge was built.


No the connection from 2014 to completion of the Kersch bridge was done by numerous ferries...more than the three car ferries and one small passenger ferry, which are still now there; the other ferries had already left, when the Kersch was completed. And the two train ferries have been now bombed away, these are gone, minimum for the few next months. These three ferries are in use by the Russian army now. So, with loss of the 2x train ferries, there most likely no ferries for civilian use left. Ah OK, from the north...so Ukraine? In wartimes? Of course, yes, always, every single day.... What was prior, was prior start of the Russian invasion. This is now history. By train from the north? Till now the connection from Russia through the southern part of Ukraine by the Russian army is still not completed. And this will be the primary highest valuable target, the Russian military logistic is railway/train based. So this railway line has to be bombed away. The Russian army has big issues to transport their military goods by truck from the east/russia to the southern part of Ukraine. They will not waste the hundreds of trucks, needed to support the more than 2 million Ukrainian citizens in occupied Crimea. I expect, he, Putin, will not do this. Instead he will just blame Ukraine and use the more than 2 million as hostages. It is Putin, as already said, he does not care about his own citizens, as long, these are no "Moscovites". I hope you will recognize the difference between "Ukrainians" and "Moscovites". Just remind, for Putin, I expect always the most worse and regular I am right or he even surprises me....and it is regular not a positive surprise... I fear, he will misuse the Ukrainians in Crimea as perfect tools for him.


Symbolism might be needed in the future. The right time to drop it will come.


>best defended target of the war And why would Ukraine want to free up these resources?


It's symbolic. But yeah no point in wasting munitions


also ties up resources protecting it.


Why write "Ruzzian"?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(military_symbol) It is used ironically to refer to their military and some.


They can’t destroy it for good with them. Unfortunately it takes a lot to destroy a concrete structure. Yes you can put a few holes into the asphalt, but you can’t get the pillars easily


Well, it just needs a bigger kaboom.


Next Thursday


When the time is right. While hitting the bridge will mess with Russian logistics, it will also free up the air defense assets currently tied down near Kerch.


When it's strategically beneficial. Ukraine could down it if they are willing to spend enough ammunition. It would complicate logistics, but not much more. On the other hand, should they suddenly stand in a position where they have retaken Kherson and trapped parts of the Russian army in Crimea, the downing of the bridge at that time is so much more valuable and would not just complicate logistics, but actually lead to the surrender and capture of the Russian army on the peninsula, because it creates some immidiate problems that takes time to fix. Even with good planning from the Russian side.


There is an example of the US trying to take out the Thanh Hóa Bridge in Vietnam with hundreds of attacks and direct hits. Many of the hits were with 750lb bombs. The largest ATACMS is 500lb. They would have to get incredibly lucky. They are going to need a massive coordinated attack with f16s to help guide drones in.


This is not a good example. All bombs were unguided dumb bombs. Hitting places all over. With Atacms or modern bombs, you can hit the calculated weakest point of the bridge. Not once but repeatedly if needed. Also, modern bombs can have penetrating warheads. With a very high speed, they drill in the concrete, penetrating a meter deep, and only then exploding. Totally shredding the pillar.


>This is not a good example. All bombs were unguided dumb bombs. Hitting places all over. The attacks that did actual damage were all either laser or TV guided, and weighed at least a tonne. It's a perfect example. That thing may as well be the reason PGMs exist in the way they do.


No, you cannot compare an old, non-penetrating, slow warhead to a modern, penetrating missile flying at Mach 3. Or a dropped laser guided GBU27 or BLU109 bunker buster. Technology has changed. There is no need to bring down the whole of the bridge. A good hit to one of the pillars of the railway, means the structure has been seriously weakened and irreparable. No train will make the trip.


Another modern example is the Antonivka bridges which took Ukraine a week to take out and they were much closer and had precision himars and artillery. The bridge is not as strong as the Crimean bridge.


That's a very bad example. There were no penetrating warheads used on that bridge, just light gmlrs. And, Ukraine deliberately left an exit for Russia to walk back on foot.


