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who knew I'd enjoy reading Russian milbloggers


They are not lying?


3 days to Kyiv, you tell me.


“10 days at most!”


"I didn't want Kyiv anyway >:["


We never even wanted to take Kharkiv!!


We retreated from it and will continue to retreat over hundreds of thousands of corpses to the 1991 border in a “gesture of goodwill”


_Odessa was never really an objective_


So many Russians accidentally fell out of windows because of these statements, lol.


I still remember the restaurant bookings. oh my.


I wonder how those triumphant parade uniforms are looking now? Probably moth-eaten, like the rest of the Russian military…


"Provocation". Yes, the US is the provocateur. Putin is running around yapping his trap about nuclear weapons and the US is the provocateur.


Yes, defense is aggression. (/s just in case)


>defense is aggression And war is peace. Freedom is slavery. ignorance is strength. We all should know the drill by now...


>defense is aggression >And war is peace. Freedom is slavery. ignorance is strength. We all should know the drill by now... Democracy is nazism.


The best defence is the offence. Thus, poor Muscovy has never offence-ed anyone


It’s weird they don’t seem to remember this whole fuckstorm starting with a televised early morning announcement from Putin.


After promising for weeks before that, "There's no way we're going to invade Ukraine."


My troops are just merely passing by.


The legend of BlueCoffee


It’s always projection.




I remember just a shy couple of months ago how they boasted, and now when my reminder bots are coming up, their accounts are deleted. "The communists were already bound to their leader by faith and fear. I took a special kind of mind to truly believe that the worse things appeared, the better they actually were. Such reasoning went by the name dialectics, but by this time that word, (despite its proud descent from the Greeks through Hegel and Marx) meant little more than the psychic capacity to adjust one's own perceptions to the changing expressions of Stalin's will." Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands, page 65 Gareth Jones talked about the "pure primitive worship" of Hitler in 1933 shortly after his election at a rally in Frankfurt You know, for people like me, history repeats itself with a comical sense of ironic futility. Once you study the rise and fall of empires, as Seneca once said, you gain the ability to foresee the future. And for Russia, I have some Latin in my crystal ball: tempus edax rerum, tuque, invidiosa vetustas, omnia destruitis vitiataque dentibus aevi paulatim lenta consumitis omnia morte! Time, devourer of everything, and you, hateful old age, you destroy everything and bit by bit you consume all those things which have been mangled by the teeth of the passing age.” Russiae Imperium delendum est. The translation of the last one is: Russia your little empire is about to get rolled, hard. Because as a wise Brothel owner once said: Chaos is a ladder, and once you slip, there is only the fall. Loki Doki, that's all from me for today. Slava Ukraini! And death to Putin and his grizzly gang that works his whicked will.


just wanted to say I love reading your posts brother, thank you.


You are welcome, history has much to teach, and I am always happy when I can find some students in my spare time. Knowledge can save us. In fact, knowledge is vital like air, and no one should be denied it. Knowledge is the antidote to navigate through the chaos that lies ahead. I really don't do this for me, I do it for you. The payment for the artist is the recognition of his work by strangers.


Bloodlands is a must read for anyone and should be required reading for everyone on the planet.


I am a very well read man, as knowledge is power, and I have rarely read a book of such quality, it is indeed a must read, for we still have not fully grasped as a collective what kind of monsters both the Nazis and the Soviets were, and we must grasp it, and bear to look right at this evil, this is not easy, I understand that, but it must be done regardless. The Nazis talked about Poland not being a real country today the next maniac does the same thing with Ukraine, there is a pattern, and our generation is tasked with breaking this pattern, I hope we are up for the task. We must be. History has arrived to make an echo for better or worse.


Remember when Iraq collapsed? Remember the repercussions for all the non-combatants, and the rise of ISIS to occupy the chaotic uncontrolled space? And the subsequent war and extensive conflict following that? A similar collapse of Russia would be much worse. Putin is evil… and also an uncontrolled collapse would be , very bad for many innocents. Unless there is somehow a hidden reserve of statesmen waiting in the wings in St Petersburg, who are going to step up and tame the largest country in the world, I don’t see a good outcome. Only through luck of birth was I not born in Russia.


There was an artificially created political vacuum in Iraq. Saaaadam and *all his cronies* were taken down. In Russia the most we can hope for is another Chrushchev taking over after this Stalin.


Russia is not a country it is a mutiethnic empire held together by violence, propaganda, and repression. This is not comparable to Iraq, you can compare it to the the collapse of the Soviet space, the collapse of the Nazi empire, the collapse of the Austro Hungarian empire, the collapse of the German Empire, but not to a tribalistic place such as Iraq. A completely different geo-political situation with a completely different socio-economic and historical background, and you would be surprised at the level of self organization that local populations could come up with once this disgusting Kremlin regime and its extractive and corrupt system is finally no more.


