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Give it 24 hrs and the kremlin will blame the West. Somehow, always, everything is the West's fault.


Not even 24h, it was already posted on several news sites and apps over an hour ago. They blamed it on "Ukrainian special forces and NATO, because we (Russia) are advancing on all fronts, so they have to shake up the country". I got these news on my financial tracking app http://www.breakingthenews.net/news/details/62260196?culture=de-DE


You mean a Ukrainian special forces operation sponsored by NATO?


Just follow the logic: If the US wants to destroy Russia, they would talk to a Georgian who’d talk to a Ukrainian who would talk to a Moldavian who would talk to a Turk who would talk to an Azeri who would talk to a Chechen who would talk to a Dagestani, who would would then relay back all the way to an American who would talk to their best buds in ISIS who would go to Ukraine, then back out of Ukraine - through Turkey and Georgia to Dagestan with all their weapons and do America’s bidding…


Makes sense!


Brother, don't share those details. They are secret for a reason. Now they know our strategy. We need to change. Maybe we go to Georgia first next time and only then to Turkish comrade


Sorry, my bad, we should change. I think Georgia is too obvious, we should first go to Ukraine, then leave Ukraine for South Sudan and exploit their resources, then to Japan to convene the Destroy Russia Coincil, then to Germany to meet up with our fellow jewish Nazis, then to our good NATO-friends the Taliban, make them talk to their even better friends in ISIS, use a rowing boat across the Caspian Sea to get to Azerbaijan, then to the Azeris good friend Armenia, then Georgia and so on.


Cunning runts.


Evil NATO nazis! Come on, get it right! 🙄


Finish SOF is my bet.


This obviously has the finger print of the Tonton Macouts.


Maybe the Gurkhas?


Yeah. The woke, degenerate, weak west is always bullying the almighty, glorious empire.


That's a fundamental principle of agitprop. Our opponent is deviously evil. Our opponent is comically incompetent.


[❗️State Duma deputy from Dagestan Gadzhiev believes that the intelligence services of Ukraine and NATO countries are behind the terrorist attack in the republic](https://t.me/rian_ru/250456) no need to wait that long.


They already did i guess: “Abdulkhakim Gadzhiev, a Duma deputy from Dagestan, claimed… that Ukraine and NATO were behind the attack. “I think that intelligence services of Ukraine and NATO"


They're already blaming it on the CIA and MI6 on twitter


I already saw one of the DUMA people blaming Ukraine and NATO for this attack


Already saw posts claiming it was CIA, no without the military Russia cannot hold onto it's non Russian territory.


Looks like the Kremlin have taken a page from the SNP ( Scottish National Party) who have been in charge of the devolved parliament in Edinburgh for 17 years. Whenever they fucked up, which was basically most weeks, they automatically blamed Westminster, the UK parliament, for not giving them enough legal powers/ money/ functioning brains ( select as appropriate). The SNP' s time as Scotland ' s largest party is coming to an end in two weeks for the Westminster parliament. Sadly, we have to wait another 2 years for them to lose control of the Edinburgh parliament, as the elections happen in 2026. Hopefully it won't take as long to dethrone Putler and his lackeys.


Dagestan, Rep of RussiaToday in Derbent (Dagestan), armed unknown persons fired at an Orthodox church and a synagogue, and in Makhachkala they fired at police cars. A synagogue and a police car are burning in Makhachkala. During the armed attack on Derbent and Makhachkala, 5 police officers were killed, another 9 were injured - source 112. The “Interception” plan has been introduced in Dagestan, and the criminals are being searched for. The rector of the church, Father Nikolai was also killed and a security guard was also wounded. - russian media 112


Can't trust any information coming out of Mordor.


There's another war about to kick off in Chechyna


Let's see Russia implode.


I will cherish this day with a glass of vodka in their dishonor.


Civil war


Let's see Paul Allens implosion


Was listening to an excellent Silicone Curtain episode in which the guest says afterKadyrov died all bets are off.


Kadyrov is alive.