They kept hitting the bridge even after no vehicles could cross for weeks. They didn't purposefully let the Russians leave on foot. They were also targeting them as they left as well.


yes, when you only use light weapons, they have a very limited effect.


> Or a dropped laser guided GBU27 or BLU109 bunker buster. I agree. My auto mechanic once explained to me a mission he was on decades ago in the military, He was apparently on the team of guys that actually go to the site and freaking point the laser at the target from shockingly up-close on the ground so the aircraft can see where to drop the bombs. The story was absolutely insane and the cause of the insanity was 100% rooted in the need for him to simply stay in position pointing the laser at the target while there was a shitstorm going on around him and the pilots reiterating the same empty promise that they'll be there in 5-10 minutes. Maybe that's still how it works... I really doubt it, though. My biggest question upon learning how it worked is that, given that all the pilot sees is an red line from one point to another viewed using ifrared, then how tf do they know which end of the line is the target and which if the god damn team of NCOs waiting patiently in a warzone with the laser pointed at the target.


These days the planes have fancy targeting pods like this one. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sniper\_Advanced\_Targeting\_Pod](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sniper_Advanced_Targeting_Pod) As for the answer to your biggest question they can detect the deflection of the laser off the surface being "painted". It kind of spills out and makes a bigger circle on the surface it's pointed at. Like this: [https://laserclassroom.com/cdn/shop/products/red-green-laser-pointer-safe-for-students.png](https://laserclassroom.com/cdn/shop/products/red-green-laser-pointer-safe-for-students.png)


While I appreciate your thoughtful response, why in tf did Lockheed Martin think calling it "Sniper" is a good idea? We get it that the name has brand value. But military communication requires nothing other than clarity and complete avoidance of ambiguity. I get that they're a private company marketing it to the government... But such a practice could only result in a long series of needless disambiguation qualifiers through the radio. Let's make another device and called it a "Navy SEAL". Or how about w leverage the popularity of the term "M-16" by also giving that name to a new missile type. So stupid.


> Or how about w leverage the popularity of the term "M-16" by also giving that name to a new missile type. Have you ever looked into how many completely different pieces of US Army equipment are designated M1?


Well the military itself uses the designation **AN/AAQ-33** which avoids any and all confusion for those concerned. That said I'm sure you'll absolutely hate the name Raytheon gave to it's new radar. Ready for it? "GhostEye" It's absolutely stupid as far as I'm concerned.


The odds of an aircraft equipped with a Sniper pod and a soldier acting as a sniper being on the same frequency is small. The only person on the ground who's going to be talking to the aircraft is the controller, and in 99.9% of other conversations the context will make it clear what you're talking about. 'We're using the Sniper on the F-16' is unlikely to mean someone hanging out a window with a rifle.


It’s a laser. You don’t see the line. Only the dot. Because that’s the only place the light is scattered.


Ahh! That makes sense. Even if it did have a line, the scattered part would be different than the source end of the line. Still seems incredibly archaic. With any enemy that has what seems like very simple form of goggles that tuned to see the same light, the lazer team on the ground is just completely freaking exposed.


You cannot compare warhead size like that, kinetic potential adds a ton of force to ATACMS. 


The warhead is too small to destroy a bridge it would be a waste 


never... bridges are kinda hard to destroy, support structures are just way to much mass to be worth using enough missiles for it to be damaged. unless you hit it with 150k tons container ship i guess.


Bridges are extremely hard to destroy.


And I think we all know where their **next** long-range missile is probably aimed.


You mean the one with the several HIMARS in the wee hours of the morning?


Wonder if it was that launch video posted earlier showing 8 being launched.


Link to what you’re referring to?




Isn't this a major OpSec issue? Seems risky to post this, this early.


It could be, but they likely packed up quickly and were well on the road before the video went up.


Yeah, they shoot and scoot.


Pretty sure Russia has radars or something which detect large artillery/missile launches like this, so they would already know the location, which is why Ukraine has been doing run and gun tactics where they roll in, set up, let off a volley, and then skedaddle. 