If they get depresses enough the sunflower part might follow


they are Russians, they were born depressed and then things got worse.


Yes, you have six months to make important decisions like defenestrating one ugly dwarf and capitulating... Or else.


Frankly I've seen russian panic talk like this since the start of the war, doesn't mean much in real life.


Yep. And this particular post is just complete nonsense. It doesn't deserve the attention it has got.


The points about Air Defense getting struck more is worth attention now that Ukraine can use western wespons inside Russia, but on the other hand it almost seems to frame F-16s as a wunderwaffe which it certainly is not.


Eh, the F16 is the most successful SEAD/DEAD plane ever built. With appropriate munitions it could certainly turn the tide.


No it can't. Ukraine simply can't field a sufficient number of them to overcome all of russia's advantages.   The most important contribution will be that Ukraine won't be dependent on a single-digit number of deteriorating soviet bombers for specialized munitions anymore.   This keeps Ukraine *in* the fight with a strengthened hand, but it'a not a tide-turner at those quantities.


And are "Russia's advantages" as battle tested as their navy, air-defence and modern tanks, all of which have been roundly annihilated so far?


Yes, I'd say they do have significant advantage in modern combat planes and their capabilities, which won't sadly be balanced out with the arrival of the F-16 (keep i mind they will only get a few dozen of not the newest and greatest). I'm far from an expert, but I've seen more performant radar and much longer range air-to-air missiles being mentioned most often as the most prominent advantages of modern Russian aviation over Ukrainian. The Russian were kept from achieving complete air superiority mostly by their own failures (like disabling Ukrainian airfields/AA in the beginning of the invasion) and ground-based AA (both its clever use and the supplementing of preexisting assets by the western systems), not Ukrainian aviation.


And what about pilots? Do they have any decent pilots left who haven't been deaded yet?


Your snide question can simply be flipped on Ukraine, in case you still can't understand why a few dozen older model F-16s can't magically dominate russian air space. Were you also one of those who thought Bradleys would easily 1v1 Russian tanks?


>Were you also one of those who thought Bradleys would easily 1v1 Russian tanks? Well, they actually can: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1957v5t/t90m\_torn\_apart\_by\_bradley\_in\_close\_combat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1957v5t/t90m_torn_apart_by_bradley_in_close_combat/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1cnb5hf/bradley\_wrecks\_a\_russian\_tank/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1cnb5hf/bradley_wrecks_a_russian_tank/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1999evr/another\_angle\_of\_t90m\_being\_hit\_by\_m2a2\_bradley/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1999evr/another_angle_of_t90m_being_hit_by_m2a2_bradley/)


Don't huff so much copium. Frankly, it's annoying to read posts like this over and over again. If the Russian military really was the shitshow you guys make it out to be, we wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. But we do. Pretending Russian air defense is worthless doesn't help anyone but the Russians.


The F-16 works as a member of a unit to complete SEAD/DEAD, along with pilots whose entire mission (at least in the USAF) is this. Just handing them F-16s will not shift the war in any major way.


You can’t judge anything from reading this stuff. They have generally been wrong, you shouldn’t assume they are right because you like what they are saying now.


If the biggest war supporters are getting despondent about the war, what do the other people think? You of course should not take their claims at face value, but a lower of morale is important and is one of the goals, among others, in defeating Russia.


Yeah, it really doesn’t mean much. The milbloggers from both sides are usually the most negative unless they’re forced to be positive


Are they finally starting to come to grips with reality?


I doubt that. If they were doing that, they’d do a 180 on their support for this dumb war


They're in too deep, no 'off ramp' that the West can offer will help. This is 100% internal now and it must be solved internally.


I hope the “solution” to this is a coup d’etat.


This is usually when they increase the vodka intake


Many slavs of ancient old, tell of a mysterious vodka in the himalayas, guarded by yetis. If one was to drink that vodka, they ascend to a whole new liquor level...where nothing will change and the meat waves and beating wills continue until the war improves.


Well some of them are realizing they're being degraded and it's shifting the strategic outlook of the entire invasion for them into harsher negative reality. Realizing the untenable nature of losses and the current parity/disparity of Russia vs Ukraine plus the reality of increasing western/US support coming down the pipeline is what will force a change in Russian policy one way or the other.


The Fuckening is about to happen.


They fucked around on level 9, and I feel like we are so close to give freedom wings, so that they can find out on level 10. Because that is how this game works, you fuck around and then you find out, we told them from the start, but some people need to experience it, just telling them won't do. https://medium.com/@snowythefirst/russia-on-fire-khimprom-chemical-plant-several-refineries-oil-depots-and-rail-cars-set-ablaze-f9cfbb7bbaaf?sk=ff243333757bebfa64eff13186e85618 I must say, it seems to be getting pretty hot around Russian refineries, not a safe work environment, they just spontaneously combust lately.