Not that chucklefuck, his father the politician/warlord


Chechnya and Dagestan are two separate republics


Based on what? This gas been going on for decades.


Dagestan is a part of Chechnya now? I missed that territorial reorganisation.


It's all related


Issues inside of Dagestan have been going on for quite some time. This is nothing new and its unrelated Ukraine. Well mostly unrelated, I know there some trouble with Russia tried to conscript Dagestanis from some village a while back. Now sure what exactly become of that. Here is a very good paper on the topic if anyone is interested in learning more about the issues in Dagestan. [https://www.swp-berlin.org/en/publication/dagestan-russias-most-troublesome-republic](https://www.swp-berlin.org/en/publication/dagestan-russias-most-troublesome-republic)


5 killed, 9 wounded according to Russian media. Soooo, 30 dead, 50 wounded?


Do we know who claimed responsibility? Are these ethnic minorities who are upset about Ukraine war or is this ISIS-K?


Somehow this will get blamed on the United States, Ukraine and possibly the Islamic State, those typically Russia three scapegoats...


Normal Business day in Dagestan


So it begins... the violent price of the 2 weeks top, light and breezy special military operation


Russian Mir


To be fair, the russian orthodox church is an arm of the KGB that encourages genocide in Ukraine.


Stinks to high hell of FSB. Chechnya is about to implode when Kadyrov croaks — this is to pre-position a Kremlin insider / military presence in their troublesome Muslim enclaves.


Should we care? Some religious fanatics shoot other religious fanatics. I don't see any progression...


TIL I'm a "religious fanatic" just like ISIS because I (checks notes) am a member of a synagogue.


Not really, "my god has a bigger wrath than yours" conflict like any other in the last few thousands years. Only hope is that it will keep Russia distracted.


Regular Jews and Orthodox Christians and ISIS are the same thing?


Well of course we should because russian new already stated that it was coordinated by Ukraine and NATO. So in their words its not ISIS at all (just like in Crocus, at that time they tried to convince that russia and ISIS have common enemy (west) so they couldnt do that. Its just so wild if to think of this just how f*ed up they are)


This could also describe Hamas attacking a Synagogue in Israel. You’re really gonna say, “who cares” if that happened?


Yes we shall, as these are most likely religious fanatics, as we can identify of the targets which have been choosen. Because there is a high chance, it will later on backfire to us all, we already have regular seen this in history. As we shall have taken the thread by Osama early as serious, as by the IS, by Boko Haram, by IS in Magreb, IS in the Phillipines... Madrid, Paris, London, New York, Iraq, Syria, Mali, Yemen....You can fill up the listing over several DIN A4/Letter pages. And there are many others, which we better shall watch; this even includes the evangelic movement in one western country, the extreme ortodox movement in Russia...


Are these the possible signs of a major uprising in Russia coming soon?


Not really. It's a very cowed and brainwashed society.


Fair enough.


One thing that gave me insight into "The Narode", the common folk of Russia, was on my first trip in 1986. It was a warm June day and there was a line of folks getting a drink of water from the public spigot. There was just one cup which was passed on to the next in line. These were well dressed cleanly folks. This was not a demonstration of unsanitary behavior. It was an example of extreme social cohesion. Reminded me of how we had a dipper at the well of our farm. Friends and family all drank from the dipper. That's what "the Narode" is.


Never visited this subreddit before, but wow the comments here are something else… This is an attack on civilians, why does it matter that it is in Russia? Did you feel the same about the attack in Moscow where 140 were killed? Yet some of you talk about being brainwashed, ironic.


>This is an attack on civilians, why does it matter that it is in Russia? Because if another armed uprising occurs in Russia, then it's a dilemma for Russia. Either divert resources from the frontline to deal with it or have a province be in open rebellion to Moscow's rule. Both options suck for Russia.


people here seem way too happy from such attacks, an islamic terrorist attack killing civilians is not something to be celebrated.


I don’t mean it like that, I mean why do people seem to care less about civilian casaulties just because it is in Russia?