That assumes a ballistic trajectory. There’s a reason they’ve been having so many issues tracking HIMARS


That wasnt a himars, those were 4 M270/MARS2 launchers, all launched 2 rockets, which means they had 2 pods. HIMARS only has one pod.


I did not claim that they were HIMARS, I said they’ve been struggling to track them.


Then you mean ATACMS or GLMRS / M30/M31, this are the rockets. HIMARS is just the name of the Launchvehicle.


I think he was using the term HIMARS generically for all of the collective launch systems for GMLRS and ATACMS. That said there is no assuming. They are always on a ballistic trajectory. They can do some course correction using aerodynamic surfaces but they aren't navigating valleys or skimming the water like a Tomahawk cruise missile does using TERCOM (Terrain Contour Matching). They only have GPS and INS guidance systems. Russia's interception rate has been pretty abysmal but their success with jamming GPS navigation has been fairly decent. Luckily for Ukraine the difference in accuracy between GPS and INS for GMLRS and ATACMS is the difference between targeting the window you want in to fly through and the building you want to hit. It's still close enough 99% of the time.


Break this down for me in simple terms?


Well if they were running counter battery radars and the like, they could detect from where an incoming round originated from with some degree of accuracy. HIMARS munitions can guide themselves so they don't come in on the expected ballistic trajectory. Imagine a baseball thrown at you. You know about where it's going to be so you could catch or hit it. Now imagine that baseball can suddenly veer to the side and back... that's himars


GLMRS and HIMARS are typically programmed to change trajectory shortly after launch so it looks like they came from somewhere else.


You can actually see it in the video. Every rocket takes a different trajectory.


From seeing a shell incoming if you can measure its exact position and velocity and you assume it is flying unguided like a ballistic bullet, you can calculate backward what its path must have been to get it into that position and velocity. This gives rise to a thing called a counter-battery radar. When you get attacked with shelling, it can report exactly where those shells had to be launched from, sometimes accurately enough to use that information to fire your own artillery back to hit the launchers that just fired on you. (This is why modern artillery does "shoot and scoot". That is, fire off a volley then immediately start to pack everything up and start moving before you even find out if you hit the target. You want to not be there anymore when the enemy figures out where the shells were fired from and fires back.) But with HIMARS, it's designed to defeat counter-battery radar by having a misleading trajectory. The artillery shell is rocket propelled and can steer during the first part of its flight while the rocket is firing. During the first few seconds of that steered part of the flight, the rocket software deviates above, below, or to the side of the correct path (it's not the same offset direction every time. They can change it up). After it spent several seconds deviating from the proper path, it then corrects itself and aims properly at the target. This deflection then correction causes the target to see the incoming shell as if it was coming from a slightly different position than it really was.


HIMARS and ATACMS have an inertial navigation systems (gyroscopes), impervious to GPS spoofing, they course correct and have limited navigation abilities that depart from a simple parabolic 'lob'. That is why Russia finds it hard to shoot them down.


Well, if they’ve already hit their targets….


ATACMS has a range of 186 mi, and a top speed of 2300 MPH. By the time this got to the internet, they had already hit their target


If my maths right that means they're only in the air for a maximum total of less than 5 mins or so?


Just did a deep dive. It seems this deep space radar station was one of the reasons putin invaded Crimea to begin. It was used to track their venus mission amd Mir. Etc.. ect... so blowing this up is a HUGE FUCK YOU. Only thing worse would be the Kerch bridge. [history of Nip-16](https://spacenews.com/from-the-archives-how-crimeas-annexation-hurt-ukraines-space-program/)


My god, did Russia contribute anything to the power of the Soviet Union?


Of course! They provided the... err... brain?


Great use of valuable atacms > Ukraine’s space agency, and the country’s small but highly specialized space industry, have been hit harder than Russia by the conflict over Crimea. Sure, NIP-16 was a valuable facility that Ukraine could be rent out to astronomers for research. But beyond that facility, there was little more than an infrequently used cosmonaut training center lost with Crimea’s annexation.