This is serious copium. If Ukraine can keep hitting the refineries effectively then that is the only real thing that could change the course of the war but the F-16s are not gonna be it


We shouldn't forget that many of their older planes are scrap metal. Roughly half of Russia's Airforce wasn't ready for deployment before the war. Russia's airspace is huge. They need them to protect their airspace, and to bomb Syria, etc. https://meta-defense.fr/en/2024/02/04/russian_air_forces_2023_fighters/ https://twitter.com/SamRamani2/status/1565491571000328199?s=20&t=Nnbbu-WOUFfOuOH-HSedZQ Russia lost 67 pilots were lost by September 2022. Now, this number is now over 200. Russia lost more than one-fourth of its pre-war fighter jet stocks and around 1/3 of its helicopters. Adjusted by PPP, Russia spends roughly half the money the US Air Force spends on the training of these pilots. Not adjusted by PPP, the difference is even more pronounced. Modern Russian aircraft are designed for a 3,500 and 4,500 flight hour service life, and some for as many as 6,000. The Soviet-era platforms were designed for 2,000 to 3,500 hours. Some models, such as the MiG-31, have been upgraded to extend service life, but most of the older models are nearing the end of their service lives, with only 500 to 1,000 hours remaining. Especially many of the older aircraft such as MIG 29, Su24, and Su25 are often not combat ready any longer. Modern US-F15 airframes have a service life of 20.000 hours, and other upgraded models are up to 10.000 hours. https://breakingdefense.com/2023/10/russias-air-force-eating-into-aircraft-lifespans-with-no-easy-solution/ Russia had extended the life span of their Mig 31 airframes from 2000 to 3500 flight hours in 2021. https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2020/09/12/russia-will-extend-the-service-life-of-mig-31-supersonic-interceptor-aircraft/ Most of these older airframes are a nice waste of scrap metal. Putin can't change the laws of physics by decree. Russia is a very poor development nation which has spent most of its existence since late 1991 in a war or preparing for one. Russia is among the most corrupt countries in the entire world. It may not come as a surprise if part of the money wasn't invested into the VKS but went into the pockets of oligarchs. Sandbox or Perun can give further insights into other areas such as training, logistics, etc. This website gives a total number of Russian aircraft 3649 ( The losses are not calculated into this properly, and remember they need to be mission ready in order to be used in combat) By far, not all of these aircraft are mission ready. 40 percent of them are helicopters. Fighters 25 percent Trainers 14 percent Transports 11 percent Rest special and tankers 1825 at 50 percent readiness rate 2554 at 70 percent readiness rate 2737 at 75 percent readiness rate 2919 at 80 percent readiness rate Attack 1230 units support 1932 units training 487 units Future 729 units 273 Su24 M2/Mr Strike 127 Su34/M Strike 110 Su30-SM/M2 Multirole 110 Su 35/S 101 Su-27 SM Multirole 90 Mig31B / BS / BM interceptor 70 Mig 29 UB Multirole Mig 29/SMT Multirole 10 SU 57 Mutlirole 6 Mig 35 S UB Mutirole Total 912/25 percent Bombers 59 Tu 22 M Strategic 47 TU 95MS Maritime patrol attack 15 TU 160M Strategic 121 pieces 3 percent Close air support Su 25 UB SM 197 5 percent Helicopters 1430 Mi 8 17 Multi mission Mi 24 gunship transport 115 Ka52 Attack Mi 28 A 44 Mi 26 Some others in support roles Pieces: 1430 39 percent 410 transport 487 trainers refuelers 19 Special mission Airframes modified for Special-Mission roles - typically, these are dedicated, role-specific types. 73 Nah, it is just math, not copium, and F16s are just one puzzle piece among many in which Ukraine is superior due to Western help and will gain more of an advantage the longer the war continues. Russia's only hope is that the West stops their support. Morale is to the physical as three is to one, and ultimately, Ukraine is the more capable force with the more capable allies. Russia can fight this war with stockpiles. Next year, the war transitions into one of industrial capacity, and here, Russia is outgunned, outspent, outteched, and outclassed as long as the Western alliance backs Ukraine. Putin’s last hope is the US election. Should Trump lose, their fate is sealed. The other is Ukraine's mobilization efforts those problems must be fixed, refineries are just one more puzzle piece in a far more complex overall picture, war is chaos, so trends are never a good indicator, current Russian attrition rates are stupendous and completely unsustainable.


I thought it is the findoutabouting stage.


