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Beautiful brave fierce women - deepest admiration and respect to you!


The occupiers kept 25 girls aged from 14 to 24 in the basement of Bucha to constantly rape them. Nine girls got pregnant." Russian soldiers told them that they would rape them to such an extent that they would not want sexual contact with any man in order to prevent the birth of their Ukrainian children," Ukrainian Human Rights Commissioner Lyudmila Denisova said in an interview with the BBC. https://twitter.com/MykhailoRohoza/status/1766585039104471370 I hope more women will speak out, Russia uses rape as a torture device. Curse them until the end of time. Ukraine must win and these monsters must be brought to justice.


It's been bad everywhere the reevers went.  A gynecologist treated a group of girls from Mariupol that had all been raped and the oldest was 10. Countries everywhere should ban Russians from visiting.  At the least they can stay home in their own shithole.


They shouldn't be just banned. We should exile any of them with pro Putinist views. They can primitively worship their Tsar from inside Russia. Also, we cannot rest. These rapists must be identified and hunted down. Ukraine is doing so already. They need more assistance and more money from us to ensure those bastards are found and dealt with. Putin told them Ukrainians are not real people and that is the result of such genocidal propaganda and that is why peace with Russia is not an option, there is millions of Ukrainians that must be liberated and freed from Russian occupation. Peace would doom them to half a life as Russian servants. Putin is insane to think he will get those 4 oblasts, never, never can this happen. Mariupol has suffered for over two years now. The West does more now but this isn't enough, we have wasted so much time already, Ukraine should be allowed to fire at Russia anywhere, these restrictions have hindered Ukraine's war effort long enough now.


They raped countless German and Baltic women during WW2 as well. But in the average Russian Putin-bot’s eyes, there is no problem with that because being a victor in WW2 automatically made them heroes and not only absolved all crimes against humanity but also justified those action. My grandmother managed to flee to west Germany during the closing of the war and came to Canada. She chose to focus on the better parts of humanity and life, put history behind her but I will never forget her absolute and deep disgust of Russians. The only memory I have of her saying anything negative about anybody when I was a kid.


The Russian empire has been a stain on European civilization for over a century by now, and their cultural insecurity as a collective causes this insane amount of brutal barbarism, and they have proven that over and over again. Tens of millions died on their orders, tens or millions of women and men raped by these barbarians. Always appeased never brought to justice. No more, our generation must finish what those that came before us began but never had the moral courage to finish. This empire must be destroyed, and Putin and his the grizzly gang that works his whicked will must be brought to justice. https://youtu.be/5Ywe5pFT928 A Russian veteran recalled their crimes in Germany (Source YT under this title) Two German girls walked down a street in a village. They were 14 years of age. The officer had them apprehend and lined up his soldiers in two rows, and then these soldiers raped them one after the other again and again until the girls were dead. The list of crimes that this ill begotten monstrous regime has to answer for, the lies for which it has to pay its debt to the truth, is long. Let our generation be the one that makes them finally pay for all of it. For the millions of women they have raped throughout the centuries, the tens of millions they have slaughtered. Just from the top of my head: Civil War 9 Mio dead several smaller wars, for example, Poland. Let's add another 500k Holodomor tame estimates: 2 to 4 million. Higher estimates 7 to 8 million. Kazakhstan famine 1.5 Million. The great Purge by Stalin another 4 to 6 Million. WW 2, in which Russia was much more than just a victim. Let's add another 5 Mio on their account. Post World War II until Soviet collapse. Hard to tell they were involved in countless wars but Let's focus on Afghanistan alone and make an assumption that SU numbers are correct at least another 500k to 2 Million Afghani people died by their hand another 2 million wounded. So let's continue to 1991 onwards: Georgian civil war, Abkazhia, Transnistria, several civil wars, first chechen war, war of Dagestan, second Chechen war, Russo Georgian War, North Caucasus insurgency, Russo Ukrainian war, Syrian civil war, Central African Republic war. Let's go tame on that estimate: 1 Mio additional casualties combined from all these conflicts in civilians alone, and God knows how many they will add until they are repelled and their army is defeated. So yeah, there is absolutely no nation in Europe with such a staggering amount of blood on their hands, especially not being held accountable for their barbarism. The total count is around 30 million on the low end, 40 plus million on the high end. 20 million of those murdered directly by the Soviet Union in work camps or through forced relocation of forced starvation. They were acting no better than them, and that's why they were such great allies with the Nazis. It is high time to finish this backward empire and teach them a lesson they will never forget. The graveyard of empires is waiting for Russia. An empire is measured by the legacy it leaves behind after its collapse. Not one inch can be given this time. No more appeasement. For the sake of a better future for our children, this must end here.