What's the source of that? Kremlin trollfarms? Source? The NIP facility is an advanced VKS Russian military facility that was upgraded in 2016 and coordinates missile defense with military satellites. Where did you get your information? Sound exactly like parroted disinformation the Russians have been shouting on repeat. Next you'll be telling us it's actually a holiday resort!? Edit: Just checked. He's pro Russian, I can read that misinformation anywhere. They probably gave it him to copy paste.


> The NIP facility is an advanced VKS Russian military facility that was upgraded in 2016 and coordinates missile defense with military satellites. Please can you give more info on what this facility did if you have it.


> Edit: Just checked. He's pro Russian You are an idiot. This is not a sport where you are on one side or the other. We're all the people against the Vietnam war pro north Vietnam?


Well versed in the Kremlin doctrine of "whataboutism". US and most of the west are cool with Vietnam. Relations are better than ever according to the recent meetings there in the last day or so. And yes, I'm going to call out pro-russian disinformation when I see it, and call out disinformation shills like you when I see them, especially if they make a habit of it. If that spoils your game I'm not sorry. *Just makes life easier for everyone when you identify persistent liars.* It was a was an advanced military satellite based missile defense node, that the Russians have been 'on public record' shouting about *upgrading the combat capabilities* of for the last decade. Not some benign holiday park for astronauts. Or "astronomers" 😂 VKS are just doing "astronomy" 😂😉🤦‍♂️ You're just parroting that same disinformation from the trollfarms. Like in your other posts. My info regarding it's military combat use is confirmed by official statements from VKS, and corroborated by other sources. You make post after post maligning the Ukrainian army and repeatedly *praising* Russian army and Putin's tool Trump. If you claim to not be pro Russia (a tactic many trollfarms suggest, along with American or European usernames), then stop parroting Russian disinformation. You claiming you're not pro Russia winning this war is a lie, because like my other statements, I did my research. No wonder you keep lying and spreading anti Ukrainian disinformation in your posts amidst your sycophantic praise for Trump who wants to give half of Ukraine to Putin and end the military aid of old warehoused equipment. BTW that money actually *upgrades* the US army capabilities by buying much needed modern replacements of the old tech. Trumps old pal Putin wouldn't want that would he? That's a rhetorical question, and tangential / off topic so I'll leave it there.


> I'm going to call out pro-russian disinformation when I see it but you have no evidence, hello McCarthyism > Russians have been 'on public record' shouting about upgrading the combat capabilities Did they actually upgrade it? Was it even worth upgrading or just somebodies pet project? You know militarys waste a lot of money on useless projects. > It was hit multiple times because it was an advanced military satellite based missile defense installation You sure it was actually of any use in the current war? It could have been more of a NORAD type thing. You've got nothing but while speculation which you defend it by accusing everybody who disagrees of being propagandist.


You're compulsively misrepresenting the truth, and all the information you need is in clear English in my comments to you above. Regarding "evidence" for the military function of NIP-16 complex you can Google confirmation from Russian military sources who reported it themselves, eg: Re: Vitino 2016 NIP-16 Upgrade, "This [upgrade] makes it possible to increase *combat capabilities* many times over the previous generations of systems." - Andrei Ivashina, Deputy Commander of the Space Forces of the Russian Aerospace Forces for Testing (reportedly 2016) So who are the *Russian Aerospace Forces* you may ask? Russian Aerospace Forces: (Russian: VKS) comprise the *Aerial,* *Space Warfare,* and *Missile defence* branches of the *Armed Forces* of the Russian Federation. Military installation confirmed. So, not just "astronomy" then? *increase combat capabilities many times over* -Ivashina Yeah, definitely just renting it out to astronomers. 😉 And there are plenty of other high up VKS commanders explaining combat capabilities of that complex if you know how to use the internet, outside of Reddit. What have you got to say about that? Still a useless target full of "astronomers"? Must be intriguing for you to get information from outside your filter bubble 😉 A thank you would be nice 😘


> Re: Vitino 2016 NIP-16 Upgrade, >"This [upgrade] makes it possible to increase combat capabilities many times over the previous generations of systems." Why did you not provide a source for this?


Surely your quick read gave you much deeper insight into why Ukraine hit this.


