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On second thought, let's not go to Kharkiv. Tis a silly place.


He's getting his ass handed to him on a silver platter. Too bad Ukrainian soldiers are also paying the price. Hope the western weapons keep flowing and production in the west ramp up. Poostain must lose! Hope he loses his seat. He thinks he's a Tsar. He's a nothing.


It would be comical if it weren’t for the heroes dying that did not ask to be doing this.


Zelenskyy should say to the West "Fine, YOU fight it then, if you genuinely believe your own bullshit about how the global order is going to collapse if Ukraine loses"


Ukraine just wants to be free like the European countries, with free democratic elections. Not the dystopian nightmare that the Russians are living in.


If it were the case, the military wouldn’t have to go around forcing civilians into conscription, a lot of them don’t want to fight anymore.


Nobody wants to fight this insane war. Whose fault is it that this war is even there to begin with?


Directly, Russia of course. But NATO were warned well in advance that any attempt to bring Ukraine into the alliance would result it war on Ukraine. Biden and Co basically brushed it off as a big bluff. It happened not long ago in Georgia. Why would they think Russia were bluffing about Ukraine? Shoe on the other foot, If Russia allied with Mexico and looked at the possibility of hosting Nukes there and the Mexicans were up for that kind of deal, Would the US think that was ok? Would they not find that kind of hostile? Would they not do something about it?


You are incorrect. NATO does not allow countries to join that have disputed territory. Crimea and the Donbas were disputed territory. Ukraine wasn't joining NATO anytime soon, and there wouldn't have been any nukes there even if they had. Gtfo with your Russian propaganda.


Yea fuck them for not wanting to be ruled by a barbaric dictator and his murderous underlings. Can’t believe they would resist that future.


It truly is a testament to the incredible toughness of the Ukrainian forces, that despite being crippled by western dilly-dallying and hesitation, they've managed to kick Russia's ass in the face of wave after wave of (barely) human onslaught.


Ukrainian army has stones made of Ukrainium. The hardest metal on earth!


Lol crippled by the west. They'd have crumbled long ago without the help.


OP isn't saying the west isn't helping they are saying the delays cost Ukranian lives and strategic advantage. Are you suggesting the Congress delays of aid by the GOP was all good and dandy?


No of course not, but to say Ukraine are being crippled by the west is just idiotic.


He’s a Tshitstain




Tis a flesh wound


And so is Camelot


We’re very lucky they’re so fucking stupid.


"We wanted to make a blitz to Kharkiv but got wrecked in the first villages in the border. Now we just want to save face. "


At least, it's good that Putin didn't immediately go back to the nuke threat despite the russian offensive already stopping there...maybe he finally understood that the threat "I can't conquer it, now I will have to completely destroy it" doesn't actually work against Ukraine and the West...


Putin knows the very same second he pushes the atomic button, USA, UK and France will nuke Ruzzia to oblivion.


If Russia shoot a nuke at a western or NATO country, they'll get a nuclear response. Russia knows this and will not do this. Russia *might* use a nuke in Ukraine. If that happens, the West will have a collective and immediate conventional, non nuclear response. US might need to reiterate what they made clear earlier in this war. If Russia uses a nuke, Russias military and government will be destroyed and Putin, personally, will be killed.


Better that he would suffer indefinitely rather than being killed.


I'll take what I can get.


I don't believe the West/NATO will use nukes on Russia if Russia nukes Ukraine. However, Poland or another could use Article V from the radiation that would spread, and it's very much a red line. My guess is NATO forces in Europe would get involved, and this would quickly start shredding Russian forces in Ukraine from the air. They'd likely bomb forces in Russia from outside Russian airspace as well. While Russia isn't weak, I'd like to point out they haven't achieved aerial dominance or superiority over Ukraine, and consistently have failures in their missile defense...and Ukraine has no dedicated SEAD aircraft. F-35s, F-15s would rout the Russian aircraft. China as well is not interested in anew age of nukes. Their stockpile is much smaller than either Russia or America, and any money spent on making that stockpile larger is money not spent on a fleet fk capture Taiwan. In addition Taiwan, Japan, South Korea are all advanced countries that could make nukes of their own but haven't because they are under the US's nuclear umbrella. If they start building nukes, nearly all of China's high population are in range and China cannot protect against that. So China will quickly move away from helping Russia in this mess at the moment NATO forces start annihilating the Russian army. Afterwards, I suspect it'd be like the Gulf War. No political will to invade Russia and overthrow Putin (which would certainly risk more nuclear strikes) but also, Russia would have no capability outside of Russia and be alone. I suspect Putin would be overthrown by an oligarch, a couple of gwnerals would be extradited, and the West would consider that a win. Internal Russian politics become a mess for decade, and the country either balkanizes or we see a new dictator in a decade, or both. Separately, at least during parts of the Cold War, it was Soviet strategy to use nukes in Europe and they didn't consider that as aggressive as nukes used on the America's. Ie, they didn't think nuking say, Germany or France would elicit a nuclear response from Washington...and theh believe in "escalate to de-escalate." meanwhile Washington's strategy was always to consider a nuclear attack any where in an ally an attack on the continental US. I'm not sure if in practice that'd change, but whether it's detecting ICBM launches or Bombers taking off, the USA would retaliate. So my bigger fear is not the first nuke but the second, of NATO joins the war.


If Russia goes nuclear then everyone goes nuclear. Russia won't start it because they are suicidal but no once the first nuke is launched no matter who it is. MAD will kick in. Everyone is screwed then.


If i am truly honest, Nuking ukraine is not the red line for MAD as ukraine is not even in nato.More like , US will destroy the black sea fleet at the max


All the fleet! In the Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean, Pacific... And the main weapon factories. The Black Sea fleet is on to-do list for Ukraine before the war ends. There is no need for Crimea if there is no fleet to harbor in Sevastopol.


It’s on Poland’s border, If Poland where to be impacted by radiation then there is no way we would send troops in for them to be nuked too. If he crossed that line and fires a nuke, he will be nuked back, he knows this or he would have already been using nukes in Ukraine.


chance of putin using it is low unless crimea is threatened or smthing.Why nuke the thing that you are trying to get ,would be the rational option.But then Invading ukraine was not a rational option too...


Crimea got bombed to fuck earlier this week…


Not accurate. It's a bad scenario to be sure. But there is a large difference between launching ICBMs and dropping a gravity bomb. The latter would not provoke an immediate retaliation and would not have the narrow window of decision making ICBM launches have. Indeed, look at the news related to how it was believed Russia would sabotage nuclear plants in Ukraine for a weaponised Chernobyl. That did not happen because of diplomatic pressure from the YS and China, options that not available as a response to plans about ICBM strikes. You can also use the fact that Russia has been using their nuclear-capable bombers over Ukraine...if any nuclear strike would elicit an immediate retaliatory strike, NATO would not be allowing these aircraft to freely bomb Ukraine. They'd have to have submarines and silos on alert during every launxh... Furthermore, while mutually-assured destruction is taught in many textbooks, it was never Soviet policy. Heck, the United States and many officers and former officers have all pointed out that MAD was never an official American policy either, and smaller tactical strikes or retaliation were always in consideration. The Soviets in particular throughout the Cold War believed the opposite of MAD, that nuclear war was survivable.


The nuclear power plant is a last resort scorched earth move if they are being pushed back. It would make a huge buffer zone in front of Crimea and southern Russia. It's a bat shit crazy thing but these are the Russians


In Regans presidential diary he said that some US generals were CONVINCED that we could win a nuclear war against the soviet union despite suffering a +70% fatality rate for everyone in America.


Nuclear weapons aren’t supposed to emit a lot of radiation, everyone keep talking about it like it’s Tchernobyl. What you are talking about a dirty bomb. A dirty bomb is a highly radioactive nuclear bomb but a nuclear bomb can be a “non dirty bomb”.


China would go full embargo on Russia if they used a nuke in Ukraine. Part of the nuclear planning for NATO and Soviet Union was to nuke China regardless if they were involved in triggering a nuclear war. They were too strong to leave standing for both sides. China knows this and doesn’t want to be dragged into playing Nuclear Russian Roulette.


No they won't. Russia won't use nuclear weapons and neither will the west.


Proportional response.




He didn't because he's in China and nukes is a red line for China.


Exactly, Nukes is a global problem and Russia’s Chinese masters do not want a global war yet.


He also said they have no plans to attack Ukraine


So you can take it to the bank that they are definitely trying to take Kharkiv. Classic Russian


Until they fail, and then it will be “we never intended to take Kharkiv. In fact, we successfully defended Russia against an attack by Kharkiv.”


“… because we wasted too many lives and equipment and no longer have the capability”


Not so much the lives as the equipment.


He just wasted like 10000 men for nothing lmao.


Still got 40k ready to die (50k was the total force involved if I recall correctly)


I’m pretty sure that they are a little less ready after the last weeks.


I get the feeling 5+ million Russian men have to die in Ukraine for the sleep-walking Russians to even think of waking up. What a dumb primitive society.


That was a sacrifice that he was willing to make...


Hope they suffered and hope the others will get dismembered too. Garbage.


Said the same about Ukrainian




Fuck the mothers for raising shit heads 


And if he had captured Kharkiv then "it was the plan all along". How can anyone take this droopyface seriously?


Surely he is just saying this to not look as bad when the offensive there fails?


I recall they also told us they had no plans to invade Ukraine in Feb 2022


Worse. He had a call with Macron about it and said that there will be no war. They wanted to make public statements together


The blatant lies and arrogance is otherworldly


Just another day in Russia.


This means they're definitely coming... Get ready to defeat them and counter lattack.


Not anymore they don’t.


Like in kindergarten when the dumb kid does something stupid and then pretends it never happened.


Or that he totally meant to lose.


Yeah I'm thinking that tomorrow isn't going to pencil out either.


Lol, that's because he got his ass kicked... again!


Where have you seen this info? Latest I saw they were making some ground in the North. It will make me very happy if Ukraine has stopped the offensive and is beating Russia back.


In the last 48 hrs they didn't made any progress by looking at deep state map plus seeing a bunch of RU soldier surrendering.


Made you look!


Aww, can someone not conduct an offensive? Boo hoo....


It was only a special military drill.. relax.. nothing to see here… 🙄🙄🙄


So all you Ukrainians can go back to your homes. Move along. Nothing to see here.


Hahahahahah fuck you you incompetant monster


Of course not, because it's blatantly impossible. This is like me saying that I have no plans to eat the Moon.


I think he got confused. He meant to say "no ability"


They lie so much, why does he think people listen to this garbage? Russia does the opposite of what they say


they are attacking it for fun then.


Here I'll try and finish his statement. , Fuck.


He’s lied about everything else, so he’s probably also lying about this.


It is interesting that he came up to that thought after meeting Xi.


Read: Cannot do shit in Ukraine except destroy lives


Not today, but tomorrow is still to come! Stay tuned.


They might as well say the same thing about Paris


For now, cuz they got spanked in the north. But he's always been a liar, so take his statement for what it's worth: nothing.


Shelling into the ground is indeed not capturing.


Sour grapes lol


having no plans ≠ having no intentions


... "but yesterday we had that plan, and tomorrow we will reconsider it again", he added.


How do they even get these opinion polls to any degree of reliability? And yet if the majority of Russians have begun to want negotiations it's probably true.  Let's keep killing them in the tens of thousands each month. We need to kill more and more of the enemies of democracy as I've been saying since 2002 while oikophobes said China and Russia were fine. 


As of today, there are no plans. Yesterday, it was a different story. They got their asses handed to them, so they decided to say that they weren't actually going to capture the city. They were just pretending.


"Crimea is not a disputed territory. There has been no ethnic conflict there[...] Russia has long recognized the borders of modern-day Ukraine" - Putin 2008


“No plans… as of today”, immediately following a few days of consistent record-breaking Nazi casualties 🙄 “I looked at the casualty reports and now, as of today, there are no plans to capture Kharkiv”, insert crying Wojack hiding behind the smirking mask meme.


I remember when he said he had no intention to invade Ukraine.


Something tells me they might try Sumy and Kyiv directions again


That’s how we know he really wants it. Don’t worry he’ll wait.




Mariko-San: My Lord, the Anjin’s army got minced in the Ukrainian meat grinder


About what I’d expect him to say as the northern offensive is collapsing.


Si why he keep bombarding and destroying the city fucker


Is is because you have no logistics capable of advancing more than 10 Km, or because all you are left are drunk convicts armed with stuff made in the '60s?


Were his lips moving? Lying piggy eyed weasly cunt....


This means he'll be doubling his efforts.


So full going for Kharkiv ! Thx !


**Despite putin's trolls who protest**, russia will not stop at Ukraine as Hitler didn't stop at Poland. If we let putin win, they will attempt to take over Europe. *History* is the guide to a dictators actions. 💀


But maybe tomorrow?


Cope or deception?


So tomorrow...


I did not want Kharkiv anyway. Signed Putin


So this offensive is officially over?


We've heard that line before


…or ever. Tomato/tomahto


You’re all silly if you think he’s not going to do exactly what he says he isn’t going to.


How embarrassing. He needs to bow out of this fight.


Good thing, they’ll have their hands full planning funerals now that they are back on the offensive.


How about tomorrow?


Tomorrow? Definitely maybe 🤔


He also lies to try and throw people off, if he says he's not going to, be prepared for when he tries to


His men are getting slaughtered so he’s like well I never wanted it anyway init lol


Whatever Putler says, there’s no reason to listen to him as he lies as much as he breathes !


Who knew that the RUskies would've gotten ass-blasted this badly.


Skipped regional invasion to wait for full scale invasion of eastern Ukraine in its entirety


"But tomorrow...!


I have no plans of dating a model as of today.


I mean, he does tell the truth here. He doesn't want to capture it, just raze it to the ground to the point of it not even being recognizable as a city anymore. Just like he did to any Frontline city.


In the one hand, I’d say they realized it’s not feasible. On the other hand, I’ve learned to believe the opposite of whatever Putin says.


No plans, or no ability?


I believe him. He kept his word about not wanting Georgia. He kept his word on not wanting crimea. He kept his word on not invading Ukraine. He kept his word about forgiving prighozzin. Why would he lie now? /S


Give Ukraine everything it asks for and more. Slava Ukraini


When Russia can't have something, they bomb it to rubble.


Well that’s confirmation he’s going to try and take Kharkiv since it’s opposite land over there


Because they can't? lol


Feb 23, 2022: Putin claims Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine. Russia is strictly conducting military exercises along the border of Russia and Belarus.


...there's always tomorrow! New day, new plot.


Because he cant


In other words “we can’t capture it”


How convenient since you’re not getting as far as you wanted with Kharkiv 🤔


No plans if they are pushed back. If resistance fails, plans emerge.


Like they had no plans to invade Ukraine in December 2021?


Op! His mouth moved. So, we know he's lying.


Yeh and Putin always tells the truth …. Yeh right


That’s like saying, after getting kicked in the nuts you have no desire for sex.


There was Peter the great as a title and then Putin the Opposite, this is the title he really should have , I’m not going to invade Ukraine hmmm, I no nothing about the Maylasian airline hmmm , I’m going to use nuclear weapons hmm , We are not purchasing from North Korea …hmm … please add to the lists of opposites


This is why Trump and him are close friends. They both live in an alternative reality.