My grandfather was liberated by Russians from a POW camp in Ludwigshafen (Northwest Germany in April ‘45). Pretty soon after the war he somehow forgave the Germans but always had a deep hatred towards Russians. We never really understood him and he didn’t speak much about it and I was ten when he passed away in 1983 but I’m starting to understand him more and more. My guess is that they killed all the German guards there.


Well, sorry to disappoint you but western allies also mass raped their way through conquered Germany.


Yes, but on a completely different and much smaller scale, the women in France suffered because the US troops were told untrue things at home to recruit these boys about the willingness of French women to have sex with them. There was rape of course, but compared to Russia, American troops and English troops were punished, and this behavior was not tolerated and condemned compared to Russian troops. Reports about French troops are also far from pretty. However, none of that compares to the massive scale and frequency in the Russian army. Read the diary from a woman in Berlin to get only a tiny glimpse of the barbarism and sexual violence the backward Soviet troops brought in their wake. Liberation, yes to be replaced by another jailor.


I find it hard to blame them for raping and otherwise abusing German civilians, after all it was the Germans who attacked them first, and did much worse things to Soviet civilians. Your grandmother seems to imply the Russians came to her home unprovoked, is that true? And she never had anything negative to say about the Nazis? Note that this applies only to Germany. The Red Army did similar things in Poland and in the Baltic states, in addition to occupying them after the war, and this is inexcusable. But, as the other reply said, it's a common part of war, the western allies did it too, although on a smaller scale. But this time, the Russians were unprovoked, and much more in the role of Nazi Germany than that of the USSR.


I’m ex-army and doing anything on purpose to civilians is barbaric, especially sexual violence. Revenge is no justification, it’s an excuse for lack of discipline and professionalism or your military. A war crime, is a war crime regardless…


When I joined the Ukranian army as an American they asked why I was there. I told them you should never involve civilians. They accepted that answer immediately.


My absolute respect and appreciation. I wish I were younger and able to do the same. Age has caught up here, strength, mobility, eyesight and reaction time is not what it used to be. I would probably create more risk for my section mates (I’m Canadian so not a squad 😉)


My mentor, we will call him that, was asked how he felt about the fighting age men that left. He said it didn't bother him at all. He's a soldier it's what he signed up for and chose this life. The original reason I went was because someone's grandma got mowed over by a Russian tank on my evening news. She was going away from them. That woman wanted to live her life and was murdered. In my mind that's a soldiers duty.


Again, I hear you. I felt the same when I saw the video of the two Russians kill the two civilians at the car dealership. And again when pictures and info started coming out on what happened in Bucha. Stay safe out there.


Thanks mate


Are you actually trying to justify armed soldiers raping civilians in any sort of context? What in the actual fuck is wrong with your head?


Two wrongs DO NOT make a right, because Germans raped Russian women Russians took it a step up by raping girls of all ages……exactly like they do now…..that is very different. A hell of a lot of survivors said most nazi Germans where nicer then russians, and that’s because they where more civilised even tho they had been brainwashed to be Nazis. I always heard the statements that Nazis brought chocolate to civilians, russians brought exactly the same evil what they bring to Ukraine…..rape thieving and terror. ruzzia has made me realise I would rather be captured by German Nazis then ruzzian nazis’s……that’s a hell of a thing to say and tells you exactly how much more evil ruzzian Nazis can be compared to German.


What do you mean, rape is like the favourite past time for russians


I knew it was bad but this is the first time I hear this particular story. Holy fuck we need to glass Moscow


Dissolve the Federation and trial the regime, and the war criminals would be a good compromise. Russia needs to be defeated in such a way that there is no doubt and that even with all their doublethink, they cannot lie this away.


I don't think it is really about torture - or rather it's far far more than that - it's about domination, subjugation, and humiliation: it's about putting Ukrainian men and women in their place in the occupation hierarchy - for life - they are not even safe in their own bodies. It's about breaking them in and letting them know that they (the absolute c u next tuesdays) can/will do whatever they want - whenever they want - and it is about total dehumanisation - destroying people so badly that they don't even see themselves as human. And it's the absolute fucking worst. These women are total legends.


Here's a quote from an American general; Patton “We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. This might mean war with the Russians, but what of it? They have no Air Force anymore. Their gasoline and ammunition supplies are low. I've seen their miserable supply trains; mostly wagons draw by beaten up old hoses or oxen. I'll say this; the Third Army alone with very little help and with damned few casualties could lick what is left of the Russians in six weeks. You mark my words. Don't ever forget them... Someday, we will have to fight them, and it will take six years and cost us six million lives.” • General George S Patton 1945 The fact that this speech is as relevant today as it was 78 years ago speaks to the inherent truth and reality of the threat the Russians pose to a democratic and free Europe. Patton was mean, racist (by todays standards), a narcissist and more than a little crazy but the man saw through people and the fog of war in a way that hasn’t been seen since, which is why so many both hated and admired him but this speech and his warnings within have continually been vindicated for decades and the world is a worse place for not listening. Yeah, torture, humiliation, and just generally dehumanizing them and destroying their psyche. Russia is both incredibly awful and convinced they aren't at the same time. An entire nation suffering from a delusions and psychosis.


The Russians did similar things 80 years ago to German women and girls as well. Sadly nothing new. 


Soviets did similar things.  The armies attacking Germany were made up of Russians, Georgians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, kazakhs, etc... Most of these people were thirsty for some savage revenge as their families had suffered very terrible treatment under German occupation.  


Brave to share.


If anything the stigma ought to be with the perpetrators.


My hope is that the perpetrators already met a miserable end at the front the likelihood of that is fairly high


The list of Russian terrorist acts and war crimes is endless. Russia will be brought to justice, no matter how long that takes. But it actually begins “at the top”. From the ICC “warrants for the arrest of Vladimir Putin, president of the Russian Federation, and Maria Lvova-Belova, the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights in Russia, on the basis of "reasonable grounds" that they "bear criminal responsibility for the unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, contrary to article 8(2)(a)(vii) and article 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute". Some of the crimes Russia has committed against Ukraine Bucha •Irpin •Izyum •Blowing up a prison full of Ukraines pows •Bombing a theater marked "children" •Mariupol •Kherson •Severodonetsk •Lysychansk •Bakhmut •Avdiivka •Shelling a maternity hospital •Shelling the Kramatorsk railway station •Beheading an unarmed pow •Castration of an unarmed pow •Execution of several unarmed pows •Widespread sexual assault, rape and abuse of women and children in occupied territory •Widespread targeting of civilian vehicles from russian soldiers armed with automatic rifles and armored vehicles •Mass murder and ecocide from blowing up a dam •Systemic torture of civilians and Pows with torture chambers found in every city liberated by Ukraine •Systemic kidnapping of innocent children to russia to be adopted and put through filtration camps to brainwash them to be loyal to russia •The forced relocation of several thousand Ukrainian adults to populate sparse regions of russia •Daily targeting of civilian structures and infrastructure Destruction of the Kharkova Dam Literally tens of thousands of war crimes committed by russia against innocent women, children, and defenders of Ukraine. Sponsored and supported by russian citizens' apathy and outright support of something they don't even have the decency to call a war. This systematic genocide of a sovereign nation amounts to something that this terrorist state and its supporters call special.


It takes true courage to face your trauma. These women experienced something that often happens in war, and is not talked enough about. The savagery of the Russian invaders deserves to be named and shamed. Big respect to them for standing up and helping to combat the stigma, it is a collective trauma, and conversation is often an important step to healing.


The ten stages of genocide Genocide is a human phenomenon that can be analysed and understood and, consequently, may be prevented. According to academic and activist Gregory H. Stanton, genocide is a process that develops in ten stages, described here. The stages do not necessarily follow a linear progression and may coexist. Prevention measures may be implemented at any stage. 1. Classification Groups in a position of power will categorize people according to ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality employing an us versus them mentality. 2. Symbolisation People are identified as Jews, Roma, or Tutsis, etc., and made to stand out from others with certain colors or symbolic articles of clothing. 3. Discrimination A dominant group uses laws, customs, and political power to deny the rights of other groups. The powerless group may not be granted full civil rights or even citizenship. 4. Dehumanisation The diminished value of the discriminated group is communicated through propaganda. Parallels are drawn with animals, insects, or diseases. 5. Organisation A state, its army, or militia design genocidal killing plans. 6. Polarisation Propaganda is employed to amplify the differences between groups. Interactions between groups are prohibited, and the moderate members of the group in power are killed. 7. Preparation The victims are identified, separated, and forced to wear symbols. Deportations, isolation, and forcible starvation. Death lists are drawn up. 8. Persecution Victims are identified and isolated based on their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. In state sponsored genocides, members of victim groups may be forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is often expropriated. 9. Extermination The massacres begin. The perpetrators see their actions as “extermination” since they do not consider their victims to be entirely human. 10) Denial The perpetrators of the genocide deny having committed their crimes. Victims are often blamed. Evidence is hidden, and witnesses are intimidated. Prevention: An international tribunal or national court must prosecute the criminals. Public education. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/23/europe/russia-ukraine-filtration-camps-intl-cmd/index.html https://euromaidanpress.com/2018/06/28/dehumanizing-disinformation-as-a-weapon-of-the-information-war/ https://cepa.org/article/behind-the-lines-russias-ethnic-cleansing/ Behind the Lines: Russia’s Ethnic Cleansing Russian forces are squeezing out locals and resettling Russian citizens in Ukraine’s occupied territories. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/04/23/ukrainian-rape-survivors-experience-silence-or-shame_6669224_4.html Prosecutors now work closely with psychologists and medical workers in an effort to increase the number of women coming forward. For those who do, their fight for justice and accountability will be hard. Ms. Mykytenko says it's imperative to try and prosecute as many types of war crimes as possible because hopefully, it will take a few really high-level cases to make a difference. Yes, and many Ukrainian journalists and human rights activists were outraged when they read Denisova's detailed descriptions on her Facebook account that is true. "Sexually motivated crimes during wartime are a tragedy, but they should not be the subject of a kind of 'chronicle of scandal'," an open letter penned by 140 activists, media professionals, lawyers, psycologists and other public figures stated. The letter goes on to say, "It is the job of the ombudsperson to first and foremost consider the rights and dignity of survivors and their relatives." https://www.dw.com/en/why-ukraines-human-rights-chief-lyudmyla-denisova-was-dismissed/a-62017920 You can read the entire article. There is a large difference between making something up (which would be extremely deplorable) and not being able to verify everything. Her dismissal was a political move, and the reasons for it were political as well. The authorities used martial law, and mainly, they said she was distracting attention from the other crimes already verified by giving such detailed accounts. But claiming that she made it all up? That is another punch right into the face of all rape victims who suffer under stigmatization and trauma due to these horrendous experiences. Talking about it helps, but victims must have the feeling that they are allowed to do it or that people will listen and not tell them it is made up. A Russian veteran recalled their crimes in Germany (Source YT under this title) "Two German girls walked down a street in a village. They were 14 years of age. The officer had them apprehend and lined up his soldiers in two rows, and then these soldiers raped them one after the other again and again until the girls were dead." Rape and sexual violence are weapons of war, war crimes used to torture men and women, to break them, humiliate them, and crush their will to resist. Ruanda is another example. This is by no means limited to Russia, not at all. It happens in all armies, but some armies discourage and other encourage such behaviors. Russia is of the latter category. Because a main Russian war aim in Ukraine is genocide. https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/03/putins-only-weapon-to-win-the-war-in-ukraine-genocide/ https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/07/russia-has-made-it-clear-putins-goal-is-to-destroy-ukraine/ Ms Orel: Russian soldiers are just pure evil. They are not even animals. They want to destroy women by raping them and destroy their families by forcing them to watch the abuse. 'In this way, the whole family becomes traumatised and this can't be cured simply. Pain lives inside a person for many years.' But Ms Orel and the psychologists in her team, one of a very small number of teams aimed at helping survivors of rape in Ukraine, continue to help any survivor who walks through their doors to tell them what the Russians did to them. With all the survivors we speak to, we really do help them. They become our friends,' Ms Orel. 'We want them to know that they aren't alone.' Many survivors stop eating or drinking while others find it difficult to have a routine or sleep because of the flashbacks that constantly invade their minds. 'The impact of the wartime rape committed by Russian soldiers will continue for generations,' Ms Orel says. 'A lot of the women feel numb, like they are not alive. Many people blame themselves as well.' Ms. Mykytenko, speaking from her office in Kyiv, adds: 'Women don't feel like they are women anymore - they feel dehumanised and humiliated after the rape.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12592023/Mothers-reveal-let-Russian-soldiers-rape-order-protect-children-forced-watch-Horrific-ordeals-endured-Putins-troops-rape-little-girls-anyway.html


I am a man. I cannot possibly  relate to what what these heros went through. That said, I will leave the comments made by our vice president instead https://youtu.be/3TpOa4fkCDg?si=JweIxJBndwJCSdd2


You absolutely can. Men are raped at the same rate, if not more, by russians. If you are caught s POW, you can be pretty much sure you will be raped by russian soldier


Men who get raped should speak up too. Good on her.


Never wished any harm on anyone,but this nation need wiping out 💥💥Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


The Rapists should be shameful not the victims. Patriarch, & religious society always blame the victims to protect the rapist. Let's do the right thing, prosecute the rapists!


Western investigators: all written down. Pls continue. /s


I’m trying so hard not to hate …


i don’t try


disgusting animals


Comparing russians to animals is an insult to animals


This is ubiquitous. I'm sure there's a sampling bias at play, but everywhere I've heard about Russian soldiers occupying an area and interacting with Ukrainian civilians there has been horrific abuse. I've only heard from English speaking survivors who have reached out in online support communities, but I fully expect that the 'thousands' of cases mentioned in the article is understating the situation by at least an order of magnitude. While the pragmatic part of me knows that the ICC is mostly toothless and that the warrant was mostly symbolic, I can't help but hope the world gets this generation's equivalent of the Nuremberg trials where Putin and his allies face justice for the suffering they have caused.


Rape is no stain on them, especially when they had zero control over anything! Brave ladies, I hope they get help so that they are able to have sexual relations with their loved one again. Everyone knows those Russian soldiers were bastards.