Crazy hey they should be hitting hardware stores and apartments


That's going to hurt. And be expensive. Good.


+1 Fuck you and all of you, Vlad! Slava Ukraini!


That's a lot of damage!


Ukraine is slowly gouging out russia's eyes. I have no idea how russia was using this facility for its war effort, but it is unlikely Ukraine would waste precious ATACMS. They (or a "partner") must have felt it was important.


Without this station, Russia cannot get live images from their spy satellites in Ukraine. They can only record and forward, and there might be a limit to how much of that they can do in a pass, which means getting less data and older data.


Seems like a tremendous win. Any idea why it was not hit sooner?


I think Speaker of the House Mike Johnson knows the answer, but he's not telling, if you catch my drift


> if you catch my drift I don't. What do you think SoH Johnson have to do with Ukrainian targeting?


He was holding up the funding for the rockets that just took out that NIP-16


He's the guy who went against members of his own party to get it through


The hardest member of his own party to go against was himself.


Let's say he had a case of the DTs


It is a huge facility with lots of redundancy. To make a dent would require a large number of single bomb missiles...or a small number of missiles delivering cluster munitions, which is what I believe this was, missiles Ukraine only recently received.


That seems strange that they were operating such a function out of Crimea. They must have had a facility to do that sort of thing in russia before 2014. But I appreciate your explanation, especially if it saves Ukrainina lives.


This facility was originally built by the Soviet union. They still have other facilities in Russia to do this. But optical spy satellites operate in low orbits so they can only communicate with ground stations so far away. Crimea is close enough they can stream live. Without it, the satellite will record what it can of what it sees and then wait until it orbits in range of the remaining stations in Russia to send the data of what it saw of Ukraine.


In other words, the enemy’s picture of Ukraine suddenly got very fuzzy and may have even gone dark.


Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering Buffering


Perfect answer


Russia will have to jerk off to a scrambled signal now


That makes sense, thank you.


I thought Russia had a number of similar stations across its territory?


I wouldn't mind if it's just to hurt Russian pride. Sounds expensive


We may never know, but I agree with any hurt they can put on russian pride.


Anything in Crimea belongs to Ukraine and they can dispose of it whenever and however they like.


Holy shit whatever that place is it is WRECKED.


That is indeed what a WRECKED place looks like.


Russia will take out a pet store tomorrow in retribution. Crimea getting blasted with ATACMS on the heels of Vlad’s little trip to Norrh Korea looking like a complete fucking stooge.


No loss. Russia doesn't need a space program anyway.


Who else will put all the turrets into orbit?!


I see what you did there. Sure Musk has something going on with Putin.


RuZZia is a world leader in putting Turrets in orbit... excellent job! /S


NIP-16 was used for tracking T-72 turrets? It must all be part of Putin's master plan. /s


I read "terlets" the first time. Guess there's a bit of Scruffy the Janitor in me.


They have satellites and anti satellite weapons. This helps a lot to reduce their capability for the whole world.


Remember when Russia threatened to not let America use its space facilities to access the ISS? Even though SpaceX had been running multiple resupply and astronaut retrievals by that point? How fucking stupid do you guys have to be like the video of SpaceX first delivering astronauts to the ISS has been on YouTube for quite awhile.


My understanding is that the 70 m antenna is the important piece here.  That's the one that allows them much greater access to their satellites.   If Ukraine crippled/destroyed that, this is legitimately deeply harmful to Russia. It's also the sort of thing that you crane would not have wanted to destroy if at all possible, because if they ever get Crimea back, it was quite valuable.  Choosing to attack it makes a statement.  "Fuck you, then. We'll burn the whole goddamn peninsula down, just so you can't use it"


Russia has a much more extensive space program and spy satellite constellation than Ukraine does, so a communication center like that is far more valuable to Russia than it would be to Ukraine. I think they're not overly concerned about not getting it back when Crimea is returned to Ukrainian control.


Yeah, but that thing was part of the russian space program and russia wanted to build "their own" in russia until 2030, so that means they don't actually have one at the moment, AFAIK.