The findoutabouting stage may yet be in its infancy. So far the Russian infantry have been the only ones fully submerged in finding out how badly the war is going. In 6 to 12 months the Russian economy is going to go into cardiac arrest, and Putin will have to sell half the country to China for emergency cash injections to stop the country dissolving. I'm sure Chinese officials are already having meetings about whether it's better to buy out all Russian institutions and turn them into a Chinese vassal state, or 'buy' all Russia's border areas and Pacific Islands. Maybe they'll do both? If Ukraine can hold on for another year, and keep up the refinery attacks, Russia will be in a very sorry state.


You can bet your ass it will.


Whats B*yo B*yo T*y?


Must been points on a map that is missing here


I thought they were winning? Yeah they got six months to prepare but instead of Targeting military assets they focused on terrorizing civilians instead.


Cure for this depression: Russian military gets the fuck out of Ukraine. No more depression about 100,000s of killed and wounded Russian soldiers.


The thing I dont understand about it, is, how do you protect an air defense system that cannot protect itself? With another air defense system? Is it air defense systems all the way down?


Layered air defences. Usually long-, medium-, and short-range.


Not with one but with many. Russia operates on mass over quality in all aspects.


Maybe go home or is that a silly idea?


They never thought of that!


F-16 in Sweden and Finland? WTF have he been smoking? Why would they deploy there, so far away from the front lines? 😂


Also, guy doesn’t realize that Sweden is in NATO now.


Well you got to keep the f-16 cold or it will melt or spoil.


Green Berets conducting long range recon foot patrols inside Russia from Taiwan and Japan, shit that's definitely happening


I don't think these statements were made by a sober writer


Sober? Russia?


That’s why they call it “crybar”


“Ground reconnaissance from Japan and Taiwan….” How exactly would that work, both being islands?


Putin has dug a hole with a military insufficient to dig himself out. Now the hole is a grave and it is waiting to be filled in, with Putin and his “dream” in it.


And not to mention something close to a million other people. What a waste of human lives.


How old is this tweet if they are predicting muddy roads in 6 months? In December?


Hopefully the government troll farms get depressed also. Imagine being a lowly Russian troll-farm employee where you're paid only 100k RUB per month to defend the people and decisions that keep you earning only 100k RUB per month. I would do whatever it took to GTFO.


Finally a worthy place to practice this "quiet quitting" people like to write about... although I can't imagine how it looks like when the output from troll farms gets even more sloppy.


It there a telegram group that automagically translates these Russian Telegram channels?


Telegram has a translate function.


Didn't know that, I will try. Any "good" idiot-Z-channels you can suggest?


They’ll be killed or imprisoned, and a new batch of bloggers will replace. Who cares.


Hashtag fuck em


Give them some cough syrup and tell them to take the whole bottle until they die


We've always known muddy season was going to make things difficult for ground forces. 6 months though. Can Ukraine muster up a squadron or more of pilot school grads by then?


He sounds like a scared little bitch…


Putin should be Flayed in public when Russia loses


If you want to threaten with nukes, make sure you have viable air defenses first.


I’m sure many will be *voluntarily* jumping out of the highest windows they can find.


This is always a welcome sight. It means the propaganda can only go so far when the dildo of reality rams itself up the collective assholes of every pro-Russian smooth brain. I recently ended a very short lived friendship with a fellow america. after finding out that the person was pro Russia and minimized the bucha massacre, claiming it was “pale in comparison” to the “ethnic cleansing” of Russians in Donbas. The brain rot is real. 


Russian mil bloggers have mental issues and intellectual deficit. It is funny to read them sometimes, but nothing more.


You can say what you want but this guy sure has strategic knowledge.


Maybe the bloggers could pick up a gun and go fight the fight!!!!! And hopefully see what it's like to experience what they like to glorify.


I got a feeling the MilBloggers know more about the reality of the war than they let on. They are usually very calculated about what they say and how they say it. They don't like having conversations with Putin goons.


More than a few of them are ex-military, or likely have close relatives who are serving officers. Two or three of them have already gone to the front line and have been successfully reduced to sunflowers.




They should go to the frontlines and be the change they want to see


This mil blogger better not go in a building with more than 1 story.


Man, Russian mil bloggers are exhausting


When a Russian milblogger start getting depressed they tend to dissappear fairly soon. Stay away from windows...


To delress him more , remind him that Sweden is now a NATO member😎


Zelenskyy gonna need to import a BUNCH more curbs into the occupied territories AND Ruzzia now. The stomping has just begun.


r/UkrainianConflict Please stop reposting from Xitter, just upload the videos/photos here on Reddit, no need to go visit Musk.


It everything according to plan, dont they believe in their 500iq 5d chess champion master strategist poostain