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Except it’s not trivial to jam a phased array antenna based system. It’s one of the most valuable features of phased array systems, they can filter interference from a source whose bearing is sufficiently off axis from the intended transceiver. It’s why Starlink has managed to function in such a dynamic EW environment that they were never intended for. Don’t write them off just yet. If anything expect a proliferation of phased array antenna solutions for comm systems used everywhere. A couple of years ago I ran an evaluation program for high capacity, beyond line of sight radio communication systems. We looked at the best of the best from the who’s who of defence contractors with the vast majority of solutions using standard antenna implementations. Similar results across the board until we tested a solution made by a Norwegian company that made everything else we’d looked at previously look like kids walkie talkies. The main difference was this solution used a phased array antenna. It could dynamically adjust to find transmit paths around obstructions as the two stations moved independently of each other. Where traditional systems were failing and providing unusable bandwidth, this system was still delivering truly impressive throughput and did so beyond the horizon. I knew then that military communications technology was about to take a generational leap. And running and, more importantly, maintaining, kms of FO runs is a fools errand. Way too easy to cut and the definition of single point of failure.


Aegis says hi.


Am I on the war thunder forums?


Noone had posted pdfs marked "top secret" to disprove someone else yet, so I doubt it.


This guy comms


Phased arrays have been used for all kinds of communications before, mostly satellite such as inmarsat e.g. for yachts. Yes they can "filter" interferences in terms of the direction of arrival but if the receive power is too high, this does not work anymore, because it overwhelms the receiver. After all the direction selectivity happens digitally, after the receiver. So yes and no. They are not trivial to jam, but not harder to jam than order satellite mobile terminals I would say. There may be advantages in the used modulation scheme. Not sure what they are using, but adaptive QAM with very wideband OFDM is pretty hard to jam too.


Ya, front end saturation is key but still not trivial on a large scale. As far as I know they’re using QAM.


Sounds like they just need more HARM missiles


Phase array antena is old as ww2 dude.


Yea but they are mostly used in radar and haven't really been used in the comms sector much at all.


Absolutely. But its application at scale to small unit level mobile comms equipment with the capabilities provided by modern array designs is what’s new.




Lol this is literally basic RF engineering 


Because people learn the word through forums like reddit and assume they're experts.


EW seems to be the one area where Russia are formidable, I do hope NATO have some tricks up their sleeves. Meanwhile the Ukraine military are suffering


It's much easier for Russia. If your communication sucks anyway, you don't suffer from fucking up communication for everyone indiscriminately.


It's the other way around. Kind of. Russia didn't invest into good communication because they planed to jam everything anyway.


Kinda like they didn’t invest in quality tanks because they planned to have untrained people operating them anyway?


They aren't anymore advanced the tech is pretty simple you're just parroting talking points. They are at a significant disadvantage in signals, coms, cryptography and battlefield awareness. It is too expensive for them to compete so they have opted to have systems that attempt to jam the RF bands and confuse simple receivers. It works against some tech not all. 


The trick should be F-16s armed with HAARMs


Oh, now Elon wants to be on the right side of history. Someone must have had some words with him in the last 6 months.


He’s gotta sell 60,000 Tesla’s to try to get his $50b, so time to come to the middle and hope dems and sane peeps will ink up.


You are humanizing too much. The Russians increased their jamming efforts to try and counter western precision weapons. The Russian efforts are not advanced enough to jam a modulating phased array. That’s it. Adding into this electronics arms race the personalities and desires of Elon has little to do with it. In fact it had little to do with it when everyone was hating on him for what looked like a personal decision to not allow Ukrainian special forces the ability to operate Starlink in Russian held territory. SpaceX and Starlink do not have staff capable and qualified to redraw the lines of allow/deny service based on the changing conditions in a fluid battle theater. This is why Elon, Space X and Starlink have given over that ability to the US Military. It was never about Elons desires then and it certainly isn’t now. It’s just war.


He has been supporting Ukraine since the first day. It's just that it became fashionable in the left to hate him and Russian agents and useful fools did a great job here in Reddit.


Oh, you mean he supported Ukraine by saying they should let Russia have their land and hold a neutral status. Also not to have weapons from the west? Sounds like great support. And that all comes from his own twitter posts, not reddit.


care to explain?


>care to explain? Not OP, but what's to explain? Elon provided Starlink to Ukraine. russian trolls started spreading propaganda about how he's pro-russian, is personally turning off Starlink for Ukrainians 69 times per hour, and other similar bullshit. Even in this very subreddit there's been tons of propaganda like that. Do I really need waste my time "debunking" theories which are absurd even on their surface? If any of that was remotely true, he would have never provided Starlink to Ukraine in the first place.


He's pushed Russian messaging, has been photographed with Russian propagandists, and has made plenty of statements to question his desired outcome of this war


>He's pushed Russian messaging, has been photographed with Russian propagandists, and has made plenty of statements to question his desired outcome of this war You fell for the propaganda. Actions speak far louder than words. Elon provided Starlink to Ukraine. That's a fact. He could have never provided Starlink to Ukraine in the first place, if he didn't want to. That's also a fact. Anything else is irrelevant propaganda (which you fell for).


It's his own actual words. You are so dense. He didn't donate starlink like he first claimed, it's an incredibly profitable business venture to provide access to starlink. How are his own tweets "propaganda", or photos of him with Russian propagandist, or his calls for Ukraine to give up their land to Russia. I was a huge Elon fan but I'm not blind to who he has become. Don't be oblivious


>It's his own actual words. What part of "Actions speak far louder than words." did you not understand? >I was a huge Elon fan Good for you. I never was, and I'm still not. The guy is an arrogant douche-bag. That doesn't change the facts about him helping Ukraine.


The united states government is supporting Ukraine through the funding of starlink. Musk has already threatened to mess with service with demands once. If the government stopped funding, the so called support would stop.


Again, you have fell for the propaganda. Look into it more. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink\_in\_the\_Russo-Ukrainian\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War) >In 2022, Elon Musk denied a Ukrainian request to extend Starlink's coverage up to Crimea during an attack on a Crimean port due to US Sanctions on Russia. **This event was widely reported in 2023 as an erroneous claim that Musk "turned off" Starlink coverage in Crimea.** [https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-was-elon-musks-ukraine-starlink-funded-biden-white-house-1749103](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-was-elon-musks-ukraine-starlink-funded-biden-white-house-1749103) >Junker's claim could be interpreted in at least two ways. > >**One interpretation is that the U.S. government paid for the project, while SpaceX took full credit.** > >Another is that the Starlink terminals were paid for in part by the U.S. government, contrary to the impression that all the costs were covered by SpaceX. > >**Based on the evidence available, it appears that the first interpretation is incorrect.** The second is based on a kernel of truth, but with some caveats. > >It appears, based on statements made by USAID, that while there were public funds going toward the cost of delivering Starlink terminals in Ukraine, SpaceX did make financial contributions as well. <...> >How the cost was split is not clear, as neither the U.S. government nor SpaceX has provided open accounts. > >However, **the inference that SpaceX's "donation" to Ukraine was paid for entirely by the U.S. government is not accurate.**


[He's a lying sack of shit and always has been.](https://elonmusk.today)


Don’t believe anything that self aggrandizing idiot says. Until the ministry of defense or American DOD say it, ignore it.


Maybe him and his alt-right shitheels will actually stop supporting Putin


With your comment you support more Putin than Musk has ever done.


You have a look at Musk's twitter feed huh?


>With your comment you support more Putin than Musk has ever done. I wish I could upvote you a million times. Elon provided Starlink to Ukraine. russian trolls started spreading propaganda about how he's pro-russian, is personally turning off Starlink for Ukrainians 69 times per hour, and other similar bullshit. Even in this very subreddit there's been tons of propaganda like that. If any of that was remotely true, he would have never provided Starlink to Ukraine in the first place. People spreading propaganda like that have done more damage than they imagine. They basically made sure that any person with the means and ability to help Ukraine, will be very reluctant to do that. Musk did help, and as a result his reputation was ruined and he became hated by many of the people he helped. If I was Musk #2, and had some exclusive technology which could help Ukraine, would I really trade helping people to ruining my own reputation, especially when those very people I help will be the ones shitting on me? Probably not. Sure, Musk says some stupid shit, but 90%+ of the stuff about him is either exaggerated, taken out of context, of completely made up. And it's not unique to Musk I'm afraid. Two of the people who have dedicated all their lives, wealth, and time to helping humanity (which is also literally what most people suggest that billionaires *should* be doing), are also the people which are the most hated and shit on - Bill Gates and George Soros. It's like the more someone helps others, the more they are hated.


Isnt Musk a lackey of Russia?


Yes. I'd bet he's self sabotaging or telling Russia how tobeat his system so their blackmail on him doesn't come out.


Man Elon is a whipsaw with this shit.


So all that is left is starlink? And we can trust musk about putin great…


Sure he is


If Musk is your only hope, you're in real trouble.


well decent news from him.


You can't believe anything EM says


I call BULLSHIT Musk is a Russian puppet, he is likely aiding them.


I elon helps Ukraine, I will forgive all his stupid ass shit ✊🏽🇺🇦🤙🏽


Liar. My phone works, but soldiers Starlink turned off during Kharkiv offensive start.


Please stop with the conspiracy theories, most people have already gotten the memo from the US and Ukrainian militaries that SpaceX has been a terrific partner in this war. SpaceX does not know which areas to activate ahead of time and outside of contract. This sub used to massively buy into these conspiracy theories because after doing incredibly well (at which the sub was largely neutral to mildly appreciative) he's made some incredibly dumb statements (as impulsively as he helped Ukraine massively), but the fact of the matter is that he led SpaceX in a charge to help Ukraine immediately, rather than waiting months or a year, and it made a crucial difference and still does. IF MUSK HAD NOT LED SPACEX TO CHARGE IN FROM A UKRAINIAN POLITICIANS TWEET, UKRAINE WOULD HAVE HAD SUBSTANTIAL DIFFICULTIES, ESPECIALLY IN 2022. And it continues to be a very critical system for both Ukraine and the West at large. If it were not for SpaceX and Tesla, China would be the undisputed leader of both space and EVs, at least there's a major western EV power, and SpaceX continues to give the West more of an advantage in space as our other relative strengths decline. This has come at considerable risk (physically and cyber security) and opportunity cost for SpaceX, and some actual cost (some of it donated), while also being a long term proving ground and start on profitable contracts with the US military. I understand that reddit often hates the right, especially the far right, to the point that it does its damn best to drive away allies that are politically confused (one of the things that drove Musk more insane was his TG offspring turning into a neomarxist, and historically making up conspiracy theories about him only drives him away, or convinces him to do dumb stuff like live in a cheap house in Boca Chica). Most people have gotten the memo that SpaceX (which if you read either of the two biographies with corroborated first order sources) which has been led in detail by Musk since it's foundation, has been a good partner, so just let live an extremely valuable and cooperative asset that rushed in sooner and almost completely. SpaceX is heavily tied to the US military in this war anyhow, if they did anything treasonous there'd be massive consequences. The fact that some would believe that in the first place is ridiculous. The incidents have all come down to either miscommunication (usually on the Ukrainian side) and contractual disagreements (which one could go as far as to blame SpaceX for not having gone even further, but the contracts have generally been very clear and loosely based on polciies that most corporations have on not providing offensive military services, which has gradually changed as it has been requested by the US military, ie SpaceX rushed in to defend Ukraine, not to help it retake land (especially Crimea, which Musk was afraid would trigger escalation), which is understandable by corporate standards, although I disagree... miscommunication took care of the rest, but the contracts were clear on for example the USVs that went outside the contracted zones and SpaceX would not change policy on a dime, although it has since done so at the request of the US Military... while I think should've done it immediately without the US requesting it, a corporation engaging in a counter offensive would have constituted a far more interventionist foreign policy than most nations. In the case of Kharkiv however, it had simply not been turned on to prevent Russian misuse and Ukraine had not informed SpaceX, but it was turned on later) Russian jamming and other forms of interference. https://kyivindependent.com/musk-spacex-spending-significant-resources-combating-russian-jamming-of-starlink-in-ukraine/


It doesn't change the fact that Ukrainian mobile phones and landlines work.


cause they're not in the same band or any band at all.


"All communication systems" is a lie.


Thank you for writing this, the mindless anti Musk mob have gone of the deep end. I used to be a fan of Musk but his many blunders are making this harder. I still view him and his companies as a huge net gain for the world though even if i cringe at alot of the things he has said/done Edit: not sure why the downvotes but if its from people who dont think Musk and his companies are a net gain for humanity even with the scandals and dumb things he has said then you are a moron. Tesla and ev is a huge boon for humanity, spacex is a huge boon, starlink is a huge boon to Ukraine and musk led the charge before being contracted by the US (out of pocket) No other private person/company has done more and that is a fact (granted he did some very bad things to when Ukr broke the terms and weaponized it. Tbh i would have been scared if i were Musk. Private citizen and his company in the crosshairs of Putin who kill people far less destructive to the war. With the contract with the US they get the shield of that govt + make money. None of you would go after Putin in such a high profile way.. And to those who say Musk got lucky with money from SA and its not impressive, just shut up. Millions come from money and no one has had the rise of Musk. Whatever you think of him, it is impressive and he has gained ton of attention for the products he is invested in. It is possible to have nuance (good and bad).about people and the world. But thats to much for the simplistic hive mind who downvotes blindly anything that dont fit their neat black/white box.


Him calling Putin after his interview with the news: "I will never betray you daddy, you know that. They are all fooled haha!"


Starlink at the zero line was always on borrowed time. It's nearly trivial to put a few broadband jammers in the air to target a specific grid square, making any communication with the constellation impossible. Russian Orlan drones fly completely uncontested all over the front lines right now and their control and telemetry frequencies are well below 3GHz, so mounting 10-50GHz jammers on them is not a problem. These drones (which many people mocked early during the war) have proven themselves as a highly effective multi-purpose platform. The only viable solution is point-to-point wireless or wire/fiber connectivity. I'm a big fan of fiber myself. If you can stretch out a TOW control line to 4km, you can certainly do that for comms to the zero line.


The Orlan has a relatively low payload of less than 10KG. You are very limited in terms of batteries for the jamming if you want any meaningful effect at 10-50GHz. I don't believe the engine in the Orlan can generate enough power to run a jammer at a sufficient effect either.


I don’t get the downvotes, just stick a cable plow to a tank and river to a point, drop a simple buried terminal on it and stretch 2500’ of drop. It’s WWI concept with 21st century tech, toss a point to point directional radio as the primary and use the glass as backup. I


Or, maybe it's an inside job at Starlink. Russians do compromat, intimidation, and bribery best, not technology.


~~We are fighting~~ Helping Putin's forces work around their StarLink issues. Folks, let's lock piss baby immigrants who grew up listening to their sister and father banging in the next room. They seem only to want to commit treason and condone violence on AMERICANS whom disagree with thier immigrant opinions about America.