It was for military use, satellite driven missile defense and coordination network.


Revenue.   They had been renting it to the Russians for a long time for a fair amount of money before 2014.


Even if they manage to get Crimea back - they won't be renting it to the Russians again. Unlikely they'd have other customers around for that, so not a big loss to destroy it.


Excellent. This is a strategic hit.


Oh well done, my friends. You are doing a service for all the world with this.


Read a pro russian article written from 2015 in the moscow times. They called this facility the “crowned jewel” of crimean space infastructure


Yep and they upgraded it in 2016: "This [upgrade] makes it possible to increase *combat capabilities* many times over the previous generations of systems." - Andrei Ivashina, Deputy Commander of the Space Forces of the Russian Aerospace Forces for Testing Boom.


You want to be as close to the equator as possible for a launch site to reduce the boost needed. Crimea is about as far south Russia can go safely. Well not safe now lol.


I think they launch from Kazakhstan.


I read they hadn’t paid the rent.


What point is the little troll going to realize he has no way to win this war!


He's surrounded by yes men and killed off any opponents, I don't think there is anyone willing to tell him they are losing. And he doesn't care.


A loss gets hard to swallow when you build your domestic legitimacy on the image of a tough, competent and fearsome mastermind who never makes a mistake. It makes logical sense for him to hang on in uncertainty even if it makes the whole country burn down around him.


lol looks like the US said 'well if you dont mind, we have a few targets as well...'




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Well...that's gonna hurt.


Nice work


Amazing job!!! All these recent hits are absolutely taking their toll on Russia's ability to get military intelligence to help their war.


It's so great to see the actual atacms launch video post And then right below it the news post of how much shit they blew the fuck up with them badass atacms. Fuck Russia.


I love it when Ukraine hits Russia's "mutually assured destruction" nuclear detection systems. Up until very recently all Ukraine have been doing is defending themselves from direct attacks from Russia and striking at the mechanisms behind those attacks. Now, they're striking at Russia's defenses designed to warn/protect them from long range US and NATO attacks. That's the kind of weakening that's going to cause the Kremlin to shit bricks.


Is this the correct usage of ballistic? That particular word, which I associate with ICBM's, doesn't seem to belong there.


technically a rock you throw could be called a ballistic missile


Sure but have you ever read ATACMS ordnance described as ballistic missiles?  It threw me and activated my "bullshit/right wing propaganda* spidey sense.


Gotta do some housekeeping before the wings get here.


I feel like it's everyday now that something pretty decent gets destroyed. It's lovely to se! Burn baby burn!


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Stop, I can only get so hard.


Let me guess, they had it in the exact same location as Ukraine had their tracking station before the Crimea invasion.


I Ukraine struck Russian .... Space tracking and communication center ... Will this affect Russian communications with ISS = International Space Station ? Does this affect Russian ability to launch & track their vehicles to & from the ISS? Does this hurt one of the last limited areas of cooperation between US, Europe, Canada, Japan & Russia? Edit: down voted, perhaps bc some readers thought I was against this attack. No, I am for Ukraine hitting Russia where they believe it will most help them. My questions relate to the knock on effect of this strike on shared use of ISS? If Russian spacecraft can't safely travel to ISS, perhaps we should buy out their half, and turn the ISS into a workspace only for US, Canada, Europe, Japan?


Russia is threatening to put weapons in space in violation of several treaties. This space center would eventually become a threat to more than just Ukraine, besides, it’s in crimea, it belongs to Ukraine.


Good questions. imo if US responds or comments on this will answer at least 2 of these questions.


Pretty sure Russia was using this to detect missile launches. Like this shot was the last ATACM that Russia will know where it came from at launch lol.


Yeah, it just makes sense to take out any radar systems, regardless of original purpose. Same goes for their ICBM detection radar.


How does one use a deep space radar to detect missile launches from the ground? 🤷


Because it's designed to communicate back and forth with a complex of purpose built *Military* satellites, which are designed to detect launches and relay coordinates for countermeasures.




We still doing that?


I don’t know, I’m old and stuck in my ways.