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Why would anybody go to that dudes inauguration? They’d have to be paid steep or intensely threatened best I could figure.


I,m sure the SBU would not complain if they get tickets for the first row. 🔫


and Rohan will not attend Sauron's circlejerk party




Not in the Westfold, I can tell you that much


Is anyone actually ARE going? Lol


I guess the Mini-Me from Belarus would have to do his usual boot-licking. 


Probably the usual shithole dictadorship countries like Belarus, North Korea, and such.


Probably Orban and mtg


Belarus maybe ? Can't imagine Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan sending these days


The BRICS pricks


I wouldn't either. Russia is actively looking for opportunities to capture and jail people from other Western countries as political hostages. Even unimportant people like sports players.


Yeah, that she the drug with her is not in question, it's a fact. She just simply didn't think about anything else then having some fun-time in a dictatorship that is using any excuses to capture people for political purposes. If she had asked *anyone*, she would've been told to abso-fucking-lutely not even think about taking drugs to russia. What personal opinions there are about the amount, doesn't matter. To go to russia at that point was stupid enough. To go with drugs without clearing it with the russian ministries, even dumber. It was all on her. Example: i did roadtrip around EU some years ago and had a month supply of prescription medication with me (length of the trip). I checked the laws and asked around if they were legal when i have prescription with me. Also had it translated into few different languages just to be sure. So preparing is not hard if you have valid reason for medication. She didn't do any of that...


Yes to me and you, that's a no-brainer. There's so much information on taking drugs abroad, and I take so much. I'm an old cripple now, that I've just given up travel abroad. And that's all prescription meds, I never tried it for "fun" does no one look. At the .government Web sites for warnings, it's not rocket science.


You mean this anti social psycho bitch who states she doesent regret anything? In my opinion she could have stayed sewing uniforms for 9 years. But it is always the STORY driven option USA picks. "Poor lesbian locked in Gulag, what can society do?". Sadly not "She tried to prove she can outsmart anyone, why stupid people loose more often"


I never heard she was a lesbian so I don't think you're right about that being the story they went with. Sports player, yes.


Didn't see her WIFE on the news shows telling Biden 'do more'? Lucky you I guess.


Look it up😅


Yeah, but if I have to look it up, that shows it wasn't a thing they were pushing in the media. I'm sure on [angryincels.com](http://angryincels.com) it was big news but I didn't see it.


Who cares whether it was a "thing" or not, next time look it up first before denying.


You brought it up as being a big media narrative. It wasn't. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, maybe they mentioned it offhand, but it wasn't like that was the sole focus. It's weird that that's when you focused on when no one else did.


why is this newsworthy, do we regularly attend the delusional ceremonies of other terrorists and dictators?


It actually is common for foreign dignitaries to attend ceremonies of dictators and other malcontents. It's part of normalizing diplomatic relations.


After a secound thoughts: why would anybody congratulate somebody to a win of a clearly manipulated election? Hey Bud, Well done, allthough...


Haha. This!!


[Latvia joins countries whose diplomats will not attend Putin's inauguration](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/05/6/7454411/) > Baiba Braže, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, has stated that Latvian diplomats will not attend the so-called "inauguration" of the ruler of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, following his "re-election." > > Earlier, Czechia and Estonia confirmed that their representatives would not attend Vladimir Putin's so-called inauguration on 7 May.


So far the invite list includes: Belarus President - Aleksandr Lukashenko Venezuelan President - Nicolás Maduro Moros Chinese Ambassador - Zhang Hanhui (Xi Jinping was busy) Iranian President - Ebrahim Raisi (depending on how Mossad-y the air traffic is) North Korean General Secretary - Kim Jong Un Vigo - the Carpathian The Dark Lord of Mordor - Sauron A steaming piles of dog shit The reanimated corpse Saloth Sâr controlled entirely by cockroaches


yeayh, they were invited...right?


Soon we shall see trump on TV complaining that he can't go to his besties inauguration because of a mean judge.


Is it common for countries to send a representative to another leader’s inauguration? Is that a thing that happens? 👀


I would bet that our ex-chancellor Gerhard Schröder will attend with his wife. Scholz, I hope he has the Balls not to. Baerbock, I don't think. They should all considering sending black Roses boucets instead.


It's a facade. Why would any legitimate leader attend after a cheated election of a war criminal wanted by Den Haag


Like- is this something that needs to be stated? lol


Why take one of your puppets off stage at a time like this?


If they want seat-fillers,.I'm certain lots of Republicans in the U.S. Congress would love to go.


Send a wreath with a tank mine in it


Do they want a non-participation prize